Super Healer

Chapter 3054

After Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan left, Chu Feng also let the rest of them retreat. Now things have gone beyond expectations, which Chu Feng did not expect at the beginning.

His initial idea was to make a thorough effort to let the family have no way out. In this way, when the PLO family started to work, there was no way for the Xi family. If he took mu Qianxue away, everything would not be a problem. He could only ask for help from himself.

In fact, the Xi family also asked for help, and Chu Feng also put forward the requirements according to the initial assumption, that is, Xi family servants.

Originally, he thought that Xi Canghai, as a master of the family, would definitely choose to compromise in consideration of the family's interests. Like Xue nishang, she was submissive without any means. However, the assumption was good. Chu Feng had no idea that Xi Canghai didn't care about the family's interests at all, but only paid attention to his own feelings.

Even the contract of heaven has been made. It is impossible for Xi Canghai to go back to war with him now, because if there is no war, Xi Canghai will be swallowed by the contract of heaven and die!

A good plan has evolved into this, which is a failure. Of course, Chu Feng will not worry too much. After all, everyone's heart is different.

Xue nishang takes care of the whole life and death of the blade snow sect, but does not care about the sea. This is the mind of a person in charge. Who can understand it?

Helpless shake his head, Chu Feng also came to the bedroom outside, now things beyond the expected development, dream if you know it will also be angry with their own behavior, Chu wind now really do not know how to say this matter with dream.

Can you tell her directly that if her father and cousin don't die, they will die by themselves. If they don't, then they will die?

If he really said it like this, he would hate himself all his life. Chu Feng had a headache when he thought about it. If he had known that Xi Canghai was selfish, Chu Feng would not have used this method. But now what he said is false, and it is the king's way to solve it.

"The devil!"

Xi Ruyan saw Chu Feng standing outside the bedroom without meaning to go in. Now she knows what happened outside: "how to do? If Miss knows, she will be very angry."

It doesn't need to be cherished like smoke. Chu Feng knows that she is surrounded by demons. She doesn't know, but she can't be trapped all the time. It's just a matter of time.

"It's going to rain, my mother wants to get married, and I can't stop it. Go down and have a rest first."

Xi Ruyan also knows that Chu Feng's mood is certainly not very good. He nodded and retreated first. Things went beyond expectations. Now, Chu Feng must tell the dream, otherwise he has been hiding it. After the dream knows, who knows what the result will be?

After Xi Ruyan left, Chu Feng didn't go in immediately. He was still standing outside the palace, thinking of various ways, but none of them could be solved perfectly.

The secret road cherish the sea is a pit goods, Chu Feng also did not go to tangle these problems, chose the most straightforward way.

Before she opened the door, the dream opened the door and came out. Now she could see a faint anger in her eyes. Obviously, she found herself trapped in the magic realm. Now she needs an explanation from Chu Feng.

Because it was in the temple of King Wu, Chu Feng didn't have to do it at all, but Chu Feng did it, which shows that Chu Feng has a deeper purpose.

During the period when she was trapped in the bedroom and couldn't get out, the dream's heart was in a panic, but she didn't know what happened, because she couldn't contact Xi Ruyan or her family. She couldn't even get out. The demon Kingdom completely trapped her to death, even her soul couldn't penetrate.

"Not long ago, the two families of Puluo gathered 4000 strong men from the divine realm to attack the entrance of Xijia world. Puyuanlei and Luojia mountain launched an attack on the starry sky."

Chu Feng knows that it's useless to find any excuse, and the truth will destroy everything. Instead of letting the dream know the truth, it's better to say it yourself, so as not to make someone who has a heart in her ear to add oil and vinegar: "but because of a decision of your father, they have all retreated, and now the family is well."

At first, I heard the attack of the two families. The heart of xijiameng was still very flustered, but it was only after hearing that they relaxed some looks.

When she was about to ask Chu Feng what her father had decided, she saw a man coming along. After seeing clearly, her face changed slightly: "how could you be here?"

Because the person who came is mu Qianxue. According to the truth, mu Qianxue should be in the Xi family now. How could he appear in the temple of King Wu? Suddenly, a feeling came into my dream. Chu Feng may also play a key role tonight.

Chu Feng was stunned, how did mu Qianxue come? He also wanted to speak clearly with the dream, and she came out, which made things a little more complicated?

Mu Qianxue doesn't know Chu Feng's mind, or for the excellent dream similar to her, mu Qianxue's heart has a kind of innate hostility, and her eyes are more fierce: "the devil brought me back from Xi's home. I'm sure I'll be here. But miss Xi Meng, your father declares that he will never die with the devil. What are you going to do?"Chu wind mouth corner mercilessly twitch, this mu Qianxue when to become a person who stirs up the game? They are still here to find a way to see how to say to let the dream not angry, did not want to Mu Qianxue on their own so a.

Helpless wry smile: "saint, that you have not returned to blade snow clan?"

"Chu Feng!" Without waiting for mu Qianxue to respond, the dream's eyes have condensed into awn: "what's going on, why my father will announce that he will never die with you, and mu Qianxue is not married to Xi lanning? Why are you here? "

Chu Feng took a deep breath, lightly looked at mu Qianxue, saw her eyes staring at the dream, slightly moved in the heart, seems to understand what.

Mu Qianxue and Meng are known as the two beauties in the Xiuzhen world. However, dream has the title of the first beauty in the Xiuzhen world. As a woman, she is similar to an excellent woman. Sometimes it is inevitable that some hostility will arise. It is obvious that mu Qianxue is aiming at the dream at the moment.

Just their relationship with the dream is there, mu Qianxue's aim is doomed to have no effect: "saint, you can go back to the blade snow clan."

Words from the beginning of the inquiry to the present command tone, mu Qianxue naturally can hear, look at Chu Feng and look at the dream, slightly bit his lips: "demon God, do you really like to cherish dreams?"

"I said, you can go back." Chu Feng did not answer, just a little more indifferent voice.

Mu Qianxue's body shakes, her eyes flit through the haze, turns to open the door of dazzle light and leaves directly. She begins to think that the reason why Chu Feng did that is just to lay out a family of Yin Xi. But now she finds that she is wrong. Maybe this is part of the plan, but Chu Feng really likes dreams.

The more he wanted to Mu Qianxue, the more uncomfortable he felt. He even regretted why he agreed to Chu Feng and let him take his dream to the temple of King Wu.

Mu Qianxue is gone. Chu Feng and Meng are standing at the gate of her bedroom. Her eyes are fixed on Chu Feng. She knows that something beyond her expectation has happened tonight. It is likely that Chu Feng is still the main promoter. She wants to see how Chu Feng explains to herself.

Chu Feng slowly stepped forward and stood in front of the dream, looking at her eyes gently: "I can tell you everything, but can you listen to it patiently?"

At the beginning of the dream, there was still a little anger in my heart, but when I touched the eyes of Chu Feng, a heart couldn't stop softening down. But soon the dream passed by Chu Feng's side: "I just want to know the truth."

Chu Feng turned around and looked at the dream sitting in the garden. He sighed in his heart and did not sit down: "I did arrange some things tonight, but your father finally declared that he would not die with me, which is totally unexpected to me, but I can guarantee that I do not want to fight to the end with my family."

In listening to the dream as calm as water, Chu Feng told the dream all the plans he had started and what happened tonight. He did not add any personal color and presented all the things in front of the dream completely.

Finally, Chu Feng said: "because of you, I don't want to be enemies with Xijia. If Xijia doesn't submit to me, I can't guarantee that they won't do anything harmful to stability in the future. But your father's mind is beyond my expectation. He and Xi lanning have made a contract of heaven and will not die with me."

Dream body slightly a shock, she really did not think that such a thing would happen, as for the truth of Chu Feng said, she knew it was true.

I also believe that Chu Feng began to lay out all this for the sake of not wanting to be the enemy of the Xi family, and even let the Xi family submit because of this.

Because if there is no guarantee of a voice in the world of the strong, then stability will be broken at any time. The ambition dream of Xijia is very clear. If there is nothing to restrain them, she will certainly do a lot of excessive things by virtue of her being a woman of Chu Feng. It can be said that Chu Feng's plan is right, for the sake of friction with Xijia in the future.

However, he underestimated his determination to cherish Canghai. He was a man, and he was not xuenishang. Xue nishang would compromise because of the life and death of the blade snow sect, but Xi Canghai would never.

Dream knows her father very well. How can she allow her father, who is as proud as him, to surrender to others when he could have occupied a place in the world? In particular, the Chu wind took mu Qianxue away, which infuriated Xi Canghai's nerves. It's normal for him to become like this now.

Although I can understand what happened now, it doesn't mean that the dream is really acceptable, because the result today is either the death of Xi Canghai and Xi lanning, or the death of Chu Feng. Otherwise, the Dao contract has always existed.

Dream life encountered many difficult things, but never encountered such a thing, the face under the veil swept a bitter smile: "Chu Feng, you are a son of a bitch, you want to arrange before you can not discuss with me?"

"I know my father better than you do. If you talk to me, it won't happen."

Hearing the dream, Chu Feng's whole heart suddenly relaxed. Knowing that the dream had accepted his explanation, he sat down with a bitter smile and said, "you want to fake death, I can't pierce you?"

The dream looks a Leng to raise a head: "you?"

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