Super Healer

Chapter 519

Night of killing people with dark moon and high wind!

Qili town!

This is the gathering place of a small village tens of kilometers away from Wangdu. In the remote mountainous area, a village with more than 200 households occupied the place. Now it is more than 11 o'clock in the evening, but the voice of shouting and shouting can be heard, which is completely opposite to the life in the countryside.

But this place is not a nameless place. Although its status in Weiss is not the same as before, it also plays an important role. The place where Jardine masters are located, Yihe tribe!

Because of the difficulty of the masters, their living environment and the times are completely derailed. Along with the houses, they are the kind of ancient buildings a hundred years ago. Occasionally, we can see a few people in black who shuttle through the night. They are the masters of Yihe family.

"For three days, do you think Chu Feng will come?"

At the moment, in a slightly renovated house, pilihu, like a beast, breathed out a breath of wine. Holding a delicate and small middle-aged woman in his arms, he asked, "won't you take away Yihe Mingzi, and then completely disappear?"

Ling Rufeng, who was sitting on the opposite side, looked at the woman in PI Lihu's arms and asked, "Yihe clan chief, did your daughter not contact you?"

Yihe Chun, who was sitting in the arms of pilihu, shook his head and said, "since she came back, Weiss only came back several times. Since you sent more staff, she has not come back and has not contacted me!"

"Old woman, you must not lie to me, or you will be worse than dead."

Pilihu suddenly pinched Yihe Chun's chin and said in a cruel voice: "although you are over 50 years old, you are better than your natural beauty. You look like you are about 40 years old. I don't want to kill flowers with hot hands."

"Don't worry!" Yihe pure eyes humiliated reply: "I will do according to Mr. Huangfu's instructions, but you must also abide by your promise, after killing Chu Feng and his people, give the antidote to my people, let us be free!"

"That's natural. Yihe clan leader can do things, and we can do things."

Ling Rufeng grinned, drank a glass of wine in front of him, stood up and said: "it is estimated that Chu Feng will launch a thunderbolt attack these two days. Apparently, we are 800 people, but the two hundred people in secret are enough for us to smooth the situation. I really hope that Chu Feng will appear soon and kill him, which must be a pleasant thing."

Almost like a beast, pilihu violently tears at Yihe Chun's clothes. In terms of strength, Yihe Chun and pilihu are on the same level or even a little higher. However, due to the poison, Yihe Chun can only close his eyes, but his intention of killing is more profound.

She had decided that, as long as she got the antidote, she would not die with the Huangfu family and kill the Huangfu family members with the strength of the family.

What she didn't know was that the day Huangfu asked Heaven for the antidote was the day of extermination.


Soon, without any prelude and tenderness, pilihu ran into the pure body of Yihe without any care, only the most primitive collision and that kind of wild laughter!

Yihe pure humiliation bite teeth, do not want to cry out, but instinct or let her can not help, this is the second time pilihu violated her, and in the interest of the head, called Yihe Mingzi's name.

A sound of dispirited and even humiliating voices came from inside the house. All the Yihe family masters who passed by clenched their fists. There was no anger at Yihe Chun, only the opportunity to kill pilihu.

Over the past decade or so, the Huangfu family stationed here were poisoned by Yihe family members and bullied and humiliated their women's wives. It was a bit of the demeanor of the Weisi people when they came to the holy Dynasty, but the difference was that the roles of these things were reversed.

However, seeing the elite of the Huangfu family in the distance, these experts could only leave with indifference, even if they felt uncomfortable. Yihechun was just fighting for the living space of Yihe family, which they could understand.

"It seems that Lao Pi is very interested in Yihe Mingzi."

Ling Rufeng's residence is next door. At the moment, he hears the roaring voice of pilihu coming from the next room. He laughs and rubs his fingers against the teacup in front of him and ponders: "only when will Chu Feng come?"

"Kill him!" At the moment, on a hillside three kilometers away from the Yihe tribe, Yihe Mingzi saw a scene in the Yihe tribe through the high-power thermal night vision mirror. Although she did not see it with her own eyes, it was just a thermal image, but she knew that it was her mother's room.


Chu Feng didn't need any tools. He even saw it more clearly than Yihe Mingzi. He said: "a hundred years ago, when the two elite families helped Weiss army into the holy pilgrimage, who should people hate at that time?"

With his fingers in the air, Chu Feng had no emotion to add: "everything is a cycle of cause and effect, and it is useless to care about it. You yourself have been kept in captivity for more than ten years by Huangfu. If he moves you, what is your fate?"

Yihe Mingzi looked gloomy, but he also understood that he could not get any sympathy by saying these things with Chu Feng. He deflected the front of his words: "less wind, is it necessary to act tonight?"

"Action is necessary, but not now."

Chu Feng nodded and waved to the back. By the way, he said to Yihe Mingzi, "I've come. I must leave something, not to mention, Huangfu family's contact with Meihua will deal with me. How can I just do that?"Behind, Fu Dina came up with a box and opened it. Yihe Mingzi was stunned when he saw the contents inside: "sniper gun?"

"It's a sniper gun, but it's special!" Fu Dina skillfully assembled the parts in the box, and said: "this is a specially modified barrage gun. The bullets can even penetrate the armored vehicle and cause explosion. The cost of each bullet is 100000 pool dollars. There are ten bullets here!"

Soon, the assembled barrage gun came to Chu Feng's hand, and the bullets had already been loaded. Chu Feng looked at Yan Luo and asked, "how sure are you that pilihu will explode in three kilometers?"

Yan Luo didn't answer immediately. He came over and took a look at the sniper. He had the function of night vision thermal imaging. The whole gun was specially made. Finally, Yan Luo said, "70%

Although most of pirihu's energy is now focused on Yihe Chun, as the fifth strong man on the Yellow list, after so many years of precipitation, his body's instinctive cognition of danger still exists. It's hard to blow him up with a simple shot!

"Seventy percent, too little!"

Chu Feng shakes his head. If Yan Luo says that 90% of them are willing to let him try. 70% of them are full of variables. He goes to the front part with a gun and has a panoramic view of everything in his left eye. He says, "there are more than 400 experts in Yihe family. Huangfu family obviously has 800 people, 500 people, and is full of variables."

There are still some Chu Feng who have not said, that is, there are two hundred people sitting there waiting for something in the hollow one kilometer behind the Yihe tribe. Their intuition is like the hidden power of the Huangfu family.

With his left eye, Chu Feng was in charge of everything around him. He had a sense of danger. He had to attack an hour ago and had been postponed until now, because Chu Feng had no absolute assurance and didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifice.

With the gun lying on the ground, pointed at the house where the tiger was, through the left eye, locked the tiger, but did not immediately buckle the launch.

At this time, however, pilihu stopped moving, and the sound inside the house was startled. Yihe Chun was lying on the table with cold eyes. However, the former smelled a touch of crisis and said, "how can I feel that there is danger hanging over me?"

After a few minutes of concentrated feeling, pilihu still did not know where the danger came from. He just lowered his head to see the hatred in Yihe's pure eyes. He immediately slapped her face in anger and said, "I said that the murderous opportunity from there affected my mood. It turned out that you, an old woman, showed me a murderous opportunity."

"I tell you, don't try to kill me. You've been my plaything all my life."

Yi He Chun clenched his lips and felt the weakness and pain of his body. He felt only hatred in his heart.

Chufeng on the hillside raised a smile on his mouth and said a perfect secret. His gun pointed at PI Lihu. He really felt the danger and stopped, but all blame was on Yi He Chun. This is an opportunity for Chu Feng.

But chufeng didn't immediately push the launch, just quietly waiting. Yihe Mingzi and others stood behind him without making a sound. Although he was curious about what chufeng was doing, there must be a reason.

"The emperor Dan produced by Chu Feng is really good."

Inside the house, pilihu smiles with satisfaction. The killing opportunity has been shrouded in him, but there is no danger. Subconsciously, he feels that it comes from the joy and purity of his body. At the same time, he is also very satisfied with the effect of emperor Dan.

"Goodbye!" Almost ten minutes later, when pilihu finally felt that the killing machine was from Yihechun, the Chu wind on the hillside whispered a word, and the next moment the bullet burst out directly.

Within sight, Chu Feng saw a small hole blown out of the wall. The next moment, pilihu's head burst like a watermelon!

"What's going on?"

The sound of gunfire was a few kilometers away. With the muffler, everything happened too quickly. The sound of pilihu's head bursting didn't alarm the rest of the people, or we didn't want to hear some noise when we were far away from here. No one found the bullet penetrating the wall or blowing off the head. Yihe Chun wiped off the red and white objects on his face, looking stunned, but did not scream.

At this time, she fell on the ground of the mobile phone drip ring two, Yi He Chun looked after the emergence of joy, a minute later, the room again sounded a dispirited voice.

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