Super Healer

Chapter 36

"Liu Yan, are you sure you want to do that? Aren't you afraid that my aunt will fall out with you?"

In a place to be demolished in Pujiang District, looking at some big men sitting outside in the distance, Chu Feng, dressed with long hair and shawls, looked at Liu Yan, who looked like a little sister: "you know, she doesn't allow me to do these things. What would you say if you threatened me to come?"

Liu Yan scratched her head. Her long red hair was fake, and it was uncomfortable to wear it on her head. Hearing Chu Feng's words, she directly glared at him: "you dare to say, then I'll tell your little aunt that you are obscene to me!"

"But I didn't!"

At first, Liu Yan said he wanted him to help, but Chu Feng didn't think about anything. As long as Liu Yan didn't talk nonsense, Lin Yulin himself had a little doubt about his character. If he was confused by Liu Yan, Chu Feng would be very sad.

But after Liu Yan came out, Chu Feng regretted. It turned out that Liu Yan wanted him to cooperate with her to go to an underground gambling house in disguise as a couple, and secretly arrest the people in charge there. Chu Feng is not a fool. Can he open an underground casino in China, especially in places like Jianghai, can he be an ordinary person?

So after knowing, Chu Feng is not very willing.

"So you'd better be honest and cooperate with me. Otherwise, if I'm not happy, you don't want to be happy."

"Narcissism!" Chu Feng was able to appreciate Liu Yan's shrewdness. It was just like she would never give up if she didn't reach her goal. She jumped two words and shook her head: "you are the vice captain of the criminal police. You can find your people to accompany you, or send dozens of policemen to surround you directly. What's the effect of pulling me here?"

"You think I don't want to, but, forget it, you don't understand!" Liu Yan mumbled something to say, but she didn't say it again: "as for coming to you, it's because you have a good gall. In addition, last time you moved something you shouldn't move, and saw something you shouldn't see this morning. When you make amends and help me, I won't care about you."

"What?" Chu Feng was stunned and looked at Liu Yan: "can't you just add a crime just because you want me to be a free laborer?"

"I wronged you?" Liu Yan's temper also came up, stepped back and pointed to herself: "I'm a big yellow flower girl, I haven't talked about love. Last time you attacked me in the car, you looked at my whole body this morning. Don't you feel sorry? Shouldn't you make some compensation?"

"Tell you, if you dare to say one more word, I will tell your little aunt that you pushed me!"

Chu Feng was made by Liu Yan's ferocity. I didn't know what to say. I did it for the safety of the two last time, and I didn't pay attention to where I held it. It's your own reason this morning. How can I be wrong now?

But looking at Liu Yan's appearance, it is estimated that he would not reason with himself. Chu Feng sighed: "the wind of the world is declining. It's hard to be a good man!" Then he suddenly walked over and hugged Liu Yan: "let's go, baby!"

"Asshole you!" All of a sudden, Liu Yan just wanted to get angry when she was hugged by Chu Feng. However, when she saw that Chu Feng was heading for the front, she immediately took it back to her mouth. She hated me very much. You guys, you look clear and beautiful. If you seize the opportunity, you will eat my tofu. You can have a good look.

Looking down at the position of Chu Feng's embrace, Liu Yan bit her lips, and I'm patient! Who called the criminal investigation team, many scum!

Two people quickly walked over, or stand, or sit at the door of a few big men to see Chu Feng two people, more is to look at Liu Yan, one of the big man teased: "Damn, now the young people are not the same, in broad daylight directly touched, but this girl is still quite big."

Chu Feng a Leng, what meaning?

Looking back, Liu Yan lowered her head. Chu Feng suddenly knew that she was holding the wrong place. But the key thing at the moment was to be natural. She walked in directly without any problems, and then released her hand. It was really a shame. The first time I held a girl like this in my life, she was hugged there. It seems that the name of lecher can not be lost.

Liu Yan looked around. Then she lowered her voice and said in chufeng's ear: "it was very cool just now. I tell you, you'd better wish I could catch the golden wolf today, otherwise you will have a good look. My white gourd is not so delicious."

"You know you are a wax gourd." Chu Feng hears the speech with astonishment and a smile. Liu Yan's nerves are really not what ordinary people can understand: "don't worry, as long as people are there, then he is yours today."

Liu Yan snorted, and then the bird nestled in Chu Feng's arms, but felt her heart beat faster. I don't know whether it was because she went into the tiger's den for the first time, or because she nestled in a man's arms for the first time. In short, the mood is very complicated.

At the time of coming, Liu Yan has told Chu Feng the purpose of coming here, that is to catch the steward of this casino, golden wolf!

Jinlang is the third hall leader of the wild wolf Gang, one of the three extreme roads in the river and sea. He manages his own casino, which is this one. Although it is built in the Pujiang district under development planning, there are many people coming here, especially in the evening, who gather some rich people in Jianghai city and surrounding cities.Liu Yan once organized several times of encirclement and suppression of the gambling house, but every time, the news leaked before the operation. When people arrived here, the building was empty and there was no one. After several times, Liu Yan knew that there was an undercover in the criminal investigation team, so after thinking about it, it was the only way.

Although the golden wolf is the leader of the third Hall of the Wolf Gang, he was wanted a year ago for a case of wounding and killing people. But in this way, the golden wolf is still at ease and has evaded the pursuit every time. This time, Liu Yan wants to come here to catch the golden wolf, so that the gambling house can be destroyed and the Wolf Gang may be destroyed.

Chu Feng knows Liu Yan's plan, but she has failed several times. If she knows, she will not come in so rashly. Unexpectedly, the other party can know the police action in advance every time. How could it be so easy to catch?

"Here's a thousand yuan. I'll pay for it personally. Don't play around for me!"

When she reached the place where the chips were exchanged, Liu Yan took out a thousand yuan with a bit of pain. But it was not so painful to think of catching the golden wolf. But when she handed it to Chu Feng, she still gave a low warning: "and you must win. You want to lead the golden wolf to appear, do you know?"

"Are you crazy?" He took ten chips, one hundred, and when he walked toward the inside, Chu Feng still laughed bitterly: "you think I'm a god of gamblers, and I have to win. That's enough. But I have a way to work. As long as he is there, he will come out."

"What can I do?" Liu Yan immediately came to be interested, but when he saw Chu Feng's eyes staring up and down, he immediately knew what Chu Feng meant: "don't even think about it. It's a great shame for me to be held by you like this. You still want me to seduce those disgusting guys and dream!"

Chu Feng curls his mouth and doesn't speak any more. It seems that officer Liu wants to catch someone, but he doesn't want to pay himself. It's just that this is someone else's territory. Even if you get caught, can you leave?

Chu Feng thought of this, and he did guess it. Liu Yan really didn't think of how to leave after catching the golden wolf. She only felt that finding the golden wolf would not be a problem. If Chu Feng knew Liu Yan's voice at the moment, he would directly pull her around and leave here.


Go to a place to buy size, the lowest 100, the highest 100, Chu Feng mouth raised a smile, directly put the hands of the ten 100 yuan chips on the stage, Liu Yan in the side to watch the corner of the mouth twitch, you a loser, you won't come 100, ah, when my money is not money?

But when everyone opened the bet, it was really big. Liu Yan's mouth was small, and then she turned her lips: "I don't see. You still have a bit of bad luck!"

"In fact, my luck could have been better." Chu Feng's self-confident smile appeared on his face. He directly threw the winning and his own on the leopard. People around him despised him. This is taking money instead of money!

Liu Yan is even more angry in Chu Feng's waist hard pinch, the latter eat pain, bet again out, the whole court a Leng, all look to the only one bet on the leopard chip, this guy is very lucky!

"You are so good!" Liu Yan is also a Leng, and then happily in Chu Feng's face on the kiss, immediately Chu Feng also Leng!

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