Super Healer

Chapter 3211

When people were still thinking about how many artifacts Chu Feng had in the end, they saw that he actually started directly at the emperor.

For a while, I was hesitant. I didn't know whether to go up to help Chu Feng. If Chu Feng died, his artifact would become a thing without owner. If he killed the emperor together, they would lose a lot.

Even there are losses, why not let Chu Feng and the emperor of the sea lose both hands? That would reduce the loss a little.

Many people, including Lu Yi, thought like this. Even some powerful people in the emperor's family had similar ideas. Emperor Yan faintly passed over those people with ghosts and sighed: "I'll help you!"


Chu Feng Haoyue gun forced back the tail swept by the sea emperor, and his eyes firmly said: "I am enough for one person!"

Emperor Yan stopped and frowned slightly. He wanted to see if Chu Feng was bluffing. But in Chu Feng's eyes, all he saw was absolute self-confidence, as if he could be ordinary.

Looking back to the emperor Shitian, the latter is also frowning, but soon said: "brother, you should have such confidence, then we will not intervene. If you need help, just talk."

Emperor yantui came back, and the people in Lu's family didn't mean to fight at all, because they had the same idea, that is, they hoped that Chu Feng and the sea emperor would lose both sides together.

Chu Feng was also very clear about this, but he didn't care at all.

These people's calculations are very good. Chu Feng knows that if he doesn't show any means, he won't be able to do well even if he finally kills the sea emperor. The Emperor may not, but the rest of the people will certainly attack them. The ten magic tools are too important for these people in the divine realm.

Therefore, Chu Feng chose to fight against the emperor of the sea alone, in order to deter these people. If he could kill the Emperor himself, they would be cautious and would not dare to fight.

As for how to kill the emperor of the sea, once Chu Feng doesn't worry about it, Aojiang tells himself. Chu Feng knows that the place where four claws have not yet grown is the weakness of Hai Huang. Of course, Chu Feng will not tell anyone.

Even if there was a dragon clan in this era, people who believed in the dragon clan would not easily tell anyone about their weaknesses. Therefore, they still had great confidence in the emperor Zhan Hai and Chu Feng.

With the help of the powerful power of Haoyue gun and the fierce battle with the emperor of the sea, the surrounding world is full of turbulent atmosphere of magic power. The attack power of Chu wind is very strong, and the leaked power can make people feel very uncomfortable, and also make some people who have thought more dignified.

It seems that the third king has something to be proud of.

"How could that happen?" After hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting with the emperor of the sea, Chu Feng felt something wrong and retreated, because he had already attacked the four claw position more than once just now, but he did not bring any damage to the emperor.

As for whether Aojiang deceived himself, Chu Feng thought it impossible. Aojiang had already submitted himself to him, and there was no need to cheat him. Moreover, Aojiang would be killed without his support. Aojiang himself was very clear about this.

But Aojiang didn't cheat himself. Why didn't the attack have any effect on the emperor?

Chu Feng couldn't think of it at the moment.

Seeing the emperor of the sea coming towards him again, Chu Feng knew that he must be aiming at himself. When he was cold, Chu Feng protected his body with Pangu shield and prepared the Holy Grail of yin and Yang at any time. Once there was any danger, he could protect himself from fatal danger in time.

Once again and the sea emperor in a fierce battle together, began to be frozen by the force of wind and snow, the sea was completely torn because of the war, pieces of floating ice floating on the sea surface.

Emperor Shitian and others just remembered that Chu Feng had just released the power of wind and snow, which was the power of the cultivator.

Is this the third king is a cultivator, but if he is, the battle with the emperor is just a very uncomfortable breath. What's going on?

"The thunder of punishment!"

Without waiting for them to come up with one, Chu Feng stepped on the emperor's back and rose up, and roared, and the sky exploded.

Just like thunder from the ground, the thunder of heavenly punishment fell from the sky and hit the emperor. Although it blocked its speed and could not get close to itself, Chu Feng could see that the thunder could not hurt the emperor at all, as if he was invulnerable.

Squinting his eyes, Chu Feng holds the bright moon gun in his hand. When the emperor of the sea is under the attack of the thunder of God's punishment, he approaches quickly. The heavy force carries the incomparable pressure and falls down, but only makes the emperor shake for a while, and then he opens his mouth fiercely towards Chu Feng.

Just at the moment when it was about to approach, a thunderbolt of natural punishment blocked it, and Chu Feng also took advantage of the situation to retreat a little.

"You see, the claws are out." At this time, a strong man cheered.

Chu Feng's attention has also been attracted in the past, surprised to find that the beginning of just drum up the place began to appear claws, now are so difficult to deal with, and so on, if the claw to grow, it is not more difficult to deal with it?Just as he was about to speed up his attack, Chu Feng suddenly found something unusual, that is, the thunder of heavenly punishment seemed to blow on the emperor of the sea, but more of it seemed to be absorbed by it. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

His eyes are dignified. He thinks that his attack just now seems to have no effect on the emperor. Is it because he has absorbed all his strength?

Then it is really possible to think about it. Chu Feng quickly put away the thunder of punishment. At the moment that the thunder of punishment disappeared, the emperor of the sea raised his head and roared into the sky, which confirmed Chu Feng's idea that the emperor of the sea was absorbing the power of the thunder.

What kind of monster is it that can absorb the power of nature?

His left eye twinkles, and Chu Feng dodges the newly attacked emperor of the sea. At the same time, he is also carefully observing everything about it. His body is more than 100 meters long, and he has not let go of any details. He can't find any weakness.

But if you can't find a weakness, it's not easy to kill the emperor. Chu Feng has a direct perspective on the emperor and wants to see what his internal organs are like. At first, there is a black and bright package that can't be seen. Now it is OK.

Only when Chu Feng looked into the emperor's body, the whole person was completely shocked.

Because there is no blood or flesh in the body of the emperor of the sea, not to mention the meridians and so on, it makes Chu Feng who wants to find out where the heart of the emperor is. Because the body of the emperor is completely a situation of the intersection of purple and gold, it can be said that the emperor is not a life, but an energy body.

Not life, energy body?

The wings of Chu wind and magic light dodged for a long distance. Looking at the sea emperor who came to him quickly, he was not a living body. Why could he still be guarded by ten infinite sea kings of the sea clan? And when he was attacked by himself on the black and bright stone hidden in it, the whole sea people were crazy.

The eyebrows stirred twice, and Chu Feng suddenly woke up. Is the Emperor just a legend, not a powerful sea people? The real reason is that the emperor is the soul of the sea.

Because it is a self formed spiritual pulse, it is equal to living creatures, and it is generally valued by the sea people. The significance of its existence is to provide the aura of heaven and earth under the ocean, so that the aura under the ocean is much stronger than that on the land?

In this way, combined with the situation in the emperor's body, Chu Feng can be sure that the emperor of the sea is the spiritual pulse. It is only because of its powerful spiritual power that it becomes a living creature. And the reason why the sea people appear is because of its existence.

Slowly, Chu Feng's dignified look dissipated, and his face twinkled in his eyes. This is a spiritual pulse. If you take it back and put it into the demon world, it will definitely change the demon world. Maybe it is possible to make the demon world into a wasteland world.

Then it's really time for natural selection.

At the beginning, if you don't see through it, you can see that the emperor of the sea is the spiritual pulse, and Chu Feng also dispels his killing heart, because he is immortal at all. What kind of way can we collect the sea emperor and become the source of spiritual pulse in his demon world?

It's better than using the magic realm to absorb the natural aura of heaven and earth to supplement the demon world.

It's a source of all kinds of power.

Just thinking about it, the voice of snow colored clothes rang out in my mind: "demon God, use your strongest power to drive my strongest wind and snow force. You can freeze the emperor directly. As long as it is the existence of energy body, it is not a problem."

Hearing the voice of snow and neon clothes, Chu Feng's eyes coagulated. After nodding his head, the breath changed in an instant. At the beginning, it was the rolling situation of magic power. At this moment, it became a kind of breath that wanted harmony to the extreme.

Everyone was puzzled to see Chu Feng, how could he evade the emperor and not fight. Did he think that this would consume the emperor's strength.

Everyone did not want to understand what this is doing, chufeng suddenly burst out: "ice!"

All of a sudden, the surrounding air was cold, even the saints could not help shaking, because it was too cold, and under the powerful force of wind and snow, the speed of the emperor of the sea began to slow down a little bit, and finally it was suspended in the air, completely unable to move.

However, Chu Feng didn't take it lightly, and continued to drive the force of wind and snow. According to snow nishang, it was necessary to give absolute freezing. In this way, the vitality of the sea emperor's spiritual pulse could be frozen to death, and then the absolute pure spiritual pulse would be left behind.

The sea emperor with life activity can not be afraid of any attack by Chu wind just now, but it is still hard to resist the force of wind and snow, which can even freeze the invisible flame. Chu Feng is also glad that he has started to make a spiritual accommodation contract with the snow colored clothes.

Otherwise, he can only watch the spirit vein slip away from his eyes. Of course, Chu Feng has made a decision and can't let the people present know that it is a spiritual pulse.

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