Super Healer

Chapter 508

"The wind is weak. Why don't you take you to Chinatown for some pilgrim food?"

Two days later, at more than eight o'clock in the evening, the two figures came out of a tavern. Catkins looked at chufeng, who was hard to stick out his tongue, and suppressed his smile. Just now chufeng ate sushi and put mustard on it. As a result, hot tears came out and his tongue was still numb at the moment.

"No!" Chu Feng Yang raised his hand, stretched out his tongue and opened his mouth: "if you want to eat authentic holy pilgrim food, you still have to eat it in the local area. Just fill your stomach and go!"

For two days, chufeng didn't go to Yihe Mingzi. She played with catkins everywhere. On the first day, ye Zixuan still followed. However, later, ye Zixuan didn't care and took a rest in the hotel. As for what happened to chufeng, she didn't think about it at all.

This is wes. Chufeng's enemies are all in the holy pilgrimage. Moreover, Chu Feng's coming to Weiss has changed his identity. In a short time, no one will notice.

"Feng Shao, we are not here to rescue Yihe family. Why don't we take action?"

Out of a distance, catkins tilt his head to see Chu Feng, at the beginning of the face of Chu Feng, she still has light pressure, but with the slow contact, this younger than her, feel different.

"My little wife asked you to ask?" Chu Feng bought two bottles of mineral water on the street, handed a bottle to catkins, and then drank it back: "it must be that she is embarrassed to ask, so you should ask?"

Liu Xu nodded and did not deny the reply: "it is indeed Miss ye who asked me to ask you. After a few days, you still haven't done anything. It's more like a tourist. She's a little angry!"

"How can you act if you are not familiar with your life when you are short of time?"

Chufeng Wenrun smiles and shakes his head. He goes to the front of the car and says, "what's more, Yihe Mingzi wants me to act. I'll take action. It's not very shameless. Let her wait first. I'll go to her when I'm almost there. Only when she's grateful, will she not have a different heart to me."

Starting the car, Chu Feng looked at the time: "moreover, the weapons from the white tiger Gang haven't arrived yet. What can I do for you?"

Catkins nodded vaguely, but did not ask any more. She looked at a sign advertisement in the distance and narrowed slightly. This tiny movement was just caught by Chu Feng. She looked at her eyes with a startled smile: "your cousin!"


Willow catkins blushed. In the holy days, she knew how fatal her cousin's charm was for some homestead men. She looked at the woman who was only wearing bikini on the billboard and said, "although in the Holy See, she is immoral, but in Weiss, like Miss Cang, she is a national goddess."

Chu Feng secretly said in the heart of a top class Kingdom, but the mouth is another language: "hard to come back once, do not want to see?"

"Is that all right?" Catkins was stunned, staring at Chu Feng. This time she was following Chu Feng as a guide. She also wanted to go back and have a look. Although she was sold by her uncle, her feelings still exist in the face of her relatives.

"I didn't tie you down, of course."

Looking forward to the look in LiuXu's eyes, Chu Feng smiles back: "but not now. After I solve my business, you can go there again. Look at the places I've stayed before and see the people who want to see!"

Willow catkins gratefully nodded: "thank you, less wind!"

Chufeng shrugged his shoulders and continued driving. He looked at the billboard again. It was not bad. Why do you want to do this business?

At 11:00 p.m., Chu Feng took catkins around Wangdu City, and finally came here. Although it was almost midnight, people working in full swing could still be seen in a large warehouse in the south of Wangdu.

"Less wind, why come here?"

Willow catkins look around, this is a warehouse area, nothing special, can't help but a little more curious color.

Chu Feng did not answer, just a light look at the time to dial a phone, the end of the ring two after the hang up, a few minutes later a phone call came, came to a woman's voice: "less wind!"


Chu Feng smell speech a Zheng, the expression changes a bit strange, look at the call number, finally open a mouth: "Fu Dina?"

"How long has it been since I saw you that I forgot my voice?" On the other end of the phone came a woman's voice of bitterness: "no wonder people say that the pilgrims are all fond of the new and detest the old, and I am very sad."

"I'm in the warehouse. Where are you?"

Chu Feng is too lazy to entangle with Fu Dina on this topic. He is also curious about what Forbes has done to let his daughter come. If one is caught by an international organization, fudina will definitely die.

After hanging up, Chu Feng patted catkins on the shoulder and said, "the white tiger gang has come. Wait for you to be in the car. You don't need to show up."

"Yes." At the moment, LiuXu also knows why Chu Feng wants to come here. Thinking of the ammunition he ordered, LiuXu's heart trembles for a moment. What is he going to do.

After a while, a tall Hebrew man walked by Chu Feng's car. After more than ten meters, Chu Feng also drove slowly to follow him. Everything seemed very natural. Soon after, the car stopped at the gate of a warehouse, and the Hebrew man went over and opened the door.Chu Feng looked back at the rest of the place, there are still many people, heart ashamed, the white tiger Gang is really a little too arrogant, aboveboard delivery of arms?

However, he also scattered his thoughts. When he drove into the room, the door was closed, and the dark warehouse was suddenly lit up. Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, opened the door and got out of the car. Looking at the tall woman walking in the corner, he said with a warm smile: "I'm really sorry to let Miss Fu Dina deliver the goods in person."

"Fengshao is the most distinguished guest of our white tiger Gang, so we need special people to escort him."

Fu Dina blinked her eyes and was not charming, but there was also a woman with a special taste. She said, "it's just that the wind is weak. What are you going to do? You need so much ammunition. Is it a massacre of Wangdu?"

"There will be a day." Chu Feng nodded his head seriously and went to one side. He had already seen the wooden boxes piled up there: "but before doing anything, we should check the goods first. As for the money, we will calculate it with you when we go back."

"This is for the wind to use less."

Chu Feng's voice just dropped, Fu Dina followed and threw out a sentence, pointing to those boxes and saying, "500 submachine guns, 100 bombs, 50000 bullets, and two rocket launchers, worth 30 million yuan in total. This is the white tiger Gang's respect for fengshao, so that we can do business more calmly."

Chu Feng gave a meaningful smile and nodded slightly without answering. He took control of the northeast and opened a special line completely. With the agreement between himself and the person in charge, Jiaoyu and the white tiger gang can be said to be a win-win situation. The weapon of 30 million yuan is really nothing.

But Chu Feng also understood that the ammunition was not so delicious. He shook his head and said with a smile, "Miss Fu Dina is joking. You have paid so much. How can I not pay?"

"Business is business, and friends are friends. It's still important to calculate clearly."

Fu Dina's eyes flashed a look of disappointment. Originally, according to her father's intention, she should give full support to Chu Feng, even if she lost money. However, Chu Feng was too rational to accept this small favor.

Nodding his head, he did not tangle and replied: "it is so clear that the wind is less. That's 25 million pool dollars. It's a discount!"

Chu Feng didn't say anything more this time. He had enough ammunition worth 200 million yuan to do a lot of things. He went to open one of the boxes, and a submachine gun lay cold there. Chu Feng took it up and stroked it and put it down: "Miss Fu Dina, it's not convenient for me to do things. Please send these weapons to this place. Naturally, someone will take them."

Then she handed an address to Fu Dina and said, "if you finish this, you can leave for a while, or you will be known that the white tiger Gang appeared in Weiss and brought in so many weapons, which will not be clear in the end."

"I'm not going!"

Fu Dina was slightly proud of her body, and her mouth cocked up: "my father asked me to learn from you. He said that you have something he never had. In addition, we are of the same age, so we can communicate better."

Chu Feng looked at Fu Dina and asked, "where is it similar?"

When Fu Dina cast his eyes, Chu Feng touched his nose: "there is a saying in Shengchao that there is a generation gap between three years old. Miss Fu Dina and I have two generation gaps. Can they be similar?"

Fu Dina's eyes were inexplicable, and she said, "can you not mention my age?" With her long hair, Fu Dina tilted her head: "but if you want to say that and let me leave, then forget it. I admit that you are better than me, so I have to learn from you. My father told me to regard myself as your subordinate."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and nodded after thinking for a while: "OK, then you will follow me."

Turning around and walking towards the car, Chu Feng's mind has roughly straightened out some things. Fu Dina, as the daughter of the Hebrew Jidao godfather, is still the designated successor. In the future, her own pace will not only be in the holy pilgrimage, but she will not lose an opportunity.

At least the issue of weapons does not need to be considered. The channels of the white tiger gang can give people a lot of surprises.

"Eh?" In the car, Fu Dina was supposed to sit in the front, but when she saw willow catkins sitting there, she went to the back and said, "fengshao is really a passionate person. Last time I took one, this time I changed another one. It really opened my eyes."

Blinking her eyes, Fu Dina opened her red lips and said, "it's just when the wind can give me such a chance?"

Chu Feng simply and quickly start the car, the head also does not return to throw a sentence: "I don't like foreign horses!"

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