Super Healer

Chapter 3066


At a time when xicanghai's crazy shock and even ridiculous, Pu yuanlei and Luojiashan, who met in Pujia world, felt that the play was particularly wonderful. In their view, it was good for them to continue to consume xicanghai and Chu Feng, which could give them more time to accumulate strength.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Luojia mountain was laughing: "I was not comfortable at the beginning of betrayal of the sea, but now I feel very comfortable. I wish I could live longer."

As for xicanghai's Tiandao contract, it was Chu Feng who died. Luojia mountain didn't think that several families could not play Chu Feng. Now how can Xi Canghai play with Chu Feng alone?

Puyuanlei also had a smile on his face, but he also had a little worry in his heart. After all, Pu Gaishi's life was extinguished, and he deeply gazed at Luojia mountain. Puyuanlei also made a decision in his heart: "brother Luo, the deeper the conflict between Chu Feng and Xi Jia, the better it is for us."

"But then we can't take it lightly. We need to make arrangements in advance, because after Chu Feng has solved the problem of cherishing his family, he will definitely target our two families."

Luojia mountain stopped the smile on his face and nodded: "that's for sure, but I don't know if brother yuanlei has any countermeasures?"

"Why don't we find a place to talk about it?" Puyuanlei was eager to say something. Looking at his favorite concubine, he said to Luojia mountain.

Luojia mountain a Leng, immediately understood the meaning of Pu Yuan Lei, nodded: "good!"

They got up and left the ancestral hall and walked towards the back. They came to a study.

Seeing this study, Luojia mountain was a little curious. Puyuanlei, who saw his curiosity, went over and sat down and said, "in ancient times, this is the world of our Pu family. At that time, this study belonged to my father. Except him, even I could not come here at will. If he was not here, I could not come in."

Luojia mountain a Leng, did not expect that this is the study of pugaishi.

With some formality, she went over and sat down: "it's Thor's study. What do you mean when you bring me here?"

Pu yuanlei took a deep breath, and his eyes were slightly coagulated: "judging from this period of time, I doubt that even if we were crushed by the Chu wind, our parents would not do anything. They may have a deeper idea."

Puyuanlei's words made Luojia mountain silent. He showed that he had developed limbs and a simple mind. But he also felt this point and didn't want to say it at the beginning.

Now puyuanlei said it, and Luojia mountain did not hide his guess: "I have such a thought in my heart, but I don't know what they want to do, why it seems that even the family is destroyed, they will not care."

"Maybe, only they know." Pu Yuan Lei sighed, shook his head, and continued: "as for looking for you, there is one thing I want to talk to you about, that is, my father's fire has been extinguished!"

"What?" Luojia mountain suddenly stood up at the smell of speech, his eyes were unabashed with shock.

He thought that Luo Qianding's life and fire had been extinguished. He had never thought that the life and fire of pugaishi had also been extinguished. What is the matter?

Take a look at the study that Pu yuanlei can't usually come in. Now he has brought him in. Luojia mountain knows that Pu yuanlei is not joking with him, that is, pugaishi's life is indeed extinguished, and may be dead as Luo Qianding.

Eyes more and more dignified up, in the end what happened?

Puyuanlei narrowed his eyes and saw the look of Luojia mountain. He was very excited and dignified. He frowned and said, "brother Luo, what's the matter?"

"To be honest." Luojia mountain took a deep breath and sat down. After calming down a little, he said, "my father's life has been extinguished, but I dare not spread it out. Even if Luofei still doesn't know, because if it comes out, the family will certainly have a huge fluctuation."

"It's just that I thought something was wrong with my father, and I didn't expect something was wrong with Thor."

This time, Pu Yuan Lei was also shocked: "Huoshen, what happened?"

Luojia mountain heavily nodded: "yes!"

Pu yuanlei's expression coagulated. He took a deep look at Luojia mountain. He could see that Luojia mountain did not deceive himself. But what happened? Pugaishi and luoqianding died?

After thinking about it for a while, Pu Yuan Lei couldn't think of a reasonable explanation. He just had a judgment: "you and my father are all dead, so you say the two ancestors of Xi family and blade snow clan?"

Luojia mountain a Leng, aftertaste of Pu Yuan Lei's words: "what do you mean?"

"It's possible." Puyuanlei knew that Luojia mountain had already understood his meaning, narrowed his eyes and said, "after all, it's no secret that Xi Canghai was suppressed by the dream master. Now he is so crazy that he seems to worry about nothing. Don't you think it's strange? Anyway, I think maybe it's not our two families that have an accident. "

Luojia mountain sat there in silence, thought for a while and then nodded: "you say so, I think it is really possible, maybe the four ancestors have had an accident, and it is related to nothingness."Luojia mountain's idea and own judgment are similar, Pu Yuan Lei deeply nods.

He also said to Luojia mountain, "so the future can only depend on ourselves. I don't know if you are ready for what I said to you? You and I have always had a good relationship, and I just trust you in this matter! "

Pu Yuan Lei mentioned the matter again, Luojia mountain frowned slightly, as if in hesitation.

Thinking about the current situation and situation, Luojiashan said: "maybe we can only rely on ourselves next. It's just brother yuanlei. What's the success rate of that thing. If we fail, we will have no chance, and we will lose everything we have now."

Pu Yuan Lei sighed back: "I can only say that half of the assurance, but that is the only way we can fight against Chu Feng. Otherwise, the result will be death. Maybe it will be vast sea and sky."

If there is not much confidence, Luojia mountain is lost in meditation.

And in the study of two people in the private conversation, the ancestral hall only left Luofei and puyuanlei's eighteen concubines, Jingzhi!

Maybe it's because of the absence of puyuanlei and Luojia mountain. Luofei looks at Jingzhi sitting opposite with reckless eyes. A short skirt can't cover her sexy and graceful body, and her long legs are white and attractive. Sitting there makes the skirt unable to wrap, and you can see the outline of her buttocks.

As she breathed a little, Luo Fei looked at Jingzhi like that. She knew that she was Pu yuanlei's favorite woman. She was not only beautiful but also enchanting. Although she was only a superior God, she was much higher in the status of cherishing the family than the God of nature.

She is a concubine, but she exercises the rights of the householder's wife.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this woman can make people have a desire to possess at a glance. Luo Fei's eyes fell on the tall and plump, and he could not help wondering whether the size was fake or too large?

"Lord Luo!"

Women for men's eyes are very sensitive, Jingzhi holding a teacup shaking, legs crisscross, eyes charming passing: "what are you looking at?"

The voice was tender and tender, which made people jump up with chicken skin all over his body. Luo Fei felt his mouth dry and his tongue was dry. He took up the tea cup nearby and drank a mouthful of tea directly. He even showed tension: "nothing, nothing!"

Looking at Luo Fei's flustered appearance, Jingzhi giggled and giggled, and the waves were turbulent: "my legs are very long and white, aren't they?"

"Long, white!" Although Luo Fei is a saint, he is built on the resources of his family. How can he be firm in his determination? When he looks at the scene of Jingzhi's skirt, his eyes are eager to join him.

Jingzhi put down her tea cup, and her smile became more and more playful. She stood up and went to Luo Fei. She bent down a little, and the collar was open just right: "big?"

Luo Fei breathed for a moment, and the visual impact in front of him immediately made him forget the reaction, and his head moved forward.

Jingzhi's eyes flashed and joked. He stepped back and held his hands in front of him: "Lord Luo, that's what only the owner of my family has ever enjoyed. Do you want to taste it?"

Luo Fei is not a person who has never experienced human affairs. In the past, he only had the courage to look at Jingzhi and didn't dare to get close to him. In the past, Jingzhi was always with PU yuanlei. It seemed that it was really the first time for them to get along with each other.

Listening to Jingzhi's words, Luofei secretly said that there was a play, and his smile became more and more male: "if madam wants to, Luofei doesn't mind."

Jingzhi chuckled, plump and confused, and joked in her eyes: "I knew you were a bad boy to me, but I am a woman of the general family. Do you really dare?"

Luo Fei knew whether he could conquer this woman or not. He stood up and went over and hugged Jingzhi. Smelling the smell of the woman, Luofei immediately kissed her red lips. Jingzhi didn't expect Luofei to be so timid, but he was very interested. He also opened his hands and hugged Luo Fei.

They kiss fiercely, and Jingzhi's whole body is completely leaning on Luo Fei's body. When they think that this is the ancestral hall of Pu family and the identity of each other, they are excited to break the prohibition.

Suddenly, Jingzhi pushed Luo Fei aside and took a look at the back: "it's too dangerous."

If Pu Yuan Lei comes out at this time, then don't want to live.

The beauty was in her arms, but she suddenly broke away. Luo Fei's heart was empty: "madam!"

"In a hurry?" Jingzhi grinned and scratched his finger across Luofei's chest: "isn't the world of the PLO family open a channel now? I went to have a look two days ago. There is a gorge not far from the passage. Flowers are in full bloom, and streams surround it! "

With that, Jingzhi blinks at Luofei, smiles and turns away. The latter is not an idiot. How can he not know the meaning of Jingzhi?

Thinking of the woman who can play puyuanlei soon, Luofei is burning with animal blood all over her body.

And all this, they all do not know, by the intentional person to see in the eye.

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