Super Healer

Chapter 3076

Jingzhi stood up slowly, wriggled his waist and walked to Pusa, nodded slightly: "can't you come here?"

Tonight's Jingzhi is wearing a cream dress, and looks sexy and sexy with her low chest and waist. With her charming little face, even Pusa, who is recognized as an honest person by the Pu family, can't help breathing, but he soon backed down.

He knew that Jingzhi would appear here. It was no accident. The people in the slave camp would not let Jing Zhi come here.

"You are no longer the concubine of the owner of the house. You are not qualified to come to the central area," he said solemnly

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jingzhijiao laughed and went to Pusa again. Her eyes were like silk: "Pusa, have you forgotten your love for me? Who once found me when I was occupied by puyuanlei and said that if I wanted to, I would fly away with me when I returned to the ancient universe? "

Pusa looked sluggish and turned away: "it was all before."

At one time, before Jingzhi became Pu yuanlei's concubine, he and Pusa fell in love with each other secretly. They had already regarded each other as important people in their hearts. It was only at this time that Pu yuanlei met Jingzhi, and took advantage of the authority of the owner to occupy Jingzhi in one night.

At that time, Pu SA was crazy and wanted to fight with Pu Yuan Lei, but was stopped by Jing Zhi. She knew that Pu SA would only die if he was a high-ranking housekeeper.

In order to make Pu SA die for himself and not to do stupid things, Jingzhi becomes puyuanlei's concubine, and becomes puyuanlei's favorite concubine for her tenderness to Pu yuanlei, in order to make Pu SA feel that she has completely changed her mind.

Even if Pusa asked her later and said that she didn't mind anything that happened, and even went back to the ancient universe, Jingzhi refused. She loved Pusa, she didn't love puyuanlei, but Pusa couldn't give her honor, and Pu yuanlei could give her status.

Jingzhi's heart did not change, but the power made her reluctant to leave, so she refused the request of Pusa.

Seeing Pusa's firmness at the moment, Jingzhi stepped forward and hugged him: "Pusa, you know I love you, but I can't let go of those powers and positions."

Pusa's face was stagnant, and he broke away from the arms of Jingzhi, and his eyes were indifferent: "you are not the original elite wisdom. You can accept Luofei. You are no longer the woman I know. Moreover, when you go to the slave camp,,", "

the latter words do not come out, but the meaning is obvious, that is, the elite wisdom has been ravaged by many humble enslavements in the slave camp 。

As a wise woman, Jingzhi naturally knew what Pusa was thinking. Despite his resistance to himself, she went forward again and hugged him with a gentle voice: "if you were willing to join me secretly, how could I go to Luofei? I'm a woman, and I'm in need

"As for the slave camp, I was taken away the day I went. My body was not as dirty as you thought. Instead, I gave you an opportunity to have everything and me."

Pu sa a Leng, looking at holding his elite wisdom: "you are not in the slave camp, who took you away?"

"Chu Feng!" Jingzhi whispered back: "when I thought you would save me, Chu Feng appeared and he took me away."

Pu Sa's body shakes, and Jingzhi retreats, pointing to her, where her fingers are shaking. At first, Jingzhi is thrown to the slave camp by Pu yuanlei. He really wants to rescue him, but there are so many things at that time that he has to follow Pu yuanlei all the time, which makes him have no time now, and he is almost dead hearted to Jingzhi.

But at the moment, hearing Jingzhi and his words, Pusa can't believe that she was rescued by Chu Feng. Isn't this a betrayal of Pu family?

"Pusa, I love you!"

Jingzhi said softly: "I know I'm sorry for you, but under the pressure of Pu yuanlei, what can we do unless we want to die? But now it's different. Look at me. "

Jingzhi slowly released a faint breath that only Pusa could feel.

Originally unable to accept the betrayal of Jingzhi, Pusa's look changed slightly: "you are the God of creation. What's the matter?"

The constitution of the practitioners, especially women, is hard to improve once they are broken. For so many years, Jingzhi has been a superior God and has never entered the realm. However, at this moment, he has become a god of creation, which makes him feel incredible.

"Yes, all this was given to me by Chu Feng." Jingzhi had already made up his mind and didn't hide the meaning of Pu Sa: "after he rescued me, I agreed to some of his requirements, so he helped me improve my cultivation. This time he came back to destroy the eye of the array according to the meaning of Chu Feng, so that he could go straight in and destroy the whole family."

"And you are my favorite man and the housekeeper of Pu family. As long as PU yuanlei dies, only you can control the situation, and Chu Feng will definitely help you become the new owner of the house. Then we can be together openly and honestly."

It is impossible to say that Pusa did not want to be the master of the family. He even thought that one day he would replace Pu yuanlei and take over all his wives and concubines to revenge him for taking away Jing Zhi. But at the moment, he hesitated to say that he was submissive to Chu Feng.He had seen Chu Feng and knew that he was a lawless man, and Pusa did not have much confidence to work under such a person.

"Pusa, don't you hate it?"

Jingzhi squinted and seemed to be able to see into Pusa's heart. He leaned on him gently and said in a low voice, "don't you want to be the master of the house and destroy all the descendants of Pu yuanlei? Don't you want to revenge me for being robbed by him? Take all his wives and concubines and let Pu Yuan Lei die with his eyes closed? "

Every man has a fantasy in his heart, and what Jingzhi said at the moment completely poked into the dark hidden in the heart of Pusa, that is, to revenge Pu yuanlei when he became the owner of the house.

The anger that Pu Yuan Lei has summoned for so many years is also the evil gas that Jingzhi was robbed at the beginning.


Jingzhi saw that Pusa had already moved. She stepped back and took off her clothes. She stood naked in front of her: "I know you are very upset now. I don't force you to help me right now, but you are still my favorite man. Let me vent on me. Even if you still refuse to agree or even hand me over, I don't care. ”

Pusa's eyes were bloodshot. At the moment, he was really very upset. Looking at the body that was easily available to him, but was finally occupied by Pu yuanlei, Pusa could not bear it any longer. He jumped up and hugged Jingzhi.

There is no pity, only a furious demand, Jing Zhi also knows that Pu SA is upset. Although she feels uncomfortable, she still tries her best to cater to him, so that she can vent to the greatest extent, because a man after venting is the most vulnerable.

The war without smoke of gunpowder ended in Pusa's low roar, lying on the body of Jingzhi, looking at the woman under him: "is Chu Feng really credible?"

Jingzhi's eyes flashed with joy. Knowing that Pusa was moved, he nodded slightly: "the devil is absolutely credible, and what kind of person is the demon God. We all know very well these days that it is cruel and merciless to treat the enemy, but as long as we sincerely submit, he will definitely treat us fairly."

"Looking at the spirit world today, everyone thought that Chu Feng would kill wantonly after winning the victory, but what was the result?"

Pusa narrowed his eyes and thought of the current situation in the spirit world. Even satyana chufeng was just abandoned but not killed. In this way, he would not be targeted if he did not fight against Chu Feng.

Take a deep breath: "then gamble once, for so many years, every time I see you standing beside Pu yuanlei, my heart is very uncomfortable."

Jingzhi smiles, her legs hook up with Pusa, and her voice is charming: "then take me hard, and I will be your plaything. I will serve you with the wives and concubines of Pu yuanlei."

Even if Pu SA is a powerful God of creation, hearing such words will inevitably lead to blood boiling, and the fire of war will be ignited again.

"How did I find out that I'm your man now?"

When Pusa and Jingzhi reached an agreement to continue the sky thunder and earth fire, not far from Pujia planet, the master of the world sat in the starry sky and looked at the chufeng standing there with a warm smile.

He was relieved to watch the situation in the soul world, but he was called by Chu Feng. The reason is that he can ignore any battle path and hope that he can go to Pujia planet to attract attention. He will arrange a person to enter.

This is not to blame, but as the king of the soul world, the Lord's heart still has some helpless meaning.

Chu Feng looked back with a smile: "don't worry. If I become supreme one day, then Yin and Yang will be under my control. Is it inevitable that you will be under my control? But are you kind? Just stun the Pu family, but don't kill them. Do you know that when I land on Pujia planet, they may kill my people?"

The master shook his head slightly. He was not angry with Chu Feng's words, but kept his peace: "I am the king of the soul realm. I only make living people, not dead people."

Chufeng pondered and sat down: "it seems that the Lord of the world is really kind-hearted. If the family knew that the king of the soul world could ignore any barriers and that there were living people who could arrive, they would certainly vomit blood."

Because there is no master who ignores the big guard array of the general family tonight, Chu Feng can't send Jing Zhi into it. Just now, Jingzhi has come, and people have already found it. They just wait for an opportunity to destroy the array eye.

The owner didn't care about Chu Feng's playfulness: "do you really want to stabilize the world before you go to the soul world to find me?"

"Yes." Chu Feng nodded and his eyes calmed down. He looked at Pujia planet, which is much bigger than the earth. "Because I am a little obsessive-compulsive, I can't do other things without the danger completely disappearing."

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