Super Healer

Chapter 3117

In Luo Qingting's obstruction, of course, Luo Yi's death is also likely to expose himself in advance, so after Luo Yi made a blood spirit contract without water, Chu Feng took her to the third city.

For this woman, Chu Feng is not a little good, even if she met her own are still proud of the words, Chu Feng will not be too disgusted.

But this is a bully afraid of hard people, Chu Feng has no reason to hate, you can imagine that she has been bullied and humiliated people will look like.

Soon came to the third city, Chu Feng didn't let Luo Yi follow him, but asked her to find a place to rest. When he finished his work, he would go to her. Now Luoyi has been bound by the blood spirit contract, and she is so afraid of death, so Chu Feng doesn't worry that she will betray himself.

After contacting Luo Yu miyin, Chu Feng went to a manor on the west side of the third city and met Luo Yu.

It was supposed to be there during the day, but it was a little late because of the treatment of those people in the middle of the way. Making sure there were no other people around, Chu Feng followed Luo Yu into a room and took off the mask on his face and asked, "how is it?"

"No progress." Luo Yu shook his head and said in shame.

Chu Feng asked him to come to the third city to explore the wind first, to see if he could know where the lodan family had been assigned after they came to the third city, or whether they had come to the third city. However, after he came here, even if he had revealed his identity to the Lord's house, he was not allowed to go in.

The existence of a demigod's later peak, even if he is the son of the owner, is not respected.

Chu Feng doesn't expect Luo Yu to do anything. After all, this is an era of strength.

When he got to the window, he pushed the window open and asked, "do you have to enter the city Lord's house to find someone?"

"To find people accurately, you can only go to the city Lord's mansion." Luo Yu nodded back.

After the Luo family returned to the planet world, the first thing they did was to control the 18 cities. In order to understand the overall strength of the family, they set up a file, which was guarded by each city owner, just like the household registration files of the modern world.

The dead people will automatically disappear from the household registration file. If they are not dead, they will be recorded whether they are in or out of the city. After leaving, they will naturally disappear.

At the time of the seal, the Luojia family was built according to the Luojia world, so after the return, all the models were implemented quickly. In less than half a month, the Luojia world, which had left an era, was under control again.

All of these rely on the files that were set up. Otherwise, it would be difficult to control them simply. Of course, the ancestral steles also played an important role.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, probably already understood Luo Yu's meaning.

That is to say, the city Lord's house is like household registration management. People who come will be automatically recorded, and those who leave will automatically disappear. This must have something to do with the ancestral stele, but the specific Chu style doesn't know. After all, it's a long time ago.

If it is applied to the modern world, it does not need too much manpower and material resources to analyze these things, and it is more accurate than the household registration management in the modern world, because it is automatic.

However, Chu Feng is to think about it. Many things that can be used in the strong world may not be implemented in the modern world.

Moreover, the reason why the Luo family has such a sophisticated clan management method is mainly because of the existence of ancestral tablets. If there is no ancestral stele, the Luo family can not distinguish all these clearly.

Looking at the night sky, Chu Feng asked softly, "that is to say, as long as I enter the city Lord's house and find the scroll clan, I can check the information of the lodan family. Have they ever been to the third city?"

Luo Yu nodded: "the principle is like this, but I don't know the specific."

Chu Feng en turned around: "unexpectedly, I know what to do. Now miss Qingting is in the first city. You go to find her. If there is any situation, you can hide it at the first time, so as to avoid any accidents."

Luo Yu knew that Chu Feng's accident was to find Luodan and break the heart array, so he nodded and directly opened the door to leave without any hesitation.

Although I want to ask Chu Feng when to improve his cultivation, but now Chu Feng obviously doesn't mean that. Luo Yu doesn't dare to ask.

Not long after Luo Yu left, Chu Feng also left here. He saw Luo Yi in an inn in the city. Luo Yi was like a cat in front of him. He even didn't dare to look at him.

Chu Feng was too lazy to pay too much attention to this. After sitting down, he said to her, "I don't want you to sleep with the third city Lord, but you still need to do something."

Luo Yi at the moment where dare to refute Chu Feng, do not fall to nod: "master, please order."


Hearing Luo Yi's address to himself, Chu Feng frowned slightly, and thought of Bai He, who began to leave, because she knew the dream, and felt that everything that had happened was just because the dream attached to her.Hearing this familiar address, Chu Feng found that he actually missed Bai He a little.

Shaking his head, Chu Feng continued: "it is said that the population flow of each building is controlled by the city master, and it can only be checked by the city master's token or a higher-level token. I need you to check the information of the lodan family for me. Can you do that?"

Luo Yi didn't know who Chu Feng was looking for. If he didn't find a person in the past, it was more acceptable to find a person than to go to sleep with the third city Lord. He nodded directly: "OK!"

Chu Feng also told a few words, told Luo Yi to look for the person is the three elders, so as not to meet the same name and surname of this woman also to bring their own news, it is not interesting.

After all, he left the inn after Chu Feng had completely explained it. Chu Feng also closed the window to save himself from being seen. After all, he started to live in Luohe. It would be a bit inappropriate to be seen to be a man.

Sitting down to have a cup of tea and waiting for the news of Luo Yi, suddenly the snow colored clothes in front of her body came out. As the snow colored clothes left her body, Chu Feng felt a burning breath suddenly, and was very uncomfortable.

Even the whole room seemed to be on fire, and the smell of fire poison was about to penetrate into the heart.

Take a deep breath to move the strength. When defending, I also look at the snow colored clothes: "how can you come out?"

Xue nishang pulled a chair and sat down, stretched out her hand. Her face was a little red, and she held Chu Feng's hand. With the two hands holding together, Chu Feng's pain caused by heart array gradually disappeared.

"You and I have just established the spiritual accommodation contract for a short time, and have not yet reached the point of spiritual communication. So if I leave the body, you will be affected, but even if I leave, it will be OK." Red face snow neon clothes pull Chu Feng's hand to say.

Chu Feng also suddenly nodded. It turned out that it was not long since the establishment of the lingsu contract: "then how can you come out? I didn't want you to come out?"

"I am the host, you are the host!" Snow Ni Shang slightly pursed her lips, because of her shyness, she didn't dare to see Chu Feng. She whispered back: "except that I can't betray you, everything must follow your will. Usually I can go in and out of your body freely. The lodging is just boarding, not that there is no freedom."

Chu Feng had never experienced this, so Xue nishang understood it only after she said it.

Thinking that Xue nishang could get in and out of her body at any time, Chu Feng felt speechless. Although Xue nishang was mainly about herself, it was too free, right?

Slightly shaking his head, Chu Feng dispersed the helpless idea: "then how did you suddenly come out, something?"

"Yes Xue nishang nodded, and the shyness on her face gradually dissipated, as cold as before: "there is a little thing, it's about Pu Yuan Lei. Now you're in Luo's house, but you shouldn't forget Pu yuanlei. I don't know what you're thinking, but I can feel that you don't seem to pay attention to Pu Yuan Lei."

"In other words, your attention to Pu Yuan Lei is just to let the goddess and the God worship them stare at a little bit."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "what do you mean?"

"The devil's method is very good, dividing Luo family and Pu family." Xue nishang whispered back: "but you may not understand the relationship between the two family owners. Maybe Pu yuanlei will be angry about what happened to Luofei and his concubine, but he will never fall out with Luojia mountain. As for why I don't know, I once talked with Xi Canghai, that is, Luojia mountain and puyuanlei, hiding things we don't know."

"In other words, the whole world does not accept puyuanlei now, but Luojia mountain will certainly accept him, and will not refuse him because of the contradiction caused by Luofei!"

Chu Feng didn't really think about this problem at the beginning. Listening to Xue nishang's words, he suddenly smelled an unusual breath: "do you mean, the reason why we can't find Pu yuanlei in the outside world is that he came to Luojia world and was taken in and hidden by Luojia mountain?"

Snow Ni dress nods: "possibility has 80%."

At first, Chu Feng never thought that Pu yuanlei would be entangled with Luojia mountain, but now that Xue nishang can say that, there must be some truth.

If Pu yuanlei is really in Luojia world, isn't Luojia mountain worried about him taking the opportunity to kill Luofei? Or is it for what reason that Luojia mountain is willing to take Pu yuanlei?

Although all of this is still a guess now, it can not be speculated when it is not available. Once it comes into being, it should be treated as a possible thing.

Silence for a while, Chu Feng said: "it seems to speed up the pace of work."

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