Super Healer

Chapter 539

Imperial City, fengteng garden!

The new year's pass is coming. As the headquarters of Fengmen Imperial City, it is also a symbol. At the moment, fengteng garden has been decorated with lights and decorations to welcome the coming new year. Everyone's face is full of smiles. The most relaxed time of the year is probably the time of these days?

"Auntie, are you still worried about Chu Feng?"

On the big balcony on the third floor, Su Xinyu came up to see Lin Yulin standing on the edge and looking into the distance, which was the direction of Weiss. She walked over with a smile and said, "don't worry. Although Chu Feng is eighteen or nine years old, he is no worse than eighty year old man. It will be OK."

Seeing that Lin Yulin's frown hasn't been stretched, Su Xinyu also knows that she is comforting herself: "you really don't need to worry too much."

"Heart language, call me sister Yulin, it's no big deal for you."

Lin Yulin reluctantly smiles. She is really worried about Chu Feng, but she also knows that her worry is unnecessary. She can't help worrying when she sees some news. She turns her head and asks, "however, can you contact him? I want to have a word with him

Seeing that Lin Yulin didn't get too tangled up, Su Xinyu said with ease: "I've tried to contact, but the phones are all turned off, but Zixuan and they have come back, saying that chufeng is safe at present."

Su Xinyu didn't believe this, because he could see one or two of them from the look of Gu Ming and Yan Luo. However, in the face of Lin Yulin at the moment, Su Xinyu did not say the possible danger.

"Just be safe!"

Lin Yulin nodded with a smile, walked over and sat down. A cup of hot coffee on the table had cooled down, but she picked it up and took a sip. She said, "Xiao Feng was a hard-working child since childhood. When my sister picked him up, he was only a child of four months old. In the snow and ice, he didn't cry."

Looking back on those years, Lin Yulin unconsciously conjured up a soft smile: "and Xiaofeng, a child, is also very hard-working. Although she knows her life experience since childhood, she has never revealed any inferiority complex. She has done everything better than others. Her housework and farm work are still learning, and nothing has fallen behind.

I still remember when he was five years old, which was the year before I went to Jianghai. At that time, my sister went to the city and didn't come back at 10 o'clock in the evening. We were all in a hurry.

In order not to let us worry, Xiao Feng walked out of five kilometers with a flashlight under the convenient excuse, and met my sister who came back. At that time, he was only five years old, but he did something I didn't dare to do at that time. "

Listening to these, Su Xinyu was also a little surprised. Naturally, she knew that to get to the city, she had to walk more than ten kilometers on the yellow mud road without street lights, and then the cement road, surrounded by corn and a lot of small trees, where a five-year-old child passed by.

Su Xinyu thought, even if she is now, she may not dare to go that way at night, right?

Thinking of that young man who was indifferent to everything but always did more than others, Su Xinyu said with a warm smile: "he is really a warm guy."

"So you two are here

At this time, a voice came from behind. Ye Xinlan, who had already returned, had a bulging stomach. He walked along with a moving look on his face and said: "Xinyu, your grandfather and your grandfather called just now and asked if we were in fengteng garden or go back to them for the new year's Eve dinner tomorrow evening?"

Although Su Xinyu is worried about what ye Xinlan is going to do at that age, such as artificial insemination, a child, and a small child. Her younger brother or younger sister in her twenties comes out, but she is not too bored. She holds Lin Yulin's hand and says, "Chu Feng is not at home now. I'll have dinner with my aunt this year."

"When I do something for Chu Feng."

Ye Xinlan nodded to Lin Yulin, walked over and sat down. When she saw Lin Yulin for the first time, she was a bit shocked. It's hard to imagine that this is a woman from a mountain village. Her innate temperament gives people a fairy like feeling.

"Sister Yulin!" Ye Xinlan sat down and said, "Chu Feng is outside now, and Lin Wei is also in the army. There are only a few people who fight and kill here. Why don't you go to Su's or Ye's for the Spring Festival with us? I believe the old man will certainly welcome them and introduce you to some people."

"Mom When Su Xinyu saw Ye Xinlan talking about these things, she turned her eyes and said, "don't think I don't know what you are thinking. You just want to introduce your son-in-law to your cousin or your brother-in-law. But in that case, will I call them uncle or sister-in-law?"

This is indeed ye Xinlan's thought. There is no embarrassment when Su Xinyu says it. She patted the back of her hand and said, "silly child, she's 28 years old this year. A woman's age of 30 is a barrier. If she doesn't get married, it will be very difficult. Besides, your son wins cousin and your brother. Is it bad?"

"What's more, we talk about each other and have no influence."

Su Xinyu does want to find a good man for Lin Yulin. These days, she also introduces several young and promising young talents to Lin Yulin, but they are all politely refused by Lin Yulin, so she no longer wants to think about it. Speaking of it at the moment, Su Xinyu also moves her mind and asks, "aunt, what do you think?"For fear that Lin Yulin might misunderstand something, Su Xinyu continued: "my brother and cousin are not that kind of dandy. We all know their character. Although they are smaller than you, they certainly can't be bad. Moreover, if you like, my grandfather and grandfather will have no opinions."

"Thank you. I don't think about these things for the time being."

Lin Yulin glanced at Ye Xinlan from the corner of her eyes, and intuitively she seemed to know something: "and this year I want to go back to dianlan. I've been out for nearly 13 years. I don't have time to go back to have a look at my sister's death. Liu Yan will come in the afternoon, and the flight in the evening will go to dianlan, just in time for tomorrow's new year's Eve

Looking at the distance, Lin Yulin tried to pull away the topic: "go back to the Spring Festival, walk around the places that haven't been there for more than ten years, look at the mountains and water of my hometown, and pay homage to my sister's tomb, and be quiet!"

"Huidian blue?"

Su Xinyu micro Leng, this matter Chu Feng also said, but see Chu Feng did not come back, she did not think, at the moment listen to Lin Yulin said: "I go back with you, although I and Chu Feng only need that certificate, but I am his wife, I go back with you, worship my mother-in-law who did not meet."

A blush appeared on his face and said, "by the way, look at the place where he once grew up and feel his past."

Lin Yu Lin thought about it, nodded and said with a smile, "if you are not afraid of the bad environment there, then let's go together."

"That's settled." Su Xinyu, who is also a man of high spirit, made a decision directly and then said to Ye Xinlan: "Mom, tell your grandfather and grandfather that I won't go back to celebrate the new year this year, and my father and that woman will also go home. I don't want to go back to find the guilt, so it's settled."

"Auntie, let's go shopping. Although we don't have relatives in our hometown, we should also prepare some gifts from our parents."

"Silly girl!" Su Xinyu pulls Lin Yulin to go shopping. Ye Xinlan sits in the spot and laughs bitterly. Looking at the two figures disappearing in front of her, she says, "you call her little aunt now. I'm afraid that one day you'll really call her sister again!"

After living for decades, ye Xinlan sees things more deeply than young people. These days in fengteng garden, although Lin Yulin only came twice today, she can feel something from the two contacts.

Touching his stomach which is estimated to be clear next month, ye Xinlan shook his head and sighed, "Chu Feng, she is your little aunt!"

The cold wind blows, Wang Du again under the snow, Chu wind these two days in the Yu people's room did not go out, eat things are Yu people brought, but also do not worry about poisoning, the night came, hang up a phone call, Chu Feng look more lonely, said: "aunt, wronged you."

"Heart language, thank you, in this life, I owe you Chu Feng."

With a creaking sound, the door of the room opened. Yu Ren's face was not very good. He came in and directly opened his mouth: "the wind is low, the vehicles you need and so on are all ready, and they have been sent to the designated place for my people to evacuate. Can you leave here?"

Although it was only two or three days, it was like a year for Yu people. With Jing shangmang's disappearance, his life and death were unknown. Even though he was the emperor's residence, he was patronized by the official people. Thinking that he was almost found in Chu Feng this morning, Yu Ren couldn't stop sweating.

"For fear that I should be found out, you will not only lose your reputation, but also commit treason?"

Chu Feng didn't understand Yu Ren's meaning. He shook his head and said with a smile: "don't worry. You are ready. I will leave later. Just before I leave, I still need you to do one thing."

Yu Ren frowned: "what's the matter?"

Chu Feng was not polite to Yu people. He said, "send 500 people to wait all day long. I hope you don't be stingy when I need to. In addition, I want to lock Huangfu Junyi's whereabouts for me. I don't have many people. I can't disperse to catch the traces of old monsters. I'm afraid of scaring snakes."

"But you are different. Move your fingers and give you information."

"What do you want?" Yu people won't believe Chu Feng, just let him prepare these casually, and asked cautiously.

"After it's done, the antidote and the video will be sent together, and I will send Jing shangmang to leave the world." Chu Feng did not answer, turned back to Yu Ren and said in a cold voice: "of course, you also pray that I don't have any problems, otherwise your everything will be exposed."

Yu Ren scolded Chu Feng for thousands of times, which showed that it was a threat. Even if he died, he had to pull his back on his back and said clearly with a gloomy face. He left the room angrily and arranged to go to Miyazaki's room. He needed to vent his anger on that woman.

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