Super Healer

Chapter 645

More than eight o'clock in the morning, or in the secret meeting room yesterday, without Chu Feng, four old people sat opposite each other!

Li Zong is still sitting at the top of the table, holding a cup of tea. If you don't know, you will only think that he is a kind old man next door. However, those who know it will understand that this is an old man with incomparable iron and blood. He has been in power for nearly ten years. There are not ten thousand corrupt officials but eight thousand corrupt officials who have been destroyed by him!

He has indirectly or directly affected the lives of tens of millions of families in the holy pilgrimage. He is one of the most successful leaders of the pilgrimage in recent years.

Su dingzheng didn't have much gentleness. He drank the tea directly. He didn't even spit out the tea. He put the cup down and cursed: "Chu Feng is a stinky boy. Originally I thought I'd go to find him in private. Maybe it will turn around. Who knows that a few words from this boy make me have the impulse to take out a gun and kill him."

"So don't ask me to do it any more. It's my grandson-in-law. I still want to retire and live in harmony."

Zhou tianchu slightly wry smile and waved his hand: "you don't want me to go. I still owe Chu Feng rebirth's favor, but you still let me play tricks to dig out his things. I'd like to. My precious grandson and granddaughter don't agree. I also want to have a safe and stable life after retiring."

"If you have said it, don't leave a few words for me?" Ye Enzheng couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Only when there were a few people, they would tear off the disguise and reveal the most real side: "my situation is similar to yours. Zixuan bothered me for the whole night and said that chufeng was her man. If Chu Feng died, she would not live."

"So don't let me go. What's more, Chu Feng has a lot of precautions against me."

Li Zong put down his tea cup and looked at the three old friends who didn't want to touch the matter. He said with a bitter smile: "some old guys, you are going to throw the problem to me, but you should know what I mean?"

Ye Enzheng looked at each other, and Zhou tianchu frowned and said, "old partner, do you really want to kill Chu Feng?"

Li Zong nodded back: "yesterday, I really wanted to kill him. A man who didn't put the Kingdom's interests in front of him, but also controlled the huge energy, that's damned!"

Ye Enzheng said in a timely manner: "now?"

"Want to kill and don't want to kill." Li Zong breathed out his breath and said, "I understand the idea that Chu Feng disagrees with. Standing in our position is unacceptable, but standing in the position of the world, I agree. After all, as long as any kingdom obtains absolute force, even if it is only ten years ahead, it can change the world pattern."

Looking at his three old friends, Li Zong pointed to himself and said: "although I now say that I control these things only to avoid being oppressed and humiliated by the holy Koreas, when I really own those things and can directly ignore the nuclear threat, I may have ambitions that I can't think of."

"The earth is very big. The pilgrimage is just a region on it. The stage of the world is very attractive. Do you think I should kill chufeng or not?"

All three fell into silence. No one answered Li Zong's question. The latter continued with a smile: "you don't know. So I'm also entangled. I hate and admire a person who looks at the world first and then the kingdom. We only see the rise of more than a billion people in the Holy Dynasty, and he is looking at the stability of billions of people in the world."

Ye Enzheng nodded, understood Li Zong's meaning, and said, "what are you going to do? Do you want to keep Chu Feng in custody, or let go or kill him?"

"Always have to do something, always to comfort the motherland!"

Li Zong sighed. Although he was not willing to do so, he was too small for the whole kingdom: "after ten days, Chu Feng refused to accept my last request and let the three bases enter the high-level workers of the holy Dynasty. I killed him, and sent absolute force to put out the wind gate, so as to create a new underground order in the north."

When ye Enzheng heard the speech, their eyes froze, but at last they all sighed. They could not accept Li Zong's decision, but they also understood that when they sat in Li Zong's position, they would also make such a decision.

Similar time, the first garden of Huangfu family!

A car quickly enters the first garden. After layers of guards and stops in front of the main building, Zhan Jin, with a cold look, gets out of the car and quickly enters into the garden. At a glance, Huangfu, who is sitting on the seat of the throne and has breakfast, asks the sky and bows down to greet: "good morning, master!"

"You haven't had breakfast yet. Come and eat together!" Huangfu asked the sky, raised his head to smile and waved to Zhan Jin to sit down.

Zhan Jin was not polite. He had been used to this way of getting along with Huangfu over the years. He sat down and took a piece of bread and said, "things have been confirmed. I have also started the people in Huangcheng prison to investigate. It has been confirmed that Chu Feng is now in custody. There is no water in the news."

"Oh, really locked up." Huangfu asked Heaven to put down half of his bread and took a sip of milk. He said curiously, "it's just that Chu Feng, as the uncle of the Su family, is a knife in the official hand to some extent. What are the old men in Xinghai thinking about and throwing Chu Feng in at this time?"

Zhan Jin shook his head and said, "who can understand the thoughts of those old men, and the specific reasons can't be explored. Only those people know about them. But it seems that it's not a joke to see the first action this time."Looking around and seeing no one else, Zhan Jin leaned forward and said, "I just got the news before I came back that the Imperial City troops had been working hard, the Jianghai troops were also starting up, and the Jinan troops of the Northeast troops were also in the state of preparation. I speculated that once Chu Feng died, the wind gate would be put out."

"So soon?"

Huang Fu's calm face also showed a trace of surprise. He took another sip of milk and digested the news. Then he said, "let the Huangfu family stop all their actions and withdraw back. This is becoming more and more interesting. If the official really wants to put out the Chu wind and the wind gate, anyone who goes to get contaminated is looking for death."

Jenkin nodded: "I'll wait to get people back and wait for the situation to be clear."

Huangfu nodded with peace of mind. Zhan Jin was still at ease when he was working. He thought of something and said: "by the way, where did Luo Yin go after he came back from Northeast China? He hasn't been in the first garden. He can't have an accident. If he is caught by the official, something will happen to our Huangfu family."

"Including ruobi, Ruoxi!"

Huangfu was stunned, then laughed and said, "this boy really surprised me. It seems that the verdict office has not appeared for nearly 20 years, and the hidden world forces are not stable. If you are not wrong, Luo Yin should attack other women of Chu Feng besides Ruo die and Ruoxi?"

"Not yet, but I think it will be soon." Zhan Jin nodded and said what he knew: "because the people who followed him in the past two days told me that Luo Yin and his attendant Shao long had been in and out of the imperial city. I don't know what they are doing. In addition, they have prepared a lot of valuables, which cost us nearly 200 million yuan of our Huangfu family."

Huangfu asked the sky, waved his hand and said: "if you can hold Luo Yin firmly in your hand, money is not a problem. Since the fall of the old man in Weiss, the peak power of Huangfu family will be reduced to a level. If Luo Yin can be in Huangfu family, we will only pay more attention to it. A little money is not enough to worry about."

"In addition, you can ask Luo Yin what you need to prepare. I Huangfu must hold him down when he asks for heaven."

Zhan Jin quickly finished the bread, picked up a bottle of milk, stood up and said, "I will arrange it now. Although the hidden forces are very attractive, if the official knows their relationship with our Huangfu family, there will be a huge crisis. Do you want to think about the way out, master?"

Huangfu asked the sky and waved to the servant to remove the things and put on the tea. "Don't worry. What strength Luo Yin has? The official knows better than I do. Can I stop what he wants to do and what he wants to do?"

"What's more, the imperial family has a thousand years of history. Unless the government wants to eat a fat man one bite at a time, he will die."

Seeing that Huangfu didn't take it lightly, Zhan Jin felt a little more relaxed. After bowing down, he left the main building to deal with the things that Huangfu had just explained. At present, the situation of the imperial city is better, and we still need to be more careful.

"I'm back!" After Zhan Jingang left for more than ten minutes, Huangfu asked the sky and sat in the hall looking at the morning paper and drinking tea. A voice came from the outside, with a kind of arrogance. The next moment, a young man came in, his face full of a kind of natural aloofness.

Huangfu asked the sky and saw the visitor put down his newspaper and squinted and said, "I haven't come back for three days. How are things going? Have you taken it?"

The proud young man came and picked up the teapot beside Huangfu to ask the sky. He took a few gulps and said, "it's really bitter!"

Then he sat down carelessly, lit a cigarette, puffed out a mouthful and said, "if it's so easy to take it off, you have to doubt whether this woman is a real princess of the Rothschild family. For three days, although she promised to go to the nursing home with me to see the elderly, she kept a distance from me.

Although still resist the situation of thousands of miles, but from the beginning do not say a word to me is much better, I believe a few more times my kind, gentle and handsome side, you can take it

Huangfu asked the sky and drank a sip of tea and said faintly: "I give you the time, but you can't let her run away. The power of the Rothschild family is all over the whole of Wenzhou, and the black organizations in the past 100 years should be in awe of three percent. If you can become this young man, we Huangfu family will rise in height, at least no longer worry about the official."

The proud young man laughed and said with an open smile: "don't worry, it's just a woman. When I was abroad, I played a lot, and I could win 100% of it. I can't do it. I just can't do it. I just want to be strong."

Huangfu did not care about the pride of the youth, but whispered: "you have discretion, success is a meritorious official, failure you are a corpse!"

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