Super Healer

Chapter 614

The underground situation of the whole three provinces and even the whole holy pilgrimage changed subtly because of Qiao's change.

Even at the command of Huang Chengdong, the tianwangmen in foreign countries began to compress the available power, so that the next thing would affect them.

The rest of the small and medium-sized forces have also quieted down. At present, the whole Qiao family is like a dynamite barrel, saying that Chu Feng pretended to be dead and deceived them. Compared with the turbulent situation of Qiao's group, the wind gate was surprisingly quiet, and no one came out to publish anything about it.

But in this way, many people are more sure that what Qiao said is right. Chu Feng pretended to be dead and secretly intended to annex Qiao.

But anyway, people with all kinds of thoughts are quiet. Even if the literati and tianwangmen want to come, they will calm down. If Chu Feng is not dead, it's OK to say, but if Chu Feng is dead, then Qiao's playing with fire. When it comes to standing on a moral level, it's right to crush everyone.

The next day after the news was announced, a sudden change came out, which made everyone take a cool breath. After reaction, they all sighed secretly about Qiao's courage.

At about one o'clock last night, Qiao sent 20000 people into the Imperial City in various ways to attack the wind gate. Similarly, some small poles in the original imperial city which were suppressed by the wind gate also jumped out to take advantage of the fire. If it was not for Li Ji's anger, the imperial gate would have died last night.

While surprised by arbor's boldness, we are also curious about where the people from Fengmen imperial city have gone. It is very simple for Fengmen to resist tens of thousands of people's attacks in their own territory. How could it be that last night it was so vulnerable that it was almost beaten to fengteng garden?

One news has not yet been digested by the public. Another news is coming out again. Jianghai Fengmen has also been attacked by a small number of Qiao's forces. After hundreds of people were killed and injured, they lost the trace of Qiao's forces.

For a while, the underground world of the holy reign was full of troubles. Everyone was not so concerned about whether Chu Feng was dead or alive. Qiao and Fengmen, who had already started the war, could hardly reconcile with each other, unless arbor died and began to bear the charges that blueberry had thrown out.

But we all know that this is absolutely impossible. Who is willing to admit his conspiracy when he can sit in the position of the principal?

"Uncle black, what to do now?" When all parties speculated about this time, the little girl in Qiao linger's room in Qiao's courtyard already knew what had happened and looked a little worried: "I believe it was not brother chufeng who did it. All this was done by arbor himself. We can't be hoodwinked!"

Seeing the people coming and going outside, he shook his head gently: "we can only watch the change. On that day, the arbor was deceived and let everyone agree to put you under temporary house arrest. Now it is useless for you to go out and do anything and say anything. Now we have to see how fengshao deals with this matter."

"Don't worry, I'm by your side, no one can hurt you, and arbor doesn't dare to do anything to you."

Qiao Ling er's pretty face was worried. Naturally, she believed that black head crow would protect herself, but she was a little worried when she thought that Chu Feng might be in danger at any time.

Seeing Qiao ling'er's worry, the black Shouwu said in a soft voice: "ling'er, he is the one chosen by the Lord. He must have something special about him. I believe that all this is only temporary, and it will soon restore calm."

Qiao Ling Er absentmindedly nods, has experienced too many little girls, is no longer the little girl who cried at the beginning.

"If the order goes on, the damper must be killed within two days, or both sides will not die and can not be adjusted."

At the same time, in the study of King Qiao's life, arbor sat on the throne and said to the flat headed youth in a deep voice: "in this way, no matter whether Chu Feng is dead or not, Qiao and Fengmen are doomed to die forever. Brothers have too many deaths and injuries, and they always need to be responsible for it. We are in a hurry for time."

Flat headed youth is not like arbor when he became the leader. He is more cautious: "Qiao Shao, although things develop according to our imagination, the wind door of the first world war last night seems too weak. Compared with their previous battles, they always feel that there is something wrong with the place. Don't underestimate the enemy."

"Well, what are you afraid of?"

Looking at the master's growing arrogance, the flat headed youth reminded him of his responsibility: "Qiao Shao, the shadow of the famous tree of human beings. The Weiss incident has just passed by."

The tree sat up straight and put out his cigar in the ashtray. He said without hesitation: "that's the incompetence of the Weisi people. The Chu wind can't even use the Kingdom machine to dry it. It's just like a fighter among the garbage. But my arbor is different. My wisdom is not comparable to those Japanese pirates."

The flat headed youth sighed in his heart. He knew that arbor's self-confidence was expanding and he could not hear anything. He was too lazy to remind him again and said, "what should we do next? Should we continue to attack or what?"

"It must be to continue to attack, otherwise what?"

Arbor's face was full of self-confidence, as if he had foreseen the final victory: "now Chu Feng is not dead, people who estimate the damper do not know, standing on the moral bottom line, we are the rational side, the damper can only stand there to fight us, as long as the damper is fixed, will the north still be far away?"The flat headed youth nodded slightly and said, "then I will go down and arrange for a fatal blow to the damper and not give them a chance to slow down."

"Well, go!" Arbor nodded with satisfaction, waved to let the flat headed youth leave. When the whole study was only his own, arbor sat on the chair and turned around in a circle and said happily: "no wonder my Laozi wanted to sit in this position at the beginning, but I really feel different, so I'm so tall!"

With a fierce look in his eyes and an insidious smile from arbor, it is only the beginning to take the position of temporary principal of Qiao family by taking advantage of the situation, and it will develop slowly. When the damper is eliminated, the elder Qiao will hold him up to the top without saying anything.

Thinking of the future of a better day, arbor unconsciously appeared exuberant smile, suddenly felt a chill in the neck, the tree did not move, and whispered: "who?"

"It's not good to get carried away."

A cold voice sounded behind the tree. The young man came out with a scornful smile and took back the knife on the tree's neck and said, "now that you have achieved half of the success, I will tell you the last thing, not to discuss with you, but to promise."

Facing the man in front of him, arbor stood up and asked, "benefactor, if there is something you can say directly, I can certainly do it."

"If you can't, you won't do it, will you?"

The young man was not fooled by the tree's words and said sarcastically: "don't worry, this thing you can do absolutely." Sitting on the chair, the young man waved his finger and said, "that is, when you control the whole Qiao family and even the north, you will submit to the Huangfu family unconditionally."

Arbor eyes a pick, subconsciously asked: "by what?"

But touch the young man swept over the eyes, subconsciously bowed his head back: "listen to you." He felt that he was wet by cold sweat behind his back, which was even more chilly. Compared with Chu Feng, the young man in front of him showed him real strength.

"If you're wise, I'll wait for your news. Don't worry, you're not alone. Chu Feng is expected to come out soon." The young man nodded with satisfaction, patted the young man on the shoulder, opened the window, and disappeared in front of the tree in the blink of an eye, leaving the latter sweating on his forehead.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the hidden residence, Chu Feng has not gone out from here for two days. He has been sitting here to receive news from all sides, and he does not worry about what the young man who reported on that night is still something. For those who are proud of themselves, he is his confidence.

"There is little wind. Now the outside world is being boosted by the operation of arbor and the Huangfu family. They all say that you pretend to be dead and want to annex Qiao's family."

Fu Dina came in from the outside. Compared with Chu Feng and other people, she was easier to inquire about things. At the moment, before people sat down, she opened her mouth and told all the things: "in a word, most people say that you can't take Qiao, so they use conspiracy to kill Qiao's direct line and try to get rid of temporary words."

Chu Feng sat there quietly. When things happened, he had already expected such a situation to happen, so he asked in no hurry: "how about the loss of the damper yesterday?"

"Because of the advance arrangement, the loss is not very big, but for the outside world, that is, the damper almost failed."

Fu Dina was sitting in front of Chu Feng, her body slightly attracted Chu Feng's eyes, and continued: "but I am curious that the river and sea have always been under the strict control of the wind door. There can be no outsiders. How did Qiao's people cause trouble?"

Chu Feng's secret way was very white and powerful. He moved his eyes and stood up. His momentum changed dramatically: "we can study it when we have time, but what we need to do now is to eliminate this crisis."

Fu Dina Dudu mouth hidden to the part of the fun, said: "how to do?"

"Didn't they say that I couldn't win the three provinces, so I played tricks?"

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth brings out a cold arc of killing, and the whole hall is in depression. Yan Luo, who is lying down and is eating beef, can't help tightening their bodies. They all look at Chu Feng and wait for something!

One hand made a cutting gesture, and spat out word by word from the air outlet of Chu: "then I will take the whole North. By then, more than ten northern provinces will be in my hands. Why should I have any conspiracy to capture the three provinces? Who dares to say that I can't win the three provinces

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