Super Healer

Chapter 656

In everyone's building, four big men who have to shake their feet in the holy pilgrimage gather in a study, which seems to be a secret thing. Although Su Xinyu doesn't have much emotional fluctuation on the surface, his heart is already full of waves and worries.

Total feeling, a few big men want her to sit here, things seem to be related to Chu Feng!

Su dingzheng looked at his three old friends. At last, when he seldom smoked, he lit a special supply and puffed out a cigarette ring. Then he said, "Xinlan, tell me about it."

Ye Xinlan nodded slightly, then opened his mouth to Su Xinyu with a gentle look and said: "Xinyu, before telling you this news, you should be prepared mentally. No matter what the result is, you should believe that our love for you is true."

Just a mouth, let Su Xinyu smell unusual breath, heart more nervous also open mouth: "en!"

"You are not my own daughter!"

Ye Xinlan sighed and told the secret hidden in his heart for many years. When Su Xinyu's body was stiff, he continued: "your father is not su Qin. You are not su. You are just the daughter of an old friend of the old man. For some reasons, he was fostered in the Su family. It was only so many years ago that we had already regarded you as the Su family."

Su Xinyu sits there in a daze, and her whole brain is at a loss. She can't calm down the restlessness for a long time. Anyone is good. Her mother who has raised her for more than 20 years tells you that when you are not her own child, only those who have experienced it can understand that feeling.

But after all, Su Xinyu is not a woman with poor psychological endurance. After being shocked, she sniffs out an unusual smell. Ye Xinlan tells herself that it is OK. But why are so many important people present?

Take a look at everyone. What did Su Xinyu catch and ask, "who are my biological parents?"

Ye Xinlan just said a beginning to Su Xinyu to accept, and then did not speak again. Su dingzheng pinched out the cigarette end and said, "your mother is an ordinary woman, gentle, virtuous and kind, but soon after you were born, she died in a conspiracy because of your father's enemies."

Su Xinyu's body was shocked. Although she did not have the concept of a biological mother, she was the one who gave birth to her own. When she heard that she had already died, she felt a little sour in her heart and asked in a trembling voice, "where is my father?"

Seeing Su Xinyu, Su dingzheng was able to keep calm and calm at this time. After slightly praising him, he said, "your father is a hero of the holy Dynasty. He is a great man. His name is overlord heaven."

Su Xinyu has stood up unconsciously. As a person who has grown up in the system, Su Xinyu naturally knows something. When her eyes show surprise, she says, "my father is the first person in the black list, Overlord, deputy director of the adjudication office?"

Ye Enzheng took over Su Xinyu's question and said faintly: "it's just that he didn't show up in these years. We have just received news that he was seriously injured 18 years ago and died a few years ago."

Su Xinyu shakes her body, and some of them can't accept everything in front of her. Her relatives who have raised her for many years tell her that her biological parents are another person, but then she tells her that her biological parents are dead. This kind of gap is hard to accept.

Seeing the struggle and pain in Su Xinyu's eyes, Rao is a few old people who are not surprised and not happy. Ye Enzheng continued: "although your parents are no longer in this world, we are after all relatives for many years. What relationship were we before and what relationship we will be in the future, child!"

Su Xinyu gently shook his head and sat down powerless. After digesting the impact of this information, he said softly: "you will not just tell me these, do you have anything else?"

Su Xinyu's calmness surpasses the expectation of outstanding people. Su dingzheng gives Ye Xinlan a look. The latter nods and stands up and leaves the study. The next conversation is no longer suitable for her to be present.

Ye Xinlan's departure is to confirm Su Xinyu's thoughts in her heart. This matter will never be simple. Let her sit there as calmly as possible, waiting for something she can't imagine.

Ye Enzheng still opened his mouth. Shengchao No.2 said mildly: "there is something. I believe you know about overlord heaven and the adjudication office. Naturally, you also know that it has disappeared for 18 years. But now it has reappeared, and it has brought us a surprising but no news."

Su Xinyu frowned and said, "is it about me?"


Ye Enzheng nodded his head in affirmation and looked at Li Zong. The latter nodded and continued: "there are several hidden forces in the holy Dynasty. I believe you have heard a little. Before the ruling, our holy court relied on a mysterious organization called Longmen to prevent the hermit forces from intervening in the secular world.

However, the dragon's gate disappeared and there was no news. Only the founding leader knew about the guardian God of the holy pilgrimage. Therefore, we all regretted the Longmen's whereabouts and worried about the seclusion forces' stepping into the secular world because of the absence of Longmen.

But just when the hidden forces were really ready to move, your father, the overlord, once again deterred the hidden forces with the verdict office, so that they did not dare to take a step. In the past ten years, he saved many people and became the new patron saint of the holy court. "Su Xinyu is rarely moved. She knows bawangtian, but her specific deeds are not so clear. At the moment, she hears that her own father has made such a great achievement, and she is a little proud.

Ye Enzheng took a look at Su Xinyu and sighed: "just when we thought that the ruling house was the hope of our holy court to resist foreign forces and the hermit forces of the holy Dynasty, the adjudication office also disappeared 18 years ago. Although the hidden forces were afraid of the ruling house, they had begun to move today after 18 years."

Su Xinyu nodded, but after reviewing what she had just said, she said, "isn't the ruling reappeared? Then there's no need to worry about the hidden forces at all? "

"If it's simple, we don't have to worry."

This time, Li Zong opened his mouth, sitting upright and his huge body slowly opened his mouth: "but the reappearance of the adjudication office brings us a surprising news. The original dragon's gate and the adjudication office are originally one, and the mysterious specialty of the adjudication office is dragon Haoran, the Lord of the Dragon's gate, but he has disappeared for many years.

And your father bawangtian is the disciple of the Demon Lord. He sued the deputy director and is also the successor of the dragon's gate. But now he is dead

Li Zong's indistinct words made Su Xinyu smell something. The clever woman narrowed her eyes and said, "the verdict reappears. Longmen and the court are originally one. The demon lord and my own father have died. Who is the person in charge now?"

Li Zong and others showed a knowing smile on their faces. Su Xinyu did not disappoint them. He directly pointed to the key point of the matter and looked at each other. Finally, Zhou tianchu said: "we should be happy about the ruling. After all, the holy court still depends on its protection. But the problem you mentioned is that the current principal is your father's Apprentice."

With a wry smile on his face, Zhou tianchu said: "not long ago, we had a bit of conflict with the current principal, resulting in estrangement. We can't be sure whether he will guard the holy pilgrimage all the time."

Su Xinyu was stunned. It seemed that several big men had met with the principal. Thinking of their identity, Su Xinyu asked, "grandfathers, I want me to find the person in charge as bawangtian's own daughter, and use this relationship to ease the problems between him and you, right?"

Li Zong and others nodded, but ye Enzheng said: "yes or no, you are the daughter of overlord heaven. Even he will give you face, even the adjudication office and even Longmen will give you face. We believe you are willing to do that."

Su Xinyu stood up. Although Li Zong said it tactfully, Su understood its meaning and asked, "No.1 wants me to take over the ruling office and Longmen as the daughter of overlord heaven?"

Li Zong was a little embarrassed. The abacus was pierced, but he nodded carelessly: "yes, because we are estranged from the present principal, we can not be sure that he will uphold the original purpose of guarding the holy court as always, so in the case of uncertainty, we hope to rely on your relationship to hold the verdict in hand."

Although Su Xinyu still has no expression on her face, she is shocked by the bold ideas of these old men. If she wants to take advantage of her own identity and the feelings of the ruling office and Longmen towards overlord heaven, she can not help feeling sad.

Even a little trance in my heart, if all this is true, did the Su family have such a plan when they took them in, holding the uncontrollable factors in their own hands?

After all, although the ruling office and Longmen said that they were guarding the holy court, suppressing the reclusive forces, and even resisting foreign forces, it was not their obligation, it was just a purpose, and they did not have to do it. This made the officials of the holy court worried about their gains and losses, because they did not know when, the adjudication office abandoned them.

For example, the disappearance of the eighteen years must have made the official pilgrimage have a kind of mental haggard meaning, Su Xinyu has now fully figured out all this, and even suspected that they had been cultivating themselves as chess pieces.

Looking at Su Xinyu, he just stood still and didn't speak. Several old men were not sure. This was something they had no choice of. If they could not control it, they would be destroyed. However, they could not destroy the ruling house and Longmen gate. Therefore, it is the only way to use such a method.

Su dingzheng is looking at Su Xinyu. He has a lot of struggle and pain in his eyes, and his heart is also very sad. Knowing that such a request has been put forward, the feelings cultivated by Su Xinyu and the Su family for more than 20 years have already appeared a crisis of trust and cracks. Only in the face of the decision of the responsible person's meeting, Su dingzheng can't bear to suppress it.

Su Xinyu was silent for a long time, and finally broke the silence in the study: "I can try it, but I can't be sure of absolute success, but I want to know, who is the principal now?"

The four old men looked at each other, and ye Enzheng breathed out a heavy breath and uttered a name: "Chu Feng!"

Su Xinyu retreated two steps after a shock. When he stabilized his body, his eyes showed shock, but then everything today reappeared in his mind. Su Xinyu's eyes calmed down from the shock and looked at the four old men in front of him and said, "Chu Feng said today that he was nearly killed in the Imperial prison. Do you want to know if it's your order?"The four old men breathed for a moment. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng even told Su Xinyu about this, but they didn't know how to answer it. It was because of this instruction that they came to rescue Zhao from Wei Wei and found Su Xinyu and prepared to take the plunge.

But sometimes no answer is the best answer. Su Xinyu also understands why Chu Feng is so indifferent today. She is angry and angry and says with pain: "I'm sorry, I can't do anything to hurt my husband."

After leaving a word, Su Xinyu turns to open the door and leaves. If the subject is someone else, Su Xinyu can promise to do it for the support of the Su family, even if it is unreasonable. But now she knows that the subject is Chu Feng. She immediately understands something and is not willing to hurt Chu Feng.

Several old men didn't go to force Su Xinyu to stay. They sat in silence all the time. Before Li Zong said faintly, "it's really impossible to observe the development of the situation. Let Jinan move!"

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