Super Healer

Chapter 3188

Chang'e and others returned to the valley after they left.

Although they are already saints, they still feel very comfortable. Therefore, they want to stay in such a place for a while and feel the ethereal feeling, which is helpful to the promotion of the realm.

As for Chu Feng, they don't know where to go, but now Chu Feng's strength is incomparable, and they are recognized by chaos will and become the third king. Therefore, Chang'e and she have nothing to worry about. They still want to improve their cultivation, and then go back to the seventh era of the universe.

The valley is the place with the most abundant aura in the imperial palace. Usually only emperor yuan can come here, so no one bothers at this moment, and all the people passing through the palace are as far away from this place as possible.

Not long after Chang'e and their return, Diyuan also came down with ciyue.

Chang'e's four men, who were in the process of understanding each other, opened their eyes. Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan had no idea, but Chang'e and mu Qianxue's eyes were cold.

When they knew that the man who came today was the emperor's move, they already knew what was going on. When Diyuan invited them to go there, they just wanted to kill people with a knife. If they didn't need to stay in the imperial Pavilion now, they would have turned over their faces by playing with their minds like this.

Because it will bring some trouble to Chu Feng.

When Diyuan came here after arranging some things, she also knew that her behavior was disrespectful to Chang'e, and she even meant to make use of it.

Now see Chang E and others do not want to pay attention to her meaning, di yuan's heart is not unhappy, but showed a smile, body slightly forward: "four ladies, Diyuan today's practice without your permission, I know your heart is a little uncomfortable, but please forgive me."

"After all, my elder brother and I are a little weak compared with the emperor's moving. I pay attention to the sages who enter the Imperial City in order to consolidate the strength of my brother and I. today's behavior is helpless."

Chang'e's cold eyes glanced over, and saw the snow-white half dew when emperor yuan bent down. She narrowed her eyes and felt that her own was almost the same as that of emperor yuan. However, if you want to talk about her appearance, no one can deny that she is gorgeous!

However, Chang'e is not a man after all, so she just has a little contrast and doesn't pay much attention to her: "if the eldest princess just comes to apologize, you can go."

Emperor yuan looks affected, but in the heart dare not have any unhappy, Chu Feng's woman, also has the qualification to despise her.

But now she needs to be forgiven by Chang'e and others. Otherwise, if Chu Feng knew that she was playing tricks in secret, she would be very angry. At that time, she would go against her original intention, let alone seduce Chu Feng.

Sincerity appeared on her face, and Diyuan whispered, "four ladies, don't know how to forgive Diyuan's reckless behavior today?"

Standing beside Diyuan, ciyue looks unnatural. She has followed Diyuan for so many years. She knows exactly what kind of person the master is. Even when facing the emperor Shitian, she has never been so humble. At the moment, facing four women, it is very rare.

However, ciyue was just a servant to follow, and naturally she did not dare to speculate on Diyuan's mind at will.

"Princess Chang."

Zhang yun'er knew that Chang'e would be ok if she didn't do it now, so before Chang'e got angry, she said softly: "we know the fight between the prince and the second prince, but you should not put us on the stage without our knowledge. Chu Feng is not a person who is afraid of things, but also does not like to be teased like this."

Emperor yuan looks slightly coagulated, apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't think about it. The emperor moved here too suddenly, and I didn't have time to think about it."

Zhang Yuner sighs and shakes her head. Diyuan is a smart woman. It is absolutely impossible to say that she has no time to think about it. At least when the emperor moves here, she can ask to invite their ciyue to talk about the matter.

However, until they got there, they didn't know what was going on. They were completely put on the stage by Diyuan, and now it's useless to blame Diyuan. Although it was only a short contact with Emperor Qian, they probably knew what kind of person they were.

Just now, the four people did not give him any face. It is absolutely impossible for emperor Qian to forget this. Maybe there is no conspiracy brewing at the moment.

Emperor yuan narrowed her eyes and saw that Zhang yun'er did not speak any more. Chang'e, mu Qianxue and Lu Wan closed their eyes directly, and their eyebrows were even more deeply wrinkled. She had wanted to do that herself. Chang'e and others would give some face, but from the current situation, it seems that they are not the same as they think.

Just about to speak, Zhang Yuner said again: "Princess Chang, you'd better go and talk to Chu Feng about this matter. Emperor Qian won't forget it. If he knows in advance, he may not be angry. But if something happens afterwards, Emperor Qian will have bad luck and you can't leave."Hearing Zhang yun'er's words, Diyuan's heart trembled and found that she had neglected a problem, that is, once Chu Feng knew that he was being teased, would he only target at emperor Qian?

Gently nodded his head, bowed away from the valley, and stopped not far away: "where is the wind king?"

"It's like you've arranged a new place for him." The soft voice of the moon.

"You go back first. I'll go and have a look." Diyuan said that she went straight through the void. Zhang yun'er was right. Emperor Qian won't forget this matter easily. There will be something wrong. If Chu Feng doesn't know, then it's emperor Qian's bad luck. If Chu Feng knows, it's her bad luck with Emperor Qian.

From the attitude of Chang'e four people, Zhang Yuner and LV Wan may not say anything, but Chang'e and mu Qianxue have no bottom in their hearts, so Diyuan doesn't want to make Chu Feng hate herself.

The new residence is not far away from the valley, but in a short time, the emperor yuan arrived. Surrounded by rivers, the width reached 20 meters. The only way is to go up in the sky.

Her eyes deviated. Looking at a small courtyard in the island like place, Diyuan pursed her lips and fell down. Seeing Chu Feng lying on the grass now, she looked at the river in the distance.

Diyuan has ordered that no one can get close to here, so she doesn't worry that someone knows she's coming. When she approaches, Diyuan's body bends 90 degrees and is white and dazzling: "wind king, I'm sorry!"

The closed eyes of Chu Feng knew that Diyuan had come, but he didn't want to pay attention to it, because he knew that this woman would have ideas about herself as long as she got the chance.

But hearing the words of emperor yuan, Chu Feng opened his eyes curiously and sat up: "Princess Chang, how can I apologize?"

"I", "Di yuan" is not a hesitant person at ordinary times, but now I don't know how to say it. She just lowered her head: "will you be angry if I say it?"

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "say!"

Diyuan heart trembled, inexplicably feel a kind of pressure, now oppressed in her body, know that Chu Feng does not want to talk nonsense with her.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with Diyuan, because Diyuan could tell whether he would be angry. Then he must have done something he could not tolerate. Looking at Diyuan's look at the moment, Chu Feng was sure that something he didn't want to do happened.

In the face of Chu Feng, she felt as if she was in a bad mood. The warmth of Diyuan was now a little nervous. Her eyes were afraid to see Chu Feng: "the emperor moved here just now."

Although Chu Feng first left Diyuan's bedroom and came here, the arrival of emperor Qian probably knew that emperor Qian had brought four infinite saints. He did not mean to cover it up at all. He was very arrogant.

But what does it have to do with yourself?

Chu Feng didn't speak, just staring at Diyuan. He believed that Diyuan would give him an explanation.

Forced by the pressure from Chu Feng, Diyuan finally couldn't help but tell the story and purpose of emperor Qian's arrival. Then she secretly looked at Chu Feng, and then lowered her head: "I think he came for four ladies. Why don't I use the four ladies to let diqian do something extraordinary?"

"After all, my father said that if emperor Qian offended you by something out of the ordinary, he would die. Over the years, because of his continuous rise, my brother and I have been oppressed a little hard to breathe. So, Chu Feng heard that Diyuan wanted to kill people with a knife, luring him to make mistakes with his greed for Chang'e The mistakes made by Dan diqian also involve him. Even if he didn't kill diqian, Emperor Shitian would abolish diqian, and then Diyuan's goal would be achieved.

It's a good thing for a woman to be a little clever and submissive, but Chu Feng is not very happy with her.

She stood up and went to Diyuan's face, fingered her sexy chin and looked at the poor woman in her eyes because she was a little aggrieved. Chu Feng said softly, "you take me as your chess piece. If it's not emperor Shitian, the person I respect, now I've killed you, even if you're really gorgeous."

The fingers gently loosen Diyuan's chin. Chu Feng turns her back and twists her neck. She can't kill Diyuan. So she can only be more careful.

However, Chu Feng also had a question in his mind. He looked back and asked, "you are just a woman. Even if you are so strong, you are still a woman. I believe that no matter how hard you try, you can't be in power, but you have to do so many things. Is it really for your brother's sake?"

Diyuan raised her head and firmly nodded: "yes, I am for my brother, because after my mother died, my brother took care of me and raised me up. Without him, I would not be today."

Chu Feng could see that Diyuan's look was firm, but he didn't have much interest: "so your brother, why don't you fight for it yourself? Do you want your sister to fight for him? "

"Or, I hear, the prince is not interested in competing for power and profit, is he?""Yes Diyuan nodded her head gently, without concealing anything. She glanced at her helpless color: "my brother has never been interested in the crown prince's position, but my father forced him to sit on the crown prince's seat. That's why I want to stabilize this position for my brother. But if he can really choose, he prefers to study what he likes."

Speaking of the things that Diyan studied, Diyuan felt a little ridiculous: "for example, if someone dies, his soul will not disappear in the strong aura of heaven and earth. For example, to create a place where the soul will return, it is just a matter of not doing a proper job anyway!"

Emperor yuan just finished her words, she found Chu Feng suddenly appeared in front of her, blinked her eyes and asked subconsciously, "wind king, you?"

"Princess Chang, take me to your brother." When Chu Feng heard the four words of the place of return, he thought of the master of the world. Seeing Diyuan's face at a loss, Chu Feng said, "take me to see your brother. I can forgive your behavior today, and even help you to kill the emperor!"

Diyuan almost doubted whether she had heard the wrong thing. She pinched her sexy and white thigh, sure it would hurt, and she immediately showed a smile: "good!"

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