Super Healer

Chapter 553

Less than three hours after the end of the first World War, the news spread throughout Weiss and even the whole world. The old owner of Huangfu family was also a powerful figure decades ago. Now he died in Weiss, which inevitably caused fluctuations.

In Miyano's office, Miyano, who was already under pressure, punched the wall with a fist, and his eyes were cold and he said, "jingshangmang, where are the four wild Yamamoto and Yu people? Haven't you come yet? "

The middle-aged people who follow Miyano naturally understand why Huangfu Junyi is dead and why the master is so angry. Therefore, he is very careful in his speech: "they have been informed and arrived ten minutes ago, but you are in a bad mood. I told them to wait in the reception hall."


Miyano waved his hand, and without waiting for the middle-aged man to keep up, he went straight to the reception hall. His eyes were full of murders.

Originally, with the help of the Huangfu family and Chu Feng's enmity, Weiss was able to get on Chaoyun island in a proper manner. But now, because of the declaration of Fengmen, he was attacked by enemies. The destruction of Yihe family and the death of chunyuantaro were almost all on his body. That kind of anger is imaginable.

The door of the reception hall opened with a bang, and Miyano came in with a gloomy face. But when he saw only two people here, he asked coldly, "where are Yuren?"

Jingshangmang and Yamamoto shiye stood up. Although Miyano might step down at any time, he is still the chief. The former modestly replied: "at that time, I heard that someone was killing in the reclusive land of master Jiuye, so I took others to kill them. According to the agreement of the three parties, there were royal elite but no Yuren."

Jing shangmang is a man trained by Gongye. After hearing his explanation, his face softened a little. He waved to him and looked at Yamamoto, who was still standing. His tone was not very good. He asked, "do you want to explain to me why you want to take someone to attack Huangfu Junyi?"

"And it's still in the snow mountain. Do you have master Jiuye in your eyes?"

Yamamoto Siye is still thinking about things. At the moment, he replies respectfully: "the chief and the president asked me to find out who killed Chunyuan taro. I found out that it was related to the Huangfu family."

Then he took out a picture and handed it to Miyano respectfully. He said, "this man is Jingkun beside Huangfu Junyi. He appeared in Chunyuan Taro's residence on the night of his death. I have also analyzed this photo and confirmed that it is not a forgery. But because of the special identity of Huangfu Junyi, I want to confirm it before I tell you.

But I knew that Huangfu Junyi was going to the snow mountain, so I took someone to invite him. But Huangfu Junyi didn't mean to accept our invitation. He finally killed him and seriously injured my assistant, Zhongmei Zhizi! "

"As for the people who started to attack and kill Huangfu Junyi, I don't know the specific reason!"

Miyano looks at the picture in his hand. It is indeed the picture of Jingkun breaking into Chunyuan Taro's residence. Jing shangmang is sitting with a slight frown. This photo is the one that Chu Feng showed him. But how could Yamamoto's hands be found at the moment?

"The one who started the attack was from the royal family?" Miyano narrowed his eyes, seemingly asking Yamamoto and shiye, but actually asking Jing shangmang.

Jing shangmang knew that he was asking himself. He stood up and said, "when I took people there, all the people who killed Huangfu Junyi in Jingkun were wearing Royal costumes. There was also a royal bodyguard chief. The specific reason still needs the appearance of Yu Ren.

As for Huangfu Junyi, I went to see him after controlling the situation. After he broke out of the encirclement, he met Yamamoto's people. Maybe Huangfu Junyi thought it was the enemy, so he killed him and died. "


The middle-aged man hung up a phone call and came up from behind and said, "just now the royal family called and confirmed that Yuren did send out Royal elite to do something, but they didn't know what to do. They were very sorry for Huangfu Junyi's death. They were willing to make compensation to Huangfu family and also willing to apologize. As for Yuren, they couldn't get in touch with them."


Miyano eyebrows a pick, not angry but awe, he does not see the current situation clearly, the main person is Yu people, Jing shangmang is to receive the news to rush to the scene, Yamamoto Siye is ordered to investigate, everything points to Yu Ren is the key figure.

His fist clenched and smashed it on the table and said, "Yamamoto, Huangfu Junyi will eventually die in your hands. Write a report on this matter and give it to my secretary. Go!"

Although he felt that something was wrong, Weiss was in turmoil, and it was not good for him to do too much research on Yamamoto's real intention, which would cause a backlash. He could only try his best to suppress the anger of the Huangfu family.

Yamamoto shiye left, Miyano looked relaxed and asked Jing shangmang, "what do you think of this matter?"

He trusted Jing shangmang, so he didn't show his edge: "why did Yuren deal with Huangfu Junyi and Yamamoto's four fields? Even if he invited Huangfu Junyi to investigate, he shouldn't take so many people. What do you want to say about this?"

Jing shangmang's heart was relieved. He was afraid that Miyano would see that he had a short-term cooperation with Chu Feng. He straightened up and said, "the reason for Yu Ren's action is that you should kill Huangfu Junyi when you are facing a public crisis, so that the chief Xiansheng will be weakened and unable to resolve the crisis."Miyano nodded. The things about himself and Huangfu Junyi were not confidential. After thinking about it, he said: "the royal family has always wanted to stand on the table again. I know very well that Yuren has such a motive. To kill Huangfu Junyi, we will lose an ally and let Weiss have an enemy."

"In that way, the imperial family will be able to stand up and take charge of the matter. At present, the disappearance of Yu people may be due to their own writing, directing and acting."

"It is possible." Jing shangmang's idea is other, but at the moment he doesn't want to mention Chu Feng: "as for Yamamoto's four fields, he has always been indifferent to the world, that is to say, it's not my guess about Yamamoto's intention, but it's very difficult to extinguish one's ambition when it is ignited."

Miyano's eyes narrowed: "what do you mean?"

"He may have cooperated with Yuren!" Jing shangmang throws out his own inference. When he brings people to kill, he finds that there are hidden members of the plum blossom club. However, in order to put the royal family under pressure, he does not want to be involved in the club, so he conceals: "this is what I thought before I came."

Miyano eyes a congealed continued to ask: "your basis!"

"Keiko Yamazaki!" Jing shangmang did not hesitate to throw out a name. When Miyano revealed his thoughts, he said: "as we all know, Yamamoto's affection for Yamazaki's Keiko has reached a pathological state. However, the appearance of both Yamamoto's and Yuren's people shows too many problems.

I personally think that in order to fulfill his ambition, Yuren cooperated with Yamamoto Shino. After marriage for so long, Yuren didn't share the house with Keiko Yamazaki, which is the biggest problem. The purpose is to let Yamamoto cooperate with shiye wholeheartedly. "

"As our ancestors said, women are always the most sharp weapons."

There was a brief silence in the reception hall. Miyano was obviously thinking about something. Jing shangmang and the middle-aged man stood aside respectfully without saying a word. They knew that Miyano was synthesizing the information of all parties.

For a long time, Miyano slowly raised his head and said, "if so, you'd better kill by mistake than let go. The officials who attach great importance to power can never contact with the important figures of the royal family. This is also the reason why I told you not to respond positively to the royal marriage. Take out Yamamoto shiye and let this possibility disappear completely."

Jing shangmang was excited, but kept his reason: "chief, Yamamoto shiye controls the financial power of the whole club, if he dies?"

"You are still as kind as ever, but remember that in the interests of the Kingdom, all personal feelings are illusory."

Miyano clapped Jing shangmang on the shoulder with admiration, thinking that he was going to plead for Yamamoto's fourth field: "although he once stood firmly with you, who knows what it is, we have a lot of Weiss talents to kill him. It is said that Yamamoto's four fields have a Sino American intellectual who was forcibly occupied by Yamamoto's fourth field. It must be hateful."

With a big wave of his hand, Miyano made a decision that made him infamous: "Yamamoto is dead, China and the United States are superior. Let her help you stabilize the club. We are all old, and Weiss depends on you young people."

Jingshangmang replied respectfully. He waved his hand and left Gongye. Yuren didn't know where he was. But Jing shangmang knew that he might have fallen into the hands of Chu Feng. As for Yamamoto's four fields who didn't mention Chu Feng just now, he must have wanted Gongye and himself to bear all the anger of the Huangfu family.

"Chief, do you really believe in respecting the emperor?" When there were only two people left in the reception hall, the middle-aged man came forward and asked.

"What if you don't believe it?"

Miyano scattered his edge and said plainly: "at present, Wes is out of touch. He was killed by overlord 20 years ago. Although Jing shangmang has great ambition to hide, I can't find anyone in the younger generation who can match him."

The middle-aged man sighed: "the chief heart is the Kingdom, but it is a pity that those people don't understand. They just want to fight for power."

"Well, we make fun of the inner strife of the holy court, but we are not?" Miyano grinned bitterly, waved and walked out of the reception hall. Thinking of something, he turned around and said, "let Shanchuan seize a little time. At present, Huangfu Junyi is dead. Although it is not enough to prove that there is a shadow of Chu Feng, I am not stable in one day."

"Find him out and kill him at all costs and sacrifices!"

When he issued an order, Miyano went to his office. At this moment, he seemed to be much older: "twenty years ago, with the help of overlord heaven, the holy emperor killed our second generation of elites. Now, today, I will kill the third generation of people in Shengchao!"

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