Super Healer

Chapter 546

Chu Feng left Chinatown alone, not long before a car slowly stopped by his side, in order not to let people doubt, catkins did not follow them.

Look around no one noticed, Chu Feng opened the door and sat on it, the car directly left the street, toward the distance.

"You go back first, I'll go in!"

This is a construction site, but because of some reasons it fell into a state of suspension. Chu Feng said to catkins, opened the door and walked inside.

Seven turns eight turns walking on the road, to the direction of an oil barrel, Chu Feng one foot burst open the oil barrel, exposed a hole that can accommodate a person to enter.

This was made by the construction team for the convenience of underground work at the time of construction. According to Liu Zhixin's news, it was not recorded in the documents of the government yard. Chu Feng let some people hide here, and some people followed them.

Inside came the sound of air flowing. Instead of rushing down, Chu Feng knocked twice on the oil barrel beside him. After a while, the light flickered below. Chu Feng understood that the people below knew that they were his own, and he was allowed to go down.

Instead of putting the oil barrel back to its original position, Chu Feng followed the bent steel ladder to the bottom, and passed through a 10 meter passage. There was a faint candle light inside, which could not be seen outside. Only when he entered the inside, could he find that there was someone here.

More than 20 people were sitting everywhere. When they saw Chu Feng appear, they all stood up: "less wind!"

"Clean up, contact brother Qian to evacuate!"

Chu Feng looked at the blindfolded man sitting in a corner and said to the people around him.

Chu Feng looked at the woman and said with a warm smile: "I still have a lot of things to do. I won't leave for the time being. You go first. You don't need to worry about my safety. This is an order."

I want to say something more, but Chu Feng's firmness makes them have no chance to speak. They take care of themselves. More than 20 people quickly pack up their things. In just a few minutes, only Chu Feng and the blindfolded young man are left in the spacious underground.

"Less wind, Chu wind?"

The young man also opened his mouth at this time. He didn't see it, but he was able to judge who was in front of him: "I started to wonder who took the opportunity to kidnap me, but now I understand. Believe that I was kidnapped, it must make your pressure much less?"

"Yes, people are looking for you." Chu Feng didn't give up. He went up to pull the cloth on the young man's face and said, "but Jing Shang Huang Shao is also a character. I've been detained here for so many days. I didn't say a word and didn't do anything. Don't you worry that I'll kill you?"

Slightly squinting to adapt to the light of the candle light, the young man is Jing shangmang who has been missing for a few days. Hearing his reply, "if you want to kill me, you won't be under house arrest. So why should I worry?"

This is Jing shangmang's self-confidence, and after being arrested for a period of time, he vaguely guessed that the person who started the attack was Chu Feng. However, he kept calm, did not speak and did nothing. He was very cooperative, because he knew that making a big noise would not solve the problem, but would suffer.

"It's really a plum blossom club. It's amazing."

Chu Feng gave a smile, like an old friend sitting beside Jing shangmang, untied the rope: "but at present my black pot has been washed, on the contrary, Miyano is in crisis, so I'm here to let you leave this evening."

Jing shangmang's heart moved, looking at the hands that have been free, it is difficult to believe that Chu Feng will let him go.

But the facts were in front of him and he couldn't believe it. He squinted and asked, "why do you do that, or what do you want from me?"

"I won't give you up." Chu Feng stood up, his eyes with a firm and non-negotiable color said: "where are you missing these days, find your own excuse, in addition, I need you to help me do a thing, after we went everywhere, I have not seen you, I do not know you."

Jing shangmang raised a smile, as always: "you this request is certainly not simple?"

"Simple words, also do not need plum blossom meeting emperor Shao, you personally hand." Chu Feng nodded without denying: "Weiss or Shengchao, there are always people who have their own thoughts. The current situation of Weiss is unpredictable, and Gongye will be left at any time. Among the younger generation, there are only a few people who can go up."

"Although it is said that you are polite and polite, I understand what kind of person you are. I believe that you will not want to lose something that you think belongs to you, right?"

Chu Feng said so bluntly that Jing shangmang was a little surprised: "Feng Shao, before I promised you to cooperate, I want to know whether you really cooperate with Xinzi. The death of chunyuantaro is related to you?"


Chu Feng did not hesitate to reply: "Xinzi did save me once, but that is the case that I do not know my identity. As for the outside rumor, Xinzi worked with me in order to clear the obstacles for you. I am also baffled about this matter, but I will not deliberately explain it to Chunyuan taro, or Chunyuan taro."He took out a picture from his arms and threw it to Jing shangmang. He said, "this is the man who attacked Chunyuan Taro's residence that night. It is not difficult to find out who he is. This is what I finally extracted from the deleted video."

"It's him!"

When Jing shangmang sees the man who blows up a person's head with a blow in the photo, Li mang bursts out of his eyes, as if he thinks through everything in a flash: "I should have known it was him, the emperor of universe is few, and if he is really skillful, then Xinzi will be under house arrest, and I will also be suspected. You should carry the black pot and carve three birds with one arrow!"

We are all smart people. As long as we say it clearly, we can think of all things: "there is little wind. What do I need to do?"

"Don't do things against your heart, just give me two points to win."

Chu Feng didn't speak politely. For the next half hour, Chu Feng and Jing shangmang didn't know what they were talking about. When they left the ground, they could see the satisfied smile on each other's faces.

"See you later. We'll be enemies who never die." Breathing the fresh air that hasn't been smelled for several days, Jing shangmang smiles and shakes hands with Chu Feng.

Chu Feng gently grasped, separated and walked in another direction, and said, "it's true that we will never die when we see you next time, but I believe you will be the one who died."

Jing shangmang gave a meaningful smile, turned his back to Chu Feng and left, his eyes leaping with a terrible killing opportunity. But he finally suppressed it and whispered in a low voice: "Chu Feng, this time is in my interest. I won't kill you, but next time you won't be so lucky. Weiss is doomed to be not a place where you can play."

A cold wind swept through the air. Chu Feng has left the abandoned construction site and walked on a remote street. Now qian can't help but all of them have left. They are all alone in Weis. There is only one Liu Zhixin who is not clear about his enemy and friend. Loneliness emerges in his heart.

"Husband, do you believe in jingshangmang, and are not afraid of him tearing down the bridge?"

After turning at the corner of the alley, a figure came up and took Chu Feng's arm. Murong Bing, as always, was a demon with a little puzzled: "compared to Weiss, you are an outsider. Cooperating with you is tantamount to being a traitor. Does he really do that?"

"I never doubted that he would do it." Chu Feng put his arms around Murong Bing's waist and said, "of course, I've already planted a bomb, or do you think I've been keeping him under house arrest for so many days? Do you think that after controlling the club these days and enjoying the supreme power, Yamamoto will hand over the power to him because of jingshangmang's return? "

Murong Bing's beautiful and enchanting eyes blinked: "what do you mean?"

"Yamamoto shiye can't

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "it's clear that a person's malpractice can be taken up, but he may not be able to put it down:" because his ambition has been thoroughly stimulated in the deployment of troops these days, the return of Jing shangmang will not let him hand over power, but will make him hate. I can almost foresee the future struggle within the plum blossom club. "

This is Chu Feng's plan when he asked Liu Zhixin to investigate Yamamoto's four fields. He set out his ambition and let him be greedy for power, which was also for the final plan.

In this way, you should always be on guard against Jing shangmang of Yamamoto's four fields, and he will not play tricks with himself. Otherwise, he will suffer from these people. If he does not sincerely cooperate with him once more and has more enemies, Jing shangmang will have difficulties.

Murong Bing, leaning on Chu Feng's body, said with a smile: "you have added a layer of insurance to this plan, but Huangfu Junyi and Jingkun themselves are the existence of the best value of force. Don't you worry about any changes?"

"Isn't there you?"

"I use you as a tool!"

Chufeng chuckled and hugged Murong Bing again: "when I'm free, when I'm a woman, when I'm in a war, when I'm a gun, I can finally be a tool for giving birth to children. How wonderful!"

"You villain!" Murong Bing shyly hummed, biting Chu Feng's ear and humming: "but elder sister, I still don't think you are bad enough. When will we have a friendship wave with me?"

Chu Feng was very excited. Although he had been with Murong Bing for a long time, he still couldn't resist the charm of the woman. He deflected his words: "let's talk about it. Go to a place with me. I want to make sure something. Why did the plum blossom Club people hide in the vicinity of the graveyard of hero monument early that night?"

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