Super Healer

Chapter 617

On the outskirts of bingdulin, two figures stand at the edge of the forest one after the other. It is wenxinxue and chufeng. The former has a thousand year old face and frost appears. He says, "you killed 30000 people for your ambition. Do you think how many families will be broken and how many people will suffer after their death?"

Chu Feng looked back at Wen Xin Xue and said softly, "when you started to kill me, how many people would die with me?"

Wen Xinxue doesn't know how to answer a question. She has been following Chu Feng these days to understand what kind of changes will happen if something happens to him. For example, this feigned death and northeast turmoil are the best explanations.

Seeing Wen Xinxue's tangled manner, Chu Feng no longer says anything. There is no absolute right or wrong in this world. Many things have been doomed for a long time. Chu Feng is not a ruthless person. What he does is to protect more people.

Walking towards the distance, there are also dozens of people in the dark, quietly heading for the front, closely following the pace of Chu Feng.

Wenxinxue stands in the same place and looks at Chu Feng's thin but straight back like a javelin. With a faint sigh, she follows up. She doesn't know what Chu Feng is going to do tonight. She just follows Murong Bing's meaning and protects Chu Feng.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng stopped in a hidden place and looked coldly at a factory 50 meters away, which is the food processing factory under arbor, but it has been shut down for many years.

Only two faint lights flashed. Chu Feng's left eye flickered. A smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth. He waved and said, "how long does it take?"

In the dark, a woman in red came out and said respectfully, "there are only 50 people on the other side. The battle can be completed in five minutes."

"Go ahead, James. I want to live." Chu Feng nodded and said, in the poker Corps toward the food processing factory swarmed to go, also took a step toward the front.

Wen Xinxue follows her, frowning deeply. She has grown up in a quiet environment since childhood. She has not seen too much blood and cruelty. During the day, she heard Ye Zixuan say that Chu Feng unified the north and killed 30000 people, and countless injured people. At that time, she felt suffocated.

At the moment, knowing that Chu Feng is going to kill again, he has some difficulties and struggles in his heart, which means that he can't accept.

Under the leadership of the red ghost and the nigger, playing cards did not move quietly, but directly opened the door with powerful firepower. For the temporary allies who stabbed secretly, Chu Feng decided to use the strongest force to solve them this time, so that some people in the future could learn from it.

The night is deep, but the sound of bullets still makes Hercules suddenly sleepy. He wakes up from his sleep and is surprised at what happened. After that, he picks up the guns around him and occupies the most effective defense position in the shortest time to fight against the attacking card members.

The members of the playing cards were divided into six teams and attacked the food processing plant from six directions. They soon opened the entrances with bombs and broke into them.

Running fast in the dark, the guns in the hands burst out lethal bullets, hit the waste machines, and splashed out dazzling sparks, which also made Hercules members feel the pressure. Just a confrontation, you can clearly feel the difference of the people who are coming.

James in the original factory director's office, heard the gunshot, quickly put on his clothes and came out to drink: "what's the matter?"

A Hercules member fired a gun at the outside and quickly walked back and forth: "I don't know. Suddenly, a group of mysterious men launched an attack on us, but we have the advantage of the terrain. They can't attack in a short time, but we have no support. It's estimated that the support time is not long."

"Damn it, son of a bitch?" James's rough face appeared ferocious, subconsciously thought that it was a tree, but then shook his head and waved the idea. The tree was mean, but he would not do it again. After all, both sides are grasshoppers on a rope.

With a wave of his big hand, he said, "hold on, I'm looking for support now."

Hearing that there was support, the Hercules member's face was full of excitement and nodded without falling. Then he ran out and said to the rest that the support would come soon. The gunfire was suddenly fierce and resisted the attack of the members of the playing card, waiting for support.

James looked at it, turned around and went into the office, dialed a number, and then said, "master Huangfu, we are now under attack from a mysterious man. We need support!"

At the other end of the phone is Huangfu asking the sky. He went to bed early. He was a bit upset, but he didn't get too angry when he heard James's voice. He said faintly, "mysterious man, do you have any clue?"

The arbor shakes his head, but may not be the second time the wind plays

"Chu Feng?"

Huangfu immediately jumped up on the bed, pushed aside the woman beside him and said in a deep voice: "you are sure it's not a tree, so it's Chu Feng. It's to teach you how to poke a knife temporarily. So you immediately give up and retreat. Chu Feng will do it. Your life is zero. Maybe there is a chance of survival in retreat."James's expression was stagnant, and his tone was a little displeased: "Huangfu family leader, it was you who asked us to cooperate with arbor. It was also because of your promise that we were stabbed by arbor. Finally, it was your persuasion to let us unite again. Now how can I listen to you? You seem not willing to send support

James's question did not get an answer, Huangfu asked the sky directly cut off the phone, and when James called back again, it had been turned off.

The rough face of the big man in Tianchi was full of ferocity, and he said: "damn Huangfu, ask heaven, if there is no use value, we will die too?"

Indignant punch hit on the wall, James quickly out of the office and said: "twenty people stay to resist, others with me to withdraw, night away from the Holy See!"

After words, the trained Hercules quickly divided into 20 people to resist. Everyone's face was determined to die. Staying behind was like being behind the cannon fodder, but each of them looked as if they were dead.

When more than 20 people withdrew to his side, James bowed slightly to the 20 people: "brothers, go all the way!"

"Mr. James, have a good trip," the twenty said

James sighed, waved his hand and took more than 20 people to evacuate from the back. Before he came here, he had already figured out the terrain here. Now the enemy attacks from six directions, but there is no one at the back and on the left. He chooses to retreat from the back. He can still have more vitality. As long as he is alive, he is hope.

I was thinking that if I survived the disaster tonight, I would destroy all the property of the Huangfu family in Tianchi, and bring people back to kill the stabbing trees and the attackers tonight.

"Is it possible to run away like this?"

Chu Feng's left eye is in full view of all this, and the corners of his mouth bring out a cold radian and light mouth. In wenxinxue's complex look, Chu Feng has a gun in his hand, which is Fu Dina's water east of the silver desert, with 20 bullets.

The next moment, chufeng burst out, the speed is not ordinary fast, Wen Xinxue is surprised what he wants to do, Chu Feng directly against a wall, pull the trigger, a bullet burst out, directly through the wall, nailed into the head of a Hercules hiding behind the wall.

The moment that Hercules fell down, his eyes were full of consternation. He seemed to wonder why he would be blown off his head when he was hiding behind the wall.

But all of this did not stop. Chu Feng moved quickly in the respectful eyes of the members of the playing cards. He shot repeatedly. He could always hear the voice of life howling. Everyone worshipped Chu Feng's shooting skills more. He could blow his head if he could not see anyone!

Wenxinxue can't bear it in her eyes. Others don't know, but she knows that Chu Feng's left eye can see everything, and those people can avoid it, which is no different from standing in front of him.

With the special desert water east, we can imagine the fate of Hercules.

The sound of the bullet card rang out, twenty bullets had been fired at full speed, and the gunfire stopped completely at the moment. Chu Feng stood in the hall of the building, his eyes were cold and he accepted the awe of the members of the playing cards.

Originally thought it would take a little time to win, Chu Feng just shot all 20 people in less than a minute, which is more than a sharpshooter.

"Catch up, I'll cut off James's head myself!"

Chu Feng put up the desert water and threw out a sentence indifferently. The red ghost and the nigger nodded respectfully and took the playing cards to kill them directly. They followed James and their evacuation footprints and went towards the distance. None of them could run away tonight. This is what Chu Feng asked.

Wenxinxue came in from outside, smelling the bloody smell in the air and shaking his head slightly: "actually, you can't kill it, can't you?"

Chu Feng turned back and glanced at Wen Xin Xue, and said coldly, "I won't kill them, but can you guarantee that they won't kill me?"

Wen Xin Xue looked sluggish, then shook his head: "can't guarantee."

"That's it." Chu Feng coldly threw out a sentence and walked towards the front. When he was about to leave the building, he looked back at Wen Xinxue and said faintly: "because I don't kill them, I can't change their idea of killing me, so other people's death is better than my own death. This is my principle of life."

"For example, Wen family and I, if they want me to die, they should be ready to be killed by me."

The cold and merciless left a word, Chu Feng toward the direction of their departure, leaving wenxinxue standing in the same place. The immortal woman looked at the whole building. Twenty lives had just died in Chu Feng's hands. For wenxinxue, it was a little unacceptable.

That kind of life such as grass-roots indifference, subverts Wen Xinxue's inner cognition.

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