Super Healer

Chapter 542

Hero monument cemetery!

Although in Weiss and even in the world, it is a high-end place, and the people who can be buried here are famous people, but if they can, no one wants to sleep here forever. It is not only their own shame, but also a layer of humiliation for their kingdom.

A figure like a ghost ran into the cemetery, the gloomy cemetery revealed a strange atmosphere, but the figure did not stop, constantly walking through it, and finally came to the high position of the cemetery, hidden in the dark.

"The Weiss are really ambitious and have ulterior motives."

The figure glanced at the terrain and sighed softly. The cemetery looked like Wolong from west to East, but when you looked carefully, it was the anti Wolong terrain.

It is self-evident that the Wei people buried those people here. It is a pity that they want to trample on the descendants of others from the perspective of geomantic omen. It is a pity that the terrain is anti Wolong, but the layout people can not bear this way.

"Just came the news, more than 20 incidents occurred in Wangdu, and the whole Wang was in a panic."

When the dark shadows shuttling through the graveyard stay in a place, the money in the car can't help but hang up the phone and look at the cemetery from afar. He exclaimed and said: "it's like he can use it like this. It's not like before. To do such a thing in the capital of a kingdom requires not only courage, but also guilt."

People hiding in Wangdu just now can't help calling for money. There have been riots from dozens of minutes ago to now. There are super large traffic accidents, gas explosion in residential buildings, underground pipeline blasting and water seepage, gold shops being smashed and robbed. Everything seems to happen as agreed.

Although Wang Du officials have not yet given the conclusion of who did it, qian can not help but know that the writing of this night comes from Chu Feng.

Nameless eyes showed approval and said: "well done, but after tonight, his living space in Wes will continue to decrease. Even if he returns to the Holy See, he is the official target of Vish."

"He is responding to the person in charge with his own actions. He will never stand with wes."

Qian can't help nodding slightly, because Chu Feng and Xinzi's contact have aroused some attention of the person in charge. Chu Feng must have known this, so he did such a thing. The final result, good or bad, is that the name of public enemy of Chu Feng Wei can't be washed away, and he will follow him all his life.

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the night into the graveyard, and Qian could not help saying, "maybe tonight, we really don't need our hands."

"I always feel that way." Nameless rarely showed a smile of approval, that arrogant and domineering youth, but work step by step, from the first meeting left him an indelible impression.

"If he doesn't die, his future achievements must be above you and me," he sighed


While Qian couldn't help but communicate with the unknown, the 30 people waiting in the same place were killed like wolves without a sound. Each of them had a powerful submachine gun in his hand and two bombs on his waist. He began to prepare what he had left for the Huangfu family, which was useful at the moment.

Nameless narrowed his eyes, looked at those vigorous figures and said faintly: "let Yinfeng check the origin of these people. In my cognition, relying on the current means of Chu Feng, it is impossible to build such a team."

"Team leader!"

Qian couldn't help calling to arrange, but he said frankly: "Chu Feng is on a dangerous road. We know that he knows it better. If I guess right, this is his card. In the future, it may be the bottom card of a comeback after the official crush."

"What do you mean?" he said

"We didn't see anything." Qian couldn't help but say what he thought. Of course, Cai Jinhua once told him: "Chu Feng looks strong now, but it's also very fragile. It's just that the development of the holy Dynasty determines his mode. I appreciate Chu Feng very much. The old lady is also very optimistic about him, and ye Suzhou's three big men also have a good impression."

"If you can, let him go strong, I believe him!"

The car fell into silence, until the graveyard rang out a continuous gunfire, nameless just plain mouth: "actually, I believe him before any of you!"

Money can not help a Leng, according to the truth nameless and Chu Feng meet count up, how to trust? Although he was the first person under the hidden dragon, Qian couldn't help but know that he was not qualified to know something.

In the cemetery at this time, with the time appointed by Chu Feng, 30 people entered from all directions, without disturbing the guards on the periphery. Quietly, they moved forward according to the news from Chu Feng. They touched the guard dormitory with only dim lighting. Each of the 30 people entered a room and started killing.

The sound of the gun broke the silence of the night and started a brutal fight. It was only because these people were in their sleep. In addition, they didn't receive any news at the beginning. When the gunshot rang out, many people were still in their sleep and left the world forever."Enemy attack!"

Finally, I don't know who roared in the dark, and someone has already started to call for support. However, the call that can be made at any time is helpless tonight. It is always busy.

They don't know that in this cemetery, now the police force of the whole city is moving to maintain stability and calm the public mood. Even if they know that this place has been attacked, no one will come. Compared with the living people, the so-called hero who once died in the hands of their ancestors is not so important.

The cemetery of 400 people can be an overwhelming crush on 30 people, but because it is in such a unprepared night, 300 people fell into a pool of blood without lifting their guns and died!

Thirty elite people are expected to shoot at the same time and kill ten people at the same time. By the time the hundred people patrolling at night come back to their senses, no one in the dormitory building is alive.

Turning the muzzle of the gun, 30 people used the cover of the building to counterattack the 100 people surrounded. At the same time, ten bombs flew out and landed in ten directions. The Weiss, who thought dispersion could reduce the sacrifice, knew that they were wrong when the bomb rang.

When they were fighting, Chu Feng shuttled through the night with a spade in his hand. He dug the remaining 47 cemeteries and pried open the sealed place where the urn was stored. No one found his figure. He was more focused on the enemy in the corridor.

The gunfire flashed, making the surrounding area appear bright color. In the bomb just now, more than 30 Wes people have fallen down with heavy casualties. The rest of the people did not expect that the attackers with bombs were hit by surprise.

Seeing an opportunity, the wes once again suppressed the people in the building with powerful firepower. Instead of killing them, they just needed to drag in support.

But in the heat of the battle, suddenly a lying down on the ground shooting Wes people fainted, no sign.

The people next to him thought he was shot and wanted to sneak over to check, but without moving two steps, he fainted on the ground. This kind of thing quickly happened to the rest of the wes. Within a minute, the sound of Wes's guns had completely disappeared, and the shooting stopped in the building.

"Put away the casket, go away!"

Chu Feng also flashed out at this time and yelled at the corridor. Then he picked up the gun on the ground and continued to shoot at those people who passed out. He said that there would be no chicken or dog left tonight, so none of them would be let go.

People in the building heard Chu Feng's voice and flashed quickly. They saw him mending their guns to the people on the ground. No one went up to help. They quickly went to the cemetery. Some people took one, some took two. Soon, only 30 people who were slightly injured withdrew from the cemetery.

Before leaving, everyone left something in the hole where the urn was placed.

According to what money can't help but prepare, the 47 caskets are completely packed in three cars. Three people drive the first to leave here and go to a specific route. When there is money, they can't help but arrange people to meet them. As long as they get there, they can safely leave kaivis.

After five minutes, the sound of the gun disappeared, and Chu Feng came out of it. His warm smile bloomed in the night. The remaining 27 people, including nameless and Qian, who came out of the car, could not help standing there, watching Chu Feng straighten up.

From the beginning of the operation to now it is only 15 minutes, zero death wiped out 400 people in the cemetery and took away all the urn. This is already a miracle, a military miracle, because only 30 people have been mobilized.

"Brother Qian, do you want to see a flourishing fireworks?"

Chu Feng went to qian can't help but throw out a sentence: "just don't know, after the hero monument, we can't be safe, after all, Huangfu Junyi, the old monster, is still in Weis."

Money can't help but reply: "I believe you, can do anything!"

"A good word can do anything." Chufeng laughed and suddenly turned around, and something flew out in his hand. After a loud bang, there was a continuous explosion. That was the bomb left by them when they took away the urn. More than 40 bombs exploded continuously, just like an earthquake.

He completely ravaged the cemetery. Even though the prepared money couldn't help but keep his eyes on the unknown, they would only take the urn, and they would not dare to make such a face slap, but Chu Feng did!

"The fireworks are brilliant, but it's not the time to enjoy them."

Chu Feng was calm and said to the silent crowd: "although we are only 30 people left now, I believe we can still create a miracle, hide them all, and a new round of slaughter is coming."

Twenty seven people did not ask why, quickly disappeared in the same place, hidden in the rest of the place, money can not help but frown, but see Chu Feng has gone to one side, also follow.

Nameless looked back at the road when he came, his eyes showed meditation: "does he have the seventh sense to predict danger?" After thinking about it for a long time, the namelessness of the crisis disappeared, only three cars stopped there!

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