Super Healer

Chapter 3218

Lu Po Nu regretted it!

After Chu Feng killed more than 30 saints with Minghong magic sword in his hand, he finally regretted it. He thought that no matter how powerful a king was, he would consume at most a dozen saints. But now he knows that he is wrong, and his mistake is far from the mark.

From the beginning to the present, Chu Feng has killed more than 30 saints, and his whole body has not been injured at all, or even his strength has been exhausted.

Although the saints of Lu's family have been coming, but now Lu Po Nu has no confidence at all.

As for stopping to let Chu Feng go, Lu Po Nu never thought about it. Until now, so many saints have died. Unless Chu Feng dies, he will not only be unable to continue to be the crown prince, but also will not even have the little life.

What can't a living family bring endless benefits?

So even if he knew that the final outcome might not be very good, Lu Po Nu didn't mean to stop at the moment. He could only hope that Chu Feng would be killed accidentally, and only Chu Feng would die. Lu's family got several artifacts. Maybe he still had a little hope.

Otherwise, Lu Po Nu did not dare to think about the consequences any more, because he was very clear that he could not afford the consequences.


Lu Po Shan was always against it from the beginning. At the moment, Lu Po Nu even went all the way to the black. She was also angry: "let everyone stop immediately, or you will be finished when your father wakes up from the settled state."

Lu Po Nu clenched his fists and looked at Lu Yi. However, he didn't want to hear what Lu Po Shan said. He only knew that he must suppress things before Lu Yi woke up. Maybe Lu Yi would not know how many people died after colluding with good words.

It has to be said that Lu Yi is still very smart and has ideas at the moment, but under the absolute strength of Chu Feng, it is doomed to play a little role.

As for the reason why Chu Feng is so powerful, it is because Pangu shield is defending in his Shenzhou. If you are careful, the attack power of these saints can't give him too much damage. Of course, the main reason is that Minghong's magic sword is so strong that the saints dare not get close to him.

Of course, Chu Feng can kill at this moment, and his own strength is also related, but doomed to these Lu Po Nu they do not know, all thinking is to let Chu Feng die.

The movement here has also shaken the whole primitive earth. Many people who rely on their own strength come to watch over the palace. Even emperor Shitian comes with his deferred brothers and sisters. It seems shocking to see Chu Feng fighting alone with the sage of Lu family.

Diyuan is a heart already fluttering: "father, he?"

"Watch first!" Emperor Shitian knew what Diyuan wanted to say, but now he couldn't say anything, so he raised his hand to interrupt Diyuan.

I also know that after this evening, the strength of the Lu family will not be suppressed on the emperor's family. The sage owned by the emperor's family will surpass that of the Lu family. The most important thing is that Chu Feng and the Lu family have formed a grudge, which is absolutely not easy to forget.

Emperor Shitian is also glad that he and Chu Feng have not become enemies, otherwise at this moment will inevitably suffer from merciless suppression.

Looking at the Chu Feng in the battle, Emperor Shitian asked himself that he could kill more than a dozen saints, but he could not do so. It may be because chufeng had artifact, but he preferred to believe that chufeng was powerful.

Because if a person's strength is not strong enough, no matter how powerful the weapon is, there is no way to do it. People with enough strength are also needed to give full play to the absolute power of weapons.

For Chu Feng, Emperor Shitian had an idea in his heart. He could only be a friend, not an enemy.

At the moment, Chu Feng has already killed more than 40 Lu family sages. After breaking a saint again, Chu Feng directly ascended to the top of the sky. Looking at the Lu family sages who were full of killing intention, he sighed: "if you don't stop, I'll be impolite!"

Lu Po Nu's eyes were already red, so many saints died. Even if they got 400 million yuan, it was no use. Moreover, so many people around him saw that the reputation of Lu family was destroyed.

If you let Chu Feng go, I believe he will not live till tomorrow morning.

Therefore, in the face of Chu Feng's words, Lu Po Nu completely thought that he had not heard, and waved his big hand: "give me up, kill him."

Lu family saints also killed red eyes. No matter Chu Feng was the third king, they all launched a powerful attack. Except for Lu Yi's palace, which was still intact, the whole palace had been destroyed. If it was not suppressed by others in the periphery, it would have spread to the whole imperial city. It would have been a disaster.

Chufeng sighed, and the Holy Grail of yin and Yang appeared directly in the air, and suddenly there was a pleasant sound. It was only relative to Chu Feng and other people. For Lu family saint, it was like thunder and thunder constantly ringing in his ears, which was very uncomfortable.When these Lu family sages were distracted, Chu Feng also offered a purple gourd and threw out the Ming Hong magic sword. The sword spirit of thousands of magic swords was rampant, which made the Lu family sages in a hurry. The sword Qi itself did not hurt them very much, but there was interference from the Holy Grail of yin and Yang, and the danger of purple gourd made them more or less injured.

But if Chu Feng's means were only these, then it would not be Chu Feng. When the three artifact launched oppression together, Chu Feng also offered a bright moon gun and quickly passed by. If Lu's family were so persistent, then let them die one by one.

Faced with Chu Feng's means, Lu's family was a little miserable. They resisted the interference brought by the Holy Grail of yin and Yang, avoided the rampage of the magic sword and the strong attraction of purple gourd, but finally they could not escape from Chu Feng's hands.

Chu Feng's methods are so many that they can't block the same situation.

On the outer dome of the sky, the people who watched the war saw Chu Feng killing Lu family sages with great emotion, especially Diyuan. She felt that Chu Feng was extraordinary in the early days. At the moment, when she saw Chu Feng's wild attitude, her heart was beating.

As a royal family, the Lu family has the highest status in the ancient universe. No one dares to challenge the authority of the Lu family. Even if there is one, it has already died.

It is absolutely unprecedented for Chu Feng to kill directly in the Lu family palace, because that kind of fierce and powerful fighting power can not be displayed by everyone. It is the ruthlessness that can be exercised only after killing countless people.

Her legs were slightly clamped. Seeing Lu Wan and Chang'e also coming, she narrowed her eyes and decided to have a good relationship with Chu Feng's woman. Maybe she could take Chu Feng safely.

"How about the emperor's moving?"

At this time, Emperor Shitian found something and frowned and asked, "didn't he always like to be lively? Don't you come to see and learn from such a great war? "

The emperor yuan was stunned and looked around, only to find that the emperor Qian, who always liked to be lively, was not there. She shook her head to show that she did not know.

Emperor Yan drew back his eyes, sighed that there were too many dead people, and said in a soft voice: "the second younger brother was injured while annihilating the Hai nationality. I will let him go back to the imperial city this afternoon. It may be that the injury is not good, so I don't want to come."

Emperor Shitian frowned and didn't ask any more questions. The original intention was to let emperor Qian and others see the fury of the battle of Chu Feng and learn some experience from it. Now that no one has come, there is no need to pay attention to it.

The battle continued, and the corpses of Lu family saints were added to the ground, and even more than a dozen Lu family saints were inhaled into the purple and gold gourd. Faced with the endless means of Chu Feng, no one dared to say that they were intact.

Lu Po Nu's face was completely pale. Now the number of dead saints is close to 70. It is impossible to make up for the amount of beast yuan and artifact, because it is related to the family foundation.

With the death of the saints who started fighting with the Hai people, Lu's family had already reached the point of breaking bones and muscles. A cold sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously. He knew that he was really finished this time. There was a sense of regret in his intestines. How did he choose to go to war?

Lupinu also wanted to blame others, but found that all this was pushed by him. Without his command, all this would not have happened.

The body swayed slightly and stepped back a few steps. Seeing that nearly 80% of the sages of the Lu family came, and 70 of them died. Who can afford such a loss?

Chu Feng also at this time, the bright moon gun waved through a Lu family saint's body, but also directly bumped into his body, that Lu family Saint hit on the ground, it is impossible to remember.

Haoyue gun drooping, Chu wind left eye flashing blood red light, swept Lu family: "who will die?"

In a word, Lu family seems to wake up in general, one by one to see the dead Lu family saints on the ground are pale, knowing that this time the Lu family is injured.

The eyes also coincided to look at Lu Po Nu, all of which were pushed by him. What should we do now?

What's more, they also heard the voices of people around them. It turned out that the matter of the night was that luponu had dropped 300 million yuan of the third king, so the third king would have killed him.

Although the people around are very quiet, but that kind of ridicule is easy to hear, Lu family are very angry.

Naturally, luponu heard about it, but he would not allow it to go away tonight. Like many gamblers, he always felt that he would win if he gambled.

"Everyone watching, who is willing to help me Lu family, we Lu family will be grateful."

"What's more, this man has several of the ten magic tools and 400 million animal dollars. Killing him is ours, even if he is a king."

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