Super Healer

Chapter 648

As soon as Chu Feng opened his eyes, the door was opened, and Li Ji's signature style laughter came: "I thought you were miserable now. I didn't expect to live so moist!"

Chu Feng got down from the bed, put on his shoes, and looked at Li Ji, who was supported by Zhou Jingxing and ye Zisheng. His left eye had already seen the high and swollen position. He said with a smile: "how can the Grand Master of the hall be hurt? Who dares to attack you so boldly? Do you think that he is even better than the former No. 3?"

"Are you praising me or killing me?"

Li Ji rolled his eyes, motioned for two people to help him. After sitting down, he continued: "I am confident that no one dares to move me, but this son of a bitch is not a saint Korean!"

Chu Feng has gone to the bathroom and brushes his teeth. He has nothing to do these days. Chu Feng is used to sleeping until the sun goes up. If Li Ji didn't come here, Chu Feng would not get up now. Brushing his teeth and hearing his words, he asked vaguely: "it's not a saint Korean. Which kingdom is it? You're not afraid of provoking diplomatic incidents?"


Li Ji, gnashing his teeth, said fiercely: "it's called Kato wood. It's said that he's a master of wiswu's nine night closed door apprentice, and the grandson of the former chief Ichiro Kato. He can be regarded as an overdue emperor."

Chufeng Gulu spit out a saliva, turn back, some astonished mouth: "so the status of the noble ox fork, run to the holy Dynasty is to abuse you, eat enough to support it?"

Li Ji's white eyes turned straight back and said, "what's special for abusing me? Can you chat happily?" "Zi Sheng, you talk to him," he said

Ye Zisheng nodded his head and took a step forward and said, "Kato Mu is not specially here to abuse brother Ji. In other words, he is specially here to fight the holy pilgrim's face. He sets a two meter high platform in Tianmen to fight against Tianjiao of the whole holy pilgrimage."


After washing his face, Chu Feng hung up his towel and sighed. He went over and squatted down Li Ji's trouser legs. He knew that they would not come to him for no reason. He must have wanted to cure Li Ji's wound: "but Li Ji's skill is not so miserable? I think the result of Kato is not good, right? "

Li Ji and others were a little embarrassed. Su Mobei coughed and replied: "after Li Shao went up, Kato wood sat on the spot, did not move, broke down with a fist, and did not have any more strength."

As soon as Chu Feng's hand stagnated, two gold needles flashed out of his hand and fell on Li Ji's swollen leg. Then a military dagger came from Su Mo Bei's body and cut the wound. A stream of blood flowed out from the wound. When the three people around saw the corner of their mouth twitching, they didn't seem to expect that Li Ji was beaten with blood stasis.

When the blood stasis was exhausted, Chu Feng took out the powder and sprinkled it gently and evenly. Then he took out two gold needles and opened his mouth: "I have dealt with it. I can't see the trace of injury in three days. If there is no big action, there will be no problem in walking and doing things. If there is nothing wrong, go ahead. I still want to cultivate myself."

Li Ji put down his trouser legs, stood up and stretched out his legs for two steps. He did not feel the pain, but just a little itchy. He said with a satisfied smile, "I said that Chu Feng helped him out. This time, no one knew that I had challenged that son of a bitch and was seriously injured!"

But Li Ji didn't turn around and leave. Instead, he looked back at Chu Feng, who was washing his hands there. "Chu Feng, this time Kato's behavior is a slap in the face. It's hard for the older generation and the middle generation to come forward. There are few young people who can resist Kato."

"I mean, I'll try to get some old men to nod and let you go out and kill the enemy!"

Chu Feng shook off the water drops on his hand and took a towel to wipe it dry. Then he said, "you come to me for treatment. We are friends. I am naturally duty bound. But if I am to do these things, don't talk. The holy court wants me to die now. I care about its face again. Is it a little cheap?"

Li Ji's four people were all in a daze. They were baffled that Chu Feng was thrown into the imperial prison. But now it seems that there is something hidden. Zhou Jingxing said in a deep voice: "Chu Feng, we don't know what happened, but everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the Kingdom. Now Kato wood is challenging the whole holy Dynasty. As a pilgrim, shouldn't you do your duty?"

Ye Zisheng and others also nodded and felt that Chu Feng, even in prison, should keep a heart of serving the country.

Chufeng pondered a smile to see to a nostril out of breath of four people light asked: "you should know that I was thrown in what charge?"? The crime of threatening the security of the Kingdom, to say the least, is treason. I have been put on such a label. Why should I do something that is not pleasing to me? "

"Do you want those people to say that I have ulterior motives and do it on purpose?"

Zhou Jingxing wanted to continue to talk, Chu Feng said: "so there's no need to talk to me about this. I'm just waiting for death here. I don't have anything to do with face fighting or arena. I treat them like first love. They abuse me thousands of times. You won't understand that kind of mind.

If you are still a friend, then don't say anything. If you leave here, my principle determines my way of doing things. I don't hate anyone, because it's my choice, my choice with a clear conscience! "Seeing that Chu Feng had already made an order to leave, Li Ji's four men looked at each other, and finally left Chu Feng's cell, and soon left the imperial prison. They did not know the contradiction between Chu Feng and the person in charge. They did not believe that Chu Feng would be so indifferent and even more rebellious!

"Seven people have been defeated!"

In the secret meeting room of Zhongnanhai, there were still four old men sitting here, watching the live broadcast on the wall screen. Zhou tianchu said in a soft voice: "Kato wood is indeed trained by nine nights. In addition to Li Ji wearing a mask, the six behind are also good at first-class, but none of them let him move."

Ye Enzheng and others nodded slightly. Li Ji wearing a mask was a secret to the rest of the people, but it was not difficult for them who controlled the numerous resources of the kingdom.

Su Ding is easily hot tempered, and has a subconscious hatred for Weiss. Looking at Kato, who is still sitting there, and the seven people who have been defeated, he hums coldly: "isn't the granddaughter of stinky prose very good? Let her go to war on behalf of the younger generation of the holy Pilgrim. It's not too much for the first minister of the pilgrimage to fight against the first man of Weiss's youth!"


Ye Enzheng raised his hand to veto, and said faintly: "although wenxinxue is a writer, she grew up in the Shenyin gate since she was a child. She does not belong to the secular power. Nine Nights is well known in Weiss, and is known as the first expert in the secular world. If we let the hidden power to deal with it, it will only make people laugh, and Wes will certainly announce it, which is not advisable!"

Su dingzheng glared: "what should I do? Kato mu, this stinky boy, challenges the whole holy Dynasty with his personal identity, but I can't find anyone else to defeat him except the hidden dragon and Phoenix!"

Li Zong took a meaningful look at Su dingzheng, but did not open his mouth. Ye Enzheng seemed to know Li Zong's meaning and said: "there is one person. You can say it directly, old su. Why not be so direct? It's not in line with your personality."

Su dingzheng's face twitched and hummed: "I'm not you old foxes. I'm just a straight gut. I don't have so many fancy things."

"However, if Chu Feng is willing to do it, he can try it!"

"Chu Feng can't win Kato wood!" Su dingzheng's voice just dropped, and the nameless man who had been standing in the corner came out and spoke faintly: "according to the latest news of Yinfeng, Kato Mu is a warrior in Tianyuan's first important territory. Chu Feng has no strength even in Heibang, and has no chance of winning at all!"

The nameless words made the four old men frown, and Su dingzheng said in a deep voice: "if Kato Mu is an ancient warrior, then we can't let the people of Yin long and Yin Feng do it!"

Ye Enzheng still shook his head and said, "still can't do it!"

Su Ding's face was cold and roared: "Lao ye, do you want me to kill you?"

Ye Enzheng had no choice but to look at his old friend and former in laws, and said faintly: "Yinlong Yinfeng is the official power of the holy Dynasty. Although Kato is the grandson of the former chief, he has no position in Weiss official. This time he came to Shengchao just to fight against the younger generation of Shengchao for the reason of Xinzi's bodyguard. What can we do for Yinlong Yinfeng

Su dingzheng's brow twisted into a rope. Ye Enzheng just said that, and he also figured it out. He said, "what do you mean? The official power can't be right. It can only rely on the power from the people to defeat Kato mu. So, how about we temporarily remove the official identity of qian can't help but let him go as a private person?"

"Old sue, you are more and more confused!"

Ye Enzheng shook his head with a wry smile and said: "this time, it seems that Kato Mu's personal behavior, but none of us can guarantee whether there is the shadow behind Weiss official. We can do that, but if it is exploded, it will be more humiliating than being defeated by ten people and 100 people by Kato wood."

Su dingzheng snorted. Although dissatisfied, he also knew that ye Enzheng was right. He looked at the eighth person on the screen to challenge him, but Kato Mu knocked him out of the stage with one blow. He said solemnly: "there are ways to defeat him, but they can't work. Do you forget what he said just now?"

"We are determined to fight until someone can defeat him. Every day, we can't lift our heads!"

Su dingzheng's calm words let everyone smell a similar breath. Although Katsumi speaks highly of his personal behavior and personal will, he is a Vish. With the media's exaggeration, it is the matter of the two countries. It has been going on, and the pilgrimage is indeed disgraced.

Finally, Li Zong, who had never spoken, raised his head and said in a cool voice: "folk power? Wait a second. If it doesn't work, three doors can't do it. Then let the four clans of the hermit world come out! "

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