Super Healer

Chapter 676

The rising sun ushers in a new day!

The sun shines and falls in fengteng garden. At 7:30, the garden has already been busy. When everyone walks by, they can't help looking at the main building. Today is a special day, and the hero in their heart has not yet appeared.

In a guest room on the second floor, Chu Feng got up at this time to wash herself and get up. She said in a soft voice, "today ice will follow me. You can have a good rest."

Go to stand beside the bed and look at the tired two sisters. Chu Feng smiles and says, "thank you. If I don't guess wrong, what you practice is not unrestrained. Once a day is your limit. But these days you are overloaded. I really appreciate it, so take a good rest."

"If I can come back alive, I can do it once every three days. I can't come in such a hurry."

The value of their existence is to enhance the power of Chu Feng to the greatest extent. However, the latter is more concerned about their bodies at the moment. They do not ask them to cooperate without restraint. With such masters, everyone's heart is warm.

Cover the quilt for the two sisters, Chu Feng deliberately said: "not to discuss with you, this is an order, want to better help me, then raise your body, you know?"

She looked at each other and nodded slightly. Chu Feng's face softened a little. She hooked her two sisters' noses and turned over and left the room.

In the hall, the person in charge of the air door has already stood here. Chu Feng hung a relaxed smile and looked at the tense faces of everyone and said with a smile: "I'm not nervous about going to war. How do you look like you are facing a big enemy?"

When they heard this, they all laughed bitterly. I'm afraid that Chu Feng and Murong Bing are the most relaxed at this time. They all came forward and said in a deep voice, "let me fight!"

"It's a fight between Kato and me. It's not appropriate for you to fight!"

Chu Feng knew that Gu Ming didn't want to take risks on his own. He patted him on the shoulder and said to everyone, "this is also a necessary battle. What should be done should be done. Don't let a Kato affect the daily operation of the damper. For me, it's just a small matter. Go to your business!"

Chufeng relaxed performance, let everyone's heart a little bit more stable, Xia Yan took a step forward to open his mouth: "less wind, what else need to do?"

Chu Feng went to the restaurant, pondered for a moment, stopped and said: "send out 10000 members of the wind door, although Zhou Jingxing sent out 50000 police force, but some people are beyond the control of the police, Tianmen near as far as possible to reduce the ordinary people and other unimportant people, I do not want to kill Kato wood, but exposed to the sun."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then turned away from the hall to arrange for Chu Feng's explanation. At this time, only by doing something can the heart be quieter.

Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo are special women. They know that chufeng still has something to talk to. They simply say a word carefully and eat breakfast quietly. They don't want to disturb Chu Feng's heart at this time.

"There's little wind. There's a little accident."

When everyone sat down to have breakfast, blueberry said softly, "there were some technical problems in the five ships that were going to the river and sea yesterday afternoon. After the rush repair, there was a thick fog on the sea, and the ship was forced to stay one hundred nautical miles away from the boundary line of the holy Koreas, and could not get close to it for the time being!"

Chu Feng took a sip of porridge and said, "the fog itself is big in this season, especially on the sea. This battle has attracted the attention of the whole world. Weiss will not play tricks. As long as I win, those people will surely send the pilgrimage."

Blueberry frowned and hesitated to open her mouth: "less wind, do you really want to kill so many people?"

"You have asked this question many times, and I still answer it that way."

Even the rest of the people were curious about whether chufeng would really kill people if he won the final victory, but Chu Feng didn't lift his head and just gently threw out a sentence: "do what you need to do. In addition, Meier, you are ready to fly to the river and sea after the war, waiting for your head to be cut off!"

Seeing Chu Feng's meaning was very firm, LAN Mei Er nodded and stopped talking. The others did not take the initiative to speak, which affected Chu Feng's mood at this time.

Chufeng quickly drank two bowls of porridge and breathed out a pleasant breath: "how is the gambling game initiated by Wenzhou?"

Most people know about this bet, but they don't know that the sponsor is the Rothschild family. Qing looks at you and says in a low voice, "an hour ago, you finished your bet in Wenzhou and ended up with 700 billion Chi coins. The total amount won by Kato is 690 billion Chi coins."

"Because in the 15 minutes before the end, Liu's consortium let the total amount of buying you go to 10 billion pool coins. If you win in the end, Liu's consortium will get nearly 100 billion pool dollars of net income!"

However, Chu Feng didn't feel much about the loss of 100 billion yuan. There were still 600 billion pool coins left. He occupied 30% of them and had 180 billion pool coins. He could do a lot of things.Of course, in addition to Chu Feng and Qing, the person in charge of the first cadre of the wind door does not know. Although Fu Dina knows something about it, she doesn't know the specific things. Chu Feng wants to surprise everyone.

Half an hour later, fengteng garden drove out of a motorcade and headed for Tianmen. The news was quickly spread by the good people who paid close attention to fengteng garden. Everyone's eyes were focused on Tianmen and began to wait for the battle of life and death involving 10000 people.

Near the wind gate, many forces are mingled among them at the moment. They are very chaotic, but no one makes any noise.

While they were waiting for the war, countless police cars and police suddenly swarmed out to expel the people among them. Those with some status could barely stay. But ordinary people, some ordinary people and even domestic media reporters were all driven out of three kilometers by the police.

Then, under Zhou Jingxing's high-voltage line, the police opened a three kilometer tight cordon to fight for an extra person not to be put into it to interfere in this life and death war.

At the same time, the guards sent a division of the armed forces to Tianmen five kilometers away. Sumobai personally declared that this battle involves a huge amount. Although it has nothing to do with the official of the holy Dynasty, in order to stabilize the Imperial City, we hope that all parties will be quiet. If there is any change, a division will attack that force without any emotion.

The heavy pressure from the government makes some people who want to watch the fun fade away. The police and the military rarely go out together. However, when they go out at the moment, they are not allowed to have any problems. Some people are afraid that accidents will affect the fish, so they quietly retreat.

At a time when everyone felt that this was almost the same, thousands of people from the air gate drove to the Tianmen area. They not only expelled those who had come, but also issued notices to the nearby businesses and office buildings. In the morning, the damper would work here, and all the people staying in the building should withdraw.

After the polite statement, the Fengmen expelled the people and offered a certain amount of compensation to balance the hearts of those who were dissatisfied. However, it was a pity that they could not see the Tianmen battle with their own eyes.

At the moment, there are only hundreds of dignified people and foreign media reporters who are not convenient to be expelled. In addition to the police force and members of Fengmen, there are still thousands of people around Tianmen, but eight of them are under martial law.

Fortunately, when foreign journalists were foreigners, their phones rang at the same time. After answering, they were asked by their superiors to withdraw from Tianmen. They were not allowed to report on today's events, even if they had to stay in place, but they could not shoot.

After that, their superiors also said meaningfully that if anyone goes against the rules, the whole family will die.

Such news has made many foreign journalists in a cold sweat. It can be sure that this is the work of Fengmen, which is the same as driving away the major media of the holy pilgrimage. However, when did the holy pilgrimage influence the international strength?

In the car to Tianmen, Chu Feng has received Xia Yanlai's call. The media at home and abroad have retreated, and ordinary people have been cleaned up. There are not many people left who will not have a negative impact after the war.

Chu Feng held the hanging mobile phone, looked at the green sitting beside him and sighed: "the foreign mouthpiece is known as long live freedom, but under the high-voltage line of the Rothschild family, it still retreats, admiration!"

"You are my master. It's nothing to eliminate a little trouble for you, because we all know that if you lose today, foreign media will report that you deserve what you deserve. If you win, you will be said to be still bloody."

"Weiss official has secretly contacted the major foreign media. As your apprentice, I will eliminate the trouble for you."

Chu Feng takes a meaningful look at Qing. Although he speaks very well, how can Chu Feng not be clear about it? It's just that he has agreed to Carol's request. Qing now says these words with a clear purpose, which is to establish a good image in Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo's hearts. If something happens in the future, Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo will not be able to talk.

For example, I went to Wenzhou and brought back a young lady of the Rothschild family to be his wife. After reading gratitude, I guess Ma Qiduo and Su Xinyu really can't say anything.

Taking advantage of Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo's inattention, Chu Feng came over and said in a low voice: "you're so smart to play tricks. Do you think I'm going to guard against you?"

Qing was stunned, and then turned her head to Noria. When Chu Feng didn't hear Chu Feng's words, she naturally knew that Chu Feng had insight into her careful opportunities. However, in order to better cooperate in the future and let herself not know which sister would not be suppressed, Qing still had to use some small means.

Seeing Qing's silence, Chu Feng doesn't get entangled. Instead, he and Carol decide to cooperate. In the future, we must find a young lady of the Rothschild family to walk through the stage. Let Su Xinyu and Ma Qiduo have a good impression on their family in advance. It's OK!

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