Super Healer

Chapter 600

Everything happened in Dian LAN from the beginning of the explosion to slowly subsided. No one mentioned those things again, even some insiders did not mention it. At the same time, the whole holy pilgrimage was also in the dark waves.

The first garden of the Huangfu family in the imperial city has passed away. The happy days of the Huangfu family are far away. The old master Huangfu Junyi was killed by Chu Feng, and his old minister, Jingkun, also died. Although Weiss gave enough benefits, the Huangfu family was still not happy.

At this time, the hall of the main building of the first garden was filled with the nephews of the whole Huangfu family and the children of Huangfu asking for heaven. However, everyone was silent in a kind of extreme silence, and their eyes were all looking at their Huangfu's asking the sky with their backs, and there was no one in the atmosphere.

Huangfu asked the sky and calmly looked at an enlarged picture hanging on the wall in front of him. It was a dignified old man, who was not angry but powerful. Even in the picture, he could bring light pressure. It was Huangfu Junyi, the old master of the Huangfu family and the fifth highest master in the black list, Huangfu Junyi.

It's a pity that he is buried in the ground with a pile of ashes.

It's nine o'clock in the morning. At seven o'clock, they are gathered together by Huangfu. Only in the past two hours, Huangfu Junyi just stood there without saying a word. We don't know what he's doing or thinking!

After more than ten minutes, Huangfu asked the sky and turned around. The whole person lacked the usual domineering spirit and was a little more haggard and tired.

Looking around at the absolute core of the hundreds of Huangfu family members, Huangfu asked the sky without any mood fluctuations. His eyes flied over them one by one, and finally fixed on Huangfu Wenyu. He said faintly, "everything you want to do has been completed?"

Huangfu Wenyu stood up from his seat and bowed back: "it's all done."

Huangfu asked the sky, nodded, turned to sit on the throne, took a cup of tea and sipped it in and continued: "talk about it!"

"Yes, father!"

Huangfu Wenyu asked respectfully. Then he took two steps forward and turned to face the crowd and said, "in recent months, Huangfu group has made a number of investment mergers, and the benefits and losses have been estimated. Now I will explain them one by one."

Waving her hand, Zhang Shan, who had been standing outside, ran in immediately, handed some information to Huangfu Wenyu, and quickly withdrew again. Her eyes did not dare to take another look.

Huangfu Wenyu opened his mouth to let everyone hear: "the first thing is that we got the agency right of fengteng in the Central Plains. In the last two months, we removed the payment of agency fees and entry fees and other things in the Central Plains area, and the net profit was as high as 300 million Chi. Moreover, it is possible to quadruple this year because of the price increase of the three drugs.

The second thing is that we had a conflict with blue cells and the final cost. We lost 200 million pool dollars, but blue cells also lost as much as 100 million pool coins!

The third thing is to cooperate with the Huang family in the south. In two months' time, we will generate 100 million Chi. This is a pure profit. After removing the loss and income, we will basically make a profit of 200 million Chi Yuan in the next two months of the year.

In addition, Huangfu Wenyu did not continue to talk about this, but turned to look at Huangfu and asked the sky. The latter raised his head and waved his hand and said, "continue, there is nothing that can't be said here."

After nodding slightly, Huangfu Wenyu turned and continued: "in addition, because of the death of the old master Huangfu Junyi, Weisi's compensation plus some things, we expect to get 10 billion Chi yuan compensation, and in the next 10 years, we will get 10 billion Chi Yuan reports, totaling 20 billion Chi coins, which we can definitely get."

"Taking all the above into consideration, I have counted the annual profit of the Huangfu family in the past two weeks, reaching 110 billion Chi, an increase of 300% over the previous year."

When people began to hear that, they took a breath. They were very happy to hear that the net profit of last year was as high as that. This means that when they pay dividends, they can get a lot of benefits.

"Did you hear that?" Huangfu asked the sky and waved Huangfu Wenyu to sit down. He opened his mouth to break the surprise of the public. His voice contained a light pressure: "although my father died, his death has brought us tens of billions of Chi dollars in return. It is worth it. In addition, you can hear about the profits of last year."

"Some people want me to get rid of the position of householder. Who is more qualified than me to sit in this position and create such huge benefits for you?"

Everyone's faces changed slightly. Some of the older people bowed their heads unconsciously. They were the elders of the Huangfu family, second only to Huangfu Junyi. They were the uncles and elders of the Huangfu family.

At the beginning of Huangfu Junyi's death, Huangfu asked Heaven for Wei's interests, and then stopped to make peace. This made them have a lot of complaints. But now they heard that the Huangfu family made a net profit last year. They knew that no one could create such huge benefits for them except Huangfu asking the sky.

Huangfu asked the sky, glanced at the elders, and said with a cold hum: "it seems that there is no revenge for me, and no one wants to say anything, is it?""Home master!"

At this time, an old man stood up and, as an elder, he was a few people who could ask the heaven to Huangfu: "I admit you have created great benefits for the family. Since your succession to the head of the family, the annual profits of the family are growing, but there are some things, not the money can be measured."

When Huangfu asked the sky to see him, the old man continued to say, "your father, my cousin died in Weiss. Although they said Chu Feng killed him, you and I knew clearly who was besieging the old man according to our investigation."

"I can understand you for not being enemies for a while, but all the pressure is relieved. You don't revenge the old owner, but you do it to the wind gate. I don't understand!"

Huangfu asked the sky with the tea cup and the lid was gently scratched on it. Only these voices were heard in the hall. When everyone felt depressed, Huangfu asked the sky to break the silence: "uncle, you are right. The death of his father really has nothing to do with Weiss, but do you think the family interests are important or my father is important?"

The old man was a slow looking man. The family rules of the emperor Fu family were thousand years old. He understood naturally and said, "family interests are more important than everything!"

"That's not it. Don't you understand if I don't revenge?"

Huangfu asked Heaven to catch his words and said, secretly carrying the murderer: "he is my father, and I can revenge myself and I want to report. But I definitely don't want to be the one who is played by people. You think it is the Weiss's action, and the evidence shows that the Weiss did it, but I prefer Chu Feng as a wolf calf.

As for the evidence you said, I did not, I only rely on my feeling and understanding of Chu Feng, plus my father nearly killed Chu Feng in Weiss. Jai reported that he had the chance to kill my father? "

Waving, the old man to speak did not speak out the words. Huangfu asked the cold and said, "so don't talk to me about these things again. I know what I want to do. Besides, my father, over 100 years old, has already enjoyed everything in the world. Death is a relief and can bring great benefits to the family, isn't it OK?"

The old man was asked by Huangfu, and his face was red and rough, but he finally sat down. The family interests of Huangfu were greater than everything. As long as the gains were greater than the pay, it was worth it, the old man said.

"Is there anyone else who wants to say something?"

Huangfu asked Heaven to take back the eyes of the old man and threw himself to the rest of the people. His sharp eyes were swept like knives. No one dared to look directly at him. Finally, he said, "if nothing is left to me, I will be questioned if my people will carry on what I say again. Don't blame the family law to wait on it, and go down now!"

"Wenyu, if butterfly, you leave me!"

The crowd began to stand up and slowly leave the hall, which means relief. When only Huangfu Wenyu and Huangfu ruodei were left in the hall, Huangfu asked Heaven and looked at Huangfu Wenyu: "what kind of loss would we suffer if the family of Huangfu continued to knock with the wind door?"

"It's not to be estimated!" Huangfu Wenyu thought about it and then went back carefully: "at least before we have a complete strategy, we are not suitable to continue the war on Fengmen. Fengteng's drug agency right in Central Plains now belongs to our Huangfu family, but it will create us great benefits at first. If it is mature, it will grow exponentially."

"According to a statistic I made privately, we expect to make a net profit of 1.5 billion pool dollars from now on to the end of the year, because the price of drugs has increased by three to ten times than when they were first issued!"

When Huangfu asked Heaven to listen quietly, Huangfu Wenyu added: "in addition, if the war starts, it is not ruled out that fengteng can cancel cooperation because they have the right to change agents at any time. At the same time, according to my research on Chu Feng, once the war starts, he will have no bottom line, no rules and no death, which will be very great for us."

Huangfu asked Heaven to touch a green ring on his finger, frowned and thought about an opening: "what do you mean?"

"It's not suitable to fight the windgate for at least one year!" "Once the war begins, we are estimated to reduce 70% of our interests sharply. But in the next year, although the wind gate may expand, our family is also calm and calm, and the loss will be reduced to 30%, and the return report of victory will be enough to make up for it."

"After a few minutes, Huangfu Wenyu nodded, digested the analysis of Huangfu Wenyu and said to Zhan Jin standing beside him." arrange it and cancel the targeted plan temporarily. In one year, no one should obviously provoke Chu Feng, but a year later, the thunder will be crushed and completely put out. "

Jenkin nodded indifferently and went to the corner to make a phone call, and then came back.

"You go to the company first. I have something to talk to you about with ruodei."

Huangfu asked Heaven to continue to open, there was an invisible prestige again, after Huangfu Wenyu respectfully left, his eyes looked gloomy to Huangfu ruodi, cold voice of the opening: "although you do very well, I know that the person who rescued Chu Feng in Weiss was you, but I don't blame you."

If the butterfly body of Huangfu is shocked, he thought that people didn't know what the ghost didn't know. Huang Fu asked Heaven that he didn't even speak. The latter continued: "because Chu Feng didn't shoot your grandfather horizontally, I would kill him!"

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