Super Healer

Chapter 3098

Luo Yun's two followers nodded, and without concealing that they killed Luo Yu, one left and one right completely blocked Luo Yu's possible retreat.

Feeling the heavy pressure on his face, Luo Yu's eyes become more and more dignified. Although he is not even a strong God in the Luo family, it doesn't mean that he doesn't want to live well. Today, he wants to find a quiet life in the city of flames or other places. He doesn't want to be watched by Luoyun.

Both hands of the two people who came along had already ignited a flame. Luo Yu also quickly restrained his mind. He was thinking about how to escape. Suddenly, he looked stunned.

Because he began to be ravaged by Luoyun, his own strength has been consumed a lot, and there are still injuries in his body. But at the moment, the pain caused by the injury is beginning to disappear, and the loss of power is also slowly recovering. What is the matter?

Before we knew what was going on, the atmosphere around him became dull. Luo Yu didn't have time to think about it. Luo Yu burst out quickly. The speed was much faster than the beginning. But in a moment, things appeared in front of the two followers.

The two followers didn't expect that Luo Yu could still have such speed and explosive power at this time, but they quickly reflected that they also made a strong attack.

However, their attack was completely eliminated by Luo Yu at the moment of being blasted out.

The two men suddenly changed their faces. Although their realm and Luo Yu were in a stage, their real strength was not Luo Yu's opponent. If Luo Yun had not injured Luo Yu in advance, they would not have dared to attack.

But Luo Yu has not been seriously injured by Luo Yun? How could it be so powerful?

Not to mention the curiosity of the two followers, it is that both Luo Yun felt incredible. Luo Yu's injury was caused by him. As a subordinate God, knowing that Luo Yu was ravaged by himself, the two followers could easily kill him.

But now not only can't follow Luo Yu to kill, but the attack is eliminated by Luo Yu. What's going on?

At this time, Luo Yu suddenly blew out two fists. The two followers who were still wondering were hit on their heads by powerful forces. Their heads suddenly seemed very fragile and even burst. Moreover, their bodies were gradually disappearing under the burning of the fire.

How could it look like this?

The sudden scene made Luo Yun completely forget the reaction. How could Luo Yu, who thought he was a lamb to be slaughtered, suddenly burst out with such a powerful fighting power. Was he not injured?

Looking at the bodies of the two men are burning under the fire, Luo Yun does not want to believe that the scene is true, but the fact is that he severely defeated his conjecture.

He looked at Luo Yu angrily in his eyes and clenched his fists: "damn the guy, he dare to kill my people and seek death!"

All of a sudden, he got close to Luo Yu, and his whole body was shrouded by the power of a flame. With his attack, those flames concentrated on a point and went towards Luo Yu.

Luo Yu flashed a dignified look in his eyes. His hands folded together in front of him to block Luo Yun's attack. However, it seems that there is only a little gap between the peak and the next God in the later period of the demigod, but this gap can not be easily blocked by Luo Yu.

In an instant, the whole person was wrapped up in the flame and flew out and hit the ground.

When the fire on his body dissipated, Luo Yu coughed there, and his clothes were burned a little bit black. But to his surprise, Luo Yun suffered such an attack that he didn't have too much damage except his breath was a little superficial. What's the matter?

Looking at Luo Yun, who is walking towards him step by step, Luo Yu has lost the dignity of the beginning. He just looks around and knows his own situation best. Now that such a thing happens, it can only be said that someone is helping himself secretly.

Otherwise, how could the consumed strength be recovered, and how could he not have been further injured by Luo Yun's anger?

All this is so unusual, Luo Yu firmly believes that there is a person hidden in the dark, who is helping him.

Luo Yun, who didn't know what Luo Yu was thinking, came near. He pulled Luo Yu on the ground and said with a fierce look: "wasn't it very fierce just now? How dare you kill my people now

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Yu raised his hand and slapped Luo Yun's face without any sign: "am I not doing it?"

Damn it!

When Luo Yun suffered such insults, he was slapped by the man who controlled his life and death. Just like a furious lion, Luo Yu threw Luo Yu to the ground, and raised his feet to trample on it heavily. This time, Luo Yu couldn't bear to spit out a mouthful of blood, and felt that the bones were about to break.

Luo Yun didn't do it like this. He stepped on Luo Yu's body one foot after another, and scolded: "bastard, if it wasn't for Luochen, someone would have killed you. Now Luochen is dead, you are still so arrogant and don't know whether to die or not.""Today I'll let you know how hard it is for you to live."

The two fists clenched, and the flame immediately started to burn. Luo Yun's face showed a ferocious color. A terrible fist called Luo Yu's head and said, "die for me!"

Luo Yu's fist was close to his chest, and the pain of Luo Yu's eyes was just about to stop.

I don't know what's going on. Luo Yun's whole body is covered with a layer of frost and falls on the ground. The sound is like a stone falling on the ground. The whole person has been completely frozen.

Looking at the dead Luoyun nearby, Luo Yu stood up with a stirring spirit. He could easily feel the cold breath, but this is the world of Luo family, majoring in the power of fire. How can the ice and snow power appear?

Looking around, Luo Yu kept alert in his eyes: "benefactor, can you come out to see me?"

It's very quiet around. When Luo Yu thinks that the man who saved his life has left, Chu Feng comes out. Seeing that the man who came out is a young man who is similar to himself, Luo Yu has lost some sense of vigilance, but the instinct of his body does not mean to relax.

Chu Feng went all the way to Luoyun's corpse and raised his hand slightly. The ice was broken by inches, and Luoyun's body was also split. But the last flame started to burn, and Luoyun completely disappeared.

A lower God, so completely disappeared.

Luo Yu looked in his eyes and was shocked in his heart. He would not feel bad for Luo Yun's death, but he wondered who was in front of him and why he had to save himself at the critical time.

This is the first time Chu Feng met Luo Yu. He doesn't know him well. But from what he saw just now, the man in front of him seemed to be the son of Luojia mountain, but his status in the Luo family was not very high. In addition, Luochen was still under the protection of him to survive safely. He could be regarded as the type of person whose father didn't care and his mother didn't love.

With a smile, Chu Feng introduced: "the first time I met, my name is Chu Feng."


Luo Yu Leng for a moment, look up and down, eyebrow deep frown: "you also call Chu Feng?"

Chu Feng nodded: "it should be the same person as the Chu wind you know."

"What?" This time Luo Yu was really surprised. After confirming it again and again, he shook his head: "you are not the demon God. The image of the demon God has been shown to me by Luochen. You are not him."

Chu Feng showed a smile. On Luo Yu's body, he just saw surprise, but there was no other color. He beat his hand on his face and then took down a mask: "now, is it the same as what you have seen?"

Luo Yu saw that his body was shaking. The man in front of him was indeed Chu Feng. But how did he get into the world of Luo family? Didn't it mean that even saints could not shuttle among them?

But of course, Luo Yu was shocked and didn't ask, because Chu Feng could show up here, which showed that he had a way to come in, and asking himself could not change the fact.

The shock in the heart of the idea, changed as if nothing had happened in general: "the devil came, did not expect to become my Savior, thank you."

Chu Feng felt that Luo Yu didn't have any malice, and he was more interested in it. He walked over and sat on the collapsed wall: "you're not surprised to see me at all, but I'm a little surprised, but now I'm more interested in learning about you. It seems that you haven't had a good time."

Luo Yu raised his head to look at the sky which was about to light up. If it was not for Chu Feng, he would have been killed by Luo Yun tonight. So even if he faced Chu Feng, he would have nothing to fear. He would have died.

Walking to one side, Luo Yu seems to need a listener to talk about his own affairs.

Chu Feng knew from his words that he was the son of Luojia mountain, but he didn't have any talent. Maybe even Luojia mountain didn't know his existence. In addition, because his mother was a monk, he didn't receive much respect at a very young age.

Until later, he met Luo Chen by chance. Although Luochen was not the son of Luojia mountain, he was a saint, and his position in the third generation of Luojia family was only second to that of little Lord Luofei.

At that time, under the care of Luochen, Luoyu was able to be stable. He was not bullied by others, and no one looked down on him any more. However, such a thing ended after Luochen's death. Many people who had been unhappy with Luochen before were targeting him intentionally or unintentionally. It can be said that even if there is no Luoyun today, there will be others to attack him 。

Chu Feng quietly heard what Luo Yu said about him, very brief, but already can roughly know his past, is nothing more than a talent under the Luo family, which is generally not valued, and even lives like grass roots.

With a smile, he asked, "Luochen is your supporter, but it is said that he died in my hands. What do you think?"

For the sudden appearance of Chu Feng, Luo Yu's feeling of shock did not exist. As long as he did not die, everything was acceptable. After hearing the speech, he thought for a moment and shook his head: "it can't be the demon God. Although it's the first time I met with the demon God, I probably know that if you really want to kill Luo family, you must also kill Luofei first. Luochen has always been in the family It's very low-key. There's no point in killing him. "Many people even Yan Luo and others began to suspect that they had killed Luo Chen and others, but it is very rare for Luo Yu to have such a calm analysis.

Silence for a moment, Chu Feng looked at the sky is about to light, also did not waste time: "you are not afraid I kill you?"

Luo Yu showed a fearless smile: "if you didn't save me just now, I have already died in Luoyun's hands, so I owe you a life and return you nothing."

"Yes, you have more ideas than Lovell." Chu Feng expressed appreciation and stood up: "do you have any interest in cooperating with me?"

Luo Yu narrowed his eyes and flashed a bright color in his eyes: "control Luo family?"

Chufeng smile more and more exuberant: "yes, just don't know if you betray your father, betray the courage of the family?"

After a short silence, Luo Yu stood up slowly and his eyes flashed with a sharp look: "he is my only father, but I am one of his many descendants. We all know that our sons are nothing more than wastes created by him in order to develop a strong blood."

"As for families, families, intrigues, fraternal families, is it worth remembering?"

Chu Feng felt Luo Yu's indifference and ambition, which was a bit unexpected, but he was also very happy, because he did not see any deception in Luo Yu: "very good. Can we find a place to have a good chat?"

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