Super Healer

Chapter 556

On a street, the catkins in the car is already at 2 a.m., and there are at most the presence of China and the United States, that is to say, tomorrow morning. Otherwise, the vitality of a few people will be more compressed.

"You and your cousin go first." Chu Feng shakes his head, he still has something to do: "my identity is no secret, it is impossible to return home through normal channels, but you two can go back aboveboard. I have asked Liu Zhixin to book a flight to Siye in an hour."

"Then you will transfer from there and go back to Jianghai!"

"All right, then." Knowing that Chu Feng was a man of firm will, he would not change his plan because of danger. Catkins did not persuade him: "I will send my elder sister back to Jianghai to settle down, and then I will go to dianlan. My sister originally took me back this year, but I came to Weiss with you. I can't catch up with you in the new year."

Chu Feng opened the door, got out of the car and walked to the lane next door. Jichi Mingbu didn't speak since he came out. At the moment, he opened his mouth: "Mingzi, what else can I do with less wind?"


Willow catkins just a simple answer to two words, smile to start the car, but the heart is still a little worried, secretly praying Chu Feng nothing good.

When Liu Xu and Liu Xu drove to the airport, Chu Feng also got on a car and looked at the tired woman and said with a smile: "how, very tired?"

"What do you say?"

Liu Zhixin shook her head to start the car, a little grumpy back: "these days you make so many things in Weiss, the official compulsory search of various places, although did not find you, but also enough for my fear."

Although the woman's words seem to have a little complaining meaning, but Liu Zhixin who can not know what, Chu Feng said with a smile: "two billion pool currency, you can take 500 million!"

"You have a little conscience!"

Liu Zhixin's face of resentment eased, showing a touching smile and said: "I thought this time you also want me to do something that has no return. The 500 million pool currency is a little less, but it also comforts my heart."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "directly that is, do not want benefits?"

Liu Zhixin was punctured, and there was no embarrassment in thinking carefully. Turning on the music on the car, Liu Zhixin said: "next, the situation of Weiss will surely fall into turmoil. Jing shangmang's family will dominate. Among the younger generation, he is the only one left. He will certainly be trained by the government. This will be a strong enemy."

Chu Feng didn't worry much. Looking at the scenery behind the car, he said: "he is just a grindstone left by me. Because he is a hypocritical person to the extreme, he is bound to do something he regrets himself."

Liu Zhixin seems to understand what general nodding, Chu Feng do that little thing as long as she can see the surface, so there is no need to ask, just glance at Chu Feng through the rearview mirror, inexplicably produced an idea of conquering Chu Feng psychologically.

Soon after, the car stopped steadily at Wangdu wharf. Chu Feng untied his seat belt and looked at the vast night and said, "go back. Wes's business is almost finished. I'll go back home after finishing the last thing. Next, it's the last thing we'll do together."

"It's not a problem, but remember your commitment."

Liu Zhixin said meaningfully that after Chu Feng got off the bus, she turned the front of the car and left the dock directly. She had arranged a speedboat to take chufeng out of Weisi territory smoothly. Thinking of the benefits brought by the cooperation with chufeng so far, she has made up for the loss brought by the beginning of Liumo.

Unconsciously hummed up the ditty, Liu Zhixin also prepared to leave Weiss to return home early tomorrow morning.

"If you eat so much, you will vomit up one day."

Chu Feng stood in the same place and looked at the far away car and threw out a line of interest. Although it was convenient to work with Liu Zhixin, Chu Feng still couldn't see why he should have changed his original intention to cooperate with his immortal Liu family. It can be said that from the beginning to now, Chu Feng has not relaxed his vigilance.

Look at the time, there is still 20 minutes to the appointed time, Chu Feng exhaled: "there are still 20 minutes to leave this kingdom."

As if taking a walk, Chu Feng walked to the shore and looked at the waves calmly. Suddenly, there was a light in his left eye. A picture appeared in his mind, and his face changed slightly: "Damn it!"

The speedboat hasn't appeared yet. Chu Feng whispered in the dark. Unfortunately, the phone rang at the moment. He took out the strange number he had called last time. Chu Feng took a deep breath and connected it. He said directly: "the Royal master who was going to fight you in the snow mountain didn't do anything about Yu Ren at that time. Now he locks you in again.

Leave the Wangdu wharf and head for the small Wharf in the south. There is a speedboat there. Remember not to go to the east or the West. The Royal masters and shadow troops are approaching from these two directions now

When Chu Feng was talking on the other end of the phone, his left eye looked at the two directions he said. Sure enough, he saw that two groups of people were coming rapidly towards this side, and the north side was the direction of returning to the city. That was tantamount to throwing himself into a trap. Chu Feng made a sound and quickly headed for the south.

Now he's only himself. Murong Bing takes Yu Ren back home first. It's only about 15 kilometers away from the South Wharf. Chu Feng can't help laughing when he runs up. Why don't you call earlier, so I don't have to waste time here."Young man, that's all I can do for you."

Five kilometers away from the dock in a car, a man about 50 years old said faintly: "holy pilgrimage, you need such a young man."

Murmured, the man pulled out a card, destroyed it, threw it out of the window and entered the sewer. Then he typed out another number: "Mr. chief, the shadow troops have locked in the trace of Chu Feng. At the Wangdu wharf, the shadow troops have already killed them. In addition, the Imperial masters are coming. Do you need to contact them?"

"No, we have the same goal!"

The other end of the phone came to Miyano, which contained a violent voice, and could not help killing: "Yamakawa, rely on you!"

"Hi!" Yamakawa cut off the phone, picked up the walkie talkie and said, "Yeda, if there is no Chu Feng in Wangdu wharf, he will disperse to chase for the East and south. He must take down chufeng and even kill him tonight!"

After arranging everything, Yamakawa calmed down, scratched his fingers on his mobile phone, edited an encrypted message and sent it out. Then he whispered, "thirty years, holy pilgrimage, when can you make me proud?"

At this time, Chu Feng naturally did not know all this. He ran fast on the road to the South Wharf, and the speed was not slower than the 80 yard fast running car. Only when he ran out about 10 kilometers, Chu Feng had to stop.

Just now, he only cared about the pursuers behind him. His left eye didn't care about the front. At this time, he saw five figures standing in front of him. His whole body was wrapped in black clothes, and his eyes narrowed: "master of Jiahe family?"

All the people of Yihe family have been evacuated to the holy pilgrimage. But now these people are masters, so they can only join the Jiahe family of plum blossom Club: "it seems that it's not easy to respect Shang mang!"

Touch his chin, Chu Feng will not doubt who betrayed himself. At present, the Wangdu is completely blocked, and it is difficult for a bird to fly out through normal channels. It is not difficult to know that he has chosen the waterway. It is not surprising that Jing shangmang can guess that he has chosen the waterway. The Royal master and shadow army can kill him.

The five masters drew their swords together. Chu Feng did not care to look back at the back. Two groups of people had converged and chased one kilometer away. The number was a little less. It was estimated that he did not see himself and scattered to chase after him.

"Only one minute!"

With his fist clenched, Chu Feng knew that time was not long, and the people behind would catch up with him. The five masters also started to move at this time. Under a few flashes, they completely disappeared in front of Chu Feng. The hidden skill of Weis Ninjutsu can make them disappear in front of their opponents without trace.

Chufeng's mouth caught a touch of light banter, and suddenly a blow to the left side, a figure suddenly appeared and flew out towards the side. All the Knights' swords in his hands came out of his hand, just above Chu Feng's head.

Holding the knight's knife, Chu Feng moved forward and stabbed his body quickly. A figure appeared slowly. His eyes were full of amazement.

One shot, the two masters not only exposed their bodies, but also one died and one injured. The other three invisible masters all appeared in other places, surrounded by Chu Feng from three directions, and similar doubts appeared on their faces. How could Chu Feng know where they were.

Chu Feng didn't have much time to explain it. The knight's sword turned into a dazzling flower and split it horizontally. The master's eyes on the right side disappeared again. However, the sword seemed to have eyes and stabbed at the place where the Jiahe master had disappeared and chased for five meters.

The figure of a blade into the body sent out, and the disappeared figure appeared. Looking at the knight's knife stabbing into the heart, there was nothing but astonishment.

With a backhand knife, his body was thrown out by the knight's knife towards another master. Chu Feng's body followed the body closely behind the body. The last two masters stood together solemnly and did not go stealth. They found that invisibility had no effect on Chu Feng.

When they saw the corpse of their companions, they raised their swords together. They were tense and ready for a thunderbolt at any time. But before they started, the corpse suddenly split into two, and a bright knife awn crossed their eyes and burst their chest.

Chu Feng didn't go to see these people who were not dead or injured. He took a knight's knife and continued to move forward. He could already see more than 20 people coming here 100 meters away.

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