Super Healer

Chapter 5

Since Chu Feng was taken away by the robbers, Lin Yulin has always been worried. Although she has a bad impression on her sister's adopted son, if he has an accident on his first day here, she can't explain to her dead sister. Since the police controlled the scene, she has been anxiously waiting for the situation.

Just when she was expecting Chu Feng to be OK, the latter suddenly came out of the crowd. Before she could figure out what was going on, she quickly took her hand and left. Although the rest of the people saw it, some did not know, and some could not remember that Chu Feng was the one who had just been taken away by the kidnappers.

"How did you get back, robber?"

Lin Yulin didn't react until she was far away from the hotpot shop. She looked at the nephew curiously. She was very manly when she stepped forward. But now she looked so ordinary: "and what about Liu Yan who was kidnapped with you? Why did you come back and didn't see her?"

"Do you know that Tigress?" Chu Feng looked at the surrounding environment and made sure that there was no one. Then he said, "I was put back by the robbers. They thought that I was worthless and less valuable than that policeman. With me, it was easy to become a target. So he took the policeman and I came back?"

Chu Feng's expression was very serious, but Lin Yulin always felt that he didn't tell himself the truth: "why do you say Liu Yan is Tigress?"

"It's nothing. Let's go. Don't you say you should deal with police hooligans less?"

Chu Feng didn't know how to explain. When she saw two police cars driving by, Liu Yan probably had already informed the criminal investigation team, so it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, and she doesn't want to say anything to Lin Yulin. After all, she came to Jianghai university to study. If she knew what she had just done, she might say what she had done.

Although Chu Feng didn't say anything and Lin Yulin didn't ask anything, she was still told by Lin Yulin on the way back. Don't be a hero when you encounter such a thing in the future. If something happens, how can she explain to her dead sister and so on, Chu Feng can only nod his head and promise, but she murmurs in his heart, which is very annoying to my aunt.

Seeing Chu Feng, Lin Yulin didn't seem to listen to her words. Although she also wanted a man to stand out for herself at that time, she didn't want people around her to stand out for a woman. Maybe people are so selfish.

So after preparation, I will tell Chu Feng that Jianghai is not a classic blue, this is a huge VAT.

Silent night, the next morning!

When she was in dianlan, Chu Feng was used to getting up at six o'clock. When she got up, she didn't get up. She wanted to make some breakfast and didn't know how to use the kitchen things. Finally, she took out her pocket to look at the money. Last night, she invited herself to eat, but finally came back to sleep after eating noodles. Now she must be very hungry.

Having made up her mind, Chu Feng went out to prepare a breakfast and so on. Lin Yulin could eat it when she got up. She also decided that during her stay here, she still had to figure out how to use the modern things in the kitchen. When the time came, it would be good to make breakfast for my aunt as rent. In short, according to the instructions of her adoptive mother, she would not eat for nothing.

It was still very early at six o'clock. Although it was already dark, there were not many people who got up. This is a fast-food era. The working people from nine to five are almost pinching their time to get up. Therefore, Chu Feng did not see too many people all the way. Occasionally, he was just some old people who got up early.

Turning seven to eight, he saw a breakfast shop on two streets away from the green garden. Chu Feng went to have a look. He did not know what Lin Yulin liked to eat. He casually took a bottle of milk and two loaves of bread, but he only asked for a steamed bread. When he came to the village, there was not much money in the village, and there was not much left to buy the ticket.

After buying breakfast, I turned around and walked out more than ten meters, and then came a voice of surprise: "no, there are old people who seem to be sick and look like epilepsy."

Chu Feng stopped curiously and looked back. It was just a matter of a sudden, many people gathered there, but everyone was just watching around, but no one went up to help the old man who was convulsing on the ground. Chu Feng frowned slightly. At this time, he didn't hurry to save people. What did he do standing there?

"Be careful, little brother. It may be a mistake."

Chu Feng took breakfast and walked over. The people next to him saw that he seemed to be going to help the old man who fell to the ground. Suddenly, he stopped him: "such things happen every day in the river and sea. If you want to help him, he may depend on you. At that time, you should push it and ask you to lose money."

Chu Feng pauses for a moment. He recalls what Lin Yulin and himself talked about last night, that is, don't be a bad person. Maybe the good intentions will not be rewarded. But when he hears the voice of the old man's convulsion, Chu Feng still can't ignore it.

Absorbed, Chu Feng's left eye began to appear subtle light, almost invisible to human eyes. Soon through that special left eye, Chu Feng saw a middle-aged woman squatting beside the old man, but Chu Feng can be sure that there was no such woman just now.

I saw the middle-aged woman pale, dressed in a pajamas, hands gently patted on the old man's body, the ten fingers showed the color of green and black, Chu Feng's expression slightly coagulated, dead gas formed!In this world, there is no ghost chufeng does not know, but he knows that if a person died, he lived in the place or buried after his death, there will be his dead breath, and if the person died of accumulated resentment, the dead gas will be more intense, and will form his appearance before his death!

So now we advocate cremation because of these, in order to prevent those who died in vain or special death from harming others because of the formation of stillness. This is why some people often say that it is a ghost.

At the moment, the middle-aged woman squatting there patting the old man is dead gas forming. It is just a form of breath. They are just following the people who had conflicts before their lives, making them sick or lowering their Qi, until the end of their lives. That is what people often say. But Chu Feng knows that this is just something that natural science can't explain West, it's not a real ghost.

"How are you, sir?"

At this time, a 30-year-old middle-aged woman quickly ran to squat down and looked at the old man lying on the ground nervously: "did you take medicine?" He looked in the old man's pocket, but his face was more anxious: "over, where is the old man's medicine?"

"Let me have a look at it." Chu Feng has already determined that the old man is not pretending to be. So when he sees the old man treated by the dead woman, he still feels compassion and goes forward to say softly.

"Where are you going to see a doctor? I don't know how many people can't cure this disease. We can only rely on medicine to support it. Don't make trouble." The middle-aged woman was still holding a glimmer of hope, but turned to see Chu Feng, looking seventeen or eighteen years old. She was suddenly discouraged and said impatiently.

Then quickly took out the mobile phone to dial the emergency call. As soon as he hung up, he saw that Chu Feng had directly pulled the old man up. The middle-aged woman was in a hurry: "what are you doing? If something good happens to our master, can you afford it?"

"Little money, let this little brother show me. Anyway, who sees it is not?" At the moment, the old man who was constantly twitching was pulled up by Chu Feng, but he didn't begin to twitch so badly. He took a breath and said to the middle-aged woman intermittently.

The middle-aged woman is a little money. She dare not speak again when she sees the old man open his mouth. She is just a nanny invited back by others. However, for fear of accident, she still reminds Chu Feng: "little brother, if you don't understand anything, don't mess around. If something happens, you'll be finished!"

The onlookers around have similar ideas. However, most of the Chinese people are indifferent to their own affairs and are too lazy to pay attention to these things. On the contrary, they are interested in watching Chu Feng. How can he treat an old man like epilepsy and convulsion.

"Grandfather, just relax as much as you can. Just wait."

It can be seen that the old man is a man of reason. Chu Feng said with a smile. Then a flick of his finger showed a golden needle. This is the dark yellow nine needles handed down to him by his master. It is said that it was the original Shennong's.

People around him were surprised to see the gold needles in Chu Feng's hands: "that seems to be a gold needle for acupuncture. Is this little brother a national doctor, but without decades of expertise, who dares to prick needles casually? This little brother is not here to play?"

Xiao Qian looks tight when he hears what people around him say. He is afraid that the old man wants to talk, but the old man says again: "little brother, I believe you!" Although the whole body twitches hard at the moment as if to die in general, but the old man can still see the self-confidence in Chu Feng's eyes.

How can such a person just play? The old man believed in his intuition.

Chu Feng just nodded gently, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He turned to the old man's back and patted him dead. The gold needle directly pierced the old man's chest and sealed his elixir's Qi, so as not to let the chill caused by dead Qi invade the old man's body.

"Grandfather, now try to stand up and go over there and have a look?" The ghost was still patting, but the golden needle sealed the elixir field, and the cold wind could not enter the old man's body. Chu Feng pointed to the door of the breakfast shop, where there was a small Buddhist pendant hanging by the shop owner.

The old man felt a little warm and his body didn't twitch. He walked towards the door in the surprised look of the people around him. Chu Feng looked at the dead air in her eyes and saw her looking at herself bitterly. But Chu Feng didn't know at all, because she didn't dare to go there, and the old man was completely OK.

In addition, there is a glimmer of light rising in the distance, and the sun will soon rise, and it is impossible for the dead to do anything to the old man. Chu Feng follows the past, pulls out the gold needle in the old man's chest, and finally turns and leaves directly. Everyone has everyone's life: "grandfather, eat more Yang tonic things, so that the body will be better."

"Little brother, what am I going to do, so fast!"

The old man also wanted to thank Chu Feng, and he could see that Chu Feng seemed to be able to cure himself, but before he was ready to say anything, chufeng disappeared in the crowd with breakfast. Looking at the street where people were getting more and more, the old man waved and said, "little money, tell the day to find out this little brother."

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