Super Healer

Chapter 672

There is a hill about three kilometers away from the west gate of the imperial city. It is more than 800 meters above sea level. There is a pavilion on the top of the mountain. When it comes to holidays, many people will come here to play and climb the mountain. It's not the weekend now. It's almost hard to see people. There are only a few scavengers walking back and forth.

Ye Zixuan drove the car and stopped here, opened the door and got out of the car. Looking at the 800 meter high hill, she murmured: "how can I meet you here? It's not in this place to exercise when I'm pregnant."

Shaking her head incomprehensibly, ye Zixuan changed her sports clothes when she came. She was full of the breath of invincible youth. She quickly walked up the stairs and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Ordinary people slowly walk up nearly an hour's journey. Ye Zixuan has arrived at the top of the mountain in less than 10 minutes. When the mountain wind blows her hair, she also sees the people sitting in the pavilion. Her eyes coagulate and she goes to drink: "son of a bitch, how are you? Where is my sister-in-law?"

The person sitting here is Chu Feng, who has Ye Xinlan's figure. Hearing the speech, he stood up and looked at Ye Zixuan, who had just argued in the morning. Chu Feng's heart was also a little embarrassed, but the man didn't stick to the details. Chufeng quickly raised a smile: "I asked aunt ye to call you here."

"Sit down first."

Ye Zixuan didn't sit down. She just stared at Chu Feng. She didn't believe that Chu Feng, who was so indifferent to herself in the morning, was so enthusiastic and said coldly, "if you have anything, you can say it, if you have farts, you can let it go!"

Chufeng shook his head with a bitter smile, but did not say anything else. He went outside the pavilion and walked towards the edge of the mountain. In Ye Zixuan's puzzled eyes, Chu Feng turned back and said, "Happy Birthday!"

Ye Zixuan was stunned, and then suddenly a trace of warmth appeared. Today is her birthday, which is also the reason why she went to Chu Feng to see how he handled the affairs of meiyuanluo's family, and what expression of her birthday was. However, she didn't expect that such a thing happened later, and ye Zixuan is still depressed to the present.

Although Chu Feng suddenly wished her a happy birthday, ye Zixuan still had a cold face and said, "no need!"

Chu Feng smiles indifferently and looks at the distance. Ye Zixuan comes to scold impatiently. However, she sees something slowly floating in the distance. All her anger disappears at this moment.

Only a few hundred meters away, a big hot-air balloon is approaching the top of the mountain. On the balloon, there are some big words: Happy Birthday to Ye Zixuan!

Chu Feng brings up a smile and says in his heart, as the old saying goes, no matter how tough a woman is, she also has a weak side. Although Ye Zixuan has not spoken yet, Chu Feng can feel her anger disappearing.

At the same time, I also have a little apology. In order to get something, I want to cheat Ye Zixuan.

The hot-air balloon has been slowly approaching. As it gets closer and closer, ye Zixuan looks at Chu Feng and says, "what's the matter? Don't think I'll forgive you. I'm very angry today." Although the words said that, but did not start stiff, imperceptibly has some relaxation.

Chu Feng turned around and looked at Ye Zixuan. He scolded himself. Suddenly he took out a small box and opened it. A bright diamond ring was shining. The sound of music came from the hot-air balloon. Today, you are going to marry me!

Chu Feng directly knelt down on one knee and looked at Ye Zixuan with sincere eyes and a touch of tenderness. "Remember the last time Xinyu's birthday, you said to me that you should have some of her, and that the diamond ring should be bigger than her. I always remember it in my heart."

Ye Zixuan shook her body, turned her head to one side and hummed, "don't think that I won't be angry because of this. Eighteen children, so many roses and so many audiences, it's not over!"

Chufeng smiles gently and points to the balloon. When ye Zixuan turns her head, the balloon just turns to the other side. Behind Ye Zixuan's happy birthday, there is another sentence: Chu Feng loves you!

When ye Zixuan's eyes were wide, Chu Feng said softly: "the balloon is being watched by countless people in the air. Do you think your audience is a little more, or are you talking a little more? Another rose

Chu Feng raised a hand and dropped it. The bottom of the balloon suddenly opened. Many petals fell, all of which were rose petals. When the wind blew, they flew all over the sky, and even more directly floated to the top of the mountain here, falling in a sea of water.

As if in a sea of flowers, ye Zixuan's whole body was shaking, biting his lips and humming: "then why do you want to talk to me like that in the morning? Don't you know it's very harmful to me?"

"I did it on purpose!"

Chu Feng once again scolded his son of a bitch in his heart. His face was full of tenderness and tenderness. He said gently, "because then you will be angry and you won't pay attention to my affairs. I can prepare all this for you calmly. I wish you a happy 23rd birthday and fulfill your initial requirements."

Lift up the small box again, the words are still: "more than heart talk roses, more than heart talk audience, even diamond rings are bigger than her, are you satisfied?"

"You mean to make me angry and surprise me?" Ye Zixuan asked Chu Feng. At the moment, his brain was a little short circuited. Seeing Chu Feng nodding seriously, ye Zixuan's heart was full of sweetness and murmured: "is this how you kneel and don't speak?"Chu Feng was stunned, but he said a lot. Seeing ye Zixuan's expression, he seemed to understand something. He said with a smile: "Zixuan, marry me, OK?"

Ye Zixuan bit her lips. Even though she was worth her best in force and her status was not a vase, she was bound to move in such a carefully arranged atmosphere. She stretched out her right hand and said, "I will!"

Chu Feng scolded his son of a bitch in his heart for the third time. He picked up the ring and put it on Ye Zixuan. He stood up and kissed the woman's red lips. After the long kiss, he pointed to the far away balloon and said, "this balloon will fly around the imperial city within the allowed range. Are you satisfied?"

Ye Zixuan shakes her head and looks at Chu Feng. Although she doesn't love her, she doesn't mind her tender voice at the moment: "the matter has not been solved. You'd better not challenge the nerve of the person in charge and let them land?"

Chu Feng also wanted to make ye Zixuan open his mouth, but did not want her to have said it directly. But now Chu Feng asked, "why, don't you want the whole world to know that I proposed to you?"

Ye Zixuan relies on Chu Feng. Even though she is stronger than Chu Feng, she is only willing to lie in the arms of this man, looking at the hot-air balloon and whispering, "I have found out what happened in huanxinghai that day. I know the harm my grandfather has done to you. You can still do this to me, that's enough!"

"I don't want you to be hurt any more, so let the balloon down. That's enough!"

Looking up at Chu Feng, ye Zixuan scattered her valiant side and said, "as I said to you at the beginning, as long as you are my man, I will send you to the top at all costs. No one can hurt you, even if he is the person in charge of the pilgrimage or my grandfather!"

Chu Feng's guilt is much more than the beginning. Ye Zixuan did say such things to him before, but Chu Feng only regarded it as a joke. He hugged Ye Zixuan tightly and said, "I'm sorry, I hurt you today."

Ye Zixuan shook her head and leaned against Chu Feng's arms. At the moment, there was no anger in her heart. She showed a smile and said with a little shrewdness: "you know, if you hurt me, don't have a second time in my life. I can't change the number of women around you. I can only hope you pay attention to my existence."

"When you got the promise from my grandfather from Ye's family, I recognized your life!"

Chu Feng breathed out his breath. At the moment, it was unnecessary to say more. He directly kissed Ye Zixuan's red lips and deeply sucked the woman's sweet tongue. It seems that only in this way can he begin to hold his heart close to his purpose and make up for a little guilt.

After the long kiss, Chu Feng turned and squatted down and said, "little wife, I'll carry you down the mountain!"

Originally, he was still angry because of the three words "Concubine". However, seeing that Chu Feng had to carry himself down the mountain, his anger dissipated again. He lay down on Chu Feng's body directly with his drum mouth, leaning on his shoulder, feeling the warmth and warmth at the moment.

All the way down for nearly 20 minutes, after sitting in the car, Chu Feng shook his sour arm and said with a smile, "wife, are you supposed to lose weight? I'm scared by your fat back!"

Ye Zixuan frowns. She has always heard that people who are too thin are easily scared when they are carried by others. If they look at themselves, they are not thin. It can be said that they are just slim and have no fat. How can they be scared?

Just about to ask Chu Feng where he had it, he saw his eyes staring at him. He looked down and turned red. He pinched chufeng's arm angrily and said, "I'm using Fengyuan Yangyin pills now, but I don't think I'm as big as Zhou Xiaoxuan. You dare to say that you can lose weight and I can't beat you and me!"

Chu Feng took Ye Zixuan's hand with a smile and asked, "what should I do so big?"

"So it is!" Chu Feng nodded his head seriously after hearing the speech. I'm afraid that men like big things. He fastened the seat belt to Ye Zixuan's concern. He asked intentionally: "by the way, I called you the Charlotte family last time. Do you have any information?"

"I believe you've heard about the sudden gambling in Wenzhou, that is, the Rothschild family is behind the scenes. I want to know something about it."

But he didn't get a response. Chu Feng looked up and saw Ye Zixuan was squinting at him. Chu Feng touched his face and asked in a daze: "is there any dirt on my face?"

At the moment, it seems that ye Xuan was moved by the ring when she saw it on the chair, but I didn't think it was moving for me to see the ring, but I didn't think it was the reason why I was moved by the ring

Chu Feng was a little chilly, but he patted his chest and said, "you are so excellent, so attractive, how can I be willing to give it to others? It must be aimless and sincere!"

Ye Zixuan's face turned red. Anyone who was said so by such a man was embarrassed and said angrily, "get out of here!"

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