Super Healer

Chapter 525

Ten o'clock in the evening, Wangdu Tower!

The Wangdu tower, built in the last century, is 333 meters high, a little higher than the b-durphy tower. Wangdu is a park, standing for decades, but in a 9-magnitude earthquake many years ago, the top of the tower was a little crooked. It is one of the tallest buildings in Weiss, ranking second.

If you go to the top of the tower for more than 200 meters, you can see the tower directly on the top of the tower.

For this tower, which can be seen from a distance when the weather is fine, it brings a lot of tourists and benefits to Weiss in a year. It is also a symbol of Wangdu, which is of great significance.

"If I blow up the tower, I'll never forget it."

At the moment, the special lookout tower is very warm. Chu Feng stands in front of the wide ground glass and looks at the night scene of Wangdu. He picks up a warm smile and says: "although the Weiss are dirty, we can't help saying that the Wangdu tower is a treasure!"

"If you blow it up, you will never forget it." Qian could not help but quietly walked to Chu Feng's side. Tonight, wearing sunglasses and hat, he looked at a direction and opened his mouth: "but if you blow up the shrine and the hero monument, you will be a national hero. The people of Qinzhou will thank you very much."

"There will be a chance."

Chufeng smiles heartily. It is estimated that blowing up the shrine and the heroic monument is the thought of every bloody pilgrim. Chu Feng does not deny that he is ready to move.

Qian can't help but understand that Chu Feng is not the kind of person who just talks about it. With the help of the reflection on the glass, he looks at more than ten people standing around at the moment. His eyes under the sunglasses show the color of thinking. In these people, he can smell the familiar smell, but he is not sure.

And these people are from Chu Feng.

"Diamond a, please bring Junichiro. I'll have a cup of coffee with him first."

When Chu Feng went back to his seat and sat down, Qian could not help sitting directly in a corner. He was the one who cooperated with Chu Feng's action. When he did not endanger the interests of the Kingdom, all his actions were done according to Chu Feng's arrangement.

A man nodded a little and then walked out. Soon, he carried a weak, low man and threw it on the ground. He took a glass of ice water and poured it on the man's face. When he met the cold, he woke up completely.

Shaking his head, chunyuantaro squinted and looked around. Finally, he saw Chu Feng's eyes burst into anger and murmured: "it's you!"

Although the above news can not be targeted at Chu Feng, but the pure prime minister still sent people to surround and kill once, although the people were empty, so today I went to a small apartment, where there was a famous Wes star in his captivity. It was only when they finished their union that disaster came from heaven.

Dozens of men and women killed the apartment, killed dozens of Junichiro's followers in less than a few minutes, and abducted him before the support came. What's more, Chunyuan's anger was that the actress who had been trained with a lot of money actually wanted to survive, saying that she didn't know anything.

He vowed to kill her when he went back!

"The third young master seems very angry?"

Chu Feng looked at the embarrassed pure yuan taro sitting on the ground, pointed to the seat opposite him and said quietly, "but I don't think it's necessary for you to be angry. I didn't kill you when I was surrounded by 5000 people by you, so you who are still alive now have no qualification to be angry."

Although chunyuantaro was in a weak position, he did not show any fear. The old injury caused by Chu Feng was still there, but not as angry as he was at the moment. He stood up and sat opposite Chu Feng and asked, "do you want to do, kill me?"

"Where, if you want to kill you, will you still be here?"

Chu Feng took a sip of coffee that he didn't like. He looked out at the night and said, "how beautiful the world is. Wine, beauty, money and power are all over our life. If we can, who wants to die?"

Chunyuantaro looked out of Chu Feng's eyes, and his ambition to die was dissipated. What can't he do now? If he dies, it's someone else's. His eyes swept over chufeng's voice. He asked stiffly, "don't you want to make friends with me?"

"It's not impossible. After all, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests."

Chu Feng nodded his head seriously, waved and began to carry Chunyuan taro. The man who came out came over and put down a document. Chu Feng handed it to Chunyuan taro and said, "plum blossom club is the biggest gang of Weis, and behind it stands the chief palace of Weis. It is not a secret for many people.

But the person that Miyano and the president of plum blossom value more is Huang Shao Jing Shang mang. You Chunyuan Taro's status in their eyes is still poor, but no matter how close, you are also one of the top ten figures in the plum blossom club. "

"In addition, Huang Shao Jing Shang mang is the favorite son of all parties, and the royal family all throw out the prince Xinzi to be his wife, which shows the future prospect of Jing Shangmao."

Chunyuantaro's heart is hard. He hates to be told about jingshangmang's brilliance. He asks, "are you going to talk to me about this?""It's not just that, of course." Chu Feng motioned to Chunyuan taro not to worry, and said slowly, "the royal family will marry Jinggong Xinzi prince to Jing shangmang in the future. I believe you are very clear. Everyone knows that the second young master has no interest in everything, but you never hide your ambition."

"All you have done is to overthrow Jing shangmang. Do you think that if I were a member of the royal family, I would allow you to exist and destroy Jing shangmang?"

Chunyuantaro is not a fool. After hearing the speech, he caught a sharp look in his eyes and said, "it's not you who want to revenge me?"

Chu Feng nodded and said, "if I want to revenge on you, I will not wait until today. I will kill you the other day. You may not believe me if I say it. But you will see it with your own eyes. It can be said that my hatred for you is transferred to the Huangfu family."

Chunyuan taro still wants to talk. Chu Feng waves to square a to invite him to the next door. Then he looks at the night outside. He really wants to kill Chunyuan taro, who has sent thousands of people to kill him. But he also understands the value of this man's life, which is better than his death.

He is an ambitious man. Only if he lives is the best way.

A few minutes later, the elevator door opened. Xinzi, dressed in black jeans and dressed as a simple college student, appeared in the public's sight. Although she was only a person, Chu Feng's left eye saw that more than 100 people were following around the Wangdu tower. I think Xinzi is also worried about her small means being detected by herself, and tonight is for revenge.

"Xinzi!" Pure yuan taro, hiding in the dark space next door, saw the man who appeared through the gap. His fist clenched in an instant, but he didn't believe Chu Feng completely.

Thank you very much

Xinzi came over and did not sit down. She bowed to Chu Feng and said, "on the way I just came, I received a message that Chunyuan taro was attacked in the hidden apartment, and he did not know where he was. If I didn't guess wrong, fengshao did it?"

"I will do what I promise you." Chu Feng looked at the pretty girl in front of her with a light look in her eyes and said with a smile, "what's more, I've done that, which is more conducive to the layout of your royal family. I heard that the plum blossom Club emperor Shaojing shangmang is your fiance. Let me kill Chunyuan taro, but also to eliminate obstacles for his upper position?"

"You're so smart. Be careful. I'm in love with you."

Xinzi also did not deny that she sat gracefully at the bottom of the table and sipped a cup of coffee on the table. She had always been a person who prepared for the rainy days. Although she hated that the royal family would bow to the plum blossom club, it would be beneficial for the future layout if she could not win the Chu wind and respect the humble yuantaro.

Gently put down the coffee cup, Xinzi red lips open: "wind less come to me tonight, will not just give me this gift, or simply want to sit with me?"

Looking at more than ten people around, Xinzi bit her tongue and said, "just, don't you think the world is better for two people?"

"Don't you want to work with me, I think we can talk about it."

Chu Feng was not attracted by Xinzi's charm and calmly threw out a sentence: "if you promise my request, then I will do what I promise you. Chunyuantaro will die, and those people will also die, so that your royal family's idea that is not a secret can be fulfilled!"

Xinzi didn't answer immediately, and her brow slightly wrinkled. This belongs to the secret between the two people. Chu Feng said it in front of so many people at the moment. Although it may be the person that Chu Feng absolutely trusts, Xinzi still kept cautious and replied: "the wind is less. We royal family should do what we want, and we don't need to worry about it."

"Dead woman!" Although Xinzi is aware of something wrong in time, the conversation has all reached the ears of Junichiro. If square a didn't suppress him, he would like to go out and do Xinzi directly.

But the seeds of hatred have been buried, and the infatuation with Xinzi has turned into hatred.

"That's a pity. My wife, Wang, is not willing to talk about it. I'll go first. After all, I'm not safe in the king." Chu Feng shook his head regretfully and stood up. More than ten people around him were stretched and their bodies moved with him.

"Less wind!" Xinzi's heart was tight. Although the royal family asked her not to do anything for the time being, this was an opportunity that she was not willing to lose. She said with a smile, "if you have time, go to my garden again?"

With a meaningful smile, Chu Feng walked forward two steps and looked at Xinzi. At this time, a cool and proud face appeared and began to ponder and open his mouth: "you are a princess like character. You don't know at first, even if you don't know. Now you don't fear that I'll eat you?"

Xinzi smiles shyly. She doesn't know if she's real or pretending. She looks at Chu Feng's red lips and says in a low voice, "it's sweet if you get this man!"

The special lookout tower was soon empty, and the square a also let go of Chunyuan taro. The latter hit the special glass with a fist and said: "if you want to kill me and pave the way for your fiance, I will kill him even more. You will have no choice but to marry you to me, and I will not torture you severely at that time."

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