Super Healer

Chapter 3195

No matter how long the night passed, but for Chu Feng, the night was not good at all. After running out in the middle of the night, he lay on the grass for a night.

Although there is no meaning of deep fog, and the spirit of heaven and earth is abundant and comfortable, Chu Feng still thinks that if there is no Wulong last night, it is the most perfect.

When the sun rose, Chu Feng also opened his eyes and sat up to stretch. Although he stayed on the grass all night last night, Chu Feng was in a good mood. At least Chang'e had made a psychological preparation. I believe she will be able to let go.

As a man, did not want to be sleep with, so are hypocrites, Chu Feng has always been that.

Men who don't have a woman all want to be sleeping together one day. If they have a woman, they have more than one person, how can they not? Chu Feng found a good reason for himself. Of course, he not only found a reason. In the future, he felt that he should also make efforts on this road. If not for blocking Chang'e's meridians last night, not to mention Meikai twice, even if it was not for once!

Recalling the feeling of last night, Chu Feng felt that the air around him was cold. Subconsciously, he shrank his neck and looked back. He saw Chang'e looking at this side coldly. He thought that Chang'e was still very worried about what happened last night.

Chu Feng stood up as if he didn't know. Before Chang'e had any opinion, he said, "today is the hunting period of the primitive earth. I learned from the princess last night that this hunting period is also useful for us."

Success attracted Chang'e's attention. Chu Feng told her what she knew. There were no other people around, so there was no need to cover up.

Sure enough, after listening to Chu Feng, Chang'e's attention was completely attracted. She seemed to have forgotten what happened last night: "do you think that beast yuan can help us improve our perception?"

"Yes." Chu Feng nodded back: "after arriving at the holy land, the most important thing is personal perception. The animal element contains powerful spiritual power. As long as we absorb and digest it, we can improve our own perception and spiritual power. However, we need the animal yuan of Shenjing sea clan to play a role in us, and the number is not small."

Chang'e's desire for strength is stronger than that of any woman in Chu Feng.

After the explanation of Chu Feng, he made a direct statement: "count me."

Chu Feng nodded. Seeing Lu Wan, they were also very moved, but did not show any signs. He said, "Wan'er, you should come with me. It is said that there are infinite sea kings in the sea clan. Once Lu emperor and the Lord of honor joined hands to kill them. So yun'er, you and the saint should not go. Stay here and realize."

"We'll come back after we get the orca, and then you can use it for yourself."

Zhang Yuner and mu Qianxue are a little disappointed when they hear that Chu Feng doesn't take them. However, if there is a powerful sea king in the sea clan, it is not suitable to go there. Not only can they not help, but they may also lag behind.

Both nodded slightly to show understanding.

"Let's go and get ready. We'll start by ourselves, so as not to be inconvenient with the princess." Chu Feng saw that everyone had no opinion, said a word and went to one side.

Chang'e saw Chu Feng go away, frown slightly, but did not speak, followed the people back to the house, to see what needs to be done this time to the deep sea.

Chu wind went to a forest behind the house, snow neon clothes appeared in front of her, Chu wind squinted his eyes: "what's the matter?"

"Demon, can I follow you?" Xue nishang didn't hide it, and it didn't help to hide it. As long as Chu Feng explored, she would know her mind: "my following is not hiding in your body, but following you outside. I also want to collect some animal yuan for the people of Renxue sect."

Chu Feng also at that time what thing, smell speech nod: "of course."

Hearing Chu Feng's approval of xuenishang's grateful nod, he just thought of a question and bit his lips: "demon, and when you do that kind of thing later, can you shield my consciousness?"

Chu Feng was stunned. He reacted and looked at Xue nishang. Of course, he knew what xuenishang was talking about. But Chu Feng was more concerned about Xue nishang's follow-up words: "your consciousness, can I block it?"

"I think so." Xue nishang thought about it for a while, and then said, "you are the host. If you have a strong will, I can't know what you are doing."

When she said these things, Xue nishang blushed a little. She was embarrassed when she began to mediate in the palace of emperor yuan. She didn't want Chu Feng to fight Zhang yun'er and Chang'e when she came back, which made Xue nishang embarrassed and sprouted a desire.

Although she doesn't mind being possessed by Chu Feng, she is also a person who can't let go. Chu Feng came like that last night. No matter there is a third person, Xue nishang feels that she is challenging her own cognition.

At first, Xue nishang said that she could shield her consciousness. Chu Feng was still very happy, but she was quite helpless when she heard her uncertain words. She said with a bitter smile: "Lord Xue, I think it's really OK. It turns out that it's just your guess. In that case, do you think I have tenacious willpower?"Snow neon clothes a Leng, think about it clearly, in that state, who has what willpower?

Her face was slightly red, and the snow neon clothes stopped for a moment and then opened her mouth: "there are thousands of snow!"

"Stop!" Without waiting for xuenishang to say it, Chu Feng knew what Xue nishang wanted to say. He went to her and raised her chin: "it was an accident last night, and this accident will not happen again. Moreover, they should not know that I found it later, so I think it did not happen."

"Besides, you will be taken away by me sooner or later. Do you have the heart to let your apprentice work with you as a man, is it not embarrassing?"

Snow Ni Shang's heart fluttered to jump up, carefully back a step, calm temperament a little more waves: "I hope the devil will pay attention later, Qianxue is a very important person to see the festival."

"Don't worry." Chu Feng also knew that the Oolong was a little big last night, but fortunately he didn't break through the bottom line. He nodded and looked at the distance, and held out his hand to hold the hand of xuenishang: "you are the person who knows me best now, so you should understand some of my ideas, and don't need to say them all."

Snow neon clothes look a stagnant, looking at the hand held by Chu Feng, sighed and did not speak again, so quietly stood beside Chu Feng.

Because after signing the lingsu contract with Chu Feng, some of Chu Feng's thoughts and emotions affected Xue nishang. It can be said that every thing Chu Feng did, please feel what kind of mood she was at that time. Xue nishang is clear.

With a glance at Chu Feng, Xue nishang doesn't want to admit that her frozen heart will beat for a man for many years. However, after feeling Chu Feng's emotion, Xue nishang can't help herself. It may also be that this is the host and is destined to entangle for life.

Not long after hearing the sound of footsteps, the snow colored clothes disappeared beside the Chu wind, and Chang'e came near, without any doubt, but with a cold face.

Chu Feng showed a smile: "still angry?"

"May I not be angry?" Chang'e glanced at him and asked. When Chu Feng had nothing to say, she said, "but it's not because you want to be sleeping with me. If I can be your woman, I will naturally think of the worst result. I will let Ma Qiduo come out at will."

Chu Feng began to be Chang'e because of last night's incident. I don't want to be because of it. But after listening to her say that, as long as Ma Qiduo or any other person comes out, Chang'e will not be embarrassed.

It's just that Chang'e is not angry because of this thing. What is Chang'e angry about?

Chang'e frowned slightly. Seeing Chu Feng's confused face and taking a deep breath, she seemed to have made such a big decision. She grabbed Chu Feng and didn't know what to say in his ear. After that, she pushed Chu Feng aside and left.

Chu Feng stood there stupefied for three seconds, which just reflected and shook his head with a bitter smile.

Chang'e was not angry just now. He wanted to be sleeping with him. He only needed to let her let one of the six students come out. She was angry because she was not the first one last night, so she came to her after struggling with Zhang yun'er. Is there something about Zhang yun'er in her body.

Slapping her head with a bitter smile, these women's thoughts are really wonderful. However, as an imperial daughter, Chang'e still has a little pride. Fortunately, Zhang Yuner is not the one who cares about the order.

Stretch a stretch, think of the world after stability, should be a good release of their own, Chu Feng's mind on the snow Ni Shang thought.

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently: "snow Lord, don't think too much of animals in the future, or I will let you understand what is to make the best use of things, do not let go."

All of a sudden, Chu Feng's anger and shame appeared in her mind. Her mouth flied over her. Chu Feng also left for a meeting. Chang'e and Lu Wan were ready.

Chu Feng looks at Zhang yun'er and mu Qianxue, and can catch some shy color in Mu Qianxue's eyes. He must still be worried about last night's incident, but Chu Feng clearly wants to pretend to be confused, so he should not know.

Just said to them: "this time the princess will also go, so you still try not to go out in the imperial Pavilion. In addition, no matter what happens, as long as it involves your safety, inform me as soon as possible."

Zhang yun'er and mu Qianxue are still ordinary sages. If emperor Qian takes advantage of them, it will be a big deal.

After the explanation, Chu Feng took Chang'e and Lu Wan across the void and went to the land of the sea by themselves. At the moment when they left the Imperial Palace, two men were hiding in secret. One of them said to the people next to him: "tell the second prince that not only the eldest princess is gone, but Chu Feng also leaves with two women."

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