Super Healer

Chapter 3267

Three days, as promised!

Eighteen beams of light fell from the earth and connected them between the heaven and the earth. Chu Feng also made a declaration through the secular power of the adjudication office, telling the world some things, because they had the right to know all this. For a while, there were turbulent waves within the scope of the earth.

The reason why Chu Feng did this is to give everyone a chance, because their future has been made by nothingness at the beginning. Now let them choose their own life again. Is it to be an ordinary person to stay on the earth, or to go to a world that will never come back and pursue martial arts and power!

At the same time, Chu Feng once again gave a three-day time limit. After three days, those who have reached the angry period and do not leave will bear the consequences themselves. As for the consequences, Chu Feng did not say, because many things have not been experienced by anyone, they will not understand.

When there are 18 beams connecting heaven and earth on the earth, which can bring all people to the land of Longteng, the five forbidden areas also have their own 18 beams, and the small world under them also has light beams. As long as you walk into the light beams, you will naturally leave the planet world where you are.

As for the five forbidden areas and the heaven, the rules of Chu Feng are even more cruel. After seven days, all channels will disappear, and the future planets will be independent and inaccessible, unless we develop a super scientific and technological civilization.

In this regard, Chu Feng also set a cruel rule on the five forbidden areas, that is, all those who have become Tianyuan period must leave, or they will die, and some people who have not reached it will leave automatically once they become the strong ones in Tianyuan period in the future.

Because Chu Feng announced a few days ago, many people thought that it was just for the strong on earth to let them go to the five forbidden areas. They never thought that it was not only the earth, but the whole ancient universe.

Many people don't want to leave, but Chu Feng is supreme. Who can resist the rules he made?

All the people in the world are thinking about whether they should go or not.

On the first day, no one from the earth and the five forbidden areas went to the land of Longteng, and Chu Feng was not worried. He believed that someone would go there later.

Nothingness has already worked out everything in the land of Longteng. As long as they enter the light beam, they will be divided into different plates according to themselves. No matter whether they are a family or how, they will be separated and re divided according to their strength.

Of course, Chu Feng also made nothingness build many empires and city states on various plates. Different people will go to different regions.

Nothingness is fate and the way of heaven. She can accomplish all this with one idea. With the instruction of Chu Feng, it will be much simpler.

On the next day, people from the five forbidden areas on earth began to enter the beam channel, and Chu Feng returned to the temple of King Wu.

King Wu's temple has always been valued by him. Chu Feng is ready to tie it completely with the demon world. Of course, only the temple area can be incorporated into the core of the demon world. The rest will be in other areas of the demon world. If you want to enter the demon world, you should comply with the rules.

The determined Chu Feng did not waste time. He used his supreme power to integrate the temple world into the demon world. At the same time, he took away the judgment Office of the hidden world. In addition, he also pulled out the Xuanyuan family. The demon world will be the main world of the Dragon kingdom in the future. There will always be some forces existing in order to form order.

After finishing the temple of King Wu, Xuanyuan family still has a place to judge the hidden world. Chu Feng then goes to the lost country and takes away some disciples of Guanghan palace according to Chang'e's will, but only part of them are selected. The rest will be allocated to the rest according to the will of nothingness.

Then he went to the spirit world and the wild demon domain, and integrated the two big worlds into the demon world.

Since then, in addition to the core of the demon hall, there were several more forces in the surrounding city states, such as Yin clan, Guanghan palace, Lingjie God King Hall, Xuanyuan family, King Wu Temple and so on, all of which belonged to the second class forces in the mainland of Longteng.

The third level of subordinates is the central plate, and the fourth level is the eight plates. The eight plates are distinguished by the imperial city states, and the hierarchy has reached the strictest level, which is much more complete than the order of the five forbidden areas in the past.

In addition, the four forces of the Xiuzhen world were also divided into the demon world by Chu Feng. In addition to the blade snow sect and the Xi family valued by dream, the other two were divided into Xuanyuan family and some of them were outside.

And how to get to the demon world? Nothingness has been set according to the meaning of Chu Feng. That is, every thousand years, the demon world will be opened once, and only those who have passed the examination can enter it. This will enable the whole dragon kingdom to fight bravely and forget the ancient universe!

Take away all the people who should be received from the demon world, and let nihility continue to improve the land of dragon Teng, set it according to different regions, and then ignore it. He believes that nihility must be full of energy now, because except for the demon world, the whole land of dragon Teng has been handed over to her to make order.

Chu Feng also returned to the earth in the morning of the third day and landed directly in fengteng garden. Liuyan and others from Jianghai had already arrived, but they were not very excited one by one.Chu Feng knew their thoughts and didn't say much, because no matter how much they said, it was useless. The reality was so cruel that he could not change the rules for the sake of these women's relatives. If the ancient universe wants to develop, the strong must leave.

Glancing over everyone's faces, Chu Feng opened the channel to the demon world: "all go in, but you can't come back after entering. Do you think about it?"

Chu Feng saw that some people didn't show up, including some of her own beauties. For example, Yao Qianxue was not among them. Chu Feng knew her mind and wanted to raise her parents' old age. Chu Feng had nothing to do with it. In addition, several other people did not appear. Chu Feng probably understood.

Because of the fate, everything goes with the fate, Chu wind will not be too strong, now there are things on the earth that they remember, don't want to leave it doesn't matter, as for the future chufeng has no more to think about, life is free!

Those who don't go with him show that he doesn't have something important in their heart. Why do they insist on it?

Everyone hesitated and began to walk into the channel of the demon world. Looking at the people who went in one by one, Chu Feng closed his eyes and glanced at the desolation. He knew that everyone chose to leave, but his heart was still uncomfortable, but Chu Feng also believed that they would soon adapt to the new world.

"Brother chufeng!"

At last, Huangfu Ruoxi and Huangfu ruodie came to their side. The former mumbled ruddy mouth: "do you want me? If you want me, I'll follow my sister. If you don't want me, I won't go. "

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched fiercely. Seeing Huangfu ruodie staring at himself with bad eyes, he coughed gently: "are you willing to give up your sister?"

"Yes, too." Huangfu Ruoxi blinked his eyes and hugged Huangfu Ruo die's hand: "then I'll go with my sister, but in the future you'll take care of me and care for me, do you know?"

Chu Feng nodded with a wry smile and watched them walk into the channel of the demon world. The rest of them were still coming. There were even people who Chu Feng didn't expect, but there was nothing to stop them. They even wanted to go there.

After more than an hour, Lin Yuner's family finally came. I think they know it from others, but they are all ordinary people. Chu Feng frowned slightly: "do you want to go too?"

Lin Yuner looked back at his parents and nodded: "yes!"

Chu Feng didn't ask why, but called situ ya to come over and said to her, "all the ordinary people who went in just now were arranged to go to the demon God hall. One person gave them a set of mental skills. After that, the demon hall must be a strong one."

Situ Ya nodded and took Lin Yuner's family into the room. Chu Feng looked into the distance and saw many people leaving through the beam. Obviously, this was the last day, and some people didn't want to gamble.

"Little Lord, should there be no one?" Yujie saw that no one came back, only the guard of fengteng garden looked in the distance and asked in a low voice.

"Wait a minute." Chu Feng shakes his head: "Xia Yan is not seen yet!"

Xia Yan has indicated that he wants to follow him, but he has not seen anyone yet. Chu Feng is quite strange.

Just thinking about whether Xia Yan still had something to solve and why he didn't see anyone on the last day, Xia Yan came at the door, sweating: "fortunately, I caught up, or I would have to go through other channels, just,," "

Xia Yan flashed a bitter smile:" it's just that I can't find my lonely life. I saw him some days ago, and I can't contact him now What to do? "

Chu Feng smiles and pats Xia Yan's shoulder: "go first, you will see lonely life in the demon hall!"

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and walked into the demon world. At the entrance of the passage, Chu Feng pointed a little: "look at it. After an hour, the channel of demon world will be closed automatically. Maybe there are some people who want to go and have not come yet."

Chu Feng left fengteng garden and went straight ahead. Under a tree, he saw a man drinking with his back against the tree. Who could he be?

Chu Feng stepped forward and took a sip of lonely life's wine: "wait for someone else?"

Lonely nodded: "Qing, Jennifer, even Mariana has gone in, but I didn't see Jesse!"

Twisting his neck, Chu Feng took another sip of wine: "do you think she will come?"

"Yes Lonely life Leng for a moment, and then slightly nodded.

In the tone of loneliness with a little uncertainty, Chu Feng's left eye twinkled and showed a smile: "you are right, she's coming, but what if she doesn't want to go with you? Why don't I ask you to stay and wait until she's a hundred years from now

Lonely face changed solemn, looking at the distance a figure is coming towards this side, gently shaking his head: "I said, life loyalty!"

Heavy clap lonely shoulder: "that oneself sees to do!"

In the twinkling, Chu Feng left directly. In the distance, it was Jesse, the seventh miss of the Rothschild family. Seeing her lonely life, she directly threw herself into his arms and hit him with one fist and then another: "bastard, where have you been these years? He didn't answer the phone. He asked Xia Yan that he had seen him, but he couldn't find you? "Lonely life took Jesse's hand, and a soft color passed in her indifferent eyes: "would you like to go with me and become the queen of the demon world?"

Jiesi body a shock, surprised to look at the lonely life: "you are the devil king?"

Lonely life did not answer, just looked up to the sky: "time is not much, would you like to go with me?"

It's not an answer. From zhongjiesi, she has already got the answer she wants. She directly plunges into her lonely arms again and says angrily, "after so many years of waiting for you, you say I won't follow you or me, but I didn't think that my man was so good!"

Finally, a faint smile appeared on her rigid face, holding Jesse and leaving in an instant. The magic power was turbulent!

On the top of the sky, Chu Feng saw everything in his eyes, and his smile was peaceful.

It's true that the demon king is a lonely fate, maybe it's fate, or fate. Chu Feng only knew that the demon king was lonely fate when she was born. However, it doesn't matter who he is, because he is his own brother and can give his life to his brother.

After leaving in twinkling, Chu Feng broke all the passageways leading to the five forbidden areas on earth, and even broke all illusions. The secret place of Xuanyuan family, once the land of three doors and four families, was opened. Anyone can go to those places, and it should leave a little memory for the people on earth.

With the arrival of sunset, 18 beams of light are slowly disappearing. The only way to leave the earth has to be closed. In the future, the earth will not be able to go to the rest of the world except space technology.

Looking at the 18 beams of light slowly disappear, the sky has also become dark down, dark clouds shrouded, in the face of such a situation, Chu Feng just said a sigh, and then saw the sky punishment thunder from the sky, do not know where it fell, who's body.

Chu Feng has no sympathy for this, because this is his unchangeable prohibition of heaven. As long as the period of natural anger is reached, he must leave, otherwise he can only die under the thunder of heaven's punishment.

I believe that with these lessons learned, the future of the earth to reach the natural fury period of people should know how to do.

However, for the sake of the stability of the earth, Chu Feng also set up a very mysterious chaotic will. As long as someone bullies the weak and runs roughshod by himself, he will also die. The earth is now full of vitality. It is not for them to constantly improve their cultivation to do evil, but for them to grow into a period of natural anger and then go to another world.

Feel carefully, Chu Feng's body slowly soared, now only the earth's anger period above the existence of people, and still a group of people who can't do evil, it can be regarded as leaving the earth with the final beauty.

Thinking of those who did not leave, Chu Feng sighed: "I hope to see you in the magic hall in the future."

Fingers beat, dozens of beams of light shot out like a laser, which is a kind of mark. It will find those dozens of people who have not left hidden in their bodies. When they reach the stage of wrath in the future, they can leave naturally.

Finally, taking a deep look at the earth, Chu Feng showed a plain smile: "every ten years, I will come back to see it. Human science and technology are developing at a high speed, but it can't be the rapid development of destructive power!"

In a word, Chu Feng disappeared and went back to the demon world, waiting for all the people in the five forbidden areas to leave completely. Then the demon world can be separated from the ancient universe and become the main world and the supreme heaven and earth of the Dragon kingdom!

At a time when everything was calm and Chu Feng was destined to be a legend, two women stood there with a three or four year old girl on the coast of Guangzhou.

One of them frowned and asked, "why don't you go to fengteng garden? Didn't you hear that Chu Feng would take some people away that day? You have his daughter, shouldn't you follow? "

"Why?" The woman who was asked shook her head, rubbed the little girl's hair, and her eyes were firm: "now I'm just an ordinary person. What can I get when I leave? It's better to practice and look for opportunities to leave in the future. "

And all this, left Chu Feng did not know!

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