Super Healer

Chapter 3225

When Chu Feng decided to help the emperor explain heaven in the first universe era, it was a disaster for people in the seventh universe era. Everything came without warning, even before it was reflected, everything had already happened.

Suddenly, ten saints appeared in the wild demon domain, which directly made Leng Rushuang and Aojiang lose their fighting power and control everything. If they don't, they will directly kill them. There will be no second sentence.

Ten saints also appeared in the spirit world. William lost his final combat effectiveness without being qualified for the first World War and was controlled together with the Protoss. The whole spirit world can be said to be suffering from many disasters. However, they feel that this is the biggest disaster. How can the ten saints resist when they come here?

It is not only the wild demon realm and the spiritual world, but also the modern world has ushered in extraordinary disasters. There are also ten saints coming. Although they did not kill, the depression and depression brought to the modern world by their own living on one side is hard to explain.

The alliance formed at the beginning of each country decided to go to war, even the most powerful weapons were used, but for the ten saints, it did not play any role at all.

At the end of the day, more and more countries have begun to take care of themselves, preparing to study ways to leave the earth or to live underground, because the ten saints have brought them too much pressure, which is too much for them to bear.

Similarly, in the world or power associated with Chu Feng, there are saints coming, no accident.

In the present world, the Xuanyuan family is under control. In front of the saints, the God of nature can not play any role. At the same time, the ruling house of the hidden world is also under control, and Xuanyuan in Zhongzhou is also under control. Even the temple world is completely controlled, and it is directly controlled by satina.

And she is carrying 30 saints and dead men. Such power makes people in the temple world dare not have any action at all, because if there is any action in front of such absolute power, it is not responsible for their own life.

In addition to the hidden world, the spirit world, the wild demon domain and the modern world were suppressed, and the four forces of the Xiuzhen world were also suppressed.

The four ancestors returned to their power planet with five saints and dead men respectively, and the four forces were under control from top to bottom. So far, all the worlds were under the control of nothingness. As long as it ordered, the whole world would be destroyed, countless stars would fall, and the world would fall into darkness.

In such an extremely repressed atmosphere, people are thinking not why satina has recovered her strength, but where Chu Feng has gone.

Because things came very suddenly, suddenly to the extent that they did not respond, and from the event to the world was under control, Chu Feng did not appear.

Chu Feng is now the most powerful man in the world, and there are several saints under him. If he doesn't appear, we don't know who can resist what's happening now. However, no matter how much they expect, if Chu Feng doesn't appear, then it doesn't appear, and we don't know where to go.

But for the present situation, we do not know how to explain, because the nihility is still hidden behind the scenes, all of which are made by satina.

Although we all know that there is someone behind satina, it is just who this person is, except for a small number of insiders, no one can know.

And the trace of Chu Feng, even if it is Yihong and others are not clear, as if the world disappeared in general.

"Has he not appeared yet?"

In the temple of King Wu, he appeared in an ethereal way, sat on the throne of King Wu and looked at the quiet and dead outside: "does he really not care about the life and death of these people and worry about the safety of the world?"

This sentence seems to be asking satina, but also nihility is asking itself.

The fate is disordered, it can't see anything, what's more, it can't change anything. Chu wind is its biggest layout, and it's the key to whether it can achieve entity. If Chu wind doesn't appear, then its layout will lose its significance. Even if all the worlds will collapse, nothingness will not be happy.

Dignity is what it wants. Now it hopes that Chu Feng will appear. Otherwise, it will lose after the reorganization of fate. In order not to let itself lose, nothingness will destroy the whole ancient universe before the fate reorganization.

Satina stood quietly aside, for the nihility problem, she said without fluctuation: "if Chu Feng knows, it will appear. I know him very well. He hasn't appeared yet. There are only two possibilities, either there is a conspiracy, or we don't know the current situation."

"I have interrogated Yihong and the five saints, and they don't know where Chu Feng is now."

Nihilism believed that situ ya did not dare to deceive himself, and he could not get any benefits by cheating him. Even now, no one knows where Chu Feng is, which shows that Chu Feng is really gone.

Stand up, nihilism eyes flashing a dark color: "dream and snow Ying?"

After the start of the operation, both Meng and Xue Ying appeared. However, after the first World War, they were seriously injured, but they disappeared for no reason. Until now, no one has been found.Satina looked down and said, "I don't know, but I'm sending someone to look for it."

Nothingness narrowed her eyes and looked at satianna lightly: "well, what I want is to find Chu Feng, but if I can't find Chu Feng, it doesn't matter. I only give ten days. If Chu Feng doesn't appear after ten days, then you can let all the saints and dead men destroy the whole universe, and I will usher in a new era."

Satina replied, "yes!"

The nothingness then disappeared without a trace. Satyana stood there without surprise or joy. After about ten minutes, she turned and walked into the backyard of King Wu's temple.

Then a dazzling door flashed, satina walked into it, directly to the present world, looking at the sky and night, suspended above the sky, satina's eyes were peaceful, looking at the city night from afar, without waves.

All of a sudden, they flickered away and appeared on the top of the imperial city. Looking at the huge manor below, you could vaguely see a few big words at the door: Huangfu villa!

With a sigh, satina landed quickly, and a few flashes appeared in a place like a basement.

And after she appeared, she saw two people, dream and Xueying!

The two were originally sitting. When satina appeared, they also stood up. There was a bit of vigilance in their eyes, but they could not feel the anger towards satina.

"You can hate me and scold me like everyone else, but I don't care."

Satina nodded slightly, calm as water said: "tonight I am the last time to see you, it seems that your injury has almost recovered, so I don't say anything else, stay here and don't go out, at least you don't go out before Chu Feng doesn't appear. Understand what I mean?"

Meng and Xueying look at each other. They both don't understand satyana. When they were about to be killed, she secretly let them go, and arranged for them to come to the modern world and hide in a basement of the Huangfu family.

This underground chamber was built a long time ago. Few people in Huangfu family know about it, so it is safe. But why did satyana do that?

Satyana turned around and obviously did not mean to explain: "I know you want to go to the devil's world, but you'd better give up this idea. I can't find the demon world, and the rest of us can't find it, but nothingness can still be found. It's waiting for you to show up and ask you where Chu Feng has gone

As the voice fell, satina disappeared directly, and the atmosphere in the underground chamber also eased.

Two people sat down, snow Ying did not understand the opening: "Miss Xi dream, why does satina want to help us?"

"Maybe this is her!" Dream eyes also have puzzled, but compared to Xueying to know a little more: "once she was cruel because of the heaven and earth Yin and Yang technique and love forgetting pill, but when Chu Feng abandoned her, everything disappeared."

"Now she is her, the most pure and kind-hearted Protoss princess. Maybe now,,"

Xue Ying is stunned: "what?"

"That's my guess." Dream sighed back: "maybe now, she would not hesitate to be scolded by the outside world, just want to do something around the nothingness. I always have a feeling that satina will not let anyone down this time."

Snow Ying micro frown, for the dream said not very understand, perhaps also because she did not know too much about satina.

But snow Ying also did not go to the top of the ox's horn, because of the impact of the injury, gently coughed and asked: "Miss Xi Meng, the devil God, where did they go, you don't know?"

At first, Xueying just knows that Chu Feng has taken people to the soul world, but human beings can't stay in the soul world for a long time. Now that long time has passed, Chu Feng must have been out of the soul world.

Meng shook his head with a wry smile: "maybe only the master of the world knows where they have gone, but we can rest assured that when we should come back, they will come back naturally. However, we should be more careful. Now all the realms are under the control of nothingness. If we are not careful, we may die."

Xueying nodded slightly, but there are still some questions in the heart after all, where did Chu Feng go, unable to contact, still need so long time?

But even dream can not explain, snow Ying is not good to continue to ask, but also think of the sudden return of snow Wuqing, no sense of self-determination, know must be controlled by nothingness.

He clenched his fists and clenched his teeth and said, "nothingness is bound to die hard."

Dream light smile, the heart is not so think, nothingness is really damned, but nihility is a symbol of fate, fate is still, nothingness will not die.

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