Super Healer

Chapter 68

"How time flies, one month is coming. I really hate you!"

After leaving the hospital, Chu Feng went back to the company directly. Today, he came to settle the salary. In the office of Luohu, the latter looked sad: "although I am reluctant to leave, but reading is a good thing. I will try my best."

"That's natural. Thank you for your care this month." Chu Feng felt the sincerity of Luohu's words and knew that he was a straightforward man: "I will come to work part-time when I have a chance to have a holiday in the future, but then Minister Luo must give me the best welfare!"


Luohu laughed and patted chufeng on the shoulder: "young man, I look after you. Maybe I don't take care of you, but you take care of me!" From the desktop picked up a single handed to Chu Feng: "find Ma Liuzi to sign, you belong to the bodyguard department, now he is in charge, I have signed the rest of the things."

"Thank you, Minister Luo!" Chu Feng nodded and took the resignation form and left the office. All the places where the signature should be signed had been signed. Now only Ma Liuzi, the head of the bodyguard section, did not sign.

Chu Feng was not disgusted with Ma Liuzi, but he didn't like him. His company just promoted him to be a team leader. However, with the help of Ye quanguang, he became the head of the bodyguard section within a short period of time. He was in charge of the task allocation of bodyguards, which was also a very leisure job and was upgraded to the management.

However, Chu Feng is also feeling in his heart that Chu Feng has learned a lot about these related households in the past month. Now, in this society, you may be worthless, but as long as you have background and relationship, you can still pay one tenth of the sweat of others, and you can get ten times return from others.

Ma Liuzi's office is on the second floor, which is also for the convenience of customers. However, Chu Feng frowned slightly when he arrived at the door of the office. He didn't knock on the door because he heard some special voices coming from the office.

His left eye flickered a glimmer of light, directly through the wooden door, saw inside, Chu Feng's face twitched for a moment.

On the office desk in the room, a uniformed woman clubbed her hands on the desk, her skirt lifted up, and Ma Liuzi kept sprinting behind her. Chu Feng withdrew her eyes, and it was immoral for the company to let such people in.

With patience, Chu Feng knocked on the door, and immediately heard a flustered voice coming from inside. About a minute later, Ma Liuzi's voice came: "come in!"

Chu Feng walked in naturally, but he could smell a special smell in the air. Looking at the 18-9-year-old girl standing behind Ma Liuzi, he knew that it was a civil servant recruited two days ago. Unexpectedly, he got involved with Ma Liuzi in two days.

However, Chu Feng didn't know about these things. He went to put his resignation form in front of Ma Liuzi: "chief Ma, this is my resignation form. All the ministers have signed it. After you confirm my attendance here, I can settle the salary."


Ma Liuzi nodded slightly and looked like a leader, but Chu Feng could see that his zipper didn't pull up. He was slightly contemptuous in his heart. However, he still returned to the normal way: "yes, school is about to start. I want to go back to class, please!"

"What, thirteen thousand?" Ma Liuzi looked at the resignation form, but saw the following resignation salary settlement, Luohu personally wrote thirteen thousand and signed it, and immediately jumped up: "what's the matter? I'm the section chief with 8000 yuan a month. Why do you take thirteen thousand yuan? It's higher than my salary."

Luo Hu has already told Chu Feng that his tasks have been overfulfilled in the past month, which has created huge benefits for the company. Those who are not paid can be regarded as bonus: "Mr. Ma, there are reasons written by Minister Luo below. You won't have a look at it?"

"No way!"

If you don't want to give me a part-time job, it's not reasonable for me to fill out the part-time salary list. If not, I will not pay a part-time job again. If you don't pay me a salary of 5000 yuan, you can't even pay me another salary

At the beginning, I heard that Ma Liuzi liked to cut off other people's wages and get rich in his own pocket. Chu Feng didn't like it at first. But at the moment, he totally believed it. He looked at the girl standing behind him and said, "how did you feel about pouting just now?"

The girl had seen Chu Feng's clear and beautiful appearance, and she was also interested in her age. When she heard Chu Feng's words, her face became stiff. Ma Liuzi also seemed to be bitten by something and stood up: "what are you talking about? I have a clear relationship with Xiao Song. Don't wrongly treat people!"

"I didn't say anything, did I?"

Chu Feng smiles and sighs at the zipper that Ma Liuzi didn't pull up. There are some dry and white things: "I just don't say anything, but I can't guarantee that others won't say anything. For example, chief Ma forgot to pull the chain when he went to work, and also accidentally poured milk on his trousers, right?"

Ma Liuzi looked down, and his face changed immediately. Just now Chu Feng knocked at the door in a hurry. He only cared about cleaning up the scene, but he forgot his own business. At this time, Chu Feng looked at Ma Liuzi's chair: "it seems that Ma section chief has any bad habits."Ma Liuzi looked back, the girl called Xiao Song also lowered her head, and immediately her face was red. Because the world was in a hurry, Song Dynasty had no time to wear his own personal clothes, so she was directly seated by the six sons.

"What do you want?"

Knowing what Chu Feng must know, Ma Liuzi is a little bit less angry. The former is not interested in saying anything everywhere because of such things. The company is not its own, what happens has nothing to do with itself. He puts the resignation form in front of Ma Liuzi: "don't want to do anything, just come to ask the chief of the Department of science and technology to sign a name."

Then the tone was a little meaningful: "as for what I saw, I think about it!"

Chu Feng, like this, Ma Liuzi can not know what meaning, originally wanted to swallow 8000 pieces of Chu Feng by chance, but knew if someone knew that they played women in the office during the day, they would have nothing. If they took the resignation form, they signed their name: "here you are!"

"Thank you, chief Marco." Chu Feng smiled and picked up, and then he patted his head: "I thought about it. I saw chief Ma and his colleagues in the research work just now without seeing anything." Then left the office, Lin Yulin is still doing the company, Chu Feng does not want to bring Lin Yulin trouble because of himself.

"Chief of the section, that Chu Feng won't go all over the place to say it?"

Chu Feng just left, song directly sat on the thigh of the six sons of the horse, and hugged his neck: "people have just followed you, if this matter has not been worked, and my boyfriend knows, I will be finished!"

"Well, it's tonight."

Ma Liuzi burst into a laugh and took out a big slap from his body: "then put on and go out quickly. After work in the evening, I will go with you!"

Chu Feng did not know that after leaving, Ma Liuzi and two people were still there to discuss the evening appointment, went to the financial direct settlement of wages and went to the elevator towards linyulin's floor. Tomorrow, it was about to start school. Lin said to him two days ago, a good meal tonight.

Just to linyulin office door, Chu wind is stagnant pace, a few minutes later turn away.

"I will not come to our company in the future. People will laugh at me." Almost just after Chu Feng left, the door of the office opened. Lin Yulin sent a handsome and masculine man to the door: "in addition, you will leave tomorrow. You can eat together tonight, but with my nephew, you will not see outside?"

Yang Gang man smiled slightly: "as your faithful pursuer, it is normal to see your relatives and friends. How can I see outside?"

Lin Yulin blushed and lowered her head: "goodbye!" Then quickly turned over and closed the office door, as if afraid of anything.

Yang Gang man in the door closed after the face of the warm smile disappeared, showing a sly: "indeed, a beautiful woman, wait!"

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