Super Healer

Chapter 636

There was no mood fluctuation on the 13 Qiao's elite faces standing behind them. It seemed that they had done a very ordinary thing. Only the people in the meeting room held their breath, and Chu Feng narrowed his eyes to examine the sudden change.

However, arbor has already fallen into a rage. He is really upset with these 13 people. He thinks that after things have calmed down, all of them will be killed and they will pay the price for today's choice. However, he does not want to kill them now.

Pointing to those 13 Qiao's elite, he said, "do you have any brain problems?" If you don't want to kill seventeen people, you're not going to support me

The tree's anger didn't exchange for an answer. The thirteen elite Qiao stood still as if he were air.

"The game is almost over, let me host it!"

When the tree was so crazy that he was about to take out a knife to kill 13 Qiao's elite, Shao long, who had been sitting, stood up and spoke faintly. The whole person scattered the vino in front of the tree, and became a lot taller. He walked forward: "you fight so hard. I'll be the master."

Everyone was stunned, and arbor was also stunned. After the reaction, he pointed to Shao long and scolded him: "what do you say? Recognize your position!"

"I hate being pointed at me the most."

Shaolong stood in front of the tree, did not respectfully or politely throw out a word, suddenly hand holding the tree finger, hard to break, the sound of scraping sounded, the tree also burst out a shrill scream.

Shaolong gave a cold smile and suddenly kicked out, but the finger holding the tree did not loosen, and a foot fell down. The tree's voice was shocked and blood came from his mouth and nose.

All of us have not yet digested the shock. Shao long reached out and took a sharp knife from Qiao's family. A cold light swept over the tree's head. A stream of blood splashed out on the conference table, which made people feel chilly.

With a gentle swing, the headless corpse of arbor rolled to the corner. Shao long killed the tree with the most simple and direct means. He pulled his chair and sat down to look at the stunned people with a smile: "the clown has completed his mission. Now we can sit down and talk about the position of the principal and the future of Qiao."

His eyes turned away from Chu Feng and said meaningfully: "at the same time, we should also talk about the territory occupied by the wind door. Should we also change our master?"

The old man of the Qiao family was the first to react. Looking at the tree's head, he rolled down at his feet. A chill spread all over his body. He pointed to Shao long and said, "you killed arbor. You are the following offenders. According to Qiao's rules, you should be sentenced to hang."

Shao Long's eyes like a sword swept the old man of Qiao's family, and said in a cold voice, "if you all die, who knows that I killed arbor, and then the Qiao family doesn't exist, where can we have the Qiao rule?"

Looking back at the crowd, Shao long twisted his neck and opened his mouth: "and I think it's OK. After I become the leader of Qiao's family and merge the wind doors, I'll change my name to yinmen, the largest group in the underground world in the North!"

Shao Long's self-confidence that he was not in a hurry to control everything made many people frown. Seventeen people who supported Chu Feng looked at him. One of them said, "less wind, what do you mean?"

At present, thousands of people surround here. It's just like a fool talking about dreams if he wants to kill. Shao long can sit down and talk with them. He must have the idea of winning. They are all watching the attitude of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took a deep breath, smelled the faint bloody breath, digested the incident and opened his mouth: "Shaolong, where does your confidence come from? Is it just to say two words, to lay your position?"

"Without strength, I can't negotiate with Feng Shao."

Shao long gave a gentle smile, waved his finger to the outside and said, "so today, in order to win the final victory and lay the foundation for the birth of the hidden gate, 5000 people from inside and outside surrounded here without water. In addition, in order to prevent unknown tunnels and the like, I left ten armed people at the door of each room

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Shaolong was more careful than arbor. His mouth was slightly tilted and said, "well prepared, but can you tell me how you came from?"

Shao long emerged arrogantly and said: "you are not qualified to know!"

"Oh Chu Feng was not unhappy. He put his hands on the table and asked Shao long, "who are you, Luo Yin?"

Shao Long's eyes fixed on Chu Feng coldly: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"It seems that this guy really wants to ban everything from me." Although Shao long said he didn't know, Chu Feng's left eye saw the color of deception spreading on his body. He leaned on the chair and continued: "it doesn't matter. Now everyone is sitting here. What do you want to say, finish it once and for all!"

"I'm afraid I'll die when you can't finish. It's boring."

Shao long sneered and looked at the remaining 24 Qiao's responsible persons and said word by word: "I'm not as stupid as arbor, but I won't kill you all!"He took out the porcelain vase from his body and handed it to a Qiao elite. He opened his mouth to the public: "there is a kind of chronic poison in the bottle, which will only attack in a year. You are willing to take one with me. It doesn't matter if you don't eat it. I'll cut off your head with a knife."

"Of course, I'd like to follow me. I'll give you antidotes before the drug takes effect."

Chu Feng seemed not to care about anything. He sat in his position, knowing that Shaolong had no absolute control over all the people, so he used the simplest and direct method to control them with poison, just as he had begun to control the Yihe family.

Qiao Jingrui took the medicine bottle and went to those people, poured it out and handed it out to the old man of Qiao's family. The latter looked at the black pill and could smell a fishy smell. He wanted not to eat it. However, he saw the bodies of the trees and the thirteen bodies on the ground, and took a closed eye and swallowed it.

These people are greedy for life and fear of death, so they don't need any coercion. They all choose to eat poison. The so-called good death is better than living.

Seven people ate the poison, Qiao Jingrui put the poison in front of the seventeen Qiao's responsible persons who have always been firm. Shao long saw that they didn't do anything, and said: "how, do you really want to die?"

Seventeen people frowned deeply. No one would like their life to be restrained by poison. Few of them would like to be bound by poison in the future.

Seeing that seventeen people still didn't move, Shao long clapped his hands playfully and said, "pull it out and chop it off!"

Suddenly dozens of Qiao's elite rushed to pull out 17 people's complete control, and Chu Feng said at this time: "slow down!"

Shao long stopped and looked back, jokingly said: "little wind, I forgot to tell you that Qiao ling'er and LAN mei'er are in my hands. What I do doesn't need you to direct me. What you need to consider now is how to hand over all the territory controlled by the damper to me for life!"

Chu Feng breathed out a breath, stood up and looked at the seventeen people in charge of Qiao's hope, and said faintly: "you are the most loyal people of Qiao's family. I'm here to thank you for Lord Qiao."

With that, Chu Feng bowed slightly to the 17 responsible persons of Qiao's family. From the beginning of the threat of arbor to Shao Long's undisguised murder, all of them did not waver in their position. They were loyal to Qiao's family. Even if they had no ability, they were worthy of respect.

After all, loyalty is an extremely luxurious thing in today's materialistic world.

Standing up straight, in Shao Long's playful look, Chu Feng looks at the seven people led by the old man of Qiao's family. From the beginning, he firmly supports arbor. Now he supports Shao long when he is threatened. Chu Feng sighs and says, "even if Shao long doesn't kill you today, I will cut off your heads.

Qiao needs people and is short of people, but there is no shortage of you who are greedy and afraid of death and don't argue right and wrong! "

Shao long said with a smile: "little wind, are you used to deciding the life and death of others and can't change it any more. Don't you see clearly the current situation, who is the boss?"

"At the same time, I'm sorry that Lord Qiao cultivated you and helped a man who only appeared in Qiao's family for two months to seize power. I feel sorry for you."

In Shao Long's noncommittal smile, Chu Feng continued with a loud voice: "but I understand that this is your destiny. As the bottom of the power, you pay attention to who gives you meat to eat, who is the person in charge. But sometimes,"

clapped his chest heavily. With a strong rendering power, Chu Feng's voice said with a strong rendering power: "to be a man, you should be worthy of your own good." Heart, know how to be grateful, not blindly follow, understand? "

In the conference hall, hundreds of Qiao's elite have been without any fluctuation. A trace of looseness appeared on their faces. Chu Feng's words touched their inner soft parts. At the moment, Chu Feng continued: "I won't blame you for your treachery this time. I also know that you can't help but choose your own team and do your own things well. If you want something, you should have a clear conscience."

Shao long narrowed his eyes slightly. At first, he only felt that Chu Feng was in a hurry to seek medical treatment. But when he touched those Qiao's sharp and hesitant faces, he felt a tremor in his heart. He stood up and said, "take it out and kill it now!"

If it was just now that they naturally followed Shao Long's orders, but when Chu Feng said that, they all hesitated. Shao long saw in his eyes the opportunity to kill and said, "if you don't obey the order, you will be killed!"

The words of shava shocked the whole hall, but the elite Qiao, who controlled the 17 responsible persons of Qiao family, still did not move. Although they were people at the bottom, they were also people with ideas and flesh and blood. They were directly pointed at the heart by Chu Feng's words, but they did not move. That was false.

Shao long saw that his orders could not play any role. Suddenly, his body burst out, and a knife in his hand flashed. He chopped at two Qiao's elite who didn't obey the instructions: "I really want to die!"

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