Super Healer

Chapter 579

When night came, Chu Feng left heaven and earth and walked alone in the street.

It seems to be back to the situation when I was studying in Xuancheng No.1 middle school. I get up at 5 a.m. every day and run to catch the villagers' tractors from the village to sell things in the city. Then I wait an hour for the school to open and go in.

When the class is over at 5:00 p.m., if there is a car, I will ride back. If there is no car, I will run back. Generally, it is dark for a long time when I get home. But when I see the steaming food on the table, I will never feel so tired.

Breath out and walk on the familiar street. It is not a long time since I left dianlan. I have finished something that others can't do in my life. I'm very tired, but I understand that I can't stop. I can only walk on firmly.

"Chu Feng, get in the car!"

When the Chu wind was blowing slowly and the cold wind was walking towards the Karen Hotel, a car stopped in front of him. The window dropped, revealing pan Weiguang's arrogant look. He said directly, "Feng Shao wants to sit with you."

When Feng Guoli gets on the car, he wants to see what he can do when he gets on the car.

Although let Su Xinyu use the relationship, Guo Weitong will come out safely, but the charges will not be washed away, which will leave a shadow in Guo Weitong's heart, which is not what Chu Feng is willing to see.

In the car, Chu Feng looked at Lei Lili beside her and found that she had five fingerprints on her face. Then he looked at Pan Weiguang, who was whistling in front of her. He thought that Feng Guoming was angry and left behind. He took out a bottle of liquid medicine and handed it to Lei Lili. There was no surprise or joy in it: "this can solve the bruise. It will take effect in minutes. Try it!"

Lei Lili was stunned. Seeing Chu Feng's look, she thought that chufeng might also like her own. She nodded to take over the bottle of liquid medicine. Without doubting its efficacy, she took out a little and rubbed it gently on her face.

Today, she was thrown to pan Weiguang by Feng Guoming. The latter didn't come once enough. She almost wanted to play enough. When Lei Lili resisted, pan Weiguang left her. Today, she was played by Pan Weiguang three times, and her body was still painful.

It's not that Pan Weiguang is so tough, but that he is so excellent that he almost does not regard her as a human being.

"I'm sorry you don't have a chance to play."

In front of him, pan Weiguang saw through the rearview mirror and said with satisfaction: "our beautiful flowers are not everyone can play with, but that taste is really good. I still have pain in my waist today."

"Pan Weiguang!" Lei Lili said on her face

"What do you think you are still Feng Shao's woman?"

Pan Weiguang not only didn't shut up, but also roared: "be honest for me, wait for something to eat and go back to serve Lao Tzu well, and then look like a dead man in the daytime, and I won't kill you."

Leilili was stiff and ugly, her face was ugly, she clenched her lips and bowed her head. Her heart was full of humiliation. She used to be a proud class flower, but now she is a woman to be played with. The contrast makes her die.

Pan Weiguang's words were not blocked in front of Chu Feng. Chu Feng didn't hear about it. Every road was chosen by people. After going out for such a long time, what kind of things happened. Many women wanted to rise up in order to achieve in their hearts, and many women didn't care about sacrifice. Chu Feng was already numb.

But these fall in the eyes of Lei Lili is a look down on the performance, eyes inexplicable resentment a little bit, clench the fist in the heart, secretly, give me to wait, one day I will let you know my Lei Lili fierce.

After driving for more than 20 minutes, the car stopped outside a bar. Pan Weiguang locked the car and walked in with Chu Feng. He went straight to a box. Feng Guoming was already sitting there waiting. He was at ease. He didn't look like he was wearing a green hat.

"Chu Feng is coming, sit down!"

Seeing the Chu wind coming in, Feng Guoming rose with a smile. He stood up and walked over. He also looked at the back and said, "what's the matter with you

Chu Feng did not have much enthusiasm to reply: "she is a little tired these days, rest in the hotel."

"Oh, women are really afraid of being tired. They need to know how to take care of them." Feng Guoming nodded his head suddenly, beckoned Chu Feng to sit down and said with regret: "I originally wanted to reminisce with you last night, but I didn't expect such a thing happened. Guo Weitong's work is too much, which affects everyone's mood. Alas!"

It seems that Feng Guoming is heartbroken, but Chu Feng can feel how fake it is. He sits down and opens his mouth: "Guo Weitong is also bewitched for a while. Feng Shao is merciful. After all, everyone is a classmate."

"I want to, but I always want to get some justice for Lily. Otherwise, how can she meet people in the future?"

Feng Guoming shook his head in embarrassment and looked at Lei Lili who was sitting on the side and said, "and she is my girlfriend. Guo Weitong's behavior is to wear a green hat to me. What is the most taboo of a man? That's not it. So I can't forgive him."

Chu Feng Oh's a reply way: "that casually, I also just talk about it."

Feng Guoming was stunned, completely different from what he had imagined. He squinted and asked, "Chu Feng, you and Guo Weitong have such a good relationship. Do you want him to be ok?"Chu Feng secretly came, nodded back: "yes, but Feng Shao must sue him, I can only sit and see, after all, he did play your woman, although pan Weiguang also played, but play is playing, I have nothing to say."

Lei Lili's face changed and she wanted to slap Chu Feng. Pan Weiguang was stiff and ugly.

Feng Guoming glared at Pan Weiguang fiercely. He said in secret that this son of a bitch, it's good to play for you. He also went out to sing. I'm afraid that other people don't know you've played Laozi woman?

Also understand Chu Feng this sentence pure slap the face, also have no empty with the meaning of the snake, take out a cigarette from the body to ignite the beginning of the warm mouth: "Chu Feng, unexpectedly you all say that, then I will not talk nonsense with you, want to let Lei Lili withdraw the lawsuit, Guo Weitong come out is not impossible, promise me a little thing."

Chu Feng's eyes pondered and said, "Feng Shao, come and listen."

"It's a million."

Feng Guoming was not polite. He opened his mouth in a grip: "I know the feelings between you and Guo Weitong. I don't want to do too much for you. Take this money."

Chu Feng did not go to pick up the bank card he left on the table, sat up straight and faintly replied, "no merit, no reward."

"Not for no reason, of course." Feng Guoming laughed, narrowed his eyes and put a bottle of medicine in front of Chu Feng: "I am very interested in your girlfriend Su Xinyu, and you also know that you are not worthy of her. Take this bottle of medicine and give it to your girlfriend. We are still good classmates and can play happily."

"I can also let Lei Lili not sue Guo Weitong, so that you can become a person of righteousness, not a friend."

Chufeng, with a strong smile, picked up the liquid medicine on the table and shook it. He could see what was in it. He looked at Lei Lili and asked, "I just want to know if there was a premeditation for you to hook up with Guo Weitong."

Leilili's eyes twinkled and she sat there without saying a word.

At this time, Feng Guoming didn't say anything magnificent. He put his feet on the table, smoked and said, "yes, it's true that I asked her to do that, but I can only blame you for finding an attractive girlfriend. If Guo Weitong has an accident, you take half of the responsibility. You have no ability, but you find a fan of ten thousand people."

Pointing to the things on the table, he said, "it doesn't matter if you don't agree to go back to Guo Weitong with these things. I'll let him stay in prison for a lifetime. In addition, you can't think it's OK. Huangcheng college is a paradise for power, and I Feng Guoming happens to have a little identity, unless you leave Huangcheng college."

"Otherwise, Su Xinyu will become my woman sooner or later."

Chu Feng's mouth touched up a gentle smile, joking endlessly. At the beginning, he felt that it was because of Su Xinyu. At the moment, he didn't expect to come so fiercely. He said to Feng Guoming: "one million Jiatong brother for my woman, Feng Shao, for you, would you like to give it to me?"

Pan Weiguang was angry just now because of Chu Feng's words. When he heard the words clapping at the table, he pointed to him and said, "Chu Feng, recognize your position and identity. Even if you don't want Feng Shao's woman, you can't touch it. Besides, do you have a million? The earth bag

"I don't want money!"

At this time, Feng Guoming opened his mouth, pointed to Lei Lili with his finger and said in a deep voice: "give up your woman and take away a million yuan. Lei Lili will take it with you. As long as you need it, you can vent on her at any time, even in front of me."

Chu Feng stood up and walked to Lei Lili. Looking at the stiff body of the latter, he whispered, "is it worth it?"

Lei Lili bit her lips. She was unable to fight. She could only use silence to replace everything. Feng Guoming also continued: "how about this deal, you are absolutely not losing money. If you can play to the previous class flower, you can get one million yuan. It's more cost-effective."

"Unfortunately, it's just you!"

Chu Feng threw the bottle of medicine back on the table, turned and walked toward the door. Although he could use it to punish Feng Guoming once, he didn't conform to Chu Feng's character to play tricks with the woman he had determined. He said without hesitation: "Guo Weitong will come out, and Su Xinyu can only be my chufeng's woman."

Step stop at the door, Chu Feng looked back at Lei Lili, for this woman did not hate, even a little sympathy: "and she, keep yourself, pay a million, I am not interested." Leaving words, Chu Feng left directly, the cause has been clear, then everything is not a problem to solve.

Feng Guoming didn't come back to himself until Chu Feng left. Pan Weiguang asked him to stand up and angrily said, "you son of a bitch, don't blame me for being so rude. Guo Weitong will never think of it in his life. I want you to be unable to save him and your woman, but also to ruin your reputation."

"Contact Lin Sicong, I want to get a person in Qijiang District, let him think of his own way, any excuse doesn't matter."

With a sinister look in his eyes, Feng Guoming sneered: "although Chu Feng ignores Guo Weitong's situation, I don't believe he ignores everyone. Wait for Su Xinyu. It must be mine."

In Feng Guoming's words, Lei Lili recalled the Chu Feng just now, and felt that he was totally different. Especially at the moment when he turned around and left, she had a kind of artistic conception of king in the world and giving up her own.Pat the face, leilili emerged and filled, whispered in the heart, is it I feel wrong?

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