Super Healer

Chapter 3176

Late at night, Chu Feng directly opened the channel of the soul world in his residence and went in.

He had already contacted Chang'e and them at the same time point, because the master of this time had arranged for them. As long as they went to the soul world, they would appear in a place, and then they could go directly to the main hall of the world.

In the blink of an eye, when feeling a cool breath, Chu Feng has already arrived in the soul area to the west of the soul world.

This is the fourth time to come to the soul world. Chu Feng shakes his head helplessly. It's good for a person to come to the soul world once alive. He even came to the soul world four times in a row. Is it true that he has never been to the soul world for four times?

Looking around, Chang'e and Chang'e are expected to come soon. They don't need to worry about entering the soul setting area this time. The world Master has changed their life card rules. This time, they will not be affected in the soul setting area.

In the past few minutes, the two figures appeared. Chang'e and Lu Wan arrived. Although Chang'e had been to the soul world, her memory of belonging to the soul world had disappeared after her resurrection. She could not remember too many things. Therefore, the surrounding environment at the moment was strange to Chang'e.

Lu Wan existed in countless small eras, but it was the first time that Lu Wan came to the soul world.

Lu Wan was also a little curious about the soul world, which she knew existed at the beginning, because she didn't know how the master of the world could make the soul world a gathering place for wandering souls. No matter whether the dead people were demons or people, their souls would return to the soul world. What kind of rules of heaven would be needed to formulate?

"The father of the Lord of the kingdom is the first eternal supreme."

From Lu Wan's eyes, Chu Feng understood her curiosity and explained with a smile: "the soul world has existed since the first universe era. Although people in the soul world say that it was created by the master of the world, I believe there must have been some merits of the master. After all, he is the supreme one. It is possible to create a place of soul for the master to manage."

Chang'e and Lu Wan were surprised: "supreme?"

Chu Feng has not told Lu Wan about this matter, and there is time at the moment. Therefore, Chu Feng said something about the first Supreme Master of all ages and the old man's ghost in the supreme throne.

After listening to Chu Feng, Chang'e and LV wanrao have seen a lot of big storms and waves, and they are shocked at the moment. They really didn't expect that the supreme has really appeared since ancient times. What kind of existence is it? Why did they die with the collapse of several universes?

The two women looked at each other, their eyes were blank, but they were a little more heavy.

The supreme being is the existence in the legend. It once appeared, but it was also dead. Suddenly, there was a feeling in their hearts that the supreme was not powerful and boundless.

Zhang yun'er and mu Qianxue also appeared at this time, the former face slightly red and embarrassed: "the first time, a little unfamiliar, so slow."

"The underworld is all right. Let's wait for the good people. Let's go." Chu Feng knows that Zhang yun'er is still a little unnatural and timid when she comes to the soul world. She holds her hand and says a word. She flies away in an instant, and several women quickly follow her. Now she is in the soul world. Even Chang'e forgets how to go. Naturally, she can only follow Chu Feng.

However, in order not to cause panic in the soul world, Chu Feng and others well covered up their breath, and soon arrived at the river Styx. Two soul envoys were waiting here. Seeing Chu Feng and others coming, they threw out their black sticks, just like those in golden horn. When they arrived in the River, they turned into a wooden boat.

Chu Feng and others went up separately. When crossing the Styx River, Chu Feng thought of the golden horn that could not appear again, and sighed slightly in his heart.

He also stood on the wooden boat and watched the water of the Styx River rolling down below. This is the water of the Styx river that even saints can swallow. The master of the world should not be able to create it. It is almost certain that the soul world may have been created by the Supreme Master of all ages.

When he thought of the old man who had helped him many times, he even fought for time by suppressing the wormhole with his last remnant soul. Chu Feng's heart had an indelible respect.

It's just that the old man can't appear again. Maybe suppressing the wormhole is his last mission?

Between the sighs, the wooden boat has also arrived on the other side, which is different from the first time. After landing, there is no ghost. Chu Feng probably knows clearly that they have been driven to other places by the soul emissary before they come. After all, this time there are five living people, which will inevitably disturb the soul world.

The two soul envoys took back their sticks and took Chu Feng with them. They entered the dark light curtain. We only felt the appearance of black in front of us, and then we directly felt the big body moving forward.

I don't know how long it took to get to the soul setting area in the east of the soul world. A soul envoy said, "Lord demon, it has been eight soul days since the separation of the soul haunting area and the soul fixing area. You can go to the main hall of the world."

Chu Feng came once and naturally knew that Lu Wan and others had already been shocked. Chang'e was also a little surprised because she had forgotten. So now she heard that the past 16 days had been in a trance. They felt as if they had been in the past few hours.However, we did not study this deeply. After the two soul envoys left, they followed the Chu wind to hide their breath and quickly moved forward.

The distance between the soul setting area in the East and the main hall of the world is not very far. Before long, Chu Feng had arrived at the hall. When he stood in front of the hall, the Lord also came out of the hall. But after the master came out, LV Wan and others all looked behind him and were surprised.

"Don't worry, they have forgotten what happened before they died."

The master of the world gave a faint smile and looked at the empty and real soul that followed him: "it's just on your way to the soul world, I need to arrange some things, but I can't finish it quickly by myself, so let them help. Although they are dead, their willpower is still saints, which helps me a lot."

Hearing the explanation of the world Master, Lu Wan and other people's expressions softened a little.

Because those virtual and real souls standing behind the world Master are the dead people of several families in the Xiuzhen world. Pu yuanlei, Pu Jingqiong and others are there, and even Xi Canghai and Xi lanning are also there. But at the moment, they all stand behind the world Master with a puzzled face and come to the soul fixing area for three hours. They have completely forgotten what happened before they were alive.

"You go down and remember that you are not allowed to make trouble in the soul setting area."

The master of the world waved to them. Pu yuanlei and they went to the distance. However, they did not forget to look back at Chu Feng. They were puzzled and puzzled because Chu Feng and Chu Feng were living people with flesh and blood. Why did they appear in the soul world? And how do they feel a sense of familiarity?

It's just that all these things are doomed to be unexplained, and they can't even explain it in the next life.

After puyuanlei and his followers pushed him down, the owner invited everyone to enter the independent space he created, which made him feel a little angry. As he walked along, people saw the rune depiction of half a football field laughing!

The Master explained, "I will use this to send you to a place where you should go. That place is connected with the soul world. Except from the soul world, you can't go to this place in this world."

Chu Feng asked, "what is that place?"

In the eyes of the master of the world, a touch of melancholy and sadness passed: "the land of my father's memory."

Hearing the words of the world Master, Chu Feng and others immediately tightened their bodies. They all know that the master's father is the first and supreme one in all ages. What kind of place is it?

In everyone's curiosity, the master of the world slowly explained: "it was a memory left by my father when he died. Everything there seems to be a memory, but it is true. It can also be said that it brought you back to the first universe era, before my father became the supreme."

"However, unlike the last time you went back to ancient times, you will participate in it this time, because it is the era of the universe that has been destroyed. No matter what you have done, it will not change history, because the history of each universe era is independent."

The hearts of Chu Feng and others were still shocked, because they could not accept everything the world Master said. Could they really go to the first universe era? In other words, can you really go to the memory of others after death?

Even Chu Feng, who had been helped by the world Master to the ancient times, could not explain all this, but he could feel that he was helping them.

Sure enough, after chufeng and his friends had digested for a while, the master said, "the reason why I open the memory place at this time is also according to my father's meaning. He said that one day I will meet an era that I am satisfied with, and don't want it to be destroyed. If there are people who can achieve the supreme, then open the memory land and let some people I trust feel the supreme breakthrough A moment. "

"The devil has got the supreme throne and the help of my father's ghost, so I just follow the decision made by my father's ghost at the moment before it disappears."

Quietly listen to the world Lord to finish the words, Chu Feng's heart or Lu Wan and others are not calm for a long time.

At this time, Chang'e also asked with a cold face: "how long will we go back, won't we come back? The world has been destroyed?"

When Chang'e asked this question, Chu Feng and others also looked at the master of the world. This is indeed a very important question. If we can't catch up with the time, then the world will collapse in the hands of nothingness.

The master of the world smiles and looks at Chang'e in a very peaceful way. He sees a ripple: "this requires you and the goddess to cooperate with me. I only know how long I should let you go!"

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