Super Healer

Chapter 3186

The place of memory, which can also be said to be the most important memory period of emperor Shitian's life, is not really a place where memories are made, but in that era.

The next morning, Chu Feng had already got up early and happily found a thing.

That is, the mark planted by the mysterious woman seems to have disappeared. Of course, Chu Feng doesn't think that the mark has really disappeared. The reason why it is missing now is that he is no longer in the seventh universe era, so the mark naturally can not exist. Maybe when he returns to the seventh universe in eight months, the mark will appear again.

However, it is also a good thing not to feel the existence of the mark now, so that you can do things more calmly in this era, and don't worry about fatigue.

"Wind king, the eldest princess invites you to have breakfast."

As soon as Chu Feng came out, ciyue came up. It seems that she has been waiting here for a long time.

Just heard her address to himself, Chu Feng said with a bitter smile: "miss ciyue, you still call me Chu Feng, I don't want to be too special."

"Good!" Ciyue didn't say anything and nodded slightly.

Chu Feng also found that she did not see Chang'e and wondered where she had gone.

"Four ladies went to the valley." Ciyue seemed to know that she said, "Yougu is the most energetic place in the imperial Pavilion. When I came just now, Mrs. Qianxue asked me if there was any good place for me, so I told her, and then the three ladies went to the Yougu with her."

Chu Feng shook his head with a wry smile, knowing that these women are obsessed with such a world environment, but this is also a good thing, as long as it helps them improve their cultivation.

And Diyuan has sent ciyue to invite herself. Although she doesn't want to eat anything, she still needs to give her a little face: "let's go."

Diyuan's palace is not far away from the next door. It doesn't need to be in the sky. It only takes a few minutes to get there. From a distance, the two palaces seem to be connected.

Chu Feng looked back and thought that the palace built by emperor yuan seemed a little redundant. Was it for entertaining guests?

"That's the palace of the eldest princess."

Ciyue turned her eyes to chufeng and looked back at the palace. She said with a smile: "but since so many years, no one can get into the eyes of the princess, so the palace has been idle."

Originally, Chu Feng had no idea.

But after hearing ciyue's words, she couldn't help but move her mouth. It was the palace of emperor yuan's face, which was not the place where she adopted men. How could she arrange herself there? Do you want to make yourself a little white face for her?

So a thought of Chu Feng's mouth convulsed violently, and his face was covered with black lines. If he had just thought about it last night, he would have really wanted Diyuan to change his place. Otherwise, he always felt a little strange.

When she came to the palace of Diyuan, ciyue didn't mean to follow in: "the eldest princess has been waiting inside for a long time, you can go in."

Chu feng'en went in and saw the palace, which was not too small. With the natural wind floating there, he also smelled a faint fragrance. Along with the fragrance, Chu Feng walked past. His eyes were bright, but he felt that the atmosphere was always a little strange.

Because now the emperor yuan is wearing a gauze, completely unable to cover up that graceful body, you can see the high wind and flat valley color.

Chu Feng knew as like as two peas, the demon of the demon is not a very concerned creature. But in this way, he can not help but feel that there is a hot air rising.

Although the appearance of the world Lord is more beautiful than that of a woman, but after all, it almost means that when you see the emperor Yuan Chu Feng, you will think of the world Master.

"The wind king was the first man to enter my palace."

Emperor yuan slowly nodded, her mouth slightly cocked, sexy and provocative, but she was not embarrassed at the moment with no clothes on: "I also hope that the wind king will be the last man to enter this palace."

Affected by Chu Feng's look, he let himself sit down as naturally as possible: "Princess Chang is joking. You are the princess of the imperial city. Naturally, no one dares to enter or leave your palace at will. In addition, call me chufeng."

Diyuan slowly sat up straight, slightly leaning forward, the loose neckline was fully open, the scenery was completely presented in front of Chu Feng, and her eyes were like silk: "I like to call you the wind king, because then I will feel my eyes are very spicy."

Chu Feng's throat moved unnaturally. At the moment, the two mountains of emperor yuan were completely presented in front of her. She also knew that this woman was definitely intentional. Otherwise, why should she wear a layer of tulle?

With a slight cough, Chu Feng did not move his eyes, because the more unnatural you are to a woman with demon blood like Diyuan, the more fierce her attack will be. At the moment, she probably thinks of something, that is, Chang'e, they are not supposed to go to the valley, but Diyuan asked ciyue to invite her.In order to create a chance to get along with him alone, and to seduce him.

Insight into Diyuan's mind, Chu Feng mouth hook up a smile: "long princess, really can talk."

"Big?" However, the emperor yuan suddenly uttered a sentence, and her hands were still slightly pulling the tulle neckline, which seemed deliberate, but not artificial at all, but full of charm.

Chu Feng didn't want to see it, but he couldn't help looking at it. He looked at the trembling plump, white and dazzling, red two points like a girl. A smile swept over her mouth and suppressed the unnatural agitation: "the long princess has a proud figure and is naturally perfect!"

"Do you like it?" Emperor yuan sat up straight, although the scenery dissipated, the two points on the gauze were more clear: "or wind king, do you like me?"

Chu Feng held up a glass of wine in front of him, and gently shook and laughed: "the eldest princess has a peerless face. Any one of Chu Feng's beauties can't compare with you in beauty, but sometimes it's the same thing to appreciate and like. I don't deny that I appreciate the eldest princess, but I don't like it anymore."

There was nothing unpleasant about Diyuan, blinking her eyes, charming and moving: "appreciation is enough for me, but the wind king still needs a concubine, and Diyuan is willing to!"


Chu Feng couldn't help but burst out a rude remark in his heart. If it wasn't for the fact that the face of emperor yuan was similar to that of the world Master, Chu Feng would have been on it for a long time.

It is also because that is similar to the face of the world Master, so Chu Feng can suppress the inner agitation, drink the wine in the cup, suppress the rising desire, and then show a smile: "no lack!"

Diyuan's look affected a little stiff, but soon showed a smile, if she is so easy to be hit, then she is not Diyuan.

Standing up, elegant and moving, her long snow-white legs sparkle the eyes of Chu Feng, especially as she walks in front of her, the dark forest under the gauze is indistinct, which adds a strong ambivalence to the weight of the palace covered with gauze.

When she came to Chu Feng's back, Diyuan sat with her legs bent and crossed her knees. She leaned forward and leaned back behind the Chu Feng. She breathed like a blue: "the wind king, Diyuan has always wanted to find a man who is stronger than me and I am interested in. You just meet my conditions and refuse me. That's not right."

"You should understand that if you don't want me, I'll be lonely all my life."

Feeling the amazing elasticity of the two groups behind her, Chu Feng is not willing to say that it is false, but also have to admire the beauty of Diyuan. The tone between the words can stimulate the rise of male hormones.

But this time Chu Feng didn't come to tease her sister, so she shook her shoulders and stood up when Diyuan wanted to hold her. She said with a warm smile: "Princess Chang, give me a place to live. The place doesn't need to be too big. A room is enough."

Emperor yuan bit her lips slightly, reflecting a kind of unusual beauty. She said angrily, "how about me here? If you want to, stay right now?"

Heart way a fatal, Chu wind shook his head: "I need to be quiet."

Diyuan looked at Chu Feng and stood up. She knew that it was impossible to take down Chu Feng so simply. Moreover, she was very satisfied with Chu Feng's performance at the moment, which showed that she was not a man who would be easily confused by beauty.

But if she knew that it was not Chu Feng's strong determination, but because her appearance and the world Lord made Chu Feng uncomfortable, she didn't know what to think.

Passing by Chu Feng's side, when she was facing her back, Diyuan gave a meaningful smile, took off her gossamer, opened her hands, and four maidens came out to help Diyuan put on her body. It seems that she can't see the fatal charm just now.

Blinking her eyes, emperor yuan brushed her sleeves in front of her: "there is a peach garden near the valley. The place is not very big. All around are isolated by flowing rivers. She can only go up to the sky. It is very quiet. There is only one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one room, one!

Chu Feng nodded: "thank you, Princess!"

Diyuan also wanted to say something. Chu Feng had already turned around and walked out, leaving her with a figure of her back. She looked at it until she could not see her back. Diyuan took back her eyes: "you say, can I make him my first man?"

The four maids stood behind the emperor yuan, and heard the words in unison and said, "the princess has infinite charm. I believe that the wind king will fall sooner or later."

Emperor yuan's face did not show joy, just sighed and shook her head: "how do I feel, even if I totally strip off, he may not be moved?"

The four maids, affected by their looks, came in at this time: "princess, the second prince has come, and also brought four infinite saints!"

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