Super Healer

Chapter 3202

The powerful magic power poured down from the sky. All the people present felt a heavy pressure, and at the same time, they were at a loss.

What kind of breath is that? What kind of power is that? Why is it so uncomfortable?

Because at the moment, the powerful momentum of Chu Feng is strange to this era, but Chu Feng doesn't know all these things. If he knows that the evil way has not been derived in this era, he will never use the power of the devil. Anyway, he is a double cultivation of magic and martial arts, which is enough to cope with.

It is also because Chu Feng did not know that when he quickly fell from the sky, the people present brought pressure. The boundless sea king who had opened his mouth had no chance to dodge. Chu Feng kicked him out with a heavy foot and fell on the beach like a meteor.

Chu Feng also took advantage of this opportunity to catch the fallen emperor yuan, and Yang Yang's Holy Grail appeared in his hand. The power of light and darkness flashed between heaven and earth. When the liquid was condensed in the cup, it was put on the edge of Diyuan's mouth: "drink it!"

In the arms of a strange man, Diyuan still has some unnatural, but when she heard the familiar voice, she immediately knew that it was Chu Feng. She opened her mouth and drank all the liquid in the Holy Grail of light. A warm current was generated in her abdominal cavity in an instant.

At the beginning, the pain brought by the poison has dissipated a lot, and the lax power is also recovering a little bit.

What's going on?

When everyone was confused, the emperor Shitian and Lu Yi looked at the Holy Grail of yin and Yang in the palm of Chu Feng's hand, and then both of them burst into a fierce look: "the Holy Grail of yin and Yang!"

What, the Holy Grail of yin and Yang?

When the two people said such words, all the people present were surprised to look at the Holy Grail of yin and Yang in Chu Feng's hand. Isn't it the Holy Grail of light and the Holy Grail of darkness? How could it be in that person's hands that there were ten magic objects?

Chufeng narrowed his eyes and put away the Holy Grail of yin and Yang. Just now he was in a hurry to save people. He didn't think so much about it. So at the moment, he could see that this was the Holy Grail of yin and Yang, and he was more alert.

Since the decagonal artifact was brewing in chaos, it was not surprising that they could recognize it.

But now Chu Feng didn't have time to cover up Chu Feng. She released Diyuan, who was recovering from her injury. Her finger passed her sexual mouth unnoticed and took a storage ring: "look at how many pieces you have on you. Lend me one!" The voice was so low that no one could hear it.

Diyuan tiny can't smell nodded, and then quickly dodged away, she knew that next Chu Feng was going to join the battle against the infinite sea king.

Between the electric light and flint, six powerful tentacles suddenly shot out from under the sand, and went towards the Chu wind above the sky. In the face of the attack from the infinite sea king, the Chu wind had no waves at all.

The emperor Shitian and Luyi took a deep look at Chu Feng and quickly restrained his mind. Now it is not the time to care about the Holy Grail of yin and Yang, but to destroy the infinite sea king first.

Otherwise, if it has been strong, I don't know what will happen.

Just when they were about to be ready for another war, the wings of Chu Feng's magic light instantly expanded, and the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not detect it. Even emperor Shitian and Luyi could not see Chu Feng's body. It was only in the blink of an eye that Chu Feng had fallen on the beach.

Twisting his neck, Chu Feng looked at the six tentacles that shot out, and outlined a cold smile at the corners of his mouth.

All of a sudden, Minghong magic sword appeared in Chu Feng's hand. In a moment, Chu Feng did not know how many times it had split out. All the people could only see the six tentacles shaking violently. Then, in everyone's surprise, the six tentacles were cut off by Chu Feng's Minghong magic sword.

Just now the emperor Shitian and Luyi could not work together before, but Chu Feng was able to finish it so quickly. Everyone was curious about Chu Feng's identity.

However, the emperor Shitian and Luyi's eyes were more focused on Minghong magic sword in Chu Feng's hand. The latter still had some doubts in his eyes. However, Emperor Shitian blurted out: "magic sword Ming Hong!"

"What!" Lu Yi was still thinking hard in his mind. When he heard the emperor's words, his face was startled: "do you say that is the magic sword Ming Hong?"

"Yes Emperor Shitian nodded his head cautiously and said, "you and I have seen some ancient books which have introduced ten magic weapons, but we haven't seen them for a long time. We only think that the ten magic weapons are just legends, but judging from the breath and shape of the sword, it's absolutely the magic sword Ming Hong!"

If it was shocking to say that Chu Feng took out the Holy Grail of yin and Yang just now, Chu Feng even sacrificed Minghong magic sword. Even if the emperor Shitian and Luyi were so calm, they would be moved.

At this time, the beach suddenly boiling up, countless fierce attacks, invisible from the sand, Chu Feng's face slightly changed, quickly dodged, found that this infinite sea king is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

Chu Feng is to dodge, but those around the strong human is not so good luck, many died in this sudden attack.The six tentacles cut by Chu wind also went into the ground like a snake. Only the sand in one place was slowly churning. The boundless sea king who was beaten down slowly came out. The six tentacles that had been cut off had been completely connected. It seemed that there were a lot of black blood flowing out.

The fierce eyes looked at the Chu wind above the sky. In vain, six tentacles shot out again. At this moment, the infinite sea king only attacked Chu Feng, ignoring the emperor's interpretation of heaven and Lu's meaning.

Emperor Shi Tian and Lu Yi didn't mean to do anything at the moment. They also wanted to see what kind of powerful ability or amazing means the man suddenly appeared had.

Chu Feng quickly dodged the attack of six tentacles, and Minghong magic sword constantly launched attacks, but in addition to causing wounds, it is difficult to cut off these tentacles, and the wounds caused by them also recover quickly in a short time.

Mr. Wu is really hard to deal with!

Chu Feng sighed in his heart. Suddenly, he took control of it, but the feeler attack was too fierce. Although the speed of Chu Feng was very fast, it was still passed by by a tentacle. Although it was not hurt, it also made one side of the sleeve torn.

"Wang Yin!"

When the whole arm of Chu Feng's right hand was exposed, Emperor Shi Tian and Lu Yi all exclaimed.

People in the distance also saw the mark of Chu Feng's right hand. They were all moved because they already knew who chufeng was. That was the third king who appeared a few days ago. It's no wonder that they dare to fight against the infinite sea king alone.

Emperor Shitian also knew that the man in front of him was Chu Feng, but he just made some face changes. However, he understood that Chu Feng must have done it to cover up his identity, but he also had some helplessness in his heart. He began to share the secret of the supreme throne with Chu Feng, to see if Chu Feng knew the ten magic tools.

At the moment, Chu Feng had ten magic tools, but he didn't tell him. However, the emperor Shitian was not angry. Quan Dang Chu Feng was not familiar with the reason, so he reserved it.

However, it is a good thing that Chu Feng has these things.

Knowing that the person in front of him was from Chu Feng, Emperor Shitian said to Lu Yi when people were shocked by the third King's strength: "Lu Huang, it turns out to be the third king. Let's join hands and kill this infinite sea king."

"South coast, we don't know if there will be any other places that we don't need."

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes and looked deeply at Chu Feng who was fighting with the infinite sea king. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Smell speech gently nodded: "hands on together!"

Both of them were really ready to do something. Suddenly, the sky was full of gold, and the six antennae of the infinite sea king were cut off again. The emperor Shitian and Lu Yi also stopped a little. After looking at them, they looked affected, because the golden light just now was sent out by a weapon of Chu Feng.

Seeing the weapon in Chu Feng's hand, the emperor released the heavenly spirit color to affect: "it's another artifact."

"This is", "and", "Lu Yi is also shocked:" it's like shooting a sun bow! "

Chu Feng did have a sun shooting bow in his hand. Originally, he thought that Minghong magic sword could suppress the infinite sea king. Maybe it was because these sea people were living in the sea all the year round, and the breath was cold. Minghong magic sword did not hurt it much, so Chu Feng chose between the bright moon gun and the sun shooting bow, and finally took out the sun shooting bow.

Because it finds the weakness of the infinite sea king and its most powerful means is the six tentacles, and these six tentacles will grow infinitely. Unless anyone can bring damage to all six tentacles in a moment, and it is destructive damage, it is not easy to kill the infinite sea king.

Among the ten artifacts, only the sun shooting bow can satisfy this condition.

Chu Feng can't control the emperor. Shitian has insight into himself. With his bow and arrow, nine arrows appear in his hand. His eyes burst out with a fierce color: "nine arrows capture the sun!"

Nine sun shooting arrows shot out, carrying a hot flame tail. Even if they are far away, you can feel the strong breath of the arrow.

Standing on the beach, the sea king's eyes were full of fear. Suddenly, he flew directly to the sea. Obviously, he felt the threat of life and wanted to run away.

However, the nine sun shooting arrows seemed to have a sense of general, and turned to the infinite king of the sea. After the infinite king of the sea fell into the sea, the arrow followed closely. At the moment of touching the sea water, the sun shooting arrows immediately burst into flames.

Those sea people on the sea were completely shrouded in it and gave out a shrill howl.

But at the moment, we are more concerned about the infinite sea king?

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