Super Healer

Chapter 536

The main tone of Miyazaki's room belongs to that kind of low-key and unobtrusive color, which reveals a faint warm breath. Just like this woman, it gives people a kind of extreme peace and quiet. It is totally impossible to see what humiliation she has suffered.

Just a simple glance, Chu Feng can see that this woman's endurance is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

"Are you Chu Feng?"

Miyazaki did not deliberately avoid, is so natural in front of Chu Feng's face, wearing good clothes, revealing a kind of grace, looking at Chu Feng sitting on his big bed, whispered: "it must be you. When Xinzi said her mobile phone was missing, I knew you would come."

Chu Feng looked at a group photo at the head of the bed. He praised Miyazaki's mind a little bit more, and whispered back: "it's worthy of being the former imperial concubine. She can get the favor of the royal family. It's not just a long and beautiful thing."

"But what you mean is that you gave the video to Xinzi on your own initiative?"

This is also a strange thing for chufeng. Xinzi holds the video from where he came from. But after seeing Miyazaki, Chu Feng probably understood that the assassin's mace doesn't work all the time. It's the best way to use it when it should be used.

Although it is said that the current emperor will soon die of illness, as long as he is in charge of everything, he will certainly not hesitate to suppress such scandals in the royal family, and look at the woman who reveals the beauty of intelligence: "if you don't guess wrong, your mother and daughter are waiting for the emperor's death, right?"

"No wonder he is young and promising to be the second Mr. Du."

Miyazaki skillfully sat on a low table in front of Chu Feng to make tea. Without raising her head, Miyazaki said: "it's really like this. The royal family has been declining in Weiss for a hundred years. If there is another scandal, it will be greatly reduced. The current emperor will not let such a thing happen."

"And he is a man who is not willing to admit his mistakes. He has been in power for half a century, and has always been so."

"If you tell me that now, don't you worry about planning an abortion?" He had already known Miyazaki's and Xinzi's plans, but Chu Feng remained calm and said, "after all, it's a good thing for me to let your royal family have civil strife, and it can also eliminate my present embarrassing situation, isn't it?"

Miyazaki didn't answer. She just poured a cup of tea to chufeng and pushed it in front of him. Then she said, "are you the person who maximizes the interests, or is it a person who will report the accusation. The Huangfu family of Yuren alliance has hurt you. If you have such a chance, you must stab him."

"Go ahead. I didn't know you were here tonight." Miyazaki gently raised the tea cup in front of her and took a sip. "I don't ask you to let Xinzi go to the altar, and I don't want you to pity her. As long as she lives at last, it's inevitable for Weiss to exist in royal family, and it's impossible to destroy it."

"But I hope it will never rise."

Put down the tea cup, Miyazaki's meaning is very clear, Chu Feng stood up and looked at the woman's charming face, warm and moist, and said: "thank you for your frank treatment tonight. You are just waiting for revenge for many years. You are a terrible woman. After Yuren's death, I have only one request. You should understand."

Miyazaki looked more gloomy and nodded back: "don't worry about the wind. In this world, no one can threaten you. Go and do what you want to do."

Deeply looked at from the beginning to now is extremely calm woman, Chu Feng's eyes flashed a faint killing opportunity, but turned that moment completely disappeared, Miyazaki is a terrible woman, must die, but she also has the biggest weakness, Xinzi!

Miyazaki took a deep breath, revealing a touch of enjoyment. "Although he is a wolf, you will live well if you catch him. Xinzi, what your mother can do for you is only so much. Your father and I will be left to finish the hatred."

The slain bodies have been cleared up, and Yuren has also sent people to the important people in Yamamoto's four fields who have a criminal record. Once again, there is calm, but the number of guards has doubled.

However, from the beginning of the incident to now, Yuren has never left his room, showing strong self-confidence. It seems that several people have died, and there are attackers breaking in, which is insignificant for him.

With the lights off, Yuren is ready to rest in the room. He has vented several times on Miyazaki's body. Now he is full of fatigue, but his spirit has been greatly satisfied.

Just at the moment when he went to the bedside, he suddenly smelled a touch of crisis and locked himself. He was just ready to open his mouth and resist. His body fell on the ground in acid and numbness.

In the dark, a figure appeared in front of Yu Ren, but he couldn't see the face clearly. There was only a indifferent voice: "the emperor of Yu is young. I'm glad to meet you for the first time."

Yuren narrowed his eyes and wanted to stand up, but his whole strength seemed to disappear in an instant and could not condense at all. He murmured: "who are you?"

"The wind of Chu, the wind of Chu, the wind of Chu!" The person who enters the room is chufeng who leaves Miyazaki. His left eye twinkles and goes to the bedside to turn on the dim bedside lamp. Chu Feng also lights up a cigarette and seldom smokes, which does not mean that he will not smoke: "you must not be unfamiliar, and even have a little intersection."Yu people naturally know Chu Feng, but he doesn't pretend to be confused: "the elegant wind comes here in the middle of the night, isn't it?"

"Share, that's your special project of emperor Shao!"

At this time, Yu Ren was able to calm down, and Chu Feng praised him a little more: "I secretly allied with Huangfu family and prepared for them to kill me. In the end, even Huangfu family and plum blossom club were also Yin. Compared with you, my furtiveness is nothing, is it?"

Yu Ren was punctured by Chu Feng, and he didn't have much worry. He sneered and asked, "are you here to kill me?"

Chu Feng really wanted to kill Yu Ren, but it was not the right time. He went to Yu Ren, squatted down, took out a pill and put it into Yu Ren's mouth. He patted him on the chest. The pill was directly swallowed by Yu Ren, with a fishy smell and bitterness.

Yu's calm look changed: "what did you do to me? What did you give me to eat?"

"The royal family of Wes is declining, but you are the emperor after all. Naturally, I can't kill you." Chu Feng did not care about the image of sitting down, a Yang hand inserted in Yu Ren's body of several gold needles disappeared: "just give you to eat a little medicine, after all can't get up, can't move women, three or five years later will die."

"In this way, should I kill you?"

When he regained consciousness, he wanted to call the guard to shut up. Chu Feng himself was still a master at using poison. He could not help saying, "what you gave me is chronic poison. Do you think it can threaten me? As the emperor of the imperial family of the great Weis Empire, I can't say the words behind Yu Ren before I have finished. Looking at the video on the mobile phone in Chu Feng's hand, who is the ferocious man? Who is the one who is not Miyazaki?

Originally proud of the heart suddenly lost that pride, voice also a little weak: "do you want to do?"

Chu Feng put away his mobile phone and laughed: "what do you say?"

Yuren frowned and analyzed the events of Chu Feng's appearance from this evening to now. Finally, he took poison and narrowed his eyes: "tell me your conditions, give me the antidote and the conditions of the video."

"Worthy of being emperor Shao, I think carefully." Chufeng chufeng smiles and pats Yu Ren on the shoulder and stands up with his back to him. He doesn't worry about what the latter dares to do: "I can give you antidote or video, but you have to help me do a few things, otherwise everything is free."

"Video in the hands of the royal family may not work for you, but in my hands of Chu Feng, you can be ruined countless times."

When Yu people's eyebrows slowly gathered a killing opportunity, Chu Feng pointed out the window and said, "simply speaking, the Weisi people will not let a bad emperor and young man succeed, will they?"

Yu Ren's face was stunned, and the killing opportunity faded like the tide. Not to mention that he was poisoned now, even if he was not poisoned, Chu Feng's skill wanted to kill enough from here. Moreover, Yu Ren was not sure that there was only one video in Chu Feng's hand. He calmly asked, "add one more condition and tell me who gave you the video."

"If you agree to this condition, it doesn't matter as long as you don't threaten my own interests."

"It is worthy of Killing Father and deceiving mother and trying to kill my sister. It's selfish enough. I like to cooperate with scum like you." Chu Feng laughed, nodded and said, "what you said is not a problem. I will tell you the source of the video on the day I finish what I have told you. Of course, if you do not agree with me, you should know my means."

Yuren was also the one who had just made a decision. Although he was surprised why Chu Feng knew something hidden in his heart, he should make a deal: "say your conditions!"

Chu Feng and Yu Ren had nothing to be polite about. He waved his left hand and said, "send someone to kill Jing shangmang for me. Although he didn't take the initiative to target me, now the plum blossom club is under his control. I'm struggling. Besides, he's your enemy. Don't you embarrass emperor Shao about this matter?"

Yu Ren frowned and pondered for a while, then turned indifferently and left the room. Chu Feng did not ask him what he was going to do or worry about what he was doing that was not good for him. When he saw Yu Ren far away in his left eye, he dialed a phone and said, "stare at jingshangmang, he's OK, he doesn't need to pay attention. If he's going to die, save him."

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