Super Healer

Chapter 3093

In any case, Chu Feng was not in a hurry for a moment. After knowing that xuenishang might help him to travel safely through the Luo family, Chu Feng went back to rest and did not go to renxuezong until noon the next day.

Because it has been proved many times that you should not run to a woman's place in the evening, especially in the places where all women are women, even if they are under their own control.

When he came to the blade snow sect, Chu Feng also saw snow colored clothes in the ice palace. With his arrival, Xueying and others all retreated.

Chu Feng didn't say anything, because now he wanted to attack the Luo family, although it was known to all, now he came to find Xue nishang to see if there was any way to enter the Luo family quietly, and the world was safe and sound, so it was better for less people to know.

After all, the walls have ears, which is not a empty word. If the people of the Luo family know, their actions will not be too smooth.

Snow neon clothes micro frown, we have retreated, but Chu Feng is sitting there without saying a word, let her some wonder.

However, Chu Feng didn't open her mouth, and Xue nishang naturally would not ask, because Chu Feng would naturally say it when it was time to say it, and believed that even if he asked Chu Feng, what he said was not true.

The reason why she didn't immediately ask Xue nishang whether she had a solution was that Chu Feng was considering a problem, that is, the gratitude and resentment between the blade snow clan and the Luo family. If Xue nishang proposed any conditions at that time, if she refused like mu Qianxue, it would certainly have added to Xue nishang's heart.

Finding it more and more difficult to deal with women, Chu Feng also broke the silence: "snow patriarch, do you know anything about the Luo family's big battle?"

"Luo's?" After hearing this, Xue nishang shook her head after hearing Chu Feng's confirmation: "except for the core people and the casting people, few people know about the big guard array of each family. Even if it was me, I only know that the Luo family's protecting clan array was built by the dream master, and the rest of them have never understood."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "does the blade snow clan have a big protective clan array?"

"No!" Xue nishang whispered back: "because the dream master made a condition that Qianxue marry Xi lanning, he would help. So the master refused at the beginning. Our sword snow sect did not have a big guard array, but it was just an ordinary defense array, but now it has been broken. What do you ask this for? "

The original intention of Chu Feng is to judge the Luo family's big array by the defending array of the blade snow clan. I believe that we can get a general judgment. I never thought that Xi Qingtian didn't build a big protective array for the Renxue clan.

Without further beating around the Bush, Chu Feng said: "I went to Luojia world last night, and I also experienced their big group of protecting clan. It is very strong, even I can't easily break it."

In xuenishang's listening, Chu Feng selectively tells Xue nishang what happened when he entered the Luo family world and what he knew in Xi Ruyan, indicating that he is powerless now.

Xue nishang is not a woman with a big chest and no brain. Although Chu Feng only told him about his experience in the Luo family world and some knowledge about the Luo family's big array, she already understood the meaning of Chu Feng's coming today.

Red lips light open: "demon God, do you want me to help you safely walk in Luo family world?"

"Yes." Chu Feng was a little embarrassed. After all, he was a little embarrassed to ask for help: "the magic array has little effect on me, but the power of fire blessed by magic array still has a little influence on me. Although it will not let me die, it will be very difficult to break the heart array quietly and attack Luo family at the same time."

The snow colored clothes naturally understand that if the Luo family's protecting clan array contains the power of fire blessed by magic array, even saints can't easily shuttle among them. Only those who have practiced the power of fire can walk freely.

At the same time, people who have cultivated the power of wind and snow can also, because they are mutually exclusive with the power of fire. It's no surprise that Chu Feng is now looking for snow colored clothes.

However, some hesitant colors flashed in the eyes of,,,, snow colored clothes and asked, "demon, how can you think of coming to me?"

"I went to the virgin before I found you." Chu Feng also did not hide, whispered back: "she said if her words can safely enter into it, but can not block the magic array, but to help me, it will be a little difficult, and then let me come to you, say you are,, nine days snow bone, maybe can give me a little help."

Snow neon clothes look a Leng, and restore the color as usual.

She is really nine days snow bone, which is not a secret in the eyes of high-level people in the cultivation world. When she practices to the extreme, a look and an idea can make people die directly, which is very powerful.

Although the constitution is strong, but their own strength does not keep up with words is useless.

Looking at Chu Feng's urgent eyes, Xue nishang hesitated: "demon, do you want me to explore the situation for you into the Luo family world, or?"

"I want to go in myself." Chu Feng saw the appearance of snow and neon clothes in the dark, and told his own thoughts: "because the Luo family protection array has the blessing of magic array, you can resist the power of fire and fire poison, but it may not be able to exist safely in the magic array, so I'll go. As long as the power of fire and fire poison can't affect me, I'm confident to take the Luo family."Snow Ni Shang pursed her lips and stood up: "demon, you go to have a rest, I will give you the answer before tonight."

After that, Xue nishang left directly, which seemed a little flustered, which made Chu Feng quite strange. However, Xue nishang was the one who made the blood spirit contract, and Chu Feng was not worried that she would dare to play any tricks on her back.

Anyway, it is not suitable to do anything during the day, but it can be done at night. When Chu Feng got up, he left the ice palace and asked the people of renxuezong to arrange a place for themselves.

Not long after Chu Feng left, Xueying went into the ice palace and walked up the ice and snow stairs to the upper layer. It was Xue nishang who asked her to come over.

When she came to the room of xuenishang, Xueying saw xuenishang standing in front of a window and looking into the distance. She came to her side and whispered, "what's the matter, elder martial sister?"

"Xueying, if I let you be the leader of the blade snow sect, would you like to Xue nishang stared at the distance for a while, then slowly opened her mouth: "although Qianxue is my disciple, her ability is not enough. If the blade snow sect wants to change a leader, you are the most ideal candidate in my heart."

Snow Ying looks a Zheng, after reaction, surprised to ask: "elder martial sister, what's the matter with you?"

From Xue Wuqing's abdication to the present, Xue nishang is the leader of Renxue sect. According to her strength, Xue nishang is also the most qualified person. Now, how does it seem that Xue nishang doesn't want to be the leader?

"My biggest dream is that Luojia can disappear."

Xue nishang's eyes narrowed slightly, and her voice was extremely cold: "now there is a chance in front of me, but the devil can't break the defending clan array of Luo family and need my help. If I help him, I can't be the leader of the sword snow sect."

With that, she seemed to tell her general things about the arrival of the snow.

"Is that what he meant?"

After hearing this, Xue Ying's face was a little ugly: "how can the devil do this? Don't you know that if you want to let him safely shuttle around the world of Luo family, you will probably never appear again?"

As the blade snow sect and the core layer, she naturally knows the things about snow nishang nine days and snow bones. If she wants a person who is hard to resist the power of fire to have the power to resist the power of fire, then she has to pay her soul and everything to make a spiritual accommodation contract with the people she needs.

That is to say, if Chu Feng wants to move safely in Luojia world, it will become one with snow and neon clothes, but there is still a big difference compared with the integration.

It can be said that it's a spiritual residence!

In other words, Xue nishang will become a host in Chu Feng's body, and Chu Feng will become the host. Once this contract is reached, Xue nishang will not be able to leave Chu Feng in the future. If Chu Feng dies, she will die. The fate has been completely connected. But in this way, the ability of Xue nishang, as the host of Chu Feng, can be used.

That's equivalent to Chu Feng having nine days of snow bones. It's much easier to walk in Luo's world.

Snow Ni Shang gently shook her head: "the demon God does not know this, because even Qianxue doesn't know how Jiutian Xuegu is used by human beings, because we have never told her that if she knows that the spiritual accommodation contract can let me help the demon God, she will certainly not let the devil know about me."

Snow Ying narrowed her eyes: "elder martial sister, does that demon God know now?"

"I don't know!" Snow Ni Shang whispered back: "Qianxue doesn't know the truth, so I didn't tell the devil God, because if the devil knew, he would certainly not ask for my help. It has always been my wish to let the evil and disgusting people of the Luo family die."

"So Xueying, you don't need to tell me too much. When the devil told me what he wanted to do, I had already made a decision. Now you just need to tell me, can you become the Lord?"

Xueying looks shocked, slowly back, while shaking her head: "elder martial sister, you can't do this. I know you hate the Luo family because of the things in the ancient times, but you can't put yourself in because of the hatred of the Luo family. You should know that if the devil becomes your host, you will have no freedom."

Snow Ni Shang indifferent smile: "as long as can let Luojia mountain and Luo family a group of disgusting people die, calculate what?"

"I won't promise." Xueying shook her head directly, turned around and resolutely wanted to leave: "blade snow sect can't do without you, you can't make such a decision willfully because of your hatred of the Luo family."

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