Super Healer

Chapter 3264

Chu Feng met Zhang Hanyun, and they arranged the last thing, and then left the earth, to the hidden world!

Lin's village has gone back to see it, and the matter of the adjudication office has been settled. He got together with Li Ji and explained all the things. Chu Feng didn't have much to remember, because the more he remembered, he just wavered in his decision.

So Chu Feng did not stay too much, just waiting for the arrival of that day.

Chu Feng, who returned to the hidden world, did not go to the temple world, but went directly to tianmeng pass under the south city of the four main cities.

Although there are a lot of beauties, they have already agreed. So naturally, it is to be done.

From the sky, directly to the Lord's house.

Looking around, Chu Feng was astonished. He thought that the Lord's house would be better after sister Nu Zimeng came back. He didn't want to be the same. It seems that it is not easy to get together after the hearts are scattered. Moreover, the Nu purple dream sister is a daughter. Some people who leave the Lord's house naturally don't want to be bound and governed by others, or even by two women.

But it's also a good thing. Chu Feng doesn't want too many unrelated people waiting to enter the future demon world. Except for the people he is sure of, the rest of the people will be divided into the rest of the interface according to the 369 degree. Whether they can get to the demon world depends on their nature.

Walking towards the back, Chu Feng's left eye twinkled and searched for nu Zi Meng's figure. In a garden, she saw Nu Zi's sisters. In addition to them, Nan Aowen was also a little surprised.

"Feng Shao, that son of a bitch is not playing you?"

Chu Feng just walked to the gate of the garden, he heard the voice of angry purple bud's dissatisfaction: "he will come to pick you up after he has settled on the nihility, but now he is running to the world. Sister, you have been cheated."

"Purple bud!" Angry purple dream face red, if Nan Aowen is not in, then talk about it. Today, Nan Aowen happens to come over, and nu purple bud even says it. Nu purple dream's heart is somewhat shy.

Because to now know her and Chu Feng that point of relationship, is only angry purple bud.

Sure enough, heard the words of angry purple bud, Nan Ao Wen was a little surprised, but did not show too much, just a faint smile: "so you and the wind less relationship is not bad."

The meaningful words let the angry purple dream blush, and the eyes dodged did not know what to say.

All of a sudden, I saw Chu Feng standing there with a helpless face at the gate of the garden. Blinking his eyes, nu purple dream suddenly stood up: "less wind!"

Nu zilei and Nan Aowen are both stunned. Subconsciously, they look back and see that it is Chu Feng. They also stand up. The former lowers his head and looks uneasy. When he thinks that he even scolds the son of a bitch of Chu Feng, he must have been heard. Won't he be angry?

Gently coughing, Chu Feng as nothing happened, went to the South Ao Wen nodded, and then said to the angry purple dream: "it seems that we can go."

If there is someone in the Lord's house, nu Zi Meng still needs some time to explain and arrange. But now there is no one in the Lord's house, then there is no need for such trouble. The Nu purple dream sisters whose families have been destroyed will not have much concern.

Anger purple dream at the moment a heart is beating, know this time with the Chu wind, it is equivalent to his woman.

For a long time, the idea of Nu Zi Meng is to find a man stronger than herself, a man who can make her proud. At that time, she thought more about the land of Zhongzhou. But now when she meets Chu Feng, nu Zi Meng has an incredible feeling, which is completely beyond her original choice for the other half.

Thinking of seeing Chu Feng for the first time, the latter directly hugged her with a kiss. A faint shyness and sweetness appeared in the heart of the angry purple dream, and nodded gently: "en!"

Light door then flashed, Chu Feng said: "you and miss zilei go to the temple of King Wu first, then I will take you directly away."

Angry purple dream at the moment has been too shy, a little afraid to face Chu Feng, smell speech took Nu purple Lei's hand and walked into the light door, even forgot to say hello to Nan Aowen.

Light door scattered, Chu wind see South Ao Wen still standing there staring at himself, asked: "Wen princess, something?"

"Little wind, are you really stupid or fake silly?" Nan Aowen shook her head with a wry smile and said: "your announcement in the present world has been spread all over the world. Although I don't know what you want to do, it must be a great action. I don't know if my aunt and sister can have the honor to go with the little wind?"

Chu Feng startled: "at first, you are not going back to the South City?"

Nanaowen was also a little embarrassed. At first, they really advocated to go back to Nancheng. Originally, they wanted to rebuild the city Lord's house. However, because the city Lord's house had been destroyed for several years, there was no way to rebuild it. Some people either died, or went to the land of Zhongzhou or even the Xuanyuan family.

Even if you can barely gather some people, there is not much effect.

Gently exhaled a breath, Nan Aowen said: "Aoxue sister is talking about you every day, so my aunt and I mean, if you like, we will go with you, anyway, the city Lord's house has been unable to get up."After hearing this Chu Feng, I understood Nan Aowen's meaning. I dare say that there is little hope for rebuilding the city Lord's mansion. If it is rebuilt, it will take a lot of time. Several women certainly do not have the energy.

In the future, the demon world will be the main world, vast and endless, and there is nothing more than a few more people. Moreover, Nan Aowen is a superior God. In the future, they will automatically go to the demon world by dividing them into 369 and so on. There is no need for Nan Aowen to say that they will eventually go to the demon world.

It is not so easy to see the devil's hall or other areas of the demon world. If you want to go to other areas of the demon world, it is not so easy to go to the demon hall.

Of course, Chu Feng didn't say much now: "you go back and prepare to go down to the temple of King Wu!"

The voice fell, the Chu wind broke through the air, and the speed was so fast that it disappeared in a moment.

Looking at the sky which has not seen Chu Feng's figure, Nan Aowen's eyes flashed with curiosity: "eternal supreme, what kind of state is that? Can it destroy nothingness? "

However, nanaowen didn't know what kind of terrifying state the supreme being was in ancient times. Finally, she got rid of the tangled thoughts. Now, it is most important for her to become the God of creation. It is useless to think about other things at the moment.

Moreover, there is no one supreme in ancient times. There can only be one. If Chu Feng does not die, then no one can become supreme. Now, who can let Chu Feng die?

Chufeng left across endless distance, soon arrived at the land of Zhongzhou, and landed in Yimen with a clear goal.

Looking around, no one was too surprised by his arrival. Of course, it was also because they didn't know Chu Feng. It was also because Yimen was the channel connecting Xuanyuan family. Others only thought Chu Feng was passing by. Of course, Chu Feng concealed his breath and did not release it completely.

Otherwise, the supreme breath surging, these people can not care, that is impossible.

His left eye twinkled, Chu Feng went to one side, and there was no one to stop him. He came to a courtyard. When he walked in, he saw a woman in white sitting there quietly. Who else could he be?

Chu Feng came to Zhongzhou Yimen this time to find Bai He. The latter abandoned his pride and became his maid. Finally, he left because of his dream. Naturally, Chu Feng would never forget that sometimes he was alone. When he wanted to talk to someone, he found that Bai He was no longer there.

Maybe there is no love, just used to have such a person around.

The slight sound of footsteps also attracted Bai He's attention. When he looked back and saw the people coming, he subconsciously blinked his eyes. Originally, he thought he was wrong, but when it was really Chu Feng who was serious, Bai He stood up and said, "master!"

"Thought you had forgotten me." Chufeng Wenrun a smile to go over and sit down, the performance is very natural, beckoning white lotus to sit down and smile: "how, the gas disappeared?"

It has been nearly a year since Bai He left. Bai He has been no longer angry. She is very clear about her position. It is good to be a maid of Chu Feng. It is unrealistic to ask for others. Moreover, Chu Feng is very good to her. Bai He can't deny that she is worried about Chu Feng's fight against nihility.

Maybe Chu Feng did treat her like that because of her dream, but Bai He believes that even if there is no dream, he will become the maid of Chu Feng and the maid who warms the bed occasionally sooner or later. It's just that things come suddenly and people can't accept it.

At the moment, Chu Feng asked whether Qi had disappeared. Bai He was a little nervous. He lowered his head there and didn't know how to say it.

"Come with me!"

Chu Feng did not continue to tease white lotus, solemnly said: "although now I want to how many maid can serve, but no one is better than you do, and I am used to you serving, how?"

Bai He raised her head. She knew that Chu Feng must be looking for herself, but she didn't expect that Chu Feng was coming to take him away.

Tears can not help but stay, suddenly knelt on the ground: "master, white lotus will not be willful, as long as you can continue to follow you, I will not care about anything, even if, even if Miss dream continues to adhere to me."

Chu Feng got up and pulled Bai He up and wiped the tears from her eyes: "no, no one will attach to you, you are you."

White lotus nodded gently: "yes, master!"

Pinching Bai He's face, Chu Feng asked, "go now, or say goodbye to your father and them?"

"I'm the master's, and I've met my father once since I came back." White lotus looks a stagnant, light voice of the return road.

Chu Feng knew that Bai he couldn't let go of the thing that Yimen had abandoned her at the beginning. He didn't force him to open the light door: "let's go, go back to the demon world!"

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