Super Healer

Chapter 551

The warm and pleasant sunshine can't pass through the thick woods, only the chance is that the light beam will pass through the gap between the leaves. There are more than 100 corpses lying on the ground. Huangfu Junyi and Jingkun are still covered with blood, but they are still fighting fiercely.

With a random slap, a Weiss man is flying. Huangfu Junyi and Jingkun have stood back to back together. Both of them are over 60 years old. Standing there gives people an insurmountable strength.

It seems that there is no chance for the two people standing around to stab him, as long as there is no chance for him to stab.

A member of the club caught Huangfu Junyi's cough and stabbed him fiercely. A smile appeared on his face. He seemed to have seen himself stabbing Huangfu Junyi to death.

But all of a sudden, Huangfu Junyi's left hand was raised, and his two fingers caught the fallen knife. When the members of the club were shocked and wondering how it was possible, Huangfu Junyi's two fingers pulled out their strength, and the knight's knife broke in the middle.

As soon as the backhand shot, he was still in a daze. Why did the plum blossom club members who were blocked by two fingers be pierced by the broken Knight's knife, and the rest of his power was not reduced, and the second person was killed.

Amazing hand, so that the crowd around the killing dignified a lot.

It seems that they can't understand where such amazing power comes from the old man who seems to be falling when the wind blows. From the beginning of the siege to now, they not only did not hurt Huangfu Junyi, but also killed more than 100 people. They can't understand the shocking force.

Some people even thought that they knew to bring guns, but in their mind, this is a snow mountain. Allowing them to bring knives is a gift. Fighting is the biggest concession. They also want to kill two strong men with guns. The master of Jiuye, who respects martial arts, will surely make them and the master behind them die ugly.

I don't know who roared. A moment of silence broke out again. The pure strength could not kill them. The suppressed and frightened people from both sides were ready to kill Huangfu Junyi and Jingkun with the sea of people tactics. I believe thousands of people are enough to destroy their strength.

Huangfu Junyi and Jingkun collide with each other and shoot out. Both of them are super masters. Huangfu Junyi has been famous for a long time, and one move is fatal. To their level, simple moves are no longer important. What they strive for is the purest killing move. As long as they can kill people, any move can be used.

One punch, one foot, one close to the body, and one over the shoulder throw all embody the power and perfect combination of speed. Facing the siege of thousands of people and thousands of Knights' swords, both of them seem to be at ease, as if those were just toys.

With the blood flowing again, some people are falling down. Huangfu Junyi has dyed blood all over his body and killed these people unconsciously. But after all, he is old. Although he is better maintained than King Qiao, he is still an old man.

When the three Weiss men fell down, Huangfu Junyi also felt that his Qi and blood were not smooth.

Jingkun himself was injured. Although he was faced with a group of people who did not have strong force value, if there were too many ants, they would kill an elephant, which was no better than Huangfu Junyi.

They stood together again, and Jingkun's eyes were firm and said: "my hometown master, I will stop them. You can take the opportunity to kill them. If it was 30 years ago, it was very simple for us to kill them, but now, we are all old."

Huangfu Junyi's body was erect and looked down at the world and said, "what are you talking about? You've followed me since you were a child. I can watch you die here?"

Although the rich and powerful families are merciless, Huangfu Junyi's affection for Jingkun, who has been around since childhood and rescued Huangfu Junyi more than once in the past few decades, is much deeper than Huangfu's questioning them.

Jingkun gave a knowing smile, but the more he was like this, he was more firm in his own ideas: "old master, I was just an orphan. You trained me and let me enjoy things that others could not enjoy in their life. You are like my father. I am sorry for many people, but I can't watch you fall in front of me."

"Please let me fight for you again. You should take care of yourself in the future."

Huangfu Junyi was stunned. Once he was merciless, his sons and brothers were all the people he used. But for Jingkun, he felt more intimate than his own sons. But he also understood that although Jingkun always listened to himself, some things, even himself, had no effect.

"Old master, go!" Jingkun didn't give Huangfu Junyi time to say anything more. He jumped out of the body, killed a royal elite and took off the knife in his hand. He was completely surrounded by a small bag. The sword flower suddenly appeared, and five men fell down. The power of one knife made people around him feel a little frightened.

"I will take revenge for you, and let the Royal plum blossom club and Chu Feng pay a heavy price."

Huangfu Junyi is not a procrastinator. He wants to make Jingkun's sacrifice valuable. With a roar, his huge body goes in the opposite direction. Facing those who are armed with swords, he jumps two times and four people fall to the ground.When he reached this state, the effect of using a knife was the same as that of using his hand. However, Huangfu Junyi didn't mind using the knife. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a knight's knife came into his hand, and the three Knights' swords were broken inch by inch. The sound of dangdangdang made the three people subconsciously stop.

But it was just at this moment that Huangfu Junyi's knife had already crossed their chest and directly burst their hearts.

No matter how old the tiger is

In the distance, Chu Feng dispersed and Murong Bing knew something. He pointed the Sniper at the scene of the fight. At the moment, Huangfu Junyi and Jingkun were surrounded by crisis, so they would not think about it when the gun was pointed at them.

However, for more than ten minutes, Chu Feng did not fire any bullets. He was very clear that these old monsters' perception of danger had already made their bodies exceed the standard of normal people. He believed that as long as the bullets appeared near them, their bodies would instinctively dodge away.

Even if Chu Feng had a left eye, it was difficult to kill them with one shot. These people were not comparable to Ling Rufeng, so Chu Feng never fired.

Murong Bing took a meaningful look at Chu Feng: "but I believe you can definitely kill them."

Chu Feng naturally believed that the emperor Fu Junyi and they were all going to die, just to see what kind of price they had to pay. Seeing that Jingkun was finally left with a scar, Chu Feng playfully threw out a sentence to the earphone: "respect and respect emperor Shao, it's time for you to appear on the stage!"

A few kilometers away, Jing shangmang, who was waiting quietly, stood up and put away his mobile phone. With a wave of his hand, all the people who belonged to him in the silent plum blossom club all moved to the scene of the fight. Today, they have only one purpose, that is to kill all the people there.


Chu Feng's left eye saw that Jing shangmang had already started to move, and the muzzle of the gun was also aimed at Jingkun. In the next five minutes, the pictures flashed constantly in Chu Feng's hands, and gradually sweat appeared in his palms. For people like Jingkun, bullets can only kill him once, and they can't die once, so there is no chance.

As time went by, Huangfu Junyi had already made a way and was about to break through the encirclement. Chu Feng caught a picture and a smile flashed in his eyes. He aimed at the muzzle of Jingkun and suddenly aimed at Huangfu Junyi. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, and the special bullet flew away with a burning breath.

Huangfu Junyi felt a strong crisis enveloping him. His body instinctively rolled out to the front. The next moment, a royal elite was blown off his head. The force of the bullet burst also implicated several people around him. He fell to the ground and could not afford to be seriously injured.

"Sniper gun, Chu Feng!"

Huang Fu Jun as like as two peas, decided to follow the direction of the bullet, and after hiding behind a tree, looking at the dead body without a skull, it was exactly like the death of the tiger.

Just as the words had just been uttered, the audience was stunned. Where did the explosion come from, Jingkun was also shocked. Huangfu Junyi almost felt a sharp pain in his shoulder when he was almost hit by a blow. Then a burst sound sounded, and Jingkun's left hand was completely broken.

"Ah Jingkun broke out a shrill scream, eyes emerged, killing opportunities, and said: "Chu Feng children!"


Huangfu Junyi also witnessed this scene. He knew why Chu Feng had just shot him. He didn't want to kill him at all. He just wanted to distract Jingkun's attention by using his own crisis, and then he fired a shot.

was furious, and Kwai Yi Junyi jumped out. He quickly pressed his hand and opened the knife. At the moment, he was worried about several people blocking the bullets. Jing Kun had no hand, and he wanted to kill it again. It was impossible for him to kill him. He could not let Jing Kun's sacrifice be worthless. His eyes were bloodshot and rushed out. He said, "I will avenge you."

"Why didn't Jingkun lose his head?" Murong Bing through the telescope to see Huangfu Junyi has not entered the dense forest, some people have already chased, but just now Chu Feng had a chance to blow Jingkun's head.

"He's a respectable strong man, and it's insulting to blow his head off."

Chu Feng put down his sniper gun and said calmly: "what's more, in order to give Huangfu Junyi time to run, even if there is only one hand, Jingkun will explode 100% of its potential. Those who respect mang don't die a little. How do you play next?"

"Sniper?" In the car in the distance, Yamamoto Siye saw that scene, and immediately opened his mouth: "Huang Shao, we must leave here immediately. Chu Feng, the son of a bitch, is nearby. If we know that we are also at the scene, a bullet can solve us."

"If you want to leave, Chu Feng will die today."

Yuren did not have much fluctuation. He looked around with confidence and said, "let Miyazaki attack me when I really don't know. If I don't kill him today, it may be me who will die!" Thinking of the mask man who appeared and disappeared to remove the toxin for himself, Yuren couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He had to watch Chu Feng die completely before he was relieved.

Yamamoto Siye is a person who cherishes his life. Seeing that Yu Ren didn't mean to leave, he kicked open the door and threw out a sentence: "I wish you success, and I'll set a banquet for you in the king!"

Yuren looked back at Yamamoto's back, his eyes were cold and he hummed: "Congratulations, I think you wish I could die too?"

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