Super Healer

Chapter 3208

The next morning, east coast, Lujia camp!

"Father, father!"

Lu Po Nu, who has always been steady, is perhaps the most unstable in recent days. He quickly ran out of his residence and ran to the rear. He pushed aside all the people who wanted to say hello to him, and went straight to the place where Lu intended to sit in the camp.

Moreover, Lu Po Nu didn't stand at the door and wait for the inside to talk. Instead, he ran out and pushed the door open.

Just when in, Lu Po Nu looks stiff, and then quickly turns around and throws out the door to close.

Because when he went in just now, he saw Lu Chuanyan dressed there. Lu Po Nu was not a fool. At this time, Lu broke Yan dressed in the place where Lu Yi was sitting. It was obvious that there was something wrong with him. He thought that he would not push the door in, so he would not be so anxious and slow?

After a while, the door opened, Lu broke Yan's delicate face and walked out. Blinking his eyes with a smile, he went to Lu's side: "brother Prince, do you misunderstand something?"

"What?" Lu Po Nu at the moment where may admit, at a loss shook his head: "I don't know anything!"

"No misunderstanding?" Lu broke his face and grumbled angrily, and approached Lu Po Nu's ear: "although my sister has had many men, she still sticks to some basic things. It's just that the sea king venom that appeared yesterday makes me very uncomfortable. I just came to ask my father to help me remove the poison."

"What's more, I'm not as naked as you think

Blinking an eye, Lu broke Yan and went straight away. Looking at her back, Lu Po Nu frowned deeply and recalled the situation when he went in just now. It seems that Lu broken Yan did pass on a piece of clothes, but it was still clothes. Isn't it really what he thought?

With a trace of doubt, Lu Po Nu walked in when he heard Lu Yi calling himself. When he passed by, he smelled a fishy smell. There was a black stain on the ground from the corner of his eyes. The smell was similar to the poison of the sea people.

The doubt in the heart dispersed some, at first he really thought Lu broke Yan and Lu Yi to do what!

Wryly laugh at the complexity of their own thinking, that they and Lu break Yan have a relationship, then all people have problems.

He also walked into one side without changing his face. Lu Yi was sitting there with dignity on his face, and glared at Lu Po Nu with a fierce look: "bastard, you come in and run out. People who don't know think this emperor is a vulgar person."

Lu Po Nu smiles bitterly. He knows that his behavior just now is a little improper. Fortunately, there is no one around him. Otherwise, if he sees Lu break his face and go out, he will be as suspicious as he is.

"Flustered, what's the matter?"

Lu Yi Leng hum a, for Lu break Yan cure poison, but also by Lu Po Nu to misunderstand, in the heart very angry, but after all is his own son, and just now Lu broke Yan there to wear clothes, how much is easy to be misunderstood.

Lu Po Nu also remembered what he had come to. He quickly took out the black and bright stone and handed it to Lu Yi: "father, feel it for yourself. When I checked this morning, it was almost unbelievable!"

Looking at the black and bright stone, Lu Yi knew that it must be related to the sage who went to the deep sea. Then he took a look at it and slowly stood up.

He is not a person who is prone to mood swings, but at the moment, he is also unavoidably moved. He can probably understand why Lu Po Nu was so impolite just now.

Because there are more than 90 million yuan in that ring, including more than 10 Sea King beast yuan, which is equivalent to the half step sage and the God of creation. It is also countless. This is absolutely a terrible number.

Naturally, Lu's family can collect so much, but it will take at least four thousand years to do it. But now one person can do it easily, and only one night has passed, which makes Lu Yi cautious.

Feeling that most of them are still gods, Lu Yi is even more excited. There must be more sea creatures than human beings, but how much do people hate to kill so much?

Lu Yi doesn't know, but I believe that he can't do it in his own words, because he slaughters 100000 million people. It's OK to say that killing 90 million sea people, even if they know that they are inhumane aliens, there are still some difficulties to accept.

He handed the black and bright stone to luponu, and said in a deep voice, "it's good that you know this thing, and you can't let others know about it. In addition, when the tide of the sea tribe is completely over, all the animal yuan will be rowed away."

"He guessed that he would kill him if he could come to the door. If he didn't dare to come, we would swallow all of them. I believe that with these animal elements, I would be able to understand the most profound way of heaven."

Lu Po Nu did not fall to nod, he knew that this time he could also get a lot of beast yuan, and at the moment that beast yuan is still increasing, who knows what kind of situation it will go to?

Thinking that he might be able to feel a deeper realm, or even become a king, Lu Po Nu's heart was not calm.

However, Lu Yi seemed to be calm a lot, and walked out with his hands on his back: "are you ready?"Lu Po Nu knew what to ask, and quickly replied, "all are ready. As long as our father orders us, we can start."

"Go, go to the emperor's house!" Lu Yi nodded and left in an instant. Lu Po Nu also called the existence of Lu family's holy land.

Soon, all the holy places of Lu's family came to the South China Sea, and the emperor Shitian had already been in a hurry. In addition, Chang'e and Lu Wan were also there. Seeing the women in the two holy places, Lu Po Nu couldn't help looking at them more, because they had never seen them before.

Another person is emperor Qian. Since Chang'e and Lu Wan appeared just now, his eyes have never left their bodies.

"Lord, let's go!"

At the moment, Lu Yi, who had no great interest in the beast yuan's passing, stepped forward and said to Emperor Shitian: "there was no sea tribe in one night. We can see that our judgment is correct. We should go to the deep sea to see what happened."

Emperor Shitian nodded slightly, but said to Emperor Yan, "let's all be careful. If it's feasible, then destroy the sea clan. If you can't, you can leave quickly."

Emperor Yan nodded slightly, then went to one side to convey the meaning of the emperor's interpretation of heaven to all the sages of the emperor's family. Just as he was about to go to one side and go with everyone, Lu Pengyan came to his side.

Emperor Yanwei Leng, but then returned to calm: "two princesses!"

"Crown prince!" Lu broke the face to present a touch of delicate and pure beauty: "the last time I asked you to go to the starry sky for a tour, and then the crown prince you have no news, don't you like to stay with broken face?"

Emperor Yan timely and Lu break Yan to open a little distance, maintain a peaceful situation: "too busy, next time." With that, Emperor Yan went to one side and didn't give Lu a chance to get close to him.

Lu broke Yan and stood in the same place. She was a woman who seemed pure in appearance but warm in heart. All the excellent men she could see wanted to have a try. Among them, Diyan was the most interested, but it was a pity that Diyan didn't seem to be interested in her at all.

If the emperor moved, Lu broken Yan believed that he had already been playing by himself, but unfortunately, although emperor Qian could eat, Lu broke Yan had no interest.

After everything has been arranged, the two families will work together to let those who are not in the Holy Land look after it. If the sea people attack, they will be informed. The appearance of more than 200 saints will make people fear.

Sage's speed is very fast, but along the way in order to observe the situation of the sea, the speed is slow, but even this is also very fast.

Going to the deep sea, people saw scattered sea people, but they did not kill them, because these sea people can not form any threat. If you really dare to go to the shore, they will definitely die very ugly.

When it comes to getting close to the deep sea, even if it is Lu Yi and Emperor Shi Tian, countless people are shocked.

Because the vast sea is covered with sea people's corpses. At first glance, they don't know how many dead. What shocked them most was that many living sea people were eating the dead bodies there.

Thinking of the original infinite sea king eating infinite sage will become strong, the emperor Shitian and Lu Yi look at each other, directly ordered to kill!

More than 200 saints joined hands, and they were in the deep sea area, so there was no need to worry about it. So suddenly, the power of the saints set off a storm. On the sea surface, whether living or dead, all became fragmentary, and a lot of beasts appeared on the void.

Emperor Shi Tian and Lu Yi collected these animal yuan together. On such occasions, in addition to the two of them, the rest of the people did not dare to collect those animal yuan.

Chang'e and Lu Wan did not mean to collect the beast yuan. It is very close to the place where Chu Feng did not enter the deep sea. It is certain that Chu Feng should be in this sea area now, but I don't know what the situation is like now?

At this time, Chu Feng's left eye in the sea had already seen those two sages in the void. Knowing that they would come, he did not expect to come back so soon. He put away the Ming Hong magic sword, the bright moon gun, the sun shooting bow and the purple and gold gourd. Chu Feng thought for a moment, and knew that he would kill the people above. Otherwise, they would inevitably have doubts about the land of the deep sea There are few sea people.

The determined Chu Feng looks into the distance and leaves with flashing body shape. The speed is so fast that the sea people can't detect it.

At this time, there was a gap in the demon Kingdom, which was the only channel. All the sea people who could go out roared out because they had sensed the fighting on the sea.

They have no intelligence, when the people who started to stop them have left.

At the moment, the Chu wind, which has traveled thousands of miles, shakes the purple gourd. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of sea people have been collected from the sea people since last night. In addition, the beast yuan obtained by the killed sea people is enough, so it is not necessary to continue to kill.

Looking around and taking a panoramic view of everything, the sea king appears, but there is no infinite sea king. Will the legendary emperor of the sea exist?

His left eye twinkled and spread for an endless distance. After about half an hour's careful investigation, Chu Feng locked in a hill on the bottom of the sea.It's not that the hill is very beautiful, but Chu Feng's left eye can't penetrate the mountain,,,

in fact

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