Super Healer

Chapter 661

Kato's challenge arena has been put here for the third day. Forty five people have gone up to challenge, but all of them are defeated in Kato's hands. Moreover, none of the 45 people can make Kato stand up from the cloth mat. All of them are sitting and fighting, so strong!

"Get out of my way!"

Just when everyone felt that no one would challenge Kato Mu again today, a voice in the changing period sounded, and the crowd turned around curiously and made way for a way.

I saw the crowd out of the way, a tall young man in casual clothes strolled along, a spiritual short hair, a pair of God's tiger eyes, in the Imperial City, such a temperature is not high, but only wearing a thin casual pants, and a short shirt, completely attached to the body, muscle bulge.

Kato Mu sits on the challenge arena and slowly opens his eyes. He looks at the tall young man walking step by step. His mouth is filled with a scornful smile. It seems that he is mocking a man who does not know whether he is dead or alive to challenge him.

When the tall young man came to the arena without steps, he jumped up to the arena. The thump caused applause from the crowd. It seemed hard to believe that such a huge body could be as sensitive as a monkey.

Among the crowd under the stage, a girl looked at the people on the stage with a good-looking eyebrow and said, "this is not chufeng's silly brother. How did you come to the imperial city?"

The people who spoke were Lei Lili and pan Weiguang, old classmates of chufeng. When they saw the people on the stage, they recognized that it was Lin Wei, the natural son of chufeng's adoptive mother!

Feng Guoming, who was standing in front of them, squinted and recognized that Lin Wei was the one on the stage. With a sneer, he said with a sneer: "those who are stronger than him have gone up a lot these days. He is good at farming in the countryside. To challenge Kato wood is to look for abuse. He is a master of wiswu's nine night apprentice!"

As a member of the system, he is still a bit of a person in the upper circle. Naturally, he is not unfamiliar with Kato mu. Therefore, when he sees Lin Wei on the stage, he is only looking for death.

Pan Weiguang echoed and said, "that is, if you don't farm at home honestly and come here to fight against the challenge arena, it's just brain damage to be a national hero!"

The conversation between the two was not deliberately disguised. People around them heard it clearly. Looking at the gorgeous clothes of Feng Guoming, someone immediately said: "it's another group of dandies who have no knowledge and skills to forget national humiliation. Second generation garbage. If you have the ability, why don't you go up? As a saint, you deserve our respect, regardless of success or failure."

"That is to say, the reason why the Shengchao is looked down upon is that this group of second generation corrupt people are proficient in all kinds of food, drink and play, and know nothing about the five moral classics."

"Don't talk nonsense here, or we'll kill you with one mouthful of saliva!"

Unexpectedly, Feng Guoming's face turned blue and red. However, facing the turbulent crowd, he still suppressed his anger. The hero turned his head to one side and said, "a group of angry youths, in what age, still speak words that affect the harmony between the two countries."

When people around him heard Feng Guoming's words, their eyes showed contempt. Pan Weiguang stood behind him, his head bowed, and he did not dare to speak. Who killed so many people who caused public anger.

What they didn't notice was that Lei Lili's eyes towards Feng Guoming were also full of disdain.

Although nearly a hundred years have passed, the national humiliation is the spirit that every pilgrim must possess. It is not necessary for you to take revenge every moment. However, in the face of provocation against the majesty of the holy pilgrim, we must share the same hatred, at least this is the thought in Lei Lili's mind.

But at the moment, Lei Lili is in such an awkward position that she dare not say so in her heart, for fear that Feng Guoming will throw her to those gangsters.

On the stage at the moment, Lin Wei has already stood three meters away from Kato wood. He looks at the two banners and clenches his fists. When he was very young, he was an angry youth. Now after he has been polished by the army, he hates the Weiss even more.

Pointing to Kato wood, word by word: "stand up, and I have a fair fight!"

Kato Mu sneered and closed his eyes. He didn't even bother to look at Lin Wei. His words were contemptuous: "if you are qualified and capable, let me stand up. If you don't have that qualification or ability, then you will be like others. I'll give you face when I sit and fight with you."

Lin Wei grinned and followed Chu Feng when he was a child. Although he was not as fierce and aggressive as Chu Feng, he was also tough. He made great progress in the army for several months.

In the face of Kato's throwing out, Lin Wei moves, and his huge body explodes forward. It's three meters away in the blink of an eye. The onlookers haven't found out what's going on. One of Linwei's fists has already hit Kato's head.

Kato didn't open his eyes. He raised his hand with the help of Qi and directly blocked his fist.

Lin Wei seems to have known that Kato wood can block it, and his legs swept away with a slight tilt of his mouth. Kato's mouth shows a trace of contempt. He thinks that Lin Wei wants to force himself to stand up and clench his right hand into a fist, ready to let Lin Wei, like a man yesterday, directly break his leg and throw it down.Just when Kato Mu's fist went down, he suddenly felt something wrong. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that the leg that had been locked in the air engine stopped and didn't come up.

His fist hit the floor, his eyes dilated, and a fist hit his face directly. Kato's head sank. His body leaped out with instinct and forced Lin Wei to retreat. He himself also stepped back two steps.

Shaking a little dizzy head, Kato raised his hand and wiped it on his nose. It was full of blood. He wiped it directly with his sleeve. His eyes were filled with anger. For the first time in three days, someone forced him to bleed. It was a shame.

Meanwhile, the audience below the stage burst into roars, such as killing the enemy, heroes and so on, gathering in the sky, which made Kato's fist clench very tightly, and the anger in his eyes gradually turned into a cold opportunity to kill.

As one of Tianfan's most important martial arts practitioners, he can feel that Lin Wei only has the power of a master at most. But that's what happened. Just now Lin Wei was injured by his experience in the war, and Kato Mu regarded it as the greatest shame.

Looking at Lin Wei standing there, Kato said coldly: "you are very good. In three days, you are the first person who can hurt me. Out of respect for you and for the maintenance of my dignity, I want to sign a contract of life and death with you. If you fall off the stage, you will lose. Dare you?"

Before Lin Wei made an answer, the audience began to yell: "promise this enemy to kill the enemy like Huang Feihong and Huo Yuanjia, and drive them out of the holy court!"

The voice of the masses grew louder and louder. After a long time, Lin Wei looked at Kato wood, whose nosebleed stopped, and finally nodded heavily: "I'll sign with you!"

"Well, when you're dead, I'll bow for you!"

Kato's eyes flashed with ferocity. Two Weiss men came to the stage, and there was a middle-aged man with glasses. Kato had been prepared for this. If an important person from the holy pilgrimage came, he would sign a life and death contract with the other party and kill the other party, so he prepared a lawyer.

The middle-aged man held three pieces of things to the camera of the reporters under the stage. After taking the pictures, he handed them to Kato Mu and said, "this is a life and death contract, which has international effect. After signing, unless one party admits defeat, one party dies, or falls into the arena, neither party will bear legal responsibility for the death or death in this process."

Kato wood confidently took over with a pen, a Weiss man came forward and bent 90 degrees. Kato signed three names on his back, three life and death contracts!

Waiting for Kato to sign, the three life and death contracts came to Linwei's hand, similar to a Weiss man bending over there. Linwei looked at the simple regulations above, and without hesitation signed his name and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man held three life and death contracts and said to the audience, "now, I declare this battle of life and death officially effective."

Then he handed one to Kato Mu and the other to Lin Wei. He kept one for himself. Then he left the arena accompanied by two Weiss men. The onlookers were quiet, but their eyes were full of excitement and excitement. Only the East and West horses that can be seen in the movies and TV will be presented.

How can they not be excited?

Feng Guoming and pan Weiguang even sneered. The former said, "chufeng is going to die this time. The expression on his face when he thinks that he will be expelled from the college and his brother will die again, I feel comfortable. What's the use of reading

Lei Lili stood beside her with a frown, but it was inconvenient for Pan Weiguang to show her shoulder. Looking at Lin Wei on the stage, her eyes were faintly worried. After watching Kato Mu's fight for three times, she knew Kato Mu's strength very well.

On the stage, Kato wood shook his shoulders and twisted his neck. At the moment when the war bell on the arena rang, he shot out and burst out at the same time: "don't think it's great to make me bleed. Now I'll use your humble life to sacrifice for my blood!"

Lin Wei watched Kato's pupils shrink suddenly. He knew that he had made a rough estimate of Kato's strength, but it was too late now. He gritted his teeth to welcome him up and touched the hearts of countless people on the stage. Even the people watching the live broadcast in front of TV and computer forgot to breathe!

Ten minutes later, a western restaurant 20 kilometers away from Tianmen!

Chufeng is eating western food with Xinzi's big eyes and little eyes. The phone rings. Chufeng mumbles to Xinzi: "eat enough. Don't move. It's sleepless. You'll die before I start!"

In Xinzi eating a piece of steak, biting her teeth fiercely, as if she were biting Chu Feng's flesh and blood in her eyes, Chu Feng took out her phone and put on her headset: "Hello!"

Slowly, the smile on her smiling face gradually solidified, and her whole body began to overflow with a violent breath. In a small western restaurant, some people who were eating felt cold. Xinzi, sitting opposite the chufeng, was even more tight. She clearly felt the killing opportunities all over the sky!

Then, she only heard another phone call after Chu Feng hung up the phone, giving people a kind of suffocating killing: "Meier, send a notice to the major media in China, starting tomorrow, who will report the Tianmen challenge arena, I will kill him all over the house!"Xinzi heart a jump, feel what happened, but Chu Feng next let her thoroughly confirm the idea.

After listening to Chu Feng's throwing out a sentence that reminds Weis of the future, Weis thumped his chest and feet: "in addition, I will inform Shengchao Jibai Liangdao and even the whole world that Chu Feng will personally go to battle Kato wood three days later and gamble ten thousand lives of Weis with my one life!"

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