Super Healer

Chapter 595

As night fell, the noisy city began to regain its quietness.

However, the countryside is as quiet as ever in the day and night. In addition, in such a cold season, although it is already spring, it will take at least half a month for the weather to be warmer. Therefore, when it is less than nine o'clock, rural people who do not have many programs have already climbed into bed early.

The abandoned brick kilns three kilometers away from liujiatun have been deserted for ten years. Few people come here. They can't get to the village before they go to the village, but they don't have shops.

However, in the past two nights, people's voices can always be heard from the brick kiln, and the light of candle lighting can be seen faintly, which adds a bit of vitality to the brick kiln which has been deserted for ten years, but it also has a bit of strange smell.

The whole brick kiln is very large. Before it started, the yellow mud bricks produced here were pulled out by five ton trucks, one truck after another. At this time, it has stopped for many years, but we can still see its glory in the past.

Although there was no fire in the caves in every corner, they could still keep warm. Some figures could be seen curling up in the corner of the wall in the dark corner to keep warm. There was no quilt on his body, just a little blanket.

At this time, no one to care about these things, three or two lying on the ground, comfortable sleep.

In the distant darkness, two figures stand on a mound. It is Chu Feng and Murong Bing who come to Kun city from Xuan city.

At the foot of the hill behind them, there were 54 people, no more or no less. The first one was two men and women with bright contrast, one with dark skin, indifferent expression and cold eyes, which gave people a feeling of climbing out of hell.

The 52 people behind them were standing still. If they could not see their breathing and undulating chest, they would think that they were puppets, standing there motionless.

Chu Feng surveyed the whole brick kiln with his left eye, clenched his fist and emerged with a murderous opportunity. He said indifferently, "act!"

With the word Chu Feng coming out, dozens of people, led by the men and women at the beginning, quietly headed for the brick kiln in front of them, bringing out the momentum of thousands of horses galloping forward. However, this momentum was more silent and quiet, and did not bring out a bit of sound.

At the moment, they did not appreciate the hand of the four players, but the result is not the master of the game

Murong Bing nodded with approval, and then shook his head: "wrong, it should be three. With the cooperation of red ghost and nigger, one master can be fought. For another 52 people, it is not difficult to kill two masters."

"Although these people have no reputation in the underground world, their strength is only slightly weaker than those on the Yellow list."

Murong Bing's words Chu Feng naturally believed, smelling speech showed a smile: "I'm very curious, where do you come from? I'm more and more curious about your identity."

The words ","

let Chu Feng choose silence directly and shake his head to look at the direction of the brick kiln. The members of the playing card are already close to the brick kiln, and they are divided into more than 20 teams with tacit understanding to attack the people who rest in the caves of the brick kiln. The killing is going on quietly.

A man who couldn't hold back opened his eyes in the dark, and suddenly smelled the smell of blood. When he was puzzled, he stood up and went out to see where the bloody smell came from. He just stepped out of the room, and suddenly a man fell from the sky and cut off his throat with a knife.

The sound did not make, the vitality was completely extinguished, the assassin quickly supported the dead, the whole person stood in front of him.

Just a little noise let the inside of the individual open their eyes, look at the door standing is their peers complain: "Damn, and ran to the hole to pee, do not know the wind blowing in smelly?"

Later, he was too lazy to pay attention to the companion who often went out for convenience. He lay down again and prepared to go to bed. He was here all these days, and the danger did not come. He let them go to rest and sleep without even arranging people to stand guard and explore the wind.

The assassin slowly put the cold corpse on the ground, moved his body and stepped towards it. There were six people here, one of whom had been killed just now, and there were five people inside at the moment.

"Enemy", "enemy"

a sleepy person feels a cold attack, subconsciously opens his eyes, and sees a shining blade of cold light just passing by the throat of a sleeping companion. Subconsciously, he just wants to say a word, and the knife is inserted into his throat without a trace of whirl.

In a moment, five people died completely. No one else could hear anything. The assassin wiped the bloody blade on the dead man, and then turned away from the cave. His eyes were full of bloodthirsty madness of carnivores.

In the endless night, the members of the playing cards act separately and plunder their lives when the enemies are not alert. There is no sound in the beginning to the end of more than 20 minutes. There is only a faint smell of blood in the air, but it is not so obvious when it is swept by the cold wind.Chu Feng's left eye has been looking at all this, the color of appreciation in his eyes, crossing a place with a sluggish expression. Just now, those who only cared about watching playing cards acted to assassinate, but forgot the most important person.

At first, Chu Feng did not expect that the sleeping people would wake up and find it, but now it proves that the other party has found it.

Step by step and want to go to check, the phone vibrated, Chu Feng took out to see the strange number, squinting his eyes to press hands-free, the phone came to the end of a cold smile: "I thought you were dead, but it seems that I underestimated you, but it's OK, I personally blade your feeling, must be very good."

"I'm now in the woods behind the brick kiln. Let your men retreat for a kilometer and come here by themselves."

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. His left eye penetrated through the whole brick kiln and looked at the grove 200 meters away behind it. He saw two figures tied to two trees. His eyes were still and cold.

But the people there didn't give Chu Feng any time to hesitate and think about it. He continued, "you can't come, you can let people surround you. But before I'm finished, I'm confident that I can definitely do these two women a few shots!"

The strong self-confidence displayed by the other side made Chu Feng appear a little dignified. He cut off the phone and breathed out his mouth: "take the playing card and withdraw for one kilometer. If I have no news for 30 minutes, I will attack directly. Whoever blocks your way will kill who. This guy can't run away any more."

Murong Bing shook her head and took Chu Feng's arm. The seductive woman knew the danger Chu Feng might face when she went there. She cared: "your wound is not good now. If the other party can ask you to go, there must be a card to kill you. I don't want to see you take risks. I'm in the dark."

"it's useless!"

Chu Feng shook his head with a smile and stroked Murong ice's soft hair: "if the other party can call me, it can be sure that I am here. It must also know that I have you around me. When you suddenly disappear, it will backfire."

At the same time, there was a sense of appreciation on his face. Chu Feng continued: "at first, I still felt that I could win this evening without a sound. I didn't expect that the other side would rather abandon 300 people's lives, just set up a situation that I can't break."

Looking at the distance, Chu Feng dispelled Murong Bing's idea of following him: "in the past 20 minutes, the other party has made many mechanisms and traps in the woods, and I can't catch the rest. But if we kill the past together, we will lose a lot. This is my personal business. You don't need to follow."

"I know what you mean. I think it's worth it if I die alone and I can survive ten people."

Looking at Murong Bing murmuring small mouth is still not very reassuring appearance, Chu Feng smiles and pinches her face and says: "believe me, you are such a special creature waiting for me, how can I be willing to die like this?"

Chu Feng's stubbornness and persistence, Murong Bing understand, look at his firm look, and finally sighed, and then came up with a killing opportunity: "husband, you don't die tonight, it doesn't matter, but if you die, I will let the people who started to you regret for a lifetime, but you should also protect yourself."

"Otherwise, if you die tonight, I'll go and find ten men to roll the sheets. You'll be angry and pretend to be dead."

The red ghost with red hair tossed the blood on the dagger and looked at Chu Feng's far away back and asked, "Princess nine, is this the way to let him go? If he dies, the whole holy Dynasty and even the world will be in turmoil. After all, the judgment attaches no less importance to him than the Chu family attaches to him."

"I Murong Bing's man doesn't want to die. Death can't take him away."

Murong Bing has calmed down, or the enchanting smile that is too much to pay for. With a wave of his hand, he turned around: "let's go and wait for him a kilometer away. I believe he will be OK!"

The red ghost squinted at the direction of Chu Feng's departure and Murong Bing, who seemed to be in no hurry at all, shook his head incomprehensibly: "I really don't know how the deputy director asked us to listen to this woman temporarily. What identity should the deputy director fear?"

The nigger came up, his face indifferent and his words indifferent: "I don't know. I only know that 54 of us are not her opponents alone."

The red ghost was stunned, but with a smile, she waved to let the rest of the people go with them. Even Murong Bing asked them not to follow. Naturally, there was her reason. Before that day, Murong Bing dominated their life and death.

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