Super Healer

Chapter 567

"Young master, Chu Feng and they have already entered Xuancheng. Now they worship on Jiulong Mountain."

The next day, the sky was clear, and a faint warmth fell. In a very ordinary hotel in Xuancheng, a young woman walked up to a man's back and said respectfully, "the rest of us are also ready. When shall we start?"

"No hurry!" The man standing in front of the young woman slowly turned around, giving people a feeling of coming from hell. He touched half of his masked face and said with hatred: "how can I let him die like this? He has destroyed my pride, everything I have, and torn up my best things. How can I die too comfortably?"

"I'm going to let him go through the pain and kill him. Only in this way can my heart feel better."

The mask man's words are very light and light, but it gives people a cold feeling. The young woman lowers her head and dare not look up to see him. Although most of the contents are covered by half of the mask, the ferocity of those burns on the neck still makes people feel cold and fear.

"Young master, telephone!" When there was silence in the room, a woman with short hair came in again and handed her mobile phone to the masked man.

The masked man then waved, and the two women left with relief. The masked man then put it in his ear and answered, "say!"

"Come back!"

At the other end of the phone, there was no unnecessary nonsense. After simply throwing out two words, he said, "I know you hate Chu Feng. Although there are not many people around Chu Feng within the sphere of influence of tianwangmen, you are not suitable to start any more on him. At least for the time being, it can't be done during the holy court martial law, which will kill everyone."

"If that's what you're talking about, there's no need." The mask man's intact half face did not have the slightest moving color: "Chu Feng and I are private enmity, I still need to determine something, I can die, but absolutely can't stifle the death, also can't be deceived."

"This is my personal behavior, it won't hurt you. Don't worry!"

After saying that he didn't give the phone a chance to say anything more, the masked man hung up and directly shut down the phone. He went to the window and looked at the mountain in the distance, and the corner of his mouth appeared ferocious: "Chu Feng, the game begins!"

Jiulong Mountain!

It is a very famous cemetery in Xuancheng. Because of a legend and its mountain range, Xuancheng is still some of the surrounding cities. After their death, they will be buried here by their descendants. It is said that it can affect the family fortune.

At the moment, beside a graveyard on the top of Jiulong Mountain and the most splendid one, a group of people stood there and looked at the solitary tombstone in front of them.

"Mr. Chu, we have a special person to take care of your mother's grave every week, and we always keep the highest standard."

A man in his forties stood beside him with a few staff members. He used to work in Jiulongshan, dealing with the dead, and the profit was very high. It was a very pleasant thing.

However, a man was buried here two months ago. Their comfortable days seem to have come to an end. They are not so good to the living people. They clean and manage the cemetery every week. It's hard to be too stubborn.

Chu Feng stood there looking at the woman's picture on the tombstone. He took out a check and handed it to the man who said, "here is one million yuan. Please, we don't need to follow. We can worship ourselves."

"That's our job. How can we ask for your money?"

The man did not dare to pick up the one million check, but saw Chu Feng's eyes and immediately said, "the Chu general manager, you and the Chu lady worship, what need to inform, we go down first."

Finish with a few staff members to leave quickly, afraid to leave slowly on what happened in general, but this is no wonder they.

Two months ago, the cemetery had just moved here. They didn't care, but it was destroyed later. The next day, they saw the heads of dead people all around the cemetery, and then they were warned by the people above that this matter is rotten in the stomach, so don't make any noise.

Since then, they have taken more care of the cemetery than their families, for fear that their heads will appear next to the cemetery one day.

All the staff left, but Lin Yulin and other women were blushing because the person in charge of Jiulongshan just said that all the ladies of Chu were looking at Chu Feng. The bastard didn't explain.

But at the moment, Chu Feng didn't seem to be in that mood and didn't notice everyone's look. He squatted down to pick up the paper money and burned it there. Looking at the photo on the tombstone, he was smiling: "Mom, I've come to see you, and my aunt is here. Are you OK there?

If you need anything, give me a dream and I'll prepare it for you. Xiaowei has gone to the army. I've heard that the development is good, and I've made some achievements. I didn't live up to your expectations at that time. I just hope you can forgive me for some things. "

"Sister, Linlin has come to see you!"

The sad atmosphere filled the air, Lin Yulin knelt down directly, tears have crossed her pretty face: "when I left willfully, I left for 12 years, when you left, you were not by your side, I'm sorry!"Chu Feng breathed out a breath and said, "aunt, mother once said that you are her most proud sister. No matter what decision you have made, she believes you are right. Even at the moment when she left, she said to me that if you see you, let me tell you a word."

"Let me tell you, you don't want to stick to things, she missed once, do not want to let you pain."

Lin Yulin wiped her tears and looked at her elder sister who grew up with herself. Now she has been buried under the loess. She is inexplicably sour and miserable. She takes the paper money on the ground and burns it silently. It seems that only in this way can she comfort her dead sister.

"Mom Chu Feng pulled Su Xinyu from behind and said to the tombstone, "her name is Su Xinyu. My wife is a great beauty. My son didn't cheat you. I found a beautiful woman to be my wife. You can rest in peace."

Su Xinyu's face turned red. It seemed that Chu Feng had said such words before, but his heart was also sweet. He squatted down and burned paper money with Chu Feng and said, "Mom, I'm your daughter-in-law Su Xinyu. Don't worry. Although Chu Feng is a little younger, he's very sensible. You don't have to worry. I'll take care of him and do my duty as a wife."

Lin Yulin's hand of burning paper money was stagnant, but then she continued to burn the paper money without revealing it. She said in her heart, sister, I fell in love with Xiao Feng, and I can feel that he loves me, just because there are some things we can't be together. Tell me what to do?

Here, the tears fall unconsciously again, and the people beside her think that she is crying for her dead sister, but she does not know that she is still crying for her own fate.

Liu Yan and catkins have been quietly standing beside them, but midway on a stick of incense, looking at Su Xinyu squatting with Chu Feng burning paper money, Liu Yan pursed her lips.

Looking at the tombstone, I murmured in my heart, mom, I'm your daughter-in-law, just a concubine. For your son's not burning in the backyard, I can only hide in the dark. You can always rest assured that I will take good care of Chu Feng.

The worship lasted for more than an hour. The five people left in the expectant eyes of the staff. Chu Feng looked back at Jiulong Mountain and exhaled: "I don't know when I can see it again in the future."

He shook his head inexplicably. Chu Feng went to the front. Since he walked on this road, anything could happen. Maybe today is still a brilliant life. Tomorrow is a cold corpse. Only the Chu Feng who is in it can understand the depression.

"Chu Feng, the holiday will arrive the day after tomorrow. Willow catkins and I will go back to the river and sea first."

After a few kilometers away from Jiulong Mountain, Liu Yan opened his mouth beside a station: "sister Yulin seldom comes back. There must be a lot of places I want to walk around and have a look. You can accompany her."

Chu Feng also did not force to stay, knowing that Liu Yan followed, just a kind of intention: "be careful on the way, I'll see you when I'm free."

"Goodbye, sister Yulin, heart talk!" Liu Yan nodded and said hello to Su Xinyu and Lin Yulin, and then walked to the station. The three stood on the roadside looking at the two sisters who were far away. Then they stopped a van to go to Linjia village.

Although there is no one in the family, as long as there are still some places, it is a kind of belonging. The three people in the car do not speak. They are very quiet, perhaps because of the emotion caused by the worship.

More than half an hour later, the car stopped at a fork in the road. Chu Feng and the three people got out of the car. All the way in here was Huangni road. In addition, it was muddy because of the rain two days ago, and the car was not convenient to enter. So the three people were ready to walk in.

It's more than ten minutes' walk to Linjia village. Su Xinyu is not such a delicate woman. It's not a problem. It's just that her shoes are covered with yellow mud, which is a little uncomfortable.

In the middle of the way, Chu Feng's phone rang and asked Su Xinyu to leave first. Chu Feng was one step behind and pressed the answer button and said, "I thought you didn't dare to call me. You can really do it if you want to pay me 100 million yuan for my head."

"Ha ha, angry, dear?"

At the other end of the phone, Liu Zhixin giggled and giggled, with a fascination that made people have a desire: "no way, if I don't do that, others will suspect that I and you have dug a plum blossom Club of two billion yuan. Then Liu's financial group is really going to suffer a major blow.

But I'm not sorry for you. At least now I'm calling you to report that your old friend has received a reward of 100 million Chi and sent out two red and one black killers. It is estimated that he has arrived at the holy pilgrimage

"The sun god? Liu Zhixin, look at the trouble you've given me. It's good! "

Chufeng chufeng chuckled bitterly, but also understood that Liu Zhixin did everything must be family interests first, and only in this way can we clear the relationship: "I know, if there is any news, please call me again."

After a brief talk, Chu Feng hung up and dialed a number and said coldly: "the sun god sent three people into the holy pilgrimage, think of a way to dig it out and kill it!"

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