Super Healer

Chapter 500

At 1 p.m., fengteng clinic opens again!

Chu Feng has been dealing with the air door Affairs recently, and the clinic has been closed for nearly two months. However, when she opens the door, many people still come in flocks to let the green who follows her smack her tongue. Naturally, she knows about Chu Feng's affairs, but she didn't expect to open the door for two months, and so many people came here after hearing the wind.

Standing on one side in a small nurse's uniform, he looks at Chu Feng. What kind of person is he? He can dye blood for power, but his identity is a doctor?

Noriya sits beside her, her eyes are also looking at Chu Feng. She has learned a lot of Chinese culture from Qing since she was a child. She loves this country deeply. She knows the legend of Chu Feng, but Qing doesn't want to send her out of Chu Feng.

Let once in Wenzhou pursuers are also countless her, very sad.

But when she saw Su Xinyu standing on one side, this kind of sadness also dissipated and became common. Although she was beautiful enough, she always lacked an overwhelming temperament in front of Su Xinyu. Therefore, she seemed to understand Chu Feng's abandonment of her.

Because he didn't open the door for nearly two months, Chu Feng promoted 50 people to 100 and closed the door after watching.

The news that the fengteng clinic opened again spread, and many people flocked in, but many people were also interested in it. They only took some medicine for minor ailments and pains, and they still trusted the medicine prescribed by Chu Feng.

She opened the door at one o'clock. By three o'clock, Chu Feng had seen more than 60 people, one in less than two minutes on average, and her speed was so fast that she was so famous that she thought it would be great to see 30 people in two hours.

The respect for Chu Feng in my heart is more strong.

When Chu Feng went to see a doctor, she just watched her study quietly. Especially when she was doing acupuncture and moxibustion, she used the spirit of twelve points to observe. Su Xinyu didn't say anything, so she collected money and prescribed medicine according to Chu Feng's request.

Only Noria is the most free, just sitting around playing with her cell phone.

At more than four o'clock, she had seen more than 90 people, and Qing was shocked to be numb. However, after watching Chu Feng treat patients these days, she also learned a lot. Compared with western medicine, there is something magical about the secret way traditional Chinese medicine. A simple gold needle can make people get health. It's amazing.

When it was close to five o'clock, there were still a lot of people there. Chu Feng wanted to close the door for 100 people, but the pressure from the masses was too great. He treated some of them with stubborn diseases, and more asked them to come back another day.

"How is it you?"

After seeing a man with black wrists, Chu Feng looked up and down at the woman with a hat, sunglasses and a scarf to cover her face and said, "you can go to the hospital to see it!"

The people who came were wrapped up in a strict manner. Su Xinyu did not recognize who it was, but Chu Feng still knew who it was when he heard the smell. One of Shen Xiuqin's best friends, big star Cui Xin!

"Of course it's OK to go to the hospital, but do you think I'm happy?"

Cui Xin's eyes under the sunglasses were very sad. She sat opposite Chu Feng and said, "so I came to see you. Xiuqin said you can do it!"

"I can, just!" Chu Feng secretly told Shen Xiuqin to find trouble for himself, but he didn't deny that he could be cured. It was just that he didn't want to, otherwise he would have been cured for Yao Qianxue.

"I don't care about a woman. What do you care about?"

Cui Xin's face turned red. She didn't want to come. However, it has been her problem for so many years. She has both money and reputation. She once fell in love, but because of her own problems, she dare not give her hand to others.

Chu Feng originally wanted to refuse, but he wanted to sign a contract with fengteng film and television entertainment company in Cui Xin. After thinking about it, he stood up and said to the rest of the people, "everyone, go back first. I have a patient here who needs minor surgery. Time is not much!"

Those who were still in line were very sorry. They also told Chu Feng to open the door tomorrow, and then they scattered in twos and threes. As for Cui Xin's dress, they could not recognize her.

"Cui Xin!"

After the crowd dispersed, Cui Xin also took off her hat and sunglasses. Su Xinyu blurted out subconsciously and then murmured: "what's the matter with you?"

"Miss Su!" Cui Xin naturally recognized the granddaughter of the red Su family and nodded politely. Chu Feng was a doctor, and the rest of the people were women. She was not embarrassed and didn't worry that they would say, "I'm born with a hidden disease. I can't be like a normal woman. I haven't been here for the first time."

Su Xinyu and Qing both know about medical skills. Cui Xin just said that and immediately knew what it was. She blurted out: "Shi Nu!"

Cui Xin blushed and nodded slightly: "yes!"

"It seems that the outside world can not completely believe your rumors." Su Xinyu couldn't help sighing. The outside world said that today's Cui Xin was on the top of her body. Unfortunately, she was a stone girl. Even if she wanted to rely on her body, she couldn't help but immediately thought of something: "so you're here to do it?"Cui Xin looked at Chu Feng and said, "yes!"

Su Xinyu frowned ambiguously. She knew how to cure Shi Nu, and did not doubt that Chu Feng would cure her. She just thought that Chu Feng would do it, and her heart was tangled.

"Miss Su!" Cui Xin saw Su Xinyu's tangle and said with a smile: "I know you are not feeling well, but I don't want to go to the hospital. Although the hospital now says it's confidential, many things can't be kept. As long as the paparazzi drop money, any secret will be disclosed."

"Well, I'm a doctor. What are you up to?"

Chu Feng looked at the time, went to knead Su Xinyu's face and said to Qing, "you are my assistant. Now I'm going to teach you some things. You don't have to use anesthetics or precise instruments to perform the operation without side effects."

Qing's face was full of joy. Shi Nu's problems could also be cured. However, it was necessary to use sophisticated instruments and even anesthetics. Chu Feng didn't need these things, which was a complete subversion of Qing's cognition.

In the small space behind the clinic, after the fire last time, it was renovated. Chu Feng stood there shaking the scalpel in his hand. A touch of alcohol passed by. The lighter lit the fire and pointed to the bed in front of him: "lie down, take off your pants!"

Chu Feng handed the burning scalpel to Qing, and then flashed out four gold needles. He said to Qing: "this is called anesthesia needle. Aiming at some acupoints, local anesthesia can be given to the patient. It started thousands of years ago. It is not defined who is responsible for it. Because some people need seven needles and ten needles, so it can't be traced back."

"But I only need four needles. The technique is from Shennong!"

Green slightly nods, the eye blinks does not blink to look at the four needles drop the position, in the heart worries, such needle pricks down so sensitive place, really does not ache.

Chu Feng didn't know what Qing was thinking. He took the knife out of the fire to bubble in the alcohol bottle. Then he took the clip on one side and several unknown powder. In the Green's stunned look, he inserted the knife there. Under the agitation, Chu Feng didn't seem to need an instrument to look inside. After a while, he took out the knife.

Wearing medical gloves, two fingers reached in, and for a moment took out a piece of flesh and blood the size of a thumb and said, "this kind of operation can also be completed in the hospital, but in the future, this woman will be indifferent to a great extent, because the development of an extra piece of meat has not been completed, and they dare not remove it, but I will take it directly."

With her eyes closed, Cui Xin couldn't feel the pain, but she could feel Chu Feng's finger going in. At the moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and said, "you take my meat away. Am I still a complete woman?"

"That's what's superfluous. It doesn't matter if you take it off. Of course, if you don't feel it in the future, I'll put it back for you?"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes. In such an awkward atmosphere, would you like to open your mouth? However, it is still a casual reply.

But Qing was stunned. She had an operation, but it seemed that such an operation had also been done, but the patients all went to sleep under anesthesia. Seeing Cui Xin's appearance, there was no pain and no feeling. Her heart was more excited. Four needles could cause local anesthesia, and it didn't hurt to move a knife in such a sensitive place. Master is so amazing!

"Teach you the magic of Chinese medicine again!" Chu Feng's words made Cui Xin shut up and said to Qing: "surgical suture does harm to the body, but I have a way to make it heal quickly instead of suturing."

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