Super Healer

Chapter 651

Chu Feng's words are firm and resolute, even if it is to two women who can't see the depth at the moment.

Nameless's eyes were a little stunned, but then relieved. He believed that Chu Feng had existed since the beginning, but Chu Feng didn't want him to die. It doesn't mean that the two women killed suddenly are similar ideas. Nameless has never let go.

The Lengyan woman hesitated for a moment, and finally put down her hand to look at Chu Feng and said, "come with us!"

Chu Feng looks at nameless. Although he doesn't know whether he will be better if he stays, he is not willing to gamble at the moment, especially when he knows that Luo Yin, the damned one, has the intention of going out at once.

Look at two similar faces, should be twin women, Chu Feng hesitated and nodded: "go!"

Under the escort of two women, one left and one right, Chu Feng walked out of the room. There were three people lying on the ground at the door, but none of them died. He just fainted. When he went to the two cars outside, there were four people lying on the ground. The rest of them did not know where they had gone.

Out of the gate of the imperial prison, Chu Feng never thought that he would come out in this way. Looking back at the majestic imperial prison, Chu Feng sighed: "this is the first time and the last time!"

Then two women disappeared in the vast night, do not know where to go, but in the face of two nameless women, Chu Feng did not have much choice, it is better to cooperate.

But after they left, on the high wall of the imperial prison, Wenxin snow in white was standing there, looking at the direction of their departure. Nono said, "is the verdict house hidden and disappeared for 18 years, is it born?"

She shakes her head. Wenxinxue doesn't follow her. Several ups and downs fall from the high wall and prepare to go back to the Wen family. She hears what she said in the dark just now. Her master, abbess Jueyin, betroths her to meiyuanluo's family. Wen Xinxue wants to go back and find out, but some of them could have rejected it.

At three o'clock in the morning, under the No.1 emergency order, five people were sitting in the secret conference room. Except for Wenxi, who had been excluded from the core a few years ago, the six elders of the holy pilgrimage gathered at the moment.

Li Zong sat on the top of the light mouth: "nameless, you go to the imperial prison things the original said once."

Anonymous respectfully replied, and then told the people present all the things about going to the imperial prison tonight, without adding a trace of personal color. He did not add: "the two women can be sure that they came from the hidden world power!"

When the four old men all frowned, Li Zong said: "I was just guessing just in case of action. I don't want it to come true. You can hear the nameless words. Chu Feng himself admitted that he came from the hidden Chu family. Although he said he just knew it, would you like to believe these words?"

This time, no matter Su dingzheng, Zhou tianchu or ye Enzheng did not speak up. They began to reject Li Zong's killing Chu Feng. But now the facts are in front of them, and they can only choose to be silent.

Seeing that the three old companions did not speak, Li Zong looked at the sixth elder who rarely appeared. A slightly bald old man said faintly: "laoleng, I invite you to come to the Imperial City late at night. Do you have anything to say?"

When the bald old man opened his eyes, his turbid eyes suddenly burst into violent murders. He said a word in a cold voice, and then closed his eyes. It seemed that what he said was not what he said, but he was just a simple old man.

But Li Zong understood the attitude of the bald old man and asked the other three, "what do you mean?"

Su dingzheng looked at each other, then sighed and nodded, which was tacit to the bald old man's words.

"Well, it's good to have a unified opinion!"

Li Zong stood up, the amiable old man, at the moment, the killing of the superior appeared in his body, and the atmosphere of pressure reverberated in the whole secret conference room, saying, "in order to eliminate the possible harm of Chu Feng, I will use special means to smash everything he created."

Among the four old men nodding slightly, Li Zong's voice was even higher: "nameless!"

Nameless moment straightened up his body, waiting for Li Zong's order. Although he wanted to defend Chu Feng in his heart, he knew that once these old men moved the destructive heart, no one could stop them.

Li Zong said in a cold voice that there was no warmth in his mouth: "withdraw from the hidden dragon and Phoenix who stare at the Wen family and the Huangfu family, and pay all attention to the damper. I want that when the sun rises tomorrow, the damper will not exist on the land of the holy court."

"Please order number one!" the anonymous voice replied

"Let the Imperial City troops send ten thousand troops to attack the gate of the imperial city without any bottom line. There is no amnesty to kill them!"

"All the Northeast troops will be sent out to deter Qiao's family, and at the same time, the backbone of the ventilation door who has broken into Qiao's family will be arrested. If Qiao doesn't move, he will be killed."

"All units of Jinan, Central Plains and Jianghai will be sent out to carry out a devastating attack on Fengmen Tangkou in 18 provinces. There will be no amnesty for killing them!"

"Let the Ministry of foreign affairs communicate with the Hebrews and help suppress the FUBU family. Don't let the free Chu Feng have the opportunity to send out five half light speed missiles. Those who obstruct will be killed without mercy.""The Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of security and the Ministry of health are all dispatched to seal up all the industries of fengteng group. They would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go!"

Five orders were issued in succession, which made the secret conference room present a great atmosphere of depression. Although this would make the holy Dynasty enter into several months of turbulence, compared with the damage that may be caused by the Chu wind, it is insignificant. But when we think of the people who will die tonight, we all feel a bit sad.

It's just that before we can't determine the original intention of Chu Feng, we can't stop the danger and prevent it from being a huge layout. We can't do anything but kill the enemy by thunder!

When the unknown was shocked, Li Zong finally issued a command: "in addition, draw the hidden dragon and Yin Feng to the strongest force, and pursue Chu Feng with all his strength. If he does not die, there will be unrest."

There are six orders in total. For the holy pilgrimage, which has not issued three orders in the past year, this night is undoubtedly a cruel night. It is only to prevent a possible change, but also to say that the reality is cruel.

"I'll arrange it now!"

With a deep breath, nameless digested one by one of the instructions that could cause the holy pilgrimage earthquake. Then she turned around quietly. But when she opened the door, her whole body was taut and her eyes shot fiercely!

The five old men who had been sitting upright stood up in an instant. They were in huanxinghai, a secret conference room under precise protection. But now we see an old man with white hair standing at the door and dozens of people lying on the ground behind them. We all felt the chill.

Nameless looking at the white haired old man in front of him, subconsciously stepped back, his voice trembled and said, "who are you?"

"It's not as good as it was in those days."

The old man with white hair faintly cast a nameless glance and said a word. His body stepped forward, but he went directly to the meeting table, opened a chair and sat down. He shrunk to an inch, but Rao was so, and he did not dare to act rashly.

After countless experiences, Li Zong and other five people calmed down for a while. They restrained some people from entering huanxinghai and quietly came to the underground secret conference room. They all sat down and looked at the old man with white hair in front of them.

Suddenly, Su Ding was staring at the old man with white hair and felt a little familiar. Then he stood up and said, "long Bo!"


The old man with white hair turned his head to Su dingzheng, narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a long time. He laughed and said, "who am I? It's su family boy. I haven't seen you for more than 20 years. You're old too!"

Su dingzheng replied with a wry smile: "it's really old, but it looks like you're as old as ever!"

The old man with white hair shook his head and did not take Su dingzheng's words. His eyes calmly swept the people present one by one. When everyone was tense, the old man with white hair said faintly: "I come here, there is no other thing to do, just express my meaning and withdraw all actions to Chu Feng."

After being reminded by Su dingzheng, Li Zong and others, though they had never met, also remembered who they were. When they heard him, they shook their heads and said, "Mr. long, you are our respected elder. But Chu wind comes from the Chu family in Tianguan. We can't allow it."

"Even if it's Longbo, you won't allow it, will you?"

"No!" Long Bo gently shook his head and said: "if the rest of the Chu family come out to do these things, I will not be used to it and will support your actions, but only Chu Feng can't do it!"

Li Zong asked with difficulty: "why?"

Long Bo was not angry. He was as profound as a virtuous master. When Li Zong and Li Zong almost lost their patience, long Bo looked at the six people in the secret conference room at the moment and closed the open door. Then he spoke softly: "because he will soon sit in the position of director of the adjudication office for many years and control the adjudication office!"

Li Zong's five people and even the nameless felt that they had heard wrong. They could not believe that all this was true. Finally, Su dingzheng broke the silence and said, "long Bo, who does this mean?"

"It's good that the only one of you knows what overlord meant before he was born. It's not suitable to publish it now."

Long Bo looked a little more gloomy, but he quickly covered up and spoke softly: "as for Chu Feng, although he came from the Chu family in Tianguan, he was taken away and raised by bawangtian 18 years ago. He is bawangtian's apprentice, the young master of Longmen, and the only heir of the ruling!"

Long Bo's words made Li Zong and others unable to sit on their chairs. If Chu Feng came out, they could tear them up. The only thing that could not be done was that he was the apprentice of overlord heaven and the young master of Longmen!

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