Super Healer

Chapter 591

Chu Feng's mouth was slightly tilted, and his body burst out. At the moment, others could not recognize himself. If he didn't teach these cruel family members, he would kick them out vigorously. After all, Lin Kai was an ordinary person. He kicked firmly on his stomach and immediately fell to the ground with his stomach covered.

Lin Sicong saw that not only his mother had been taught a lesson, but also his father, who was the chief of the District, got up and yelled: "Damn it, do you know who my grandfather is? Do you want to die

"Little brother!"

Just finish saying, Murong Bing appeared in front of him, blooming a moving smile and said: "kick your parents, sister give you a kiss, OK?"

When Lin Sicong, who was so angry, saw that charming face, his anger dissipated, and subconsciously asked, "can't you really kiss me?"

Murong Bing's smiling face suddenly became cold. He threw Lin Sicong to the ground with one foot, and sneered: "for a woman, my parents should teach me a lesson. The upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked. You can see what your parents are doing."

Lin Kai and bayberry, who are in great pain, glare at Lin Sicong fiercely. This black sheep doesn't want to protect his parents at this time. He is going to attack us with a kiss. What a jerk.

Chu Feng did not speak, like a bodyguard walked back behind Murong ice, the latter had been explained before, at the moment a foot without politeness stepped on the body of bayberry, pretty face emerged cold: "I come here tonight, I only have one question, also give you a chance to reply."

Bending down to pick up a fruit knife on the table, Murong ice is not charming, just blooming fierce: "if I am not satisfied with the answer, I will not ask the second time, directly give you a hole."

Although Lin Sicong is rude outside, it doesn't mean that he is not afraid of death. In particular, Murong Bing doesn't look like a joke at all. He has an impulse to pee his pants. He quickly says, "if you ask me, I'll tell you everything I know."

"Really, little brother?"

Murong Bing laughed again, squatted down to look at Lin Sicong and said with a smile, "what is the biggest secret of your father and your mother?"

When he first saw such a face, he would be lost. But when he was kicked to the ground, Lin Sicong dared not go to see it. He said, "my father's biggest secret is to open a house in my name behind my mother's back, save 20 million private house money, and say that he will be smart after retirement."

Lin Kai's face changed. Because of his wife's background and family background, Lin Kai did not dare to make too much publicity. He didn't dare to hold the money in his hand. Unexpectedly, his son burst out, and he was very angry. He just saw his wife's glare at him, but he didn't dare to say a word.

However, Lin Sicong went on to say: "as for my mother's biggest secret, sometimes my father doesn't have time to come back from work sometimes. She", "

Yangmei was originally angry with her husband's face of hiding money from his private house, and then he changed his voice and said:" Stinky boy, what do you say? "

Originally, I just asked casually, but I didn't expect that there were so interesting things. Murong Bing's interest also came. Fruit knife pointed to bayberry, and his voice was cold: "whoever I asked to talk would say, now shut up for me."

Red bayberry looked at the fruit knife, such as a duck with a throat cut. She didn't dare to say a word, but her head was low and the secret channel was over.

Murong Bingcai ignored these, the fruit knife took back and patted Lin Sicong's face: "continue to say, sister is very interested."

Lin Sicong looked at the red bayberry in embarrassment, and said that he was finished this time. He said: "my mother often dates some men when my father doesn't come back for two or three days. I came back and ran into them by accident. They were shouting loudly in the master bedroom."

Lin Kai's pupil was about to crack. He pointed to the Red Bayberry and jumped out two words: "cheap. People

Once, Lin Kai was born in a humble family. In order to settle down in the city, Lin Kai chose bayberry as his wife. When he pursued it, he was very hot. Although he knew that the private life of Myrica rubra at that time was very erosive, Lin Kai pretended not to care about her past in order to be superior. The two finally got married. After so many years, it's OK to think about it.

But he never thought that his wife married him, and even dated a man when he was not at home. Thinking of the past years, Lin Kai felt like a thousand year old son of a bitch, lying on the ground powerless.

Murong Bing's eyes were amused, but he didn't expect to have such a harvest. When he got interested, he stood up and kicked the embarrassed Red Bayberry and asked, "old woman, how many men have you stolen from marriage for so many years?"

Yangmei did steal a man from Lin Kai on his back. She didn't expect her son, who had never been home at night, would come back that time. At the moment, she was too lazy to hide it. She was as arrogant as ever: "one!"

Murong Bing knew that bayberry was lying. The fruit knife in her hand crossed her arm without hesitation. When bayberry was crying out with pain, she said, "be honest, how many people are there?"

At the moment, Murong Bing already knew how to do it. She didn't need Chu Feng to open her mouth. She also understood that the latter stood there with a touch of appreciation. The goblin was a little bit of a goblin, but smart enough.Yangmei didn't dare to roar any more, covered the wound, and replied in Lin Kai's hatred and resentment eyes: "I don't know. Since I married Lin Kai, he always wanted to climb up and often didn't go home. When I was pregnant with a child, I met a person who was the old leader of Lin Kai at that time, and then there was that time.

After giving birth to Sicong, Lin Kai was much less emotional than when he pursued me. He had once. In addition, I was still young at that time, and I would go out to play if he was not at home. I can't remember how many of them can be one or two days a week. "

When Lin Kai's body was shocked, he felt that his head was covered with green hats. He was so impatient that he spewed out a mouthful of blood. In the past 20 years, he went out once a week, nearly 1000 green hats!

Murong Bing and Chu Feng are also twitching. They have more experience than those who specialize in this industry. They have more sympathy for Lin Kai. A man wearing a green hat is enough shame. There are a few hundred less on his head!

Lin Kai spat out a mouthful of blood, pointed to the bayberry, and finally sighed without saying a word. He had been pursuing the Red Bayberry and knew who she was. He just thought that she might have changed after marriage. He did not expect that not only did he not change, but also stole a man for so many years behind his back.

Yangmei said that, also out of the same, pointing to Lin Kai to drink and scold: "it's not you, don't touch my mother once a month, otherwise I'll go out and find myself. I tell you, I've not only had relationships with your old leaders, those men in your previous unit, I've had relationships with eight of ten."

Yangmei sprinkles the anger that Murong Bing has caused her on Lin Kai. She seems to be more comfortable: "in addition, I went to travel with you when Sicong was three years old. I thought you would move me at that time, but you bastard fell asleep after entering the hotel. Do you remember the four young people in the next room?"

Lin Kai didn't expect that Myrica rubra had done so many things. Thinking of the look in his eyes when he was in the unit, Lin Kai finally understood why. He couldn't help laughing bitterly: "those four young people will travel with us for a week the next day. You always say what you have to do. That's why."

"Yes, it's all your fault. I didn't want to."

Yangmei didn't have any shame to reply. She was like a shrew who bought vegetables on the street and scolded: "and tonight is your fault. If you don't do anything, how can they come to the door, and my mother doesn't have to scratch them. You incompetent guy, it took years to climb to the district head, and now you're still implicating your family."

"Enough!" No matter what kind of man is angry, he has no way to cheat on Yang Mei, because he did not care about her after he got married, but now he is still disgraced here. Lin Kai is not used to him. He slowly stood up and said to Murong Bing, "what do you want to know? Ask me."

"Although this woman is sorry for me, I would not have today without her. Don't hurt her and Lin Sicong any more."

Red bayberry hums a way: "still calculate you resemble a man." Murong Bing said, no feelings of husband and wife's mouth: "you want to kill him, to hit him, I and my son don't know anything."

Chu Feng pulled Murong Bing, who still wanted to do something about it, changed his timbre and said, "hit such a person, dirty hands!"

Seeing that Lin Kai had been destroyed by his wife's infidelity, Chu Feng stepped forward and asked, "I'll ask you one thing. There's an explosion in Linjia village. Is it convenient for you to provide convenience? Who on earth let you do that?"

This problem, Chu Feng woke up thinking, he knows who is behind the scenes, but because of the sun god killer group and Wei master things, Chu Feng believes that the person will never do these meaningless things himself. Gathering people to kill him by thunder is just like this, which does not conform to Chu Feng's understanding of that person.

Lin Kai felt that many things were meaningless because of his wife's affairs. He quietly replied, "Wen Aoqing, a member of the Kuncheng section, but he was transferred yesterday to serve as deputy staff member of the imperial city."

"Wen Ao Qing?" Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and asked!

Lin Kai nodded and said, "yes, he's a nephew of the literary family. He became a member of the Kuncheng section two years ago. He was transferred back by the Wen family because he had inherited the culture and was still outstanding. Before leaving, he called me and asked me to arrange a group of agricultural experts to visit Linjia village. I didn't know that they were going to plant bombs.

Knowing that there was an explosion in the cemetery of Linjia village, I would have guessed something. But Wen Aoqing called me just now. This matter made me rotten in my stomach. Two months later, he asked me to go to Kuncheng as a deputy section officer, and he tried to get rid of Li Jiang, the Deputy staff member now. "

Chu Feng nodded slightly and turned around. He didn't think much about killing Lin Kai, but he was just a sad chess piece. When he opened the door, he took a deep breath. It seemed that the enemy was a group. Anticipating that he would return to the classic blue, he arranged everything in advance, or said that if he did not return, they could make himself return.

"Goodbye, brother!"

Murong Bing throws a fruit knife on an apple on the table, waves to Lin Sicong, and laughingly follows Chu Feng's departure. The door closes, and Bayberry and Lin Sicong are relieved as if they are prostrate.

Compared with Lin Kai, he is much calmer. He looks at his son and his wife, and finally shakes his head and says to Yangmei: "let's get a divorce tomorrow. Lin Sicong and I will do a paternity test. It's my son and I, and I will give you all the savings, not mine. You can take him away!"After that, he turned around and walked to the room. At the moment, he was very cold in his heart. His relatives who had lived for many years found that he missed the carefree days in Linjia village inexplicably. Although it was hard, it was true.

Bayberry has no sense of shame, humming: "if you want to be a deputy staff member, you want to get rid of me, there is no door!"

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