Super Healer

Chapter 3081

As the night came, there was a little more damp in the air, and the whole family felt more heavy with the arrival of the night.

After knowing that pugaishi's life was extinguished, they felt that the end of Pu family was coming to an ordinary level, and their emotions were negative. Especially in the past two days, they asked to see Pu Yuan Lei, but Pu Yuan Lei didn't show up, which made the people in the whole world feel more depressed. The owner didn't calm people at this time, but he hid in the study, which made everyone feel uncomfortable Yes.

But now Pu Yuan Lei is the only Saint left in the Pu family. No matter how uncomfortable they feel in their hearts, they can only bear it, because Pu Yuan Lei is their last dependence.

Pusa and Jingzhi have been lingering for an afternoon. When he comes out, he doesn't look tired. He looks fresh and energetic, and seems to have more momentum than before.


As soon as Pusa came out, two elders of the family came to him. One of them asked, "what does the master want? It didn't appear for two days. Chu Feng's army is outside now. If he doesn't come out to preside over the affairs of the family, is he prepared to shrink all the time? What if there's an accident in the big guard formation? "

Pusa sighed softly: "the master said when he went into the study that no one could disturb him unless he came out. I dare not go there."

The two elders looked sluggish. They wanted to ask Pu SA to ask about Pu Yuan Lei. When they heard these words, they couldn't force them. Besides, they didn't dare to disturb Pu Yuan Lei if it was Pu Yuan Lei's explanation.

Who knows if puyuanlei, who has experienced the concubine's infidelity and falling out with the Luo family, will puyuanlei, who is now under the oppression of Chu wind, kill them?

Think of two people have given up the idea, an elder said: "it seems that it can only go on like this, only hope that the big array of protecting clan can be blocked!"

Another elder can only nod his head helplessly. Now, in addition to pinning his hope on the big array of protecting the clan, they don't know what to do.

"With all due respect, two elders."

Pusa narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment and then opened his mouth: "if the big array of protecting clans can't stop the wind of Chu, shall we not die with Chu Feng, or do we choose to submit?"

Two elders look a congealed, one elder drinks: "Pu SA, how can we submit?"

"That is not to die to the end, exterminate the clan?" Pu SA faint smile, there is no other people around, he also has nothing to worry about: "although we do not want to admit, but when Chu Feng broke the Pu family, we resist in the end is the result, isn't it?"

This time, the two elders were silent. They knew that the current strength of Pu family could not stop Chu Feng.

Although there are thunder fields when the array is broken, all the large arrays can be broken, and the rest of the thunder fields can't play a very important role. At most, it's just to stop the wind of Chu. Then, will they keep fighting with Chu Feng, or will they choose to surrender?

No one wants to die, but it's hard to surrender.

Seeing their silence, Pusa said with a faint smile: "the two elders, it's time to think about the future. I'll watch here and let you know if there's anything. If the master comes out, I'll also inform you."

The two elders who began to look for Pu Yuan Lei were confused by Pu Sa's words and nodded away absently.

They have never thought about how to choose in the future when they are attacked by Chu Feng, but now Pusa has said this is another problem that must be considered. Otherwise, it may be too late to make a choice in the future.

Looking at their departure, a smile flashed in his eyes. He will become the owner of his family in the future. He will certainly not be a family with nothing. Even if his strength is damaged, some basic strength should still exist.

These elders all exist in the realm of God of creation, which is still very important for the future. Now, we should wake them up properly and believe that as long as they are intelligent people, they should know how to choose.

"Can we go now?"

Yi Rong disguised Jingzhi also came out, hiding his breath very well. Seeing Pusa standing there, he said in a low voice: "the devil has been contacted. As long as we start, he will start at the first time, and will never let us fall into the encirclement."

He even chose to gamble. Naturally, Pusa would not doubt anything. He also knew that Chu Fengyin had no need. He believed that Chu Feng was more willing to control a PU family with little loss in the future.

Therefore, Pusa had already made some decisions in his mind and nodded: "let's go. All the people around have been turned away for the time being. Even if puyuanlei comes out, I'll only take people for inspection. It will be OK."

"As long as we act quickly and the sun rises tomorrow, we will be the masters of the family. "The smile is full of wisdom.

The two men looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to them, and then they flew away to a high mountain behind the center of Pujia family. However, they did not fly up all the time. They fell down at a distance from the top of the mountain, because it was the eye of the protecting clan array. Even the saints could not fly up, they could only walk.The ten gods of nature who guard here are not far away. Only through them can we get to the top of the mountain.

Pusa let himself look as natural as possible, and told Jingzhi to follow him and not to talk. Then he went up and looked calm.

I soon saw the ten strong people in the common family. All of them were in the realm of God. Although there was still a little gap between them, they could easily kill Pu SA if they were united.

"The owner asked me to take a look at the situation of the array eyes. Get out of the way!"

Pu SA comes to the front with Jing Zhi. When he raises his hand, he has a token in his hand. This is the token given by Pu yuanlei for the convenience of Pu SA. It's the master's token!

Seeing that it was Pu yuanlei's owner's token, the ten strong men bent down to get out of the way. In their hearts, there was nothing strange about Pusa replacing Pu yuanlei to check the array eyes, but they were curious that Pusa usually came alone. How could he bring a follower today?

But they are also curious. So, to know that Pusa is a popular man around Pu yuanlei, they can't question it. They are just curious about the guards who follow him. How can they look like a woman?

Without hindrance, Pusa, with his wisdom, went to the top of the mountain, and saw the light and runes on the ground ahead.

In ancient times, because of the suppression of the ancient demons, all the gods and above were sealed, but the protective clan array of Pujia world still existed. Even after years of change, it did not have any damage and operated well.

"We don't have much time. Let's do it as soon as possible."

Pusa looked back at the bottom, and sure enough, the ten powerful members of the common family did not doubt anything. However, Pusa did not take it lightly, because he took the place of Pu yuanlei to see the array eye. Generally, he would leave. If he stayed too long, it would inevitably cause some doubts.

Jingzhi nodded, took off his hat and showed his black hair: "let's do it. The devil is already ready. After we start, he will follow. As long as we are fast enough to make the array eyes stagnate, the demon can easily break the protecting clan array."

Pusa nodded: "hope, this is a big gamble. If we fail, we can only die."

Because in Pu Sa's heart, he was still a little worried that Chu Feng could not break the big battle line of protecting the clan. However, the harvest and risk always coexisted, and Pusa didn't have much hesitation.

Two people walked past, each standing on one side of the array eye, separated by a little distance, can feel the powerful force in the array eye.

Looking at each other's nodding, Pusa and Jingzhi burst out with amazing power at the same time, which immediately attracted the attention of the guards below. Ten people looked at each other in astonishment. What's the matter?

Before we know it clearly, the earth suddenly vibrates, and the two of them directly confront each other and urge the attack.

They are all the core people of the common family, and Jingzhi also has a little blood of the common family, so it is not difficult for the array eyes that can only be attacked by the core of the common family.

Both of them were very powerful. After they were driven out, the light of the array eyes was dimmed a little, but it soon recovered. However, when the light was a little dim, Chu Feng, who was in the starry sky, also found that the protective clan array was a little weak.

Send the news to Jingzhi and ask them to speed up. Chu Feng also gathers powerful forces to attack the pujiahu formation.

It's just that they don't have to worry about all the people in Chu's home? Has Chu Feng already come in?

However, no matter how good, the Pu family, which was full of grass and trees, was in chaos and quickly headed for the central area. At this time, if you don't go to Pu yuanlei, there is no way.

Where the array eye is, Pusa and Jingzhi have attacked many times in a row. Seeing that the light of the array eye is dim a lot, and feeling that the guardian has responded, Pusa said: "the last blow, then evacuate!"

Jingzhi shouts, and the two of them again urge ten percent of their strength. Chu Feng also stimulates a strong force in the starry sky. For a time, the world of Pujia is in a state of collapse, and Pusa and Jingzhi also run away directly after the final strike, unable to fly up, but they can go across the sky when they leave.

The ten strong men of the common family who caught up with them turned pale when they saw that the array eyes were damaged: "no, the housekeeper judged the clan. The array eyes were damaged."

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