Super Healer

Chapter 3199

After seven days in a row, the hunting season began to enter the most intense period.

The small forces and idle people who began to gather on the northwest coast either left, or some absolutely powerful people came to the southeast two coasts, and accepted the rules of the Dilu family.

Because the northwest coast will only have the sea people landing in the early stage, there will be less in the back. According to the common sense, it is very clear that the real sea people's landing climax will be on the southeast coast, so it is impossible to get too many orcs on the northwest coast to come to the southeast coast.

The two coasts in the southeast also began to land from the sea people who were in the semi divine period at the beginning to gradually appear the sea people in the Shenjing period, and the number is constantly increasing. With five or six waves of landing waves every day, the whole coastline has never been quiet.

According to legend, the area of the ocean is much larger than that of the land, because there are too many places for deep-sea creatures to live in. Therefore, no one is surprised that there are more and more sea people landing. On the contrary, as the landing sea people become more and more powerful, some people who feel that they can't cope with have already started to evacuate or go to the northwest coast to stay and see if they can Can meet some lower sea race again.

At the end of the development, even the strong ones of the lower gods have left, and the people of the middle gods can barely go to the war. The more powerful the sea people are, the more qualified they are to stay here are the gods of creation and above.

At the end of the day, the two families will be united, because the tide of the sea people will become stronger and stronger. If they do not unite together, they will not be able to eat the strength of a single family. Moreover, they will start to take care of the northwest coast, because some powerful sea people will land from there while there are few people on the northwest coast.

It can be said that danger and opportunity coexist.

As for these, Chu Feng in the deep sea is completely unknown. Even where emperor yuan contacted him, Chu Feng didn't respond. When he made a big fortune with a dull voice, he had to pay attention. Who has the leisure to take care of this?

He killed a group of hidden sea people on a small island. Chu Feng and others also took a rest on the bank after cleaning up. Chu Feng twisted his neck and felt the situation in the ring. He said with a smile, "there are more than 70000 animal yuan, and all of them are in the divine realm. More than 100 of them are equivalent to the half step saint's, which is really a big profit."

The girls all smile faintly. In recent days, they have joined hands to kill the sea people. Naturally, we all have a lot of credit, but we don't know how much effect the 70000 yuan can play?

After all, there are billions of sea creatures, and there must be a lot of sea people who can be transformed into illusions. Now there are more than 70000 sea people, but they are still too few compared with the huge sea people. Therefore, several women have a little worry in their heart, that is, how much beast yuan is needed to get the maximum promotion.

"Don't worry."

Chu Feng could see the women's doubts and said with a smile: "this is the seventh day. According to the princess Chang, the tide of the sea people will become more violent in the later stage, and some strong people in the human race will participate in it at the end. It is because there are too many sea people that one person or one force can't eat."

Pointing to the vast ocean: "so we will try our best to collect more animal yuan. Anyway, we will use as much as we can. Moreover, our understanding of the killing these days is not also profound."

Chang'e three people all slightly nod, Chu Feng can be so optimistic, they will not affect the mood of Chu Feng.

Now it is the day, and the activities of the sea people are not so frequent. Chu Feng looks at the three people and says: "you go to have a rest. I can watch it. If there is any problem, I can solve it by myself."

Chang'e nodded and went to one side to have a rest. Chu Feng also looked at the vast sea.

There is a bold idea, that is, under the protection of Pangu shield and the Holy Grail of yin and Yang, whether to go to the bottom of the sea to have a look. In this way, they can hunt many sea people around the islands, but if they don't come up, there is no way.

However, as long as you go to the ocean, you can hunt down the sea clan as much as you can, and you can collect more beast yuan.

However, Chu Feng only had this idea. She knew that Chang'e would not allow her to speak out. After all, up to now, the sea kings mentioned by emperor yuan have not appeared. They must be hidden in the deep sea. If they go down, they still don't know what kind of dangerous situation they will encounter.

Of course, Chu Feng also wanted to do well. If the number of sea people in the later period was not enough to kill them, if they could not meet their own needs, they would kill them directly to the bottom of the sea and collect animal yuan wantonly.

After all, just like the beginning and Chang'e said, they came to the first cosmic era only because the emperor Shitian had a deep memory of his time and would not have the opportunity to come next time.

Even if you can't use it, you can't bring it back to other people to enhance their perception. With the improvement of one's perception, the promotion above the realm will correspondingly go up. The beast yuan is indeed a rare treasure.

Maybe the LORD sent them back. Of course, only the Lord knows."Prince, who is this man?"

However, when Chu Feng and others took a rest and continued to harvest the Hai clan at night, in the temporary building of the Lu family, the strong man of the Lu family who controlled the trace of the ring was already pale: "we Lu family gathered powerful forces every thousand years, from the beginning to the end, we could only collect tens of millions of animal yuan, 80% of which were semi divine animal yuan, this?"

Lu Po Nu also has a dignified look at the moment, because in the past seven days, there have been more than 70000 divine realm animal yuan in the ring of concern. It should be known that even luponu can only hunt 120000 divine realm animal yuan every thousand years of hunting period. It seems that there are so many such days, and luponu has never heard of it.

Even between the eyebrows are questions: "is the deep sea, there is not too much danger, but there are all shenjinghai people?"

Lu family strong person hears speech, immediately know Lu Po Nu's mind, quickly said: "prince, you still don't think much, maybe the deep sea and the shore are the same, the more to the later period, the stronger the sea clan, according to my calculation, now that person has killed the sea clan equivalent to the half step saint, maybe in the later stage there will be a strong sea king."

Lu Po Nu really wanted to go to the deep sea just now, but when he heard the warning from the strong people of Lu family, he still gave up the idea. The infinite sea king who once fought against emperor Lu and his Lord came from the deep sea area, and his memory of that war is still fresh.

He knew that he would have died if he had changed to himself, so the deep sea area certainly contained more opportunities, and luponu also gave up the idea of exploring.

To the strong man of Nalu family, he said: "keep paying close attention to the trend of this ring. It's nothing to get thousands of beast yuan. It's not responsible for his own life if he gets more than 10000 yuan. No matter who he is, we'll take more than 70000 animal yuan."

"In addition, let Po Shan and Chuanyan come to see me. I want to talk to them."

The strong man of Lu family nodded and retreated. Lu Po Nu also sat there thinking about the sudden appearance of the sage. He not only dared to take a few women to the deep sea area, but even killed tens of thousands of sea people. This is something that has never happened in the history of hunting sea people. Who in the end has such courage?

Lu Po Nu filtered it in his mind. He couldn't imagine who it would be. He was too lazy to think about it again.

After waiting for a while, two similar tall and cool figures appeared in Lu Po Nu's line of sight. He stood up and showed a hard smile: "two sisters, please sit down."

Lu Po Shan's hair was short and shoulder length. When her hair was swung, she went to one side and sat down. The whole person looked capable and could not be easily provoked.

The elder brother is gentle and beautiful, what kind of thing does not appear to us Speak with a touch of delicate, a listen can make people's body have numb meaning.

Lu Po Nu swallows his saliva and looks at Lu broken Yan, his half sister. He thinks of the intimate relationship between them. It's a special taste. Who could have thought that Lu's appearance is dignified and delicate, and his inner part is that kind of enthusiasm?

However, this is the secret between him and Lu broken Yan. Naturally, Lu Po Nu would not reveal it: "there is something I believe you probably know, but now it is beyond my expectation."

About the ring of Chu Feng, Lu Po Nu said heavily: "so the two sisters have paid more attention to this ring recently. As long as we get the beast yuan in this ring, we can get a lot of benefits, equivalent to that we are working here for a day."

Lu Po Shan's brow slightly frowned: "Lu Po Nu, we only need 30% of the rules. Do you want to occupy 10% now?"

"Sister Poshan." Lu Po Nu's tone was not as good as to Lu's face: "my father still wants to rely on this time's beast yuan to understand the supreme way of heaven. Do you want him to be disappointed?"

Lu Po Shan immediately stood up and said in a cold voice, "it doesn't mean to take my father down again. If you are discussing these things, don't take me. If I don't participate, it will make our Lu family despised."

Leaving a word, Lu Po Shan left directly, leaving only Lu Po Nu and Lu Yan in the whole hall.

Lu broke his face and gave a faint smile. He waved. All the doors and windows were closed. He bit his lips and stood in front of Lu Po Nu: "brother Prince, your decision will be supported by your sister. More than 70000 God level animal yuan is just the beginning. I believe that in a few days, there may be more."

"And maybe he'll die without us. Don't be surprised with sister Po Shan's temper?"

Slowly squatting down in front of Lu Po Nu, Lu broke Yan's eyes and blinked: "it's brother, I haven't found my sister for many days!"

Lupinuton was excited for a while, but his calm did not make him show too obvious. He also looked around subconsciously. However, when he felt a warm package, luponou's tone was a little unsteady: "I certainly won't blame sister Poshan for being upright, but it's related to whether my father can win the throne. I'm just worried."

Lu broke his face and licked his tongue. He stood up, pulled out a little skirt and sat down. He put his hands on Lu Po Nu's shoulder: "don't worry, this time, our Lu family will be the biggest winner, and my father will definitely get enough animal yuan in God's land."Lu Po Nu held Lu broken Yan's waist and nodded: "millions of God level animal yuan, can't lose!"

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