Super Healer

Chapter 3191

When night came, Chu Feng came back from the prince's palace and stayed in the secluded peach garden.

Instead of focusing on what to do, he just lay outside on the grass with his eyes closed, listening to the rustling of the leaves in the breeze, the gentle sound of the river flowing, and completely relaxed himself, as if he had become one with the earth.

Chu Feng knows that this is what she wants to feel. It is totally different from Chang'e.

There is still room for improvement in Chang'e's realm. Chu Feng is sure that her power has reached the critical point of saints. If there is any breakthrough in the next step, she must become the supreme one, or else it can only be stuck here all the time.

How to become the supreme and what it will experience to become the supreme, but Chu Feng believes that it is inseparable from nature, and all things can not leave the breeding of nature. Therefore, more understanding of the power of nature may lead to different understanding.

As Chu Feng lay there quietly for several hours, he could even feel some movement under the earth, which seemed to be breathing and releasing something. This was a feeling that had not been felt before. Perhaps it was also because after countless eras, everything had lost its original vitality in their era.

This is the first era of the universe, everything is just a beginning, here Chu Feng can feel a lot of things.

Even in a simple River, Chu Feng can feel the existence of extremely strong aura, which is not at all in the coming era. It has suffered too much damage, and the aura has dissipated too much. It is not easy for the strong to survive in the end.

I also want to be like now, God is everywhere, saints can see a lot of things in the universe, which is basically impossible.

Just thinking of the enlightenment needed to break through the supreme one is that they need to go to that level. Chang'e four also came to see Chu Feng lying on the ground, and Zhang yun'er said softly, "Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng also temporarily dispersed his thoughts and sat up, because everything is not a little time can, maybe it is just an idea.

Looking at the four girls who stayed in the valley for a day, Chu Feng gently laughed: "I thought you didn't come back."

Zhang yun'er replied with a smile: "the aura here is similar to that of the valley, and it doesn't have to be there, so we can be here next, as long as there is no one to disturb."

Chu Feng nodded: "don't worry, no one will disturb you. Try your best to realize that the world Lord sent us back. Maybe it's because this time in the Lord's memory is the most important time in his life. Of course, the specific is not clear. It may also be that the aura is more abundant, which is and profound understanding."

A few girls nodded slightly, and then went to the house. Now the aura is so abundant, which is much deeper than the perception in the original era. It can also be regarded as a harvest.

Chu Feng stood up and stretched himself. Before he could breathe freely, all the four people who came into the room came out. Mu Qianxue's face was red and a little flustered: "that I walk around, this peach garden is quite big."

Finish saying mu Qianxue to go far away, look like there is a little flustered.

Before Chu Feng could figure out what was going on, Zhang yun'er walked away a little red faced and went to the river. Lu Wan didn't need to say more. She looked up at the night sky as if she was thinking something.

Chu Feng blinked his eyes and saw Chang'e not so good-looking. He immediately understood something, scratched his head and said, "you like to stay in the valley, so I asked the eldest princess to arrange a quiet place. I didn't expect that she would arrange such a place. Maybe you are all my women, so that's why you arranged it

Chang'e's face was colder, but more shy.

Because just now the four of them went in to see what the rest place was like. They found that there was only one room, and the rest could not rest. The most important thing was that there was a big bed in the room where they could have a rest. What's the size of the bed? They came out when they saw only one room and one big bed.

But the tiger by sight, even if sleeping seven people are still wide and loose.

Chang'e looked at Chu Feng, who didn't know about it. He hummed, "arrange it. Do you want mu Qianxue to join us?"

Chu Feng was shocked, but also reflected that Chang'e was angry and Zhang yun'er was shy. It was not because she had a room and became his woman. Naturally, she had expected something to break the ban. The real reason was that she ignored mu Qianxue!

Chu wind secretly a miscalculation, this is really a problem, can not let mu Qianxue also in that room, and then he and a few women lingering, she when the audience?

With a slight cough, Chu Feng went to the house: "I'll have a look at it and see if I can get a room out."

With that, Chu Feng walked in alone. Chang'e and Chang'e were standing outside. The big bed was really exciting. If they knew that this was arranged by emperor yuan, they would scold Chu Feng for being shameless.

After a while, Chu Feng came out and said with a smile, "there is a room. I've cleaned up all the things I don't need. Let the princess arrange someone to send a bed over."Chang'e and other people's looks can be regarded as a little more relaxed, just think of the big bed, do they really want to sleep in a room with Chu Feng?

Chang'e, Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er looked at each other with an intriguing smile in their eyes. Chu Feng actually cleared out a room, so let him live in that room?

"It's still early. I'll go out for a walk. Do whatever you want."

Chu Feng didn't know what Chang'e and others were thinking. Otherwise, he would cry out and be wrong. He knew that Chang'e and his wife would take a bath, so Chu Feng said and left.

After finding CI Yue, she asked her to arrange for it. Chu Feng then went to other places.

It's been two or three days since I came to the Imperial City, but I haven't been able to look around. Especially, Chu Feng is not very clear about what's going on in the imperial city. It happens that Chu Feng is going to go to the imperial city to see what is the essential difference between the city of the first universe era and the city of the following era.

Hiding his breath, the Chu wind came to the low, the street is very wide, up to 100 meters wide, there are a lot of shops on both sides, there are also residential buildings, although not brick buildings, but that kind of antique flavor, or very atmospheric.

There are places similar to restaurants, places similar to teahouses, as well as weapon spectrum, herb shop and so on.

In any case, there are some things in the seventh era, but Chu Feng can't even name some things for sale. What he wants to sell publicly is not a good thing. What's more, Chu Feng doesn't need anything. The ten magic tools of chaos are already excellent. His original power can cure all injuries, and the others are not important.

Walking forward, I heard the noise coming from the side. Chu Feng saw many people around and didn't know what to look at.

His left eye twinkled and penetrated. He saw a piece of thing on a bulletin board with a lot of big characters, but those were the words of the first universe era. Chu Feng didn't know what it meant, but it must be very important to attract so many people to see it there.

So Chu Feng went over and listened to the voices of people around him and understood what was going on.

It turns out that the sea people have been thriving for thousands of years, so they have to go ashore. Human beings don't want to let the sea people go ashore to develop new forces. So now the hunting season is coming. It's a notice issued by Emperor Lu himself.

Tell people on the whole primitive earth that they will officially go to the seaside tomorrow. In addition to the people sent by the emperor's family and Lu's family every thousand years, they will also issue notices to the imperial city and the imperial city. Anyone who wants to go can go there and hunt down the beast yuan that the people of the sea people get will belong to them.

It seems to be a good thing, but in the comments of the people around him, Chu Feng also knew that Lu Huang's announcement was nothing more than a batch of cannon fodder to test the strength of the Hai nationality.

Every thousand years of hunting, it is the Lu family that gets the most benefits, and then the emperor's family. Some of them who go by themselves can get benefits, but more people are the result of death.

Chu Feng didn't have much interest in this. When he was about to leave, he heard people talking about it. He stopped curiously and asked, "brother, is that beast yuan really powerful?"

Just now he had heard the word "beast yuan", but Chu Feng didn't pay attention to it, but now he seemed to hear something unusual.

"That's for sure."

The man nodded and seriously replied: "all the sea people who can transform into illusions have strong spirituality. There are many auras in their animal elements. As long as they are absorbed, they can enhance their perception. They can take fewer detours in the way of cultivation. It's a pity that without the cultivation of a half step sage or the God of nature, you can't try to play the idea of beast yuan."

Chu Feng blinked his eyes, thanks and walked away. At first, he didn't have much interest, but now he is very interested. According to the man just said, beast yuan can improve people's perception and make people's intelligence more open. Isn't this what he needs now?

And even if you don't need it, it's good to get some to collect and bring back later? As long as you give them food, their perception and intelligence will be improved. Although you can improve their cultivation at any time, it is only the improvement of their strength, and their perception will be much weaker.

This is absolutely a good thing!

Chu Feng suddenly got excited when he thought about it. He rose from the sky in a place where no one paid attention to it and went to the emperor's pavilion. These people didn't think about it very clearly. Unexpectedly, both the emperor's family and Lu's family would send someone to go there. So Diyuan must know more about it.

If you ask clearly, you can judge whether the value is worth going by yourself.

He quickly returned to the imperial Pavilion. Just as he was about to enter, several figures flashed out, blocking the way of Chu Feng. Emperor Qian also fell down from the sky with a cold smile: "are you Chu Feng? The husband of four beauties

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