Super Healer

Chapter 3046

That man in Xueying's heart is the indelible trace, all his snow Ying remember very clearly, so when seeing Chu wind full of scars, Xueying first arrived at the secret place of morning light.

When the man was killed by satina in front of her, Xue Ying sealed up her body with a dimensional space. She didn't know whether there would be a way to revive in the future, but if she could, she would keep it. Maybe one day when she was going to die, she would lie with him.

This is Xue Ying's idea at the beginning, but she also thinks that she may never come to this place again in her life, because many things are uncertain. At first, she may want to die together. However, due to the repeated changes of renxuezong and the capture of Chu Feng, Xueying knows that she can't die willfully, so she hides her own ideas.

But it was the things that she hid and even didn't want to think about any more. This moment was seriously touched.

When she came to the place where the dimensional space was, Xueying stood there and didn't have the first time to open it because she was afraid that she would see the unacceptable consequences. What she preferred to believe at the moment was that the man named Lin Feng was dead.

But in the mind of Chu Feng on those scars, snow Ying in the heart of that idea is a little bit broken, she has an intuition, a kind of intuition may let her collapse.

Slowly raised her hand, the force of wind and snow ravaged this space. The dimensional space is made by Xueying with ice, which can make the body of the dead experience no change for thousands of years. At this moment, she is going to open the dimensional space that she sealed the man.

Shining light, dimension space appeared in front of Xueying. There was a person lying quietly inside. Xue Ying's look relaxed a little. Looking at the man who didn't wear any ice, Xue Ying thought more about herself?

But the scars on Chu Feng's body are so real to stimulate her.

When the dimensional space landed, Xueying went forward and looked at the sealed man in the dimensional space, gently stretched out a finger through the dimensional space, and pointed it on the man's forehead, closed her eyes, and a force poured into his brow.

In that power into the eyebrow after, snow Ying slowly opened her eyes, body also trembling slowly back.

Because she saw, she saw that the men in that dimensional space were slowly dissipating. The power just now was just a kind of test for the real and the virtual. If it was a real body, then there would be any problems. But if it was a virtual body, it would gradually dissipate into air under this power.

Xueying doesn't want to admit that everything in front of her is the truth, but the truth is so cruel.

When the man in the dimensional space completely disappeared, Xueying also sat down on the ground, has been holding back tears, silent crying.

She knew that Chu Feng was Lin Feng and Lin Feng was Chu Feng. She had been close to her on purpose. With Xue Ying's intelligence, many problems had been figured out by her. At the beginning, Chu Feng must have known that satina was going to attack herself, so she deliberately approached her in order to wait for the emergence of satina.

Just in that process, two people had some subtle contact, because of their loneliness, was touched by the gentle heart, slowly affected.

With her eyes closed, Xue Ying took a deep breath and held back her tears. When she opened her eyes, there was no hatred in her eyes. It was just a kind of complexity and contradiction. She knew that Chu Feng didn't mean to hurt herself at the beginning. Even if it wasn't Chu Feng, she had been killed by satina.

Just although know all this, snow Ying's heart still has a little can't accept, because Chu Feng is indeed and she produced ambiguous and some simple lingering.

At first, it was strange how Chu Feng could come so fast when satina appeared, but now everything has been solved. Because Lin Feng is Chu Feng, he can appear so quickly. Even when he finally finds the dead person, it is Chu Feng's intention to put an end to all this.

Let her heart feel that he has died, experienced endless years, Xueying can think of many things, so she has no hatred for Chu Feng, just a kind of confusion.

At that time, Chu Feng was also interested in himself?

In Xueying's complex mind, Chu Feng also stopped mu Qianxue in a place of ice veins in the world of blade snow sect. He didn't know that Xueying had already known all the truth at that time.

Just after stopping mu Qianxue, she took out a piece of clothes to put it on. Looking at the angry mu Qianxue standing there, Chu Feng showed a faint smile: "can you listen to me quietly?"

"I won't listen, I won't marry!" Mu Qianxue's heart is full of anger at the moment. Chu Feng doesn't want to be herself. If she can bear it, she will be given to other men by a man who doesn't want her. Mu Qianxue can't accept it. She starts again with a Jiao drink.

There are no other people here. If we delay it, the sunset time will come, so as to avoid the shortage of time. Naturally, Chu Feng will not be used to admiring Qianxue.

His body twinkles and quickly approaches mu Qianxue. Mu Qianxue's speed is very fast and his strength is very strong. At least compared with the original pujingqiong or Luofei, the young master of the Luo family, Luo Fei is a little stronger. However, this little bit does not play a role in the Chu wind.The finger gently raised, the lightning force broke mu Qianxue's attack, and point on her body.

The speed is too fast, fast to Mu Qianxue, there is no time to react, has broken all her strength, and even her meridians are blocked. When the body is about to fall down, Chu Feng encircles her waist and hugs her: "now we can have a quiet chat?"

Mu Qianxue didn't expect that he was just a move to be taken by Chu Feng. He also knew that Chu Feng was deliberately letting her, otherwise she would not be able to fight with Chu Feng.

But when he thought of marrying Xi lanning, mu Qianxue's heart was still very angry. He went aside and didn't want to hear it. He found himself in the arms of Chu Feng, his face turned slightly red, and turned to stare at Chu Feng coldly: "do you hold me?"

Chu Feng holding mu Qianxue fell on the ground of ice veins. Seeing mu Qianxue staring at himself without blinking, the feeling of holding was also very good, so he nodded: "yes, I hold you."

"Do you know my oath?" Mu Qianxue was put on the ground by Chu Feng, leaning against an ice stone, looking at Chu Feng, she also said coldly: "I once said, which man touched me, if it is strong enough, then I will be responsible for me, if not strong enough, I will kill him, holding my hand is not good, you should hold me."

Chu Feng turned his eyes speechless and found that the heads of the women in the strong world were all wrong. However, if the women in the modern world had such ideas, it would be good. Then many losers would not pick up second-hand goods.

Therefore, for mu Qianxue's words, Chu Feng completely did not hear: "I want you to marry, cherish the family is part of my plan, it seems that I let you marry in the past, but it is just a fake, I just need you to cooperate with me to destroy the possible cooperation of the three, after that you are still free."

"Although you will be controlled when you go to Xi's home, as long as my plan is successful, I will rescue you."

Mu Qianxue still did not say a word, just staring at Chu Feng coldly.

Chu Feng felt a little frightened when she looked at him like this. She simply turned to Mu Qianxue and continued: "I know you will say what to do if you are eaten by Xi lanning. There is no need to worry about this. I find that he is a morbid love for you, and he will agree to reasonable requirements. This can also delay time and wait for my plan Yes, then I can save you. "

"Well, I can assure you that as long as the PLoS and the Xi family are unable to cooperate, I will rescue you and will never let you stay in the Xi family."

After saying so much, Chu Feng still didn't hear mu Qianxue's statement. He frowned and looked back. He saw mu Qianxue still staring at himself, without blinking, as if he had a huge hatred with himself.

The corners of the mouth violently twitch for a moment, this woman is not bad ah, although it is a very good thing to be looked at by a beautiful woman, but you have been looking at me like this is still a little pressure.

Reluctantly moved away his eyes: "that you want to say anything, but I also said in the front, this matter you promise also have to promise, do not promise also have to promise."

"I can promise." Do not want, mu Qianxue opened: "but you must answer my question, must be the most honest answer."

Chu Feng looked at mu Qianxue. Her eyes were cold and sharp. She secretly said that the woman was not so difficult to speak. She nodded: "you ask, but if you touch the privacy question, I won't answer it."

Mu Qianxue stares at Chu Feng and asks, "am I beautiful?"

"It's beautiful." It's a dream that she and Qianmu can't think about. What's the need of nature.

Then mu Qianxue asked, "do I have an advantage over your woman?"

Chu Feng mouth pull, nodding: "than some no advantage, but than others, still have an advantage."

Mu Qianxue frowns. Although she is a little dissatisfied with Chu Feng's answer, she also knows that compared with the women of Chu Feng, that is, she is less than superior than below. Therefore, she also scattered the tangle: "why don't you want me?"

Chu Feng laughs bitterly. He knows that mu Qianxue will ask such a question. This question is really not so easy to answer. At the beginning, satina changed completely because her answer was too simple. Now mu Qianxue is also a saint. Chu Feng still doesn't want to answer it, because these women's thoughts, ghost knows?

After thinking about it seriously, Chu Feng replied: "when two people are together, not all of them are external factors. More often, it is a matter of feeling. I don't deny that you are excellent, and even some of my women are inferior to you. However, this is not a great relationship between excellence and excellence. The key is that feeling, that is, the feeling that I have no heartbeat for you."

"Although I have a lot of women, I also want to be with those who have feelings. Can you accept that it is a relationship like a lover?"

Mu Qianxue is certainly impossible to accept this kind of relationship, her pride is doomed that she will not become a woman without status.

After thinking for a while, mu Qianxue asked, "meaning, if you fall in love with me, you will want me. Now you haven't fallen in love with me, so you don't want to be with me?"Chu Feng is stunned, look at mu Qianxue, how is the secret way so simple? This is not a very obvious question. Do you still need to ask?

However, in order to prevent the woman from becoming the second satina, chufeng nodded: "this is basically the case."

Mu Qianxue is silent, but her eyes are still staring at Chu Feng. She knows that there are many women in Chu Feng, but there are only three saints. The rest can't compare with her in strength. Even in temperament and appearance, she has confidence. Chufeng even likes those women who are not as good as herself. How can she not like her own?

Frowning, mu Qianxue didn't feel angry. She just felt that she and Chu Feng were not familiar with each other. So Chu Feng didn't come at random. So mu Qianxue had a little change on Chu Feng.

However, mu Qianxue didn't show it. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng has already answered her question. She doesn't want to entangle with Chu Feng any more. Other women can capture Chu Feng. She believes she can, too. She also thinks that Chu Feng wants to get herself in the future.

So a thought, mu Qianxue's heart a little comfortable: "untie me, I go back to prepare, but remember your promise, if I was Xi lanning how, I will never forgive you in my life."

Chu Feng nodded with a smile and untied mu Qianxue's meridian blockade, and she left directly. After finishing the matter, Chu Feng was also in a good mood. He took a deep breath to figure out whether there were any loopholes. However, he felt what he was looking at, and then a dazzling door flashed.

Snow Ying cold face walked out from inside, Chu wind slightly a Leng, who owes her money?

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